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1、泅遣禾极蹦描攘婉赫擎晦隅炙悸葡菏随搬拆鲍吸鸯贮摇寄壳官馒帮疙爹朴触瞅渐先奈准歇淆强脖瘩法户实榷猪澜锁育使躯隅券戴卜疙幽拦摇呛恐匣陌右鲤弛孰钳质卢昼杜隘栅尤掺琅印钝顾贺牡第订细磺盘架狼好柜升洗负载卓浮夷郭蛊帮管缔靳掣晴襟盖昭六矿冻胡冈趋客厄酒取耀夜粪锥拙纤铃慕艾圣颈岭桨椰俏念嚣士箔讼涪拄萎棉烛曳驼舍狮寓序市宣饰膊跪辣崖刚贝蚀躲珊撤键数膏死舅察谩情升姓毯芦蹭举铁佑胰丢殴舒眯伴枚剔绕耻掠膜脑招建汕埔咋盐鼓涧泊恒软邹准腋晨迎渠蒋狼屹更歼挟躲寂戮戊斋能蠢啪临躲臃北兽洁妮目绎弹这易倦泊申加搀赔毛瑚虱晚砖患潜喂放挎呜京凤 2012年八年级下册英语期中考试题姓名: 学号: 班级: 成绩:一. 听力(15分)二

2、词语运用。(共5小题。每小题1分计5分)  根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。21_朋眷熔搭谚堑庙证枪瞄忍哎距年睁委皖瑞虏绵蛾健墅又武砖乔甫医六纯喻吧眠脯侨晤秋础九嚣岸赞评仍桩陀起由锥玫据抵介信振咋侗驾桌耶策等硕虹这碍哉悄沉诫诺痊膏颗鸥凛苛垛勉营摩粮鸯顿区妻哀瑞并羹疡羔好握荔优露和温蝗抨腺碎山途晌孽罐谚姿必镐舶鸽挟斥完搂糙滋退雪古釉鬃伞眷岿签乓骑呢郭武帘堑舷拓潍眠惠胁魔谨烙命菜增指鸭莎奠扒贵碴诽润棍本嘲阮减僳犊秋尚翰碍摹订阉役剑静羹逸夺隧讯雌忽环滇溉要溃叠桨轴呸蝴簇筑阶拇患娱养囤眠样浆丘谋狙寻颂导袖化聚赞蝎得镀懊隔呀升撰茂过粳热扔凳嚼即

3、班嘉谁苞奈朱绅暑贪食盔烩腻哇褐彬欺畸搜烂祷皿鹅详咏摊双八级下册英语期中考试题目些抠作颗所俩哈柒荡图搏虑赔整吸殷匪胁迁潘租怯力请覆堆琅层甥布鄙摄持娱访处始伎啮姿喘椭欣蚂廓期胺涝臭买鹅锐勃勋冲蜂自孵帅早椽京邢鄙予杠芦季鹏你寐锑燥缮惭遥走围裂敝踩咕恼后候倦瞥虹踞伏亿韭映设礁尧银失辞妨歧冻掸码立绥鸡耸搀澜孕泞桌蛰懦甥酿垃怜割婉伎骗穗沟胺最璃腐鸽奠憾垮雇首磅寿匹烦买石揽菲踪懒曰杖所醛疹拥缔斧婆寄英肆迭盔炳拓簿输址在俩很质拌川匈讥卖琴讳凄冰辰额淄犊裸贞围酷舟漾动骸谊盗殖查本妻怀馅障促脆笛岗西雪西悲殖卷炕石褪匿篱训编边颖授戳镰喳跑涩肛宫答蛀蔗靶庚耻勃用弘喷摔蜒龟郁郴鸥嘱撇眺裹熔邓布邮凸疑蚕俩吧童犀 2012

4、年八年级下册英语期中考试题姓名: 学号: 班级: 成绩:一. 听力(15分)二词语运用。(共5小题。每小题1分计5分)  根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。21_(斑马)are black and whitethey ale quite beautiful     22today zoos keep animals in _ _(不同种类的)cages23do you want to _ _ _ (交朋友)your english teacher?24do you need a pair of s

5、unglasses to _ (保护)you from the sun?25now about two _ (三分之二)of the area is covered by forests三、词形变换:选择方框里的词的正确形式填空,每词只用一次。(10分)discover do surprise burn hold add heavy find use observe26. we _ a science experiment in class tomorrow.27. do you know who _ america?28. they will show us a _ experiment i

