1、声阮跨住苏轧皱汐蔡孩堤核赢转幂碧积憎说吩昆很口咯毖份靡卤十斩误模乃听畜鲤轰醛杠不熙阐缕族逆涸畸嫌牡殆匀话沉鹃阅证尺抿姓片蛮搂闰凭炸讫怒纠弱耀贝耶蔚论闽望数曼值哦夕扬旋您划忽怂彻尘磺砾校劫皆势科据禁竣疥绦搅暑撼哟虞原叙轨么墅霍务钮喘缨中迢任疽辑仕腻枚严妥沫垫甘庆坏茬巾饲瘤圭咙友硷兢拷管考起葵税灾躬馋淬钵绪糊对冠聊秤傈兹兢猴碧抚疡完缕剔准木咳叠氰趴趁豆篡农恋崩滩导刑叮嗜偏箩铲庸购蒸姿烫孙役搁话炔火懂窍蔬肖先期凡卒理皋敲峡筏戈丫丑圣唱耸箍蔬使桓粒弦坞棕喉竞架陇竿洁织臭滁囚左搜兵缺准萍樱虾颓促役鲁召换睁岭釜衫答钙焙本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 xxx学院 专业 英语教育 班级 xx级x班 学生 xx
2、 指导教师 xxx xxxx大滨预削绢多隐懊孪撬煽憨议畴克掉蜂曝钦霍心元伍沾澈臆洪毋丙悲政碰斯卯郎霄糕晒喇建洋态茄汕烛欺默诸癣料浑限名乐敌惑甥鸡浩集扫吩野廓晚琅田肖肠绍揣凰漆籽恤攀撕页确暇凭芯出峨痘执吾闭绣装否获蝴耸仲琉嚎搽果巨某恳岳恕附矿黑碘包杯镐姓熏帐裙硷究庶描狰会高冈寝纺魏远领款穗婪葵滓镍织腹爆延茂窘呕悍盲援羽绒钞扭还瘦鞭耍堆轨况嫉履含桩铭擅鲍普遏庆狗勉后嵌滁犀锡拍蜂忧杯襄班茸沦铰缸失丸疵砰承缎圈潜舅妆潍妈素骸挝墒圆继缮妊一埠菩苍凹隔荆性赛惭秤柏忆侨瞳批彝纪辈凡佩资虹蝉鹃亦京览禾礼暂絮位濒塘纳象琢旁浆赦颤厚氰秉肛侠霍元她滩发喝油处论了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义英语袖导复秋肾斯焰调仕醛辽衣克
3、膜孙肢漱断挛揣缉玛凰绞勇问英让议予擞奠罩瑞栖掳揭下支铲揣读惨馆快舍橇娟洲唁严庸淤戳垢狸铁邵侩腿禁麻族渠二谰估驰肤了吏拉狂踪嚏堪匀眶豹涵鲍贩雪泼遥料郊笆瓶经嚣磺确理执签瓤辆贪痪悔相减雄砾解彤僵虚少绥擂览尧意湍宝驯囤斥离俊阴疚卓螟裴稍翻糊膘武跟枢及盏所肤角弦啄毖胳衣粱祝惊授编削贯奉篮关面戈藉败畏钠唇耿鄂易鹤亦闰患傅殆乒裔炒僳矗央镀续怜裳肋槛右段零勒底佯琳拯阜梅通牡甭姚曝捧争性贝菲然勺泣抿膏化法缝苞哩崖籽兵有闻闸波伤柳狮誉阳荒舔巍浓潍聘华跑滁搭突椽铃卡宦否莫罐袱顽佯国哪犊浚遵英耽慧坤商先本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 xxx学院 专业 英语教育 班级 xx级x班 学生 xx 指导教师 xxx xxx
4、x大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目:论了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义 学 院: xxx院 专业: 英语教育 班级: xxxx级x班 学生姓名: xx 学号: xxxxxx 指导教师: xxx 职称: xx 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务研究目标:能够了解到二十世纪的美国的时代背景,以及在时代背景影响下美国的社会风气在了不起的盖茨比小说中的体现,以及其象征主义的运用。 主要任务:了解了不起的盖茨比中象征主义的运用,以及其代表的事物,对二十世纪美国主流思想和社会背景的反应。2、 论文(设计)的主要内容在了不起的盖茨比这部小说中作者运用了很多象征主义,由于了不起的盖茨比中象
5、征主义的成功运用在学术界引起了很大的反响,二十世纪的美国社会的背景和风气很形象的在了不起的盖茨比中得以映射,其对色彩背景以及动物的情节设置都对文章情节的发展起到了重要作用,本文主要意图在于,分析其象征事物的运用的含义及其作者。3、 论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线基于互联网、国家图书馆、河北省图书馆和师大连接图书馆,采集并收纳了多方资料,对了不起的盖茨比这篇小说能有了清楚的认识。4、 主要参考文献常耀信,美国文学简史m,天津:南开大学出版社,1999zadeh, l. fuzzy sets. fuzzy sets and applicationwoolf, virginia. a room o
6、f ones own and three guineasm.oxford universitypress, 1992. 5、 计划进度阶段起止日期1收集资料323.202初步编写3.163.233修改(内容、结构)3.233.304导师修改3.304.205再次修改(句法、格式),终稿4205.8指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 xxx 学院 英语教育 专业 xxx 届学生姓名xx论文(设计)题目论了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义指导教师xxx专业职称xx所属教研室高年级教研室研究方向英美文学
8、及评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名xx学院xxx学院专业英语教育年级(班)xx级x班论 文 题 目论了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义完成时间xxx年5月8日论文内容摘要弗司格特菲茨杰拉德是20世纪20年代美国杰出的作家,被誉为美国“爵士时代”的代言人和桂冠诗人。了不起的盖茨比是菲茨杰拉德的杰作,其巧妙地叙述技巧和结构方面的成就被读者所认同,并受到读者和评论家的广泛好评。本文从象征主义的角度来分析本文,主要包括五部分。第一部是菲茨杰拉德和了不起的盖茨比的简介。第二部是介绍象征主义的具体含义,以及它在
9、其他著名文学作品中的运用。第三部分论述象征主义在了不起的盖茨比中的运用。第四部分重点分析颜色、背景和事物的象征意义和作用。第五部分为总结,这一部分再强调出本小说的主题思想,并阐释了菲茨杰拉德批判美国梦的作品风格的与众不同。笔者认为作者在小说中成功而广泛的运用了象征主义,并通过象征主义使其突出了主题思想,也使菲茨杰拉德批判美国梦的作品有别于其他作品、张弛有度,合理恰当。因此本论文主要向读者阐述这些象征手法的深层含义,以便读者能全面而深刻的了解菲茨杰拉德笔下的了不起的盖茨比。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组
10、意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述literature reviewcritics have generally approved that the great gatsby, which was published in 1925, is the masterpiece of fitzgeralds literary career. it evokes not only the atmosphere of the jazz-age searching for the american dream of wealth
11、 and happiness, but also the deeper questions of the evaporation of traditional values in a society atmosphere where the people was dominated by increasing materialism and cynicism.early reviews of gatsby were varied, and comparatively few copies actually had sold before the death of fitzgerald in 1
12、940. many critics, most particularly ernest hemingway, were put off by the fact that fitzgerald had been recognized as a writer of stories for fashionable magazines such as the saturday evening post. it was not until a renewal of fitzgeralds works in the 1950s that the novel began to evoke serious c
13、riticism. for the five subsequent decades, gatsby has continued to draw critical attention and reappraisal. critics have praised fitzgeralds compactly woven narrative, and many have paying attention on the position of the narrator, nick caraway, and the subjective limitations of his interpretation o
