华南理工大学 2013年_数字系统设计(全英)试题 A卷_第1页
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1、姓名 学号 学院 专业 座位号 ( 密 封 线 内 不 答 题 )密封线线_ _ 诚信应考,考试作弊将带来严重后果! 华南理工大学期末考试数字系统设计(全英课)试卷A (2014.1.16)注意事项:1. 考前请将密封线内各项信息填写清楚; 2. 所有答案请在试卷上答题; 3考试形式:闭卷; 4. 本试卷共 三 大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。题 号一二三总分得 分评卷人1. Multiple choice test(210=20 marks)1 . Which of the following statements is not true? ( D )A VHDL signal as

2、signment needs a time delay to take effectB VHDL signal can be declared in architecture, its global C VHDL variable assignment takes effect immediatelyD VHDL variable is usually declared in process, it should be included in sensitivity list 2. Which of the following VHDL data types can be used direc

3、tly, without explicit declaration? ( C ) A. STD_LOGIC ;B. STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;C. BIT;D. ARRAY 3. Which of the following statements on PLD is not true ( B )A. CycloneII is produced by Altera B. FPGA is based on product terms C. FPGA is field programmable gate array 4. Which of the following statements o

4、n sequential circuit is true( B)A. In synchronous circuit,the actions of Flip-Flops are not necessarily synchronized by the same clock signalB. In asynchronous circuit, the states of Flip-Flops dont change simultaneously C. The input change of Moore state machine is directly reflected by output 5. W

5、hich of the following statements on state machine description is not true ( C )AIn one-process description style, output can be synchronized B. Two-process description style can avoid unwanted registers C. Two-process description style consumes more resources than one-process description 6. Which of

6、 the following statements on metastability is true ( B )A. In sequential circuit, metastability doesnt occur if either the set-up time requirement or the holding time requirement is met.B. Metastability doesnt negatively impact the system if the metastable output resolves to the normal state before

7、it is captured by the next register. C. Metastability usually occurs in synchronous circuit.7. Which of the following statements on VHDL signal is not true( C )A . VHDL signal is usually synthesized as node or wire.B. In VHDL entity, port is considered as signal by defaultC. Assignment to the same s

8、ignal in different processes can be synthesized, but only one signal assignment takes effect.8. For state encoding in state machine, which of the following scheme is more simple for decoding at the prices of more Flip-Flops in encoding: ( A) A. one hot code B. Natural binary code C.Gray code9. Which

9、 of the following statements on VHDL case statement is not true( B )A. Each branch of case statement should be corresponding to one or several possible values of the evaluated expression.B. Statement “WHEN OTHERS=>NULL” must be included in case statementC. In execution of case statement,only one

10、branch is selected 10. Which of the following statements is not concurrent ?( B ) A. process statement B.CASE statement C. component instantiation D.WHENELSEstatement2. Short answer questions( 54=20 marks)1、Please specify the basic components of ASM chart, particularly, explain what a state is. Basi

11、c components of ASM chart: state box, decision box, and conditional output box.One state is more than a state box, conditional output box, or decision box can also be a part of the state. A state represents the system state during one clock cycle, indicating the operations to be done in the state. 2

12、、What is the difference between sequential logic circuit and combinational logic circuit? Combinational circuit: changes in inputs are immediately reflected by changes in output. The stable output depends on the current input only.The outputs of a system depend on past values of its inputs as well a

13、s the present state values.(depend on both present state and history state)3、Please specify the basic structure of sequential logic circuitStructure: it is composed of combinational logic gates, and memory components such as Flip-flop, registers.4、Please describe the concept of set-up time and holdi

14、ng time. Set up time: To ensure reliable operation, the input to a register must be stable for a minimum time before the clock edge (register setup time or tSU). if the time is not long enough, reliable operation can not be guaranteed. Hold time: To ensure reliable operation, the input to a register