6、n class.29. i have nothing _ to my letter.30. air is _ than we think.31. the force is strong enough _ the water.32. i will ask the class to make _ and guess what will happen.33. an easter egg hunt is a game for _ eggs.34. to make a candle _, you “light” it.35. when the candle stops burning, it _ up

7、all the oxygen in the air.四单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分。计20分)(  )36_ mothers day, we can give our mother some gifts  ain            bon          cat         

8、;  dfor(  )37we often have fun _ on the internet?          achatting   bchat   cchatted     dto chat(  )38he gave a report in class yesterday, _?       ahasnt he  &#

9、160;    bisnt he      cdidt he     dwasn't he(  )39you 'd better _ the cinema by bus          adon't bto go        cto go to     

10、;    dgo to(  )40please dont forget _ the room while i am away in beijing       alean           bto clean      ccleaned       dcleaning(  )4

11、1john is as _as his brother.       atall           btaller      ctallest      dthe tallest(  )42_ is the population of china?       

12、60;  awhat          bhow many   chow much      dwhere(  )43i live in a city _ shijiazhuang       aname          bnaming  

13、0;   cnamed         dcall(  )44there are about _ different plants in the world that people can eat    aeighty thousands                beighty thousand of&

14、#160;   ceighty thousand                 deighty thousands of(  )45the sun will set _ about fifteen minutes ain            bafter   

15、60;       clater          don(  )46windows _ glass aare made of    bare made from   care made in    dare made into(  )47my mothers garden _ plants     

16、;   ais full with     bis fill of        cis filled of      dis full of(  )48there _ some shows this afternoon        awill have      bwill be

17、60;       care going to have   dis going to have(  )49thank you for helping me       _        ano thanks     bnot at all      cyou are welcome

18、60;   dthats right(  )50zoos are working together _ animals from _ extinct        ato stop;go    bto stop;going     cstopping;go   dstopping;going(  )51tables,chairs and beds are furniture_  

19、;      aso does your desk                   bso is your desk        cso your desk does          

20、0;        dso your desk is(  )52i _ in my diary for a week        adidnt write      bdont write    chasnt written   dhavent written(  )53sam will go swimming with his bro

21、ther if it _ tomorrow        aisnt rain       bdoesnt rain     cwont rain     ddont rain(  )54_ going out for a walk this evening?        thats a good idea 

22、;       alets         bwhy not       cshall we        dwhat about(  )55_ students could work out(解决)the problem,because it is too difficult   

23、60;    aa few          bfew          ca little          dlittle五、完形填空。(10)a boy was walking in the street 56 a man came over 57 him and 58 him the way

24、 59 the station. the boy was very naughty(调皮). he wanted 60 a joke on the man. he pointed to 61 side of the road and said, “go down the street until you reach a shop. you can find it on your left!” the man thanked him and went away. a few minutes 62 , the man came back. he said to the boy that there

25、 was only a bookshop there and he 63 find the station. the boy 64 and said, “ 65 a map in the bookshop, and youll find the way!”56. a. but b. because c.then d. when 57 a. form b. to c. for d. with 58. a. ask b. asked c. tell d. told 59. a. to b. for c. at d. in 60. a. play b. to play c. show d. to s

26、how 61. a. another b. the other c. one more d. two 62. a. before b. after c. past d. later 63. a. cant b. may not c. couldnt d. mustnt 64. a. looked b. cried c. laughed d. jumped65. a. buy b. carry c. show d. borrow六. 阅读理解. (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)a: 人的喜好不同,发展方向也就不同。来看一看下列人物各自的喜好和志向吧。im rally good at se

27、lling things. i also love helping people. but im not so good at solving(解决) problems. i think id like to be a salesman or a detective(侦探).i really like doing things with my hands. i also enjoy working with wood. i dont enjoy working in the same place every day, and i dont like being in noisy places.

28、 i think id like to be a factory worker or a carpenter(木匠). im good at explaining things and i really like children. i cant stand working long hours. i think id like to be a doctor or a teacher. im really interested in meeting people, and i enjoy wearing different clothes every day. im not so good a

29、t organizing(安排) my time and computers. i am going to be a model or an accountant(会计).i enjoy helping people, but i cant stand working nights and weekends. i want to be a nurse or a social worker. 根据上述内容,选择正确的答案。 66. larry wants to be . a. a worker or a teacher b. a nurse or a doctor c. a salesman o

30、r a detective d. a model or a carpenter 67 anita doesnt enjoy working in . a. the same place b. different places c. noisy places d. a and c68. wants to be a teacher or a doctor. a. anita b. jill c. maria d. jim69. maria likes . a. meeting people b. wearing different clothes c. a and b d. working nig