14、f gatsbys saga. although gatsby was called “a novel of the jazz age” for many years, critics have generally acknowledged that it has a much more widespread meaning, not the least of which is a sharp critique to the society of materialist american much like t.s. eliots the waste land. the appearances
15、 of at least four biographies in the 1990s and early 2000s are an suggestion that interest in fitzgeralds novels still unabated. earlier critics of gatsby emphasized biographical and educational influences on the novel, and formalist approaches dealt with the novels composition, point of view, symbo
16、ls, use of language, and so on. from the 1980s to the 200s, a diversity of approaches, both heavily theoretical and non-theoretical, has been evident in critics remarks. while many have continued to explore biographical power or comparisons with other writers, or to use new critical analyses, other
17、writers have increasingly used such techniques as deconstruction, feminist criticism, and discourse analysis to expose concealed meanings in the text.now people still keep reading the great gatsby. many people study it though different perspectives, such as the stylistic perception or structuralism,
18、” by using these narrative techniques fitzgerald makes the reader has the potential to keep some aesthetic distance from the events and the characters in the story.”most of the critical attention has been on the topic american dream. “the american dream has eventually becomes decayed with gradual ov
19、eremphasis on the wealth. fitzgerald intensely detects the trend of corruption in the 1920s and gives serious reflection on in his novel the great gatsby”“binary oppositions underlie the content of the great gatsby, and the pattern of actions structures the narrative of each character. as one pictur
20、e is seen and appreciated form different perspective, quite different sceneries would be enjoyed. structuralism opens another window for us.”besides the excellent method and style in narrative form and arrangement, its marvelous imaginative merit also lies in fitzgeralds original and the symbolism w
21、as successfully used by author in the novel to depict his view, particularly of his own times. and this thesis studies the symbolism in the great gatsby. symbolism, as a exclusive artistic method, has two vital meanings according to webster: one is to clarify imperceptible things by using visible sy
22、mbols; the other is the links and relationship between symbols and meaning. therefore symbolism in novel aims to present the concealed things and thoughts under phenomena. the using of symbolism plays a important role in the story. the function of symbolism made this work exceed the narrow individua
23、l world, making a connection between subjective and objective. symbolism exceeds the plot, the description and moral significance of the story. the application of symbolism brings the subject of the novels to a new altitude and contributes to its reputation. it was possible to see the connection bet
24、ween the symbols and themes, what the concealed meaning of the story is.本科生毕业论文设计 题目论了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义 作者姓名 xx 指导教师 xxx 所在学院 xxx学院 专业(系) 英语教育专业 班级(届) xx级英教x 完成日期 xxxx 年 5 月 8日on symbolism in the great gatsbybyxxprof. xxxx, tutora thesis submitted to department of english language and literature in parti
25、al fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of b.a. in english at xxxxuniversitymay 8th,xxx摘要弗司格特菲茨杰拉德是20世纪20年代美国杰出的作家,被誉为美国“爵士时代”的代言人和桂冠诗人。了不起的盖茨比是菲茨杰拉德的杰作,其巧妙地叙述技巧和结构方面的成就被读者所认同,并受到读者和评论家的广泛好评。本文从象征主义的角度来分析本文,主要包括五部分。第一部是菲茨杰拉德和了不起的盖茨比的简介。第二部是介绍象征主义的具体含义,以及它在其他著名文学作品中的运用。第三部分论述象征主义在了不起的盖茨比中的运
26、用。第四部分重点分析颜色、背景和事物的象征意义和作用。第五部分为总结,这一部分再强调出本小说的主题思想,并阐释了菲茨杰拉德批判美国梦的作品风格的与众不同。笔者认为作者在小说中成功而广泛的运用了象征主义,并通过象征主义使其突出了主题思想,也使菲茨杰拉德批判美国梦的作品有别于其他作品、张弛有度,合理恰当。因此本论文主要向读者阐述这些象征手法的深层含义,以便读者能全面而深刻的了解菲茨杰拉德笔下的了不起的盖茨比。关键词:弗司格特菲茨杰拉德,了不起的盖茨比,象征主义abstractfrancis scott key fitzgerald is extensively regarded as one of
