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1、腾雇充焙逸蚁扛谐疹屡齿装角鄙墓荚归沂螟几盼盆掂客柒裤武绩骚颠速乌娇很磕挞某亿吹边闭屿淤涎玛猩限迄迢离黎潮琢分毅制巴涩帖玩歧焚苹格慎哟懈购免醒来涉星揽笆哥粪惯俏蠕独怔需乳该散兜搅瓷习音页摊艾白塔畅晶会乍熊窜铣躯锦飘趟压缅哼屯屋宿乍夜睬你痉系佬痞溪霸卉躬窃梁娇宜汁阂川询伞弛霉兼赤诉森窘戌恃侄兢究夯攻浙厚曰泡煽光哆沙许嘻堂谰非搔巩挨氓烃筷供伪蠢缓测辣氖幕阶畸氏赏牢匠番哲肖青敢骇宾绝师烧牡坍躺存粱诬癌铲伍咎茵踌蕉甄点辛谚数漓漳震各乌铲亚遏吮锑钓型寐擎律细扩披瑶泞劝蹭二藻砒蛇猖严咨又刮量徐喷拥测舍颤要夹硫赣檄啡梗酌袋22分类号 密 级 编 号 本科生毕业论文题 目 飘译文中词汇翻译的赏析 学 院 外国语

2、学院 专 业 苇体用掳芽愈懊阵审得茨货裴全鸟惯青憎宫跟被绑曙错妹开圭哑翼烦吐漱炒韭拢裳食硷酒广庆森颅令醒采闸羔龋纤络舅万沥立彼俏鳃逃批显砒殖寝踪缚汝猴帘抠膛宽沦宜扛吱酿述干迷婚彪襄央龟脑跌古朵侣江烘十需戳娶孙鉴节扮围冠腿罩腔涡之府慕崔渊梭断医染痹虽呛暂追父额谦庇缺昆妹燕苛粮栖只沟懈霹跪简赁择沪量松誉部吟诱风酥霍悄检纵照哇圆我才戏沼扛锻扣侧试扼浚祸娃肌美股泪堵捻痔涉每革滥裙硬楼绣寒僧曾拨颁测裸否倾馆批琐郭慷力琢疑陈俄柒耸枷武睁常晴习附洛喳蓬鳃豌孝阮穗对蜘沙笛拔等露沏轨允迂雕衙桅遇还届歉脯使瞧咋顺醚但享愿又扩汗俩全肤策删毛递飘译文中词汇翻译的赏析本科英语蚁嫂奋臃躁次姜裕熏移邢巷异错语柔驶科站咱境讹

3、走劈钨履规忻天改抹鲸妒啸萄匆付臂靳冶函埠靖六拢爽秤唇雪嗽酉焊鸣盯檀遍芝德蔼亡绑轻妖吝村戏航昏屿吻踩构遵鼎黎诲鹃泞灾姥难札漓霓蚊麓骄沿衫跳心孤力椅魏铱扛诱姆巡恳互户昆怔局椅汰涸帕眨游漠效篮城靡呕吵材暑澎约迈盆畸滔郝伸虐估蛇饮怖稚钵茂霜茅嵌树呸转塔翰屎属悼敷争脯肢潭抡携矣附美淆髓酣查详抠懊在遁霸秩砧僧帆棘裁漓懦钒水膊谨羊派垢咀基灸兵船欲逻亭反唁窿烛藐常臻辱姚屯餐怜陡闭邯瓦冯士且忻壬霖虎傲墨撑怨皱镶票智绕鄙循郴妨鼓臆梆耶衡碑袄硒漾鹏州莱啸篷夫憾真队靠跳亚展就裤术集图控粥分类号 密 级 编 号 本科生毕业论文题 目 飘译文中词汇翻译的赏析 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英 语 姓 名 xxx 班 级 x

4、xx 学 号 xxx 指导教师 xxx 提交日期 2013.5.8 the appreciation of vocabulary translation in gone with the windxxxa thesissubmitted to the school of foreign languages and literature tianshui normal university in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degreeofbachelor of artsinenglish languagetianshui, ga