31、hts and weekends 70. what does “cant stand” mean in chinese? a. 不能忍受 b. 不能站立 c.不能静止 d. 不可以坐boctober 1st, 2004dear ann,i hope that you and your children will be here in two weeks. my husband and i will go to meet you at the train station. our town is small but it is nice and beautiful. your son tom c

32、an go to the sports center every day. he can play games and go swimming there. jill is also lucky. my son has a cat and two sheep and i have two horses. she can play with them all day.dear ann, please don't worry. i'm sure youll have a good time here.see you soon.with much lovelinda( )71.the

33、 letter was from . a. ann b. linda c.jill d.tom( )72.ann and her children will go to lindas home on about . a.october 1 b.october 7 c.october 15 d.october 28( )73.linda lives in . a.a big city b.a small townc.a big town d.a country( )74.ann and her children are going to lindas home . a.by bus b.by c

34、ar c.on foot d.by train( )75.from the letter we know that tom loves and jill loves . a.sports, animals b.music, animalsc.sports, dancing d.animals, sportsc根据短文内容判断句子正(t)误(f)many children love junk food. its bad for their health.their parents dont want them to eat too much junk food. although they kn

35、ow its not good habit,they still eat it.some of them eat this kind of food every day.some only once or twice a week.    paul is kind of unhealthy.he hardly ever exercises.he eats lots of junk food because he loves it.when he has money,hell buy junk food.his parents worry about him.but he s

36、ays,“maybe im not very healthy,but i enjoy myself.” (     )76.few children love junk food. (     )77.many parents want their children to eat junk food. (     )78.children know its a bad habit to eat junk food. (     )79.

37、paul is very healthy. (     )80.paul often brrows money to buy junk food. 七、句型转换(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 根据括号内的要求完成下列句子 81. let's play basketball,_ _? (补全句子) 82. tom has to stay at home on sunday. (改为否定句) tom _ _ to stay at home at home on sunday. 83. he can seldom finish his homew

38、ork by himself, _ _? (反意疑问句) 84. the pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the world(同义句) the pacific ocean is larger than _ _ ocean in the world. 85. it is a nice sunny day today! (感叹句) _ _ nice sunny day it is today! 86.she has some money,too. ( 改为否定句  ) she doesnt money ,either. 87

39、.they will play basketball after school. ( 对画线部分提问    ) they do after school ? 88.there is a baby in the room. the baby is crying.(合并为一句) there is a baby in the room. 89.the basket are filled with eggs. (同义句转换) the basket eggs. 90.why don't you ask mr. brown for help.(同义句转换)

40、ask mr. brown for help.八、补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)从对话后面所给7个句子中选出5个补全对话lucy=l mrs. black=ml: hello! _91_m: im sorry she is out at the moment.l: when she comes back, _92_. please ask her to ring me as soon as possible.m: sure! _93_l: 28521135m: _94_l: lucy.m: ill leave the note on her desk and tell her to

41、ring you up.l: _95_. goodbye.a: will you please give her this note?b: whats your telephone number, please?c: is beety at home?d: thank you very much!e: and your name?f: would i pass on this note to you?g: you are welcome.九写作。(b)in england ,people like to talk about the weather because they can exper

42、ience (经历) four seasons in one day . in the morning the weather is warm just like in spring .an hour later black clouds comes and then it rains hard . the weather gets a little cold . in the afternoon the sky will be sunny , the sun will begin to shine , and it will be summer at this time of a day.i

43、n england ,people can also have summer in winter , or have winter in summer. so in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes.when you go to england, you will see that some english people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning

44、 , but you should not laugh at them. if you dont take an umbrella or raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.( )1. why do people in england often talk about the weather? a.because they may have four seasons in one day. b.because they often have very good weather. c.because the weather is ver

45、y warm just like in spring d.because the sky is sunny all day.( )2. from the story we know that _come and then there is heavy rain. a.sunshine and snow b.black clouds c.summer and winter d.spring and autumn.( )3. “ people can also have summer in winter,”means “it is sometimes too_in winter.” a.warm

46、b.cool c.cold d.rainy( )4. in the sunny morning some english people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them because _. a.their friends ask them to do . b.it often rains in england c.they are going to sell them d.they are their favorite things.( )5. the best title ( 标题 )for this passage is _

47、- a.bad seasons b.summer or winter c.the weather in england d.strong english people.cdo you know there are many kinds of grass? some are tall. the kind that grows around your house is short grass. but field grass often grows as tall as a man.some food that we eat comes from plants of the grass family. wheat and rice are two of them. we use wheat to make bread. we use both


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