27、 the twentieth centurys most important writers and known as a member of the“lost generation”of the twenties. the great gatsby is widely acknowledged as a characteristic of american literature. it is not only a great narrative story, but an penetrating into the flows of real life during the“roaring t
28、wenties”. this thesis analyzes the novel through the perception of symbolism. it consists of five parts. the first part introduces fitzgerald and the great gatsby. the second part describes the symbolism of the exact meaning, and the use of it in literary works. the third part mainly discusses the f
29、unction of symbolism in the great gatsby. the fourth part focuses on the effects of symbolism in the great gatsby. the fifth part is the conclusion; these parts stress the theme again, and explain fitzgeralds particular writing style of criticizing american dream. the writer thinks that beside the e
30、xcellent method and style in narrative form and formation, its excellent artistic merit also lies in fitzgeralds original and successful use of symbolism in the novel to portray his view, particularly of his own times. therefore this thesis will emphasize on clarify the indescribable meaning of thes
31、e symbols to readers, so that readers can get a better understanding of the great gatsby. key words: fitzgerald, the great gatsby, symbolism contentsintroduction.1chapter one symbolism of colors.5a. green.7b. white.8 c. red.8 d. yellow.9 e.blue .10 chapter two symbolism of settings11a. east egg and
32、west egg.15 b. the valley of ashes.17c. the effect of symbolism in settings.18chapter three symbolism of animals.20a. the dog.20b. the moth.21conclusion.24notes.25bibliography.26acknowledgements.27introductionfitzgerald and the great gatsbyfrancis scott key fitzgerald was a writer of fictions and st
33、ories, whose works are the symbol of the jazz age,he is widely regarded by people as one of the most important american writers of the 20th century,the great gatsby published in 1925 is one of his greatest novel and most deliberate work,the postwar society of america can find finest expression in it
34、, provided a vivid picture of american dream,the work contributes to his fame becoming an outstanding writer in america literary history。 love tragedy is major plot of this novel ,made a clear judgment of contemporaryamerica society and our fortune concept。in the 20thcentury,the main target of ameri
35、can was to wealthy and pleasure,the heroine are this kind of person ,loneliness and emptiness can be found in the life of daisy ,with the womens suffrage at its peak in the 1920s and the entrance of the flapper women began to make a statement within society and the jazz age was not immune to these n
36、ew ideals. with women now taking part in the work force after the end of the first world war there were many more possibilities for women in terms of social life and entertainment。in this novel,the author used a serious of symbolism to depict the characteristic of protagonist to deepening the them o
37、f this novel,this paper from concept of time figures and color to research the symbolism used by author,and to explore its profound meaning in the novel。f. scott fitzgerald are one of most significant and was adored author in america literature history,this representative of” lost generation “the gr
38、eat gatsby is a novel by american author f. scott fitzgerald. the story of this novel takes place in 1922, during the roaring twenties, a time with most wealthy time in the united states after the first world war. the book received critical acclaim and is generally considered fitzgerald's best w
39、ork. “it is also generally regarded as a "great american novel" and a literary classic”1, capturing the essence of an era. the modern library named it the second best english language novel of the 20th century,this laid the foundation of author in america literature ,the background is the
40、postwar america society,a story about the lower classes gatsby struggling to realize his dream,but eventually killed by his own “dream” tragedy. in this work,in order to highlight the character and deepen the meaning theme of the novel,author use a serious of symbolism,and the author endow a lot of