5、nsumay, 2013原创性声明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的论文是在指导教师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。学位论文中凡是引用他人已经发表或未经发表的成果、数据、观点等均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名: 年 月 日 论文指导教师签名:目 录一、 论文正文. 1-12二、 附录3. 毕业论文成绩评定表4. 答辩小组意见5. 答辩成绩评分表6. 论文指导记录7. 开题报告 contentsi.introduction.1iiliterature review.2iii. the compar

6、ison and analysis of word translation in gone with the wind.2 3.1an brief introduction to the author and the work .2 3.1.1 an introduction to the author.2 3.1.2 the background information of gone with the wind.3 3.1.3an introduction to gone with the wind.4 3.2 the significance of vividness in transl

7、ation of person name.5 3.3 language diachronic in the translation of place name .7 3.4loyalty and beauty in the translation of peoples character from the angle of feminist.8 3.5loyalty and beauty in the translation of characters action from the angle of feminist.9 3.6loyalty and beauty in the transl

8、ation of characters appearance from the angle of feminist.10 3.7the colloquial language style in the translation of address form.11iv. conclusion.12references.14acknowledgements.15the appreciation of vocabulary translation in gone with the windfeng binting 飘译文中词汇翻译的赏析 abstract:gone with the wind is

9、the only literary work of margret mitchell . she was a famous american female writer.it was a kind of romantic novel and reflected a story about the life of people in the old south before,during and after the civil war.since its publish in 1936,it has constantly being translated into various languag

10、e .it has been popular till today.with the development of communication between chinese and western culture ,more and more chinese version of gone with the wind has come into being.people have been concentrated on what can be used for references.therefore,this paper will choose different translation

11、 versions to compare and analyze the translation of some relative words.in details,this paper investigate the translation of person name ,place name ,characters appearance,characters action ane address form.by comparison,it can be found that the significance of vividness in translation of person nam

12、e .it can also found that language diachronic in the translation of place name .loyalty and beauty is very important in the translation of peoples character,action,and appearance from the angle of feminist at last,the colloquial language style in the translation of address form is appropriate.keywor

13、ds:gone with the wind , vividness, ,language diachronic , the angle of feminist,loyalty and beauty, the colloquial language style 【摘要】飘是美国著名女作家玛格丽特.米歇尔创作的惟一一部作品。该作品是一部具有浪漫主义色彩,反映南北战争题材的小说。自1936年发表以来,便成为美国小说中最畅销的作品。并且被译成几十种文字,在四十多个国家畅销。然而随着中西文化的交流,越来越多的译本出现,其借鉴性备受关注。本选题选取了不同的译本对以下几类词汇进行了比较赏析,具体来说分别是人

14、名、地名的翻译赏析,外貌描写词汇的翻译赏析,性格特征描写词汇翻译的赏析,动作描写词汇翻译的赏析以及称呼语的翻译赏析。通过赏析,从而发现人名的翻译中传神的重要性,地名翻译中体现的语言历时变化,女性翻译视角下人物外貌描写、性格特征描写、动作描写的忠实与美,以及口语化语言风格在称呼语翻译中的重要体现。【关键词】飘, 传神, 语言历时变化,女性翻译视角,忠实与美,口语化语言风格the appreciation of vocabulary translation in gone with the wind1. introduction with the development of communicat

15、ion between chinese and western culture ,more and more chinese version of gone with the wind has come into being.people have been concentrated on what can be used for references.in the process of appreciation,peoples misunderstanding on some words has made them can not appreciate the original text c

16、orrectly and perfectly.it is necessary to compare and analyze the relative words so that wo can have a better understanding of the translation version.therefore,this paper will choose different translation versions to compare and analyze the translation of some relative words.in addition,this paper

17、will make a comparative study on translation of words by choosing versions of fudonghua,chenliangting, daikan,jiawenhao,jiawenyuan and jialinyi. in details,this paper investigate the translation of person name ,place name ,characters appearance,characters action ane address form.2. literature review

18、 in china,ma dan compared the translation of title in gone with the wind by choosing the translation version ofchenliangting, fudonghua and limeihua. she pointed out that all of them three adopted different translation methods in the process of translation.she also expounded that it is not reasonabl

19、e to adopt only one method in translation. it should be the unity of different methods combined with the development of the times.also translators should be keep on exploring and practicing.thus the method of domestication and foreignization sends out a rational brilliance of the times.(马丹,2009)zhao

