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1、glossary of TCM (中医常用术语中医常用术语)glossary of TCM (中医常用术语中医常用术语)vPathogenesis 病机vCommon cold 感冒vCough 咳嗽vWheezing 哮病vAsthma and shortness of breath 喘证vPulmonary Abscess 肺痈vTuberculosis 肺痨vEmphysema 肺胀vThe Lung w ithering 肺痿vPalpitation 心悸vPectoral Pain and stuffiness Chest pain/heart pain 胸痹附vTrue Heart

2、-pain 真心病vInsomnia 不寐vForgetfullness, Poor memory 健忘vSleepiness 多寐vencephalitis lethargica 多寐vsleeping sickness 多寐vManic and Depressive Psychosis 癫狂vEpilepsy 痫病vDementia 痴呆vSyncope 厥证vStomach-ache 胃痛vAcid regurgitation 吐酸vEpigastric upset/disturbance 嘈杂vFullness and distension in the abdomen 痞满vNaus

3、ea and vomiting 呕吐vDysphagia occlusion syndrome 噎膈vdifficulty swallowing 噎膈vRegurgitation of food from stomach 反胃vHiccup and belchingvAbdominal pain 腹痛vDiarrhea 泄泻v呃逆vDysentery 痢疾vConstipation 便秘vHypochondriac Pain 胁痛vJaundice 黄疸vLustreless Yellow ness 萎黄vAccumulation and Aggregation 积聚vTympanites D

4、rum-like distension 臌胀vdistension of abdomen with gas or fluid 臌胀vHeadache 头痛vDizziness and vertigo 眩晕vApoplexy 中风vWind stroke 中风vGoiter 瘿病vEdema 水肿vStranguria 淋证 vTurbid Urine 尿浊vRetention of urine 癃闭v“Guan Ge (Obstruction and Rejection) 关格vEnuresis 遗vIncontinence of urine 遗尿vImpotence 阳痿vSpermator

5、rhea 遗精vSeminal emission 遗精vPremature Ejaculation 早泄vMelancholia 郁证vdepression 郁证vBleeding Syndrome 血证vPhlegm and congested fluid retention 痰饮vXiao Ke Diabetes 消渴vSpontaneous Perspiration and Night Sweat 汗证vFever due to internal Disorders 内伤发热vFatigue due to exertion or consumptive diseases 虚劳vObesi

6、ty 肥胖vCancer 癌病v Lung cancer 肺癌vBreast cancer 乳癌vLiver cancer 肝癌vLeukemia 白血病vLymphoma 淋巴癌vHodgkins disease 淋巴癌vmalignant lymphoma 淋巴癌vBi-syndrome including Arthritis 痹证vConvulsive Disease 痉证vWei syndrome 痿证vAtrophy syndrome 痿证vflaccid paralysis of limbs and muscles 痿证vTremor syndrome 颤证vLower back

7、pain 腰痛vLumbago 腰痛vTreatment of common diseases 常见病症治疗vInjuries of muscles and tendons of shoulders 肩部伤筋vInjuries of muscles and tendons of elbows 肘部伤筋vInjuries of muscles and tendons of wrists and hands 腕与手部伤筋vInjuries of muscles and tendons of hips 髋部伤筋vInjuries of muscles and tendons of knees 膝部伤

8、筋vInjuries of muscles and tendons of ankles and feet 踝部与足部伤筋 vfrozen shoulder 漏肩风vInjury of chest and hypochondria 胸胁屏伤vCervical spondylopathy 颈椎病vStiffneck 落枕vVertebrae malposition 椎骨错缝vLower back pain 腰痛vRheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎vDisorder of temporomandibular joint 颞颔关节功能紊乱症vStomach pain 胃脘痛vDiarrhea 泄泻vConstipation 便秘vGastroptosis 胃下垂vColicky pain of gall bladder 胆绞痛vHeadache 头痛vHypertension 高血压病vHemiplegia 半身不遂vBells palsy 面瘫vHiccup 呃逆vAsthma 哮喘vEmphysema 肺气肿vInsomnia 失眠vRetention of urine 癃痫vArthralgia-syndrome / bi


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