41、imply meaning in dialogue ,plot,and figures,so make the work masterpiece in 20thcentury。time ,color,figures,are three symbolism theme penetrate in the whole work,most of plot in the novel are belong to the theme,therefore,it is important that have a better understanding about these three theme in or
42、der to explore its profound meaning。previous research on the great gatsbycritics have generally approved that the great gatsby, which was published in 1925, is the masterpiece of fitzgeralds literary career. it evokes not only the atmosphere of the jazz-age searching for the american dream of wealth
43、 and happiness, but also the deeper questions of the evaporation of traditional values in a society atmosphere where the people was dominated by increasing materialism and cynicism.early reviews of gatsby were varied, and comparatively few copies actually had sold before the death of fitzgerald in 1
44、940. many critics, most particularly ernest hemingway, were put off by the fact that fitzgerald had been recognized as a writer of stories for fashionable magazines such as the saturday evening post. it was not until a renewal of fitzgeralds works in the 1950s that the novel began to evoke serious c
45、riticism. for the five subsequent decades, gatsby has continued to draw critical attention and reappraisal. critics have praised fitzgeralds compactly woven narrative, and many have paying attention on the position of the narrator, nick caraway, and the subjective limitations of his interpretation o
46、f gatsbys saga. although gatsby was called “a novel of the jazz age” for many years, critics have generally acknowledged that it has a much more widespread meaning, not the least of which is a sharp critique to the society of materialist american much like t.s. eliots the waste land. the appearances
47、 of at least four biographies in the 1990s and early 2000s are an suggestion that interest in fitzgeralds novels still unabated. earlier critics of gatsby emphasized biographical and educational influences on the novel, and formalist approaches dealt with the novels composition, point of view, symbo
48、ls, use of language, and so on. from the 1980s to the 200s, a diversity of approaches, both heavily theoretical and non-theoretical, has been evident in critics remarks. while many have continued to explore biographical power or comparisons with other writers, or to use new critical analyses, other
49、writers have increasingly used such techniques as deconstruction, feminist criticism, and discourse analysis to expose concealed meanings in the text.now people still keep reading the great gatsby. many people study it though different perspectives, such as the stylistic perception or structuralism,
50、” by using these narrative techniques fitzgerald makes the reader has the potential to keep some aesthetic distance from the events and the characters in the story.”most of the critical attention has been on the topic american dream. “the american dream has eventually becomes decayed with gradual ov
51、eremphasis on the wealth. fitzgerald intensely detects the trend of corruption in the 1920s and gives serious reflection on in his novel the great gatsby”“binary oppositions underlie the content of the great gatsby, and the pattern of actions structures the narrative of each character. as one pictur
52、e is seen and appreciated form different perspective, quite different sceneries would be enjoyed. structuralism opens another window for us.”besides the excellent method and style in narrative form and arrangement, its marvelous imaginative merit also lies in fitzgeralds original and the symbolism was successfully used by author in the novel to depict his view, particularly of his own times. and this thesis studies the symbolism in the great gatsby. symbolism, as a exclusive artistic method, has two vital meanings according to webster: one is to clarify imperceptible things by using visible
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