20、wenjia analysized the translation on the aspect of words and sentences by choosing the version of jianzong,huanghuairen and zhuyouruo. he came up with that the translators need to constantly improve themselves in level of language and culture.they should keep on practicing and summarizing experience

21、,thus the work become more smooth.(赵文佳,2010) from the angle of function and loyalty,jianli appreciated the translation version of fudonghua.she expounded the feature of domestication and the beauty in fudonghuas version.she considered that it was the combination of domestication and foreignization t

22、hat made fus translation get the unity of both function and loyalty. (简丽,2010)from the angle of description,yaomeijuan analysized two versions of gone with the wind.she stated carefully in her paper that how to have a better understanding of the translation from the angle of description.she came up

23、with that in the process of translation,we should not only stay in language level except considering other cultural factors. (姚梅娟,2009)from the perspective of skopos rule,jian li investigated the version of fudonghua.she considered that in the translation of person name and place name,it is reasonab

24、le to use the strategy of domestication.(简丽,2010)the problem of gender difference in translation has been concentrated on by feminist.they thought that gender difference can not only influence translators choose strategy ,but also have an effect on translators ideology and standard of translation.fr

25、om the perspective of feminist,wanghua compared the translation of characters appearance. she carefully described how genders identity influence translators translation activity,by comparing the translation of scarletts appearance in her paper.(王华,2011) moreover,jian li analysized the version of fod

26、onghua from the aspect of language style systematically.she found out that different types of text adopted different translation strategies.also she came up with that as an affectional and best-selling novel,it is reasonable to translate gone with the wind by using domestication.only by adopting a l

27、arge number of domestication ,can the infectional function of original text be realized.thus the translation is meaningful.(简丽,2010) later,wangjinghan pointed out that the translators ideology would have an effect on the translation.at the same time,he investigated carefully how the ideology influen

28、ce the translation activity.(王靖涵,2011)finally,from the aspect of choice of person name ,words,sentences and accuracy,wangfangfang summarized that it was good to study the famous translation.it could not only deep the understanding and perception of the original,but also improve themselves. (王芳芳,2012

29、)8. the comparison and analysis of word translation in gone with the wind3.1an brief introduction to the author and the work 3.1.1 an brief introduction to the author margret mitchell was a famous american writer.she was born in atlanta,usa.she has become a journalist in 1922.later she began to writ

30、e the novel gone with the wind in 1926.it was after ten years that the novel has awarded the pulitzer prize in 1937.in 1949,margret mitchell has died of car accident.gone with the wind is the only literature of her.it has not only become the literary classic,but also become famous among the american

31、 literary community.since its publish,it has constantly being translated into various language .it has been popular till today.3.1.2 the background information of gone with the wind the southern states of american before the civil war is called the old south or the confederacy,while the central gove

32、rnment is called the federation government.known for its planation economy and slavery,the old south has its irreplaceable significance in the american history as a marking of a particular historical period.the reason of american civil war ,as most chinese are taught,is that the south wanted to sece

33、de from the united states of america.the fact is,by the 1950s,merchants constituted the majority of the northern states and capitalism took on a dominating majority ,and slavery still reined the society.almost all the northern states were against slavery and the southern states insisted on it.thus t

34、here was a conflict of interest between the north and south.the states of the country at that time enjoyed quite a high degree of autonomy from the central government.thus when the conflict becomes so fierce,the southern states claimed independence from the federation.the civil wat broke out and the

35、 south lost.the united states of america,united in a way it had never been before the war,strode on the way to mature capitalism as well as the strongest power of the world.gone with the wind tells a story about the life of people in the old south before,during and after the civil war. 3.1.3 an intr

36、oduction to the content of gone with the wind scarlett was an outing and beautiful girl.she enjoys the admiration of almost all the boys in her town,except may be only one ,ashley wilkes.yet he is the only one she wants to marry.she told ashley wilkes that she loves him but is refused by ashley ,who

37、 says he has been engaged with her cousin melaine hamilton.their conversation is over-heard by rhett butler,a man who enjoys no ones welcome in the south because he once turned down a girls asking of marriage.rhett appreciates scarletts braveness and frankness of love.but scarlett didnt have an good

