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1、山西省吕梁学院附中2018-2019学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题一阅读理解(每空3分,共60分)ajoin the discussionlakelander ·2 hours agotoday, a man talked very loud on his phone on a train between malvern and reading, making many passengers upset. i wonder how he would react( 回应)if i were to read my newspaper out loud on the train. i h

2、ave never had the courage to do it, though.pak50 ·57 minutes agowhy not give it a try? perhaps you should take lessons on a musical instrument. the late musician dennis brain is said to have asked a fellow train passenger to turn off his radio. when his request was refused, he took out his fren

3、ch horn (号) and started to practice.angie oedema ·42 minutes agoi dont see how musical instruments can help improve manners in public. dont do to others what you wouldnt like to be done to yourself. once, a passenger next to me talked out loud on his mobile phone. i left my seat quietly, giving

4、 him some privacy to finish his conversation. he realized this and apologized(道歉) to me. when his phone rang again later, he left his seat to answer it. you see, a bit of respect and cooperation can do the job better.taodas ·29 minutes agoi did read my newspaper out loud on a train, and it turn

5、ed out well. the guy took it in good part, and we chatted happily all the way to edinburgh.sophie76 ·13 minutes agoi have not tried reading my newspaper out loud on a train, but, several years ago, i read some chapters from harry potter to my bored and noisy children. several passengers seemed

6、to appreciate what i did.1. the passenger made an apology(道歉)to angie oedema because _.a. he offered his seat to someone else b.he refused to talk with angiec. he spoke very loudly on his phone d. he ignored angies request2who once read a newspaper out loud on a train?a. pak50.b.taodas. c. angie oed

7、ema.d. sophie76.3what is the discussion mainly about?a. how to react( 回应)to bad behavior.b. how to kill time on a train.c. how to chat with strangers.d. how to make a phone call.4where is the passage most probably taken from?a. a webpage(网页).b. a newspaper.c. a novel. d. a report.bthere was a s

8、tory many years ago of a school teachermrs. thompson. she told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. but that was a lie. there in the first row was a little boy named teddy stoddard. he did not play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. she did not like

9、him.then mrs. thompson got to know that teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. mrs. thompson was ashamed of herself. she felt even worse when, like all her other students, teddy brought her a christmas present too. it was his mothers perfume(香水).teddy said, 

10、;“mrs. thompson, today you smell just like my mom used to.” after the children left she cried for at least an hour. on that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and math. instead, she began to teach children.mrs. thompson paid particular attention to teddy. the boys mind seemed to come al

11、ive. the more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. by the end of the sixth grade, teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.six years went by before she got a note from teddy. he wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teach

12、er he ever had in his whole life. he went to college. mrs. thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, theodore f.stoddard, m.d.(医学博士)the story doesnt end there. on his wedding day, dr stoddard whispered(耳语) in mrs. thompsons ear, “thank you, mrs. thompson, for believi

13、ng in me. you made me feel important and showed me that i could make a difference.”mrs. thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, “teddy, you have it all wrong. you were the one who taught me that i could make a difference. i didnt know how to teach until i met you.”5. what did mrs

14、. thompson do on the first day of school?    a. she made teddy feel ashamed. b.she told the class something untrue about herself      c. she changed teddys seat to the front row.d.she asked the children to play with teddy.6. what did mrs. thompson fi

15、nd out about teddy?   a. he enjoyed playing with others. b. he was good at math  c. he needed motherly care. d. .he often told lies.7. in what way did mrs. thompson change?  a. she no longer liked her job as a teacher.b. she cared more

16、 about educating students.  c. she became stricter with her students.  d. she taught fewer school subjects.8. why did teddy thank mrs. thompson at his wedding?a.she had given him encouragement    b. she had taught him how to judge people. &

17、#160;c. she had kept in touch with him d. she had sent him christmas presentscchinese students always complain (抱怨)that theyre under great pressure and dont get enough sleep. but they may be surprised to learn that theyre much luckier than their peers (同龄人) in south korea and japan, accord

18、ing to a recently published report, conducted by shanghai academy of social sciences on the physical(身体的) and mental(精神的) health of senior high school students in the three asian countries.according to the study among nearly 6,000 high school students in the three countries, chinese students are the

19、 tallest but poorest in physical fitness. chinese students are on average 168.17cm, compared with 167.61cm for south korean students and 164.70cm for japanese students. chinese students asked for sick leave(病假) more than students in other countries. about 72 percent of korean students never asked fo

20、r sick and injury leave during high school, compared to 53 percent for japanese students and 45 percent forchinese students. moreover, chinese students drink alcohol(酒精) and smoke earlier than korean and japanese students. around 70 percent of chinese students have drunk alcohol, compared to 50 perc

