1、building human resource management skills national food service management institute1this training is conducted by the national food service management institutethe university of m800-321-3054building human resource management skills national food service management institute2
2、dealing with conflict in the workplaceobjectivesat the completion of this module, participants will be able to: recognize how they handle conflict individually. discuss the causes and value of conflict. list characteristics of conflict resolution styles. identify most effective resolution mindset. p
3、ractice more effective skills for listening and building rapport.building human resource management skills national food service management institute3dealing with conflict in the workplacedefinitionsconflict- when one or both parties are not able to secure what they need or want and are actively see
4、king their own goals.mental model- the way we think and consequently act about something. mindsets or paradigms- our perspective based on the way we believe situations should be handled.building human resource management skills national food service management institute4dealing with conflict in the
5、workplacepersonal check-in: response to conflict techniques used to handle conflictoftenoccasionallyrarelyavoid the person or subjectchange the subjecttry to understand the other persons point of viewget another person to decide who is rightplay the martyrgive inapologizetry to identify specifically
6、 what you agree ordisagree onwhine or complain to get your waypretend to agreeadmit that you are wrong, even if you do not believeyou arefight it outturn the conflict into a jokework toward a mutual solutionbuilding human resource management skills national food service management institute5dealing
7、with conflict in the workplaceicebreaker: childhood messageslist the direct or subtle messages you were taught about conflict.1. which of these messages dominates how you feel about conflict today?2. which messages could you discard?3. which messages will you retain?building human resource managemen
8、t skills national food service management institute6dealing with conflict in the workplaceassumptions about conflictwhat can we assume about groups or conflict? conflicts and disagreements will develop. some conflicts can be minimized. there are some unavoidable conflicts that should not be suppress
9、ed or smoothed over. resolution of conflict does not have to result in a win-lose situation.building human resource management skills national food service management institute7dealing with conflict in the workplacecauses of conflict misunderstanding personality clashes competition for resources aut
10、hority issues lack of cooperation differences over methods or style low performance value or goal differencesbuilding human resource management skills national food service management institute8dealing with conflict in the workplacethe value of conflictconflict is destructive when it: diverts energy
11、 from more important issues and tasks. deepens differences in values. polarizes groups so that cooperation is reduced. destroys the morale of people or reinforces poor self-concepts.building human resource management skills national food service management institute9dealing with conflict in the work
12、placethe value of conflictconflict is constructive when it: opens up issues of importance, resulting in issue clarification. helps build cohesiveness as people learn more about each other. causes reassessment by allowing for examination of procedures or actions. increases individual involvement.buil
13、ding human resource management skills national food service management institute10dealing with conflict in the workplaceassumptions about, causes of and value of conflictcauses ofconflictwhat does it mean?what is the value toyou?misunderstanding when individuals do not hearwhat is being said?.person
14、alityclasheswhen individuals do notvalue “people just like me”.competition forresourceswhen employees believethey are better off competingfor resources rather thancooperating.authority issueswhen employees lackconfidence in their leaders orperceive overuse ofauthority.building human resource managem
15、ent skills national food service management institute11dealing with conflict in the workplaceassumptions about, causes of and value of conflictcauses ofconflictwhat does it mean?what is the value toyou?lack ofcooperationwhen one person does notshare information with thewhole group.differences overme
16、thods or stylewhen agreement does notexist on standard ways ofcompleting a task.low performance when individuals are notworking to their potential.value or goaldifferenceswhen individuals valuedifferent outcomes orobjectives.building human resource management skills national food service management
17、institute12dealing with conflict in the workplacecooperation and assertiveness stylesavoidwhen one is notwilling to cooperateand is unable tostate his ownwishes or concerns,he may avoid theconflict.low cooperationlow assertivenessbuilding human resource management skills national food service manage
18、ment institute13dealing with conflict in the workplacecooperation and assertiveness stylesaccommodatewhen one is verywilling to cooperateor to get along withothers but is notwilling to state hisown wishes orconcerns, he mayaccommodate thewishes of others.high cooperationlow assertivenessbuilding hum
19、an resource management skills national food service management institute14dealing with conflict in the workplacecooperation and assertiveness stylecompetewhen one has littleor no willingness tocooperate and avery strong desireto state his ownwishes or needs, hisconflict responsestyle will becompetit
20、ive.low cooperationhigh assertivenessbuilding human resource management skills national food service management institute15dealing with conflict in the workplacecooperation and assertiveness stylescompromisewhen one has somewillingness to becooperative andsome willingness tostate his own needsor wis
21、hes, then hemay compromise give a little to get alittle of what hewants.some cooperationsome assertivenessbuilding human resource management skills national food service management institute16dealing with conflict in the workplacecooperation and assertiveness stylescollaboratewhen one has astrong mo
22、tivationto cooperate and tostate his own needsor wishes, then adesire for mutualbenefit allows for acollaborativeresponse.high cooperationhigh assertivenessbuilding human resource management skills national food service management institute17dealing with conflict in the workplacesteps for positive r
23、esolutionwhen the following conditions are in place, the likelihood of a positive resolution increases:commitment to find a resolution that is mutually beneficial.trust.frame of mind that there is more than one way to look at the issues.belief that a solution exists.commitment to stay in the communi
24、cation process.building human resource management skills national food service management institute18dealing with conflict in the workplacereality practice: case study #1principal wantsmanager wantsstudents wantnew alternativebuilding human resource management skills national food service management
25、 institute19dealing with conflict in the workplacereality practice: case study #2principal wantsmanager wantscustodian wantsnew alternativebuilding human resource management skills national food service management institute20dealing with conflict in the workplaceto achieve win/win results gain parti
26、cipation from everyone involved in the conflict. state the reason to work on a solution. have each party see the problem/situation from the other point of view. state what you want. repeat what you hear.building human resource management skills national food service management institute21dealing wit
27、h conflict in the workplaceto achieve win/win results identify the key issues and concerns involved. determine what results you would constitute a fully acceptable solution. state what you want to happen when results have been achieved. include the results for you, for your relationships, and for jo
28、bs or task achievement. agree to work toward resolution and schedule a follow-up meeting.building human resource management skills national food service management institute22dealing with conflict in the workplacechecking out: dealing with conflict worksheetdirections: circle three techniques you often use to resolve conflict that do not work. check one technique you will try to use more often.avoid the person or subjectchange the subjecttry to understand the other persons point of viewget another person to decide who is rightplay the m
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