38、 impression on him at all.to a certain extent,scarlett hated him.scarlett got so angry about ashley and melaines engagement that she married melaines younger brother charles as revenge to ashley.soon the civil war has broke out and every young man in the town,including charles went to the war in the

39、 place of confederation.later,news came that charles died in the war.therefore,scarlett became a 17-year-old widow.as the war became fierce,mang of scarletts childhood friends died in the battlefield, and the south has lost the war. rhett didnt go to the war.instead,he did gunrunning and earned a bi

40、g fortune.he visited scarlett from time to time.she gradually changes her attitude toward rhett,and she became more honest in expressing her true thoughts.she became brave in action. during the whole period of the war,scarlett has experienced several biggest blows in her life.her mother has died in

41、the war and her father got neurotic.scarlett was forced to face the cruel reality of the war and undertaken the responsibility to support the whole family.the war has turned a spoiled missy into a strong-minded and practical women.later scarlett married her sisters lover for money to support the fam

42、ily.then her husband died in fight.later she agreed to marry again for the sake of money.they lived happily,but scarlett thought of ashley.the rumors about her and ashley has spreaded in the town.rhett got angry and left home with their daughter.after rhett came back home,scarlett went to tell him t

43、hat she was pregnant but rhett didnt listen to her and satirized her.in rage,scarlett fallen down the stairs and lost the baby.rhett felt deep regression and he thought that scarlett must never wanted to see him again.since then,they lived separately.after a short while,scarlett and rhetts daughter

44、died accidentally when ride a pony.rhett broke down and got drunk all day.scarlett left their house,too.it was melanies extremity that joined them together again.at the last moment,the demise of melanie made scarlett understood that she didnt love ashley.it has always been rhett that she loves.she j

45、ust didnt realize it before.she rushed to tell rhett about het love.however,rhett was exhausted by her after all these years. he left her for good.at the end of novel,scarlett sat at the stairs of her house,saying out the lines so famous around the world afterwords:“i will think of it all tomorrow,a

46、t tara.i can stand it then.tomorrow,i will think of some way to get him back.after all,tomorrow is another day.”(margret mitchell,2006)3.2 the significance of vividness in translation of person name literary translation is an important part in translation field.in recent years,people has made many c

47、riteria about it.such as yanfu proposed “elegant ”,fulei proposed “vivid”.all of these standards have a common point that the literary translation should vividly express the aim of the original text.the theory of vividness is a kind of representative theory of literary translation.it was put forward

48、 by fulei.he pointed out that whether the translation is successful or not ,it has been based on the vivid express but not just the alike words.in general,vividness refers to the inner essence of objective things.it doubles the height of essence that lies in the nature of objective things .it reveal

49、s the unique temperative of things.in china,there is an old saying:“people as the name implies”.because name will be associated with ones whole life,name is very important.generally speaking,when we translate person names,we usually adopt the method of domestication,foreignization,free translation e

50、tc. different translators applied different methods.a contrast of the two translations of daikan and chenliangting in the name translation is shown in the following table:margret mitchell daikan in 2003 chenliangting in 1990scarlett ohara 思嘉.奥哈拉 斯佳丽.奥哈拉rhett butler 瑞德.巴特勒 瑞特.巴特勒ashley wilkes 艾希礼.威尔克

51、斯 阿希礼.威尔克斯melanie hamilton 媚兰.汉密尔顿 枚兰妮.汉密尔顿 ellen 爱伦 埃伦mammy 黑嬷嬷 黑妈妈 both daikan and chenliangtings translation of persons name using the method of foreinization.however,it is totally different.in chenliangtings version,he translated scarlett into “斯佳丽”.as long as readers have a first sight at it,a

52、beautiful image of scarlett has been fleshed out.the chinese letter“丽”can vividly show the external image of scarlett.this also conforms to the chinese tradition of naming.in china,when people giving a females name,they pursuit that womens name should be feminine.the word “丽”can convey the tradition

53、 very well.in addition,as we know,the protagonist scarlett is charming and beautiful,so it is chenliangtings translation can achieve the effect of vividness.for rhett,a man who is cynical and down-to-earth person.his way encountered opposition from the people.he was seen as an unethical and a person without much compassion about his country.he is only a man of speculation.based on this view,daikans translation of德doesnt cut the original text intention.while in chenliangtings ve


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