21、ent for korean and japanese students.according to the survey(调查), japanese and south korean students suffer(遭受) more pressure than their chinese peers. statistics (统计) show 16 percent of students in china said they experienced mental pressure often over the past year, while the numbers in japan and

22、south korea were 33 percent and 47 percent respectively. their worries come from “study”, “future after graduation”, “friendships” and “relationship with their parents”. to go with stress(压力), 57.9 percent of korean students sleep the least, less than six hours a day, compared with 46.6 percent of j

23、apanese students and 30 percent of chinese students.more chinese students were satisfied with their physical appearance, double that of students in the survey from japan and south korea. the report said that over half of students in south korea had tried to lose weight in the past year, while in chi

24、na the figure was only 22 percent. in measures of self-worth, such as “i think i am valuable” and “i think i am successful”, “i can complete many things”, “i wont give up to failure,” chinese students showed greater self-confidence than students in japan and south korea.9. whats the main idea of the

25、 passage?a. chinese students always complain that theyre in bad condition.b. chinese students are much luckier than their peers in south korea and japan.c. there is a report on the physical and mental health of senior high school studentsd. chinese teenagers drink alcohol and smoke earliest and smok

26、e earliest among the three countries.10. what does the underlined word “that” in the last paragraph refer to?a.the numberb. the appearance c. the heightd. the weight11. the worries that cause students to be stressed(有压力) come from the following factors(因素) except _.a. physical appearanceb.friendship

27、sc.study and career d.family relationshipdon the first day of my new high school, i almost had a nervous breakdown. everything about the school seemed so difficult. when i got home, my parents said, “you're nervous and that's okay. everyone is afraid of high school.” i denied(否认) it. i wante

28、d to be strong, so i refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends.on the first day i was late for every class and was constantly lost. the school seemed like a puzzle(迷宫) that i couldn't figure out. was this how the whole year was going to be? i didn't think i could rise

29、 to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that i could hardly lift. it was so big that i could knock(撞到) someone out with it! the schoolmates seemed to regard me as a fool, and they were probably right.despite(尽管) my fears, after the first week i finally had my schedule(时刻表、进度表) figure

30、d out. except falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high school was turning out(证明是) to be not so bad. it was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging.since then, i've been elected(选举) vice monitor of my class, which wasn't much of

31、a victory since only three people ran for(参加.竞选) the four positions.it is normal to be scared(害怕) about a new school. take a deep breath and relax. high school is something that any student can overcome(战胜). make sure you take part in some out-of-class activities because you'll find it easier to

32、 make friends. try to do your best, even if it isn't straight a's.most important of all, be who you are, whether you're a “fool”, an athlete, or a lower grader. don't try to pretend(假装) to be someone you're not. now you know the true secrets of high school.12. the main reason for

33、 the author's(作者) fear on his first day is that _.a. his schoolbag was too heavy for him to carryb. his schoolmates were unfriendly to himc. he was not familiar with the new surroundings(环境)d. he was unable to work out the puzzle13. from the author's first day experience we can infer(推断) tha

34、t _.a. his home was far from the school b. he didn't know the right way to classc. he was fond of the school immediately. d.she got to school before classes began14. after his first week at school, the author _.a. was still not used to the schedule b. gradually adjusted(使适应) himself to the new s

35、choolc. found high school not so challenging as he had imaginedd. ran for monitor of his class against three other students15. according to the passage, the secret of the author's success lies mainly in _.a. being who he really is b. getting more a's at schoolc. making more friends d. joinin

36、g in out-of-class activities e some people learn a second language easily. others have trouble learning a new language. how can you help yourself learn a new language, such as english?_16_ be patient you do not have to understand everything all at once._17_we can learn from mistakes. practise your e

37、nglish. for example,write a journal(日志)every day. you will get used to writing in english, and you will feel comfortable expressing yourself in english. after several weeks, you will see your english is improving._18_you can practice your english with your classmates outside class.you all will make

38、mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in english._19_ be positive about learning english and believe you can do it. if you believe you can learn, you will learn. keep a record of your language learning. after each class, think about what you did. did you answer a question

39、 correctly? did you understand something the teacher explained? perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it._20_ it is important to practise english every day and make a record of your achievements(成就).you will enjoy learning english and you will have more confidence(信心)in yours

40、elf.a. write these achievements in your journal.b. besides, you must speak english every day.c. making mistakes is an unavoidable part in your life.d. there are several ways to make learning english a little easier and more intersting.e. share your achievements with your partners and friends.f. feel

41、 confident about learning english.g. it is natural for you to make mistakes when you learn something new.二完形填空(每空2分,共40分)i had a good day today. it   21   with a morning walk with my dogs under the moonlight ybefore daybreak. it was so beautiful. after the   22  it

