



1、PeriodNameCN NameWritingsCN WritingsColonial America (1607-end of 18th century)Anne Bradstreet (Puritan Poet)安妮布雷兹特里特“ Tenth Muse ”“ Contemplations ”Edward Taylor (Puritan Poet)Thomas Paine (Revolutionary writer)托马斯潘恩Common Sense 小册子 booklet American Crisis 小册子 pamphlet The Rights of ManThe Age of R

2、eason常识美国危机 人的权利 理性时代Philip Freneau (Revolutionary poet)菲利普弗瑞诺“ The Indian Burying Ground”“ The Wild Honey Suckle ”野生的金银花Jonathan Edwards爱德华兹The Freedom of the Will “ Personal Narrative”Benjamin Franklin本杰明富兰克林 Autobiography富兰克林自传Romanticism (1800-1865)Washington Irving华盛顿欧文 The Sketch Book The Lege

3、nd of Sleepy Hollow Rip Van Winkle见闻札记 睡谷传说 瑞普凡温克尔James Fenimore Cooper库珀 Leatherstocking Tales(第一个出版故事:The Pioneers接着:The Lash of the Mohicans, The Prairie, The Pathfinder, The Deerslayer)皮袜子故事集(拓荒者,最后的莫西干人,大草 原,探路人,杀鹿者)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow朗费罗Song of Hiawatha ”A Psalm of Life ”My Lost Youth ”

4、“ The Arrow and the Song”海华沙之歌 人生礼赞逝去的青春 箭与歌Ralph Waldo Emerson爱默生 NatureThe Poet” The American Scholar Essay论自然论美国学者Henry David Thoreau梭罗 Civil Disobedience (essay) WaldenA Week On The Concord And Merrimack Rivers论美国公民的不服从 瓦尔登湖在康科德河与梅里马克河里一周Nathaniel Hawthorne霍桑Mosses from an Old Manse 短篇小说集 The Sc

5、arlet Letter The House of the Seven Gables The Blithedale Romance Marble FaunThe Birthmark古宅青苔红字带有七个尖角阁的房子福谷传奇玉石雕像胎记Herman Melville赫曼梅尔维尔Typee OmooMardi RedburnWhite Jacket泰比 鸥穆 玛迪白外衣 Moby DickThe Confidence ManBilly Budd Clarel 诗作白鲸比利巴特Walt Whitman惠特曼Leaves of Grass(“Songof Myself ”,“ WhenLilacs La

6、st in the Dooryard Bloom' d,”“Out of the CradleEndlessly Rocking ” ,“O Captain My Cap草叶集中的诗)草叶集ain!”Emily Dickinson艾米丽狄更生“ My life closed twice before its close”“ Because I could not stop for Death”“1 heard a fly buzz when I died”“ Wild Nights-Wild Nights ”“1 ' ll tell you how the sun rose”“

7、 Apparently with no surprise”“ The Brain is wider than the Sky”“1 know that He exists”“1 died for Beauty-but w as scarce ”Edgar Allen Poe埃德加爱伦坡The Tell-Tale HeartThe Murders in the Rue Morgue LigeiaThe Fall of the Houses of Usher Black Cat“ The Raven ”“ To Helen ”“ Annabel Lee ”William Dean Howells豪

8、威尔斯Criticism and Fiction (essay) The Rise of the Silas Lapham (novel)塞拉斯拉帕姆的发迹RealismHenry James亨利詹姆斯The AmericanDaisy Miller The Portrait of a LadyThe Turn of the ScrewWhat Maisie KnewThe AmbassadorsThe Wings of the DoveThe Golden Bowl士4晚年巅峰之作美国人 黛西米勒 贵妇的画像 拧紧螺丝 梅西所知道的 专使记 鸽翼 金碗(1865-1918)Mark Twai

9、n(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)马克吐温 The Gilded Age The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Life on the MississippiThe Prince and the PauperA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur' s CouThe Man That Corrupted HadleyburgThe mysterious StrangerAutobiography镀金时代汤姆索亚历险记 哈克贝里费恩历险记 密西西比

10、河上 王子与贫儿rt败坏了哈德莱堡的人Stephen Crane克莱恩Maggie: A Girl of the Streets The Red Badge of Courage “The Open Boat' (short story)街头女郎梅季 红色英勇勋章 海上扁舟Frank Norris诺里斯McTeague The OctopusThe Responsibilities of the Novelists (essays)麦克提格 章鱼Theodore Dreiser德莱赛 Sister CarrieJennie GerhardtThe FinancierThe TitanT

11、he StoicAn American Tragedy嘉莉妹妹 珍妮姑娘 金融家 巨人 斯多葛美国悲剧Jack London杰克伦敦The Call of the WildThe Sea Wolf Martin Eden荒野的呼唤海狼马丁伊登O Henry欧亨利 “The Gift of the Magi (short story) “The Necklace ” (short story)The Cop and the Anthem (short story) The Four Million (best collection)麦琪的礼物 项链四百万Modernism (1918-1945)

12、Ezra Pound庞德Homage to Sextus PropertiusHugh Selwyn Mauberley (two Parts)Cantos (诗集 117 poems*(Some famous short poems: “ A Pact "“ The River- Merchant ' s Wif)e ”休赛尔温毛伯利、土:诗早T.S. Eliot艾略特The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock The Waste LandHollow ManAsh WednesdayFour QuartetsMurder in the Cath

13、edralThe Cocktail Party The Confidential Clerk荒原四个四重奏 大教堂凶杀案 鸡尾酒会Wallace Stevens斯蒂文斯“ Anecdote of the Jar (poems)William Carlos Williams威廉斯“ Paterson '(famous long poem)佩特森Carl Sandburg桑德堡Chicago PoemsRobert Frost罗伯特弗罗斯特A Boy ' s Will North of BostonNew Hampshire Collected PoemsA Further Ran

14、ge A Witness TreeThe Road Not Taken少年得意志 波士顿以北 新罕布什尔 诗集以树木作证 没有走的路Mountain Interval After Apple-picking Stopping by Woods On A Snowy EveningF. Scott. Fitzgerald菲茨杰拉德This Side of ParadiseThe Beautiful and Damned The Great GatsbyTender is the NightThe Last TycoonFlappers and Philosophers Tales of the

15、Jazz AgeThe Crack Up伟大的盖茨比Ernest Hemingway海明威In Our TimeThe Torrents of Spring The Sun Also Rises The Old Man and the Sea For Whom the Bell Tolls A Farewell to Arms太阳照常升起 老人与海 丧钟为谁而鸣 永别了,武器William Faulkner福克纳The Marble Faun Mosquitoes Sartoris The Sound and the Fury As I Lay Dying SanctuaryLight in August Absalom, Absalom! Go Down, Moses“ A Rose for Emily ”John Steinbeck约翰斯坦贝克Cup of Gold East of Eden The Grapes of WrathOf Mice and Men愤怒的葡萄Eugene O' Neil尤金尼尔Beyond the HorizonAnna ChristieThe Emperor


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