15、 must be stable for a minimum time after the clock edge (register hold time or tH). if the time is not long enough, reliable operation can not be guaranteed.3、Comprehension & design ( 60 marks)1、Using VHDL, Please describe a tri-state multiplexer (MUX) according to the following requirements: (1

16、0 marks)inputoutputoeabsely1ab0a1b0-ZLIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;ENTITY MUX ISPORT(oe, a, b, sel: in std_logic; y: out std_logic);END MUX;ARCHITECTURE BEHAV OF MUX ISBEGINPROCESS(oe,a,b,sel)BEGINIf oe=1 then if sel=0 theny<=a;elsey<=b;end if;elsey<=Z;end if;END PROCESS:END ARCH

17、ITECTURE;2、As a part of testbench, please describe the following stimuli (6 marks)Signal S1:std_logic;Signal S2:std_logic;ProcessBeginS1<=0;Wait for 10 ns;S1<=1;Wait for 5 ns;S1<=0;Wait for 10 ns;End process;ProcessBeginS1<=0;Wait for 5 ns;S1<=1;Wait for 15 ns;S1<=0;Wait for 5 ns;E

18、nd process;3、Please draw the RTL diagram for the following VHDL codes(5 marks)entity var_sig is port(data : in bit_vector (1 downto 0) ; clk : in bit; z : out bit); constant k1 : bit_vector := “01”; constant k2 : bit_vector := “10”;end var_sig;architecture A of var_sig isbegin var : process variable

19、 a1 , a2 :bit_vector (1 downto 0); variable a3 : bit; begin wait until clk = 1 and clk event ; a1 := data and k1; a2 := data and k2; a3 := a1(0) or a2(1); z <= a3; end process var;end A4、Please complete the waveforms according to the following VHDL codes(6 marks)Library ieee;Use ieee.std_logic_11

20、64.all;Entity D_latch is port ( D, Enable: in std_logic ; Q1,Q2: out std_logic );End D_latch;Architecture behav of D_latch isBegin process(D, Enable) begin if (Enable=1) then Q1<=D; end if; end process; process(Enable) begin if (Enable=1) then Q2<=D; end if; end process;End behav;5、Design a 4-

21、bit ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), which can complete the following operations on 4-bit inputs a and b:1) Mode 1: Addition (a +b) Mode 2: OR (a or b) Mode 3: AND (a and b) Mode 4: XOR (a xor b)2) The working mode of the ALU depends on the mode input M0 and M1. For example:M0M1MODE00addition01OR10AND11

22、XOR3) The addition operation should have carried-in bit and carried-out bitQuestions: (13 marks)1. Please indicate the inputs and outputs of the ALUInputs: a, b, M0,M1,ciOuput: s, co2. Please finish VHDL design of ALU, including entity and architecture description.library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_116

23、4.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;Entity ALU isport ( a, b :in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); m0, m1, ci: in std_logic; s: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); co: in std_logic;);end ALU;architecture behav of ALU issignal mode : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);beginmode<=m1&m0;processvariable te

24、mp1, temp2, temp3: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);begin if mode=”00” thentemp1:=0&a;temp2:=0&b;temp3:= temp1+ temp2+ci;co=temp3(4);s<=temp3(3 downto 0);elsif mode=”01” thens<=a or b;elsif mode=”10” thens<=a and b;elsif mode=” 11” thens<=a xor b;elses<=”ZZZZ”;co<=Z;end if;end

25、process;end architecture;6. Please read each piece of the following codes carefully. Does each of them have the same circuit behavior like the following circuit diagram? If no, please give the reasons. (9 marks)(a)process begin wait until rising_edge(clk); d <= not c; c <= a and b;end process;

26、 (b)process begin wait until rising_edge(clk); c1 <= a and b; c2 <= not c1; d <= c2;end process; (c)process begin wait until rising_edge(clk); c1 <= a and b; d <= c2;end process;process (c1) begin c2 <= not c1;end process; (a) yes: (b) no: extra register is introduced.(c) yes 7、Des


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