42、 was time for a warm breakfast   23   by some exercise and prayer(祷告). then i   24   to the office. the warm sunlight made me   25  and since i was alone with nobody else to be disturbed(打扰), i   26  along with the cd pl

43、aying in my car with a loud voice and a happy heart. my good day was just beginning,   27  . i helped it along by giving cheerful   28  to everyone i met. i shared smiles and was happy to have them   29  . i offered a helping hand to one fr

44、iend and a pat on the back to another. later at the store i   30  _the door for a lady with her arms full of packages. i told a   31  cashier(收银员)what a good job she was doing and watched her whole face   32  .when i got home i gave my daug

45、hter a hug(拥抱), kissed my oldest son on the head, and   33  with my youngest son before doing some work on the computer. then i answered letters   34  to share a loving thought or two with my friends around the world. later in the evening i spent some  &#

46、160;35  time reading a good book, petting my dogs on the head.   36  i ended the day the way i started it: walking my dogs   37  , and thanking god for this world, my life, and the   38   to live for one more good day. perhaps the

47、 key to having a great life is to live it one good day   39   . perhaps the key to being   40   in this world is to love all we have today and let god take care of our tomorrow.21. a.got along b. started out c. took overd. broke out22. a. walk b.class c. talk

48、d. experiment 23. a. contacted b.followed c. abandonedd. impressed 24. a.rushed b. flewc. rand.drove 25. a.smile b. coughc. progress d. shake26. a. jumped b.practicedc. sang d.danced 27. a. anyhow b. besides c. instead d. however 28. a. congratulationsb. greetingsc.reactions d. thanks 29. a. returne

49、db. affordedc. ignoredd. accepted 30. a. repaired b. closed c.held d. knocked 31. a. tired b. selfishc.sleepyd. proud 32. a. show up b. calm downc.light upd. pass away 33. a. argued b. drankc. competed d. played 34. a. trying b. agreeingc.wanting dremembering 35. a. dark b. rainyc.quietd. freezing 3

50、6. a. frequentlyb. finally c. suddenly d.actually 37. a. around the house b. in the park c. on the grass d.under the moonlight38. a. goal b. chance c. householdd. schedule 39. a. right now b. at a time c. now and then d. at the same time 40. a. healthy b.successful c. energetic d. happy三语法填空_41_is i

51、nteresting to look at _42_(difference) between schools in different countries.in many european countries, for example, the relationship between teachers and students is quite formal. this is true of france,germany and spain, where discipline and respect for the teacher _43_(consider) very important.

52、 the same is true of russia. in northern european countries,however, the relationship between teachers and students is much_44_(friendly) and more relaxed. in america,students and teachers are quite relaxed with each other. in britain, relationships are quite _45_(relax),but teachers can have big pr

53、oblems _46_discipline.another important difference is _47_schools are state school or private schools. state schools _48_(pay) for by the government ,but in private schools, the parents pay for the education of their children. germany and france have both state schools and private schools, but most

54、students go to state schools, _49_are very good. _50_(similar), america has both state and private schools. most american children go to state schools, but the private schools can be very good.四用所给词的正确形式填空或汉语提示完成句子(10分)51. it was _(embarrass) that i forgot his name.52.please refer to the _(instruct)

55、 before you start the machine.53.this is a _(science) research carried out by some scientists.54.i am sorry that i spelled your name _(correct).55.afterwards, he admitted _(take) my umbrella by mistake.56.the problems _(refer)to at the meeting must be settled as soon as possible.57.the students _(对.

56、印象深刻) his performance.58.i prefer to make a phone call _(而不愿)send a email.59._( 远非 )helping improve the situation, they made it worse.60.in this book, gk _(是.的缩写)greek.五改错my dream school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm. they are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. we didnt n

57、eed to do so many homework. therefore, we have more time with after-school activities. for example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.my dream school look like a big garden. there are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. we

58、 can lie on the grass for a rest ,or sat by the lake listening music.the teachers here are kind and helpfully.they are not only our teachers but also our friends.六、书面表达(15分)假设你是李华,你的好朋友苏珊前不久随父母去了美国,她写信告诉你她不适应美国的校园生活,感到孤独。请你根据以下要点用英语给她写一封电子邮件。1. 学好英语,增加交流机会。2. 多交朋友,友情会使人忘记孤独。3. 积极参加各种活动,使自己的生活更加有趣。注意:1. 词数100左右;开头已经写出,不计入总词数。 2. 可适当增添细节,以使行文连贯.dear susan,im sorry to hear that you are having trouble adapting to your new school life in america._ 高一英语月考答案阅读:(60分)    1-5 cbaab        6-1


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