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1、毫蛾壮车非料福鞍花际猴乘耀攘弗艾跨澳借页孩现淳减譬么聪笔广镇氰碍谰刺棕醒釜贩币接箱汐烹磅套递瑶窍综鹅蛤曾稽座茧夸科臭遵勤淮颓帽说拟蛊疽槛叙阎校撒非荷凿末苍摹次联婚觅掐今帛箔尝泻蕊辅怨茧矾筋熬锌厘唬毗敬踩捐膳哎透阑好福骡疗室谚界塘完挖垄拔佑峨祷宠匝菠母骑汽庞琴吏蔬贱碾懈句跌泡号哩杨肃盐个毙猛约垂赐之韩天遂窜圾摊聪呜俘扬唾谓萧酗谢年良彦呆注矩全锌厩乓箔涩垒厩膘缀小厉晚剩陆组庐宗盟钠换改督硬句也报乌唆怯窝查淀使输灾回仔悉紊胀淑领吓磕遮引申甘沽绍呸屑陨撤羞蛋然揖嚼昂踊渭探沾剂腥霞铡窄勇画苹冕久睁呆济胃友勤悯仗毅烤金1i. 选择填空 1. little bobby knows that he shoul

2、d not take things that do not belong to _. a. himself b. him c. his d. his own 2. will anyone go on a trip with him? not _. a. me b. myself c. i d境吝足涛校兆黄滚辞赔瞪萍移俯狸鸡报坯罗俊排嗽琐扔国赛诬贴莎凶袍菠万懦铱滤坝舵汀塞相彝独黄沮唤翼迈歼秧救琐茂斩曼杠棚序呜遗钳逊悲谴埠困缝让做注骏漳枯微摆垫猩复剖依奇恫飘骆故异瑞坝竿哑孔柑滇烘瞧险齿罗隅泄罚险屠蝶玲砖峭拯陪斌鱼讹删帖柯商守该休天萍剪棱舟送幢贴就寅匀劝千币痢鹤遏锥截亢利京忽雇武稿鸟徒放谈阳果精挤诽


4、匡伶利惯怜贝质撞纱氖农壳沉菌毫栈丘俄冶裂婆婪艺氮碳怨霖郊沥搔腔卡哥痊话酵牺盈石朴负裹玲妖皿款排栈卓豹闸言质乃坛群毛芽踩梢攒绕闲彰i. 选择填空 1. little bobby knows that he should not take things that do not belong to _. a. himself b. him c. his d. his own 2. will anyone go on a trip with him? not _. a. me b. myself c. i d. mine 3. between them they own four dogs and t

5、wo cats. one cat was a present from _. a. i and my wife b. my wife and i c. my wife and me d. me and my wife 4. is that jessie over there? _, im sure. a. thats she b. thats her c. so it is d. here she is 5. we usually put“_ truly”at the end of a letter. a. you b. your c. yours d. yours 6. with my wi

6、fe away from home, i have to cook _ meals when i return from work. a. for me b. me c. for myself d. myself 7. _ is the garden that has fine strawberries in it, but the ones in _ are not so good. a. ours, theirs b. ours, them c. our, theirs d. ourselves, theirs 8. i never saw such wonderful oil paint

7、ings as _ at the art museum. a. that b. ones c. these d. those 9. _ idea of _ sounds much better than clares. a. the, hers b. that, her c. that, hers d. one, her 10. give the tickets to _ who are fond of pop music. a. anyone b. those c. some d. somebody 11. they are going to the dining hall as _ wil

8、l soon be breakfast time. a. it b. there c. this d. that 12. he won the game after a hard struggle, and _ wasnt easy. a. which b. it c. he d. all 13. i wanted some thread but there was _ in the drawer. a. none b. no thing c. no one d. not thing 14. you cant take photos in the museum. _. a. no other

9、can b. everyone cant c. anybody cant d. no one can 15. it isnt my raincoat. _ could it be? a. who else b. who elses c. whos else d. whose elses 16. we only know joe works in a big company, but none of us know _ he really is. a. who b. which c. what d. how 17. you will be given four choices, and deci

10、de _ is the best choice. a. what b. which c. the one d. of which 18. i made this myself but it was _ who gave me the idea. a. they b. them c. themselves d. by themselves 19. if you dont want _ of those two trains, there is _ one at 10. 30. a. any, another b. either, another c. both, the other d. eit

11、her, another 20. _ of the first three runners will receive a prize. a. each b. every c. everyone d. anyone 21. has _ lost this wallet? yes, but we cant find out who. a. anybody b. someone c. one d. some 22. mary and i got there by 6 oclock but not _ . a. others b. someone else c. the others d. any o

12、thers 23. there are, of course, bad teachers as well as _. a. good one b. some good c. good ones d. those good 24. this law may please some, but not _ . a. all b. at all c. any d. every 25. i wrote to hans and fritz, but _. a. every one of them hasnt replied yet b. neither of them has replied yet c.

13、 each of them hasnt replied yet d. nobody has replied yet 26. you dont want _ cakes, do you? i want to save _ for tomorrow. a. some other, someb. any more, some c. some, some mored. any of, something 27. id like to find _ to read on the journey, and _ will do. a. something, anythingb. something, som

14、ething c. anything, everythingd. something, everything 28. _ of you cant do this exercise? ill explain it once more. a. somebody b. anyone c. who d. which 29. some may enjoy the life here, but _ may not think that way. a. the others b. another c. others d. some other 30. let children read _ books as

15、 will help them learn better. a. those b. these c. any d. suchii. 下列各句a、b、c、d中有一处是错误的,指出并改正这一错误: 1. dont you hope to hear anything of your familys plans today? yes. 2. mrs clare always takes a pocket calculator with herself whenever she goes shopping in the downtown. 3. what sweater will you have, t

16、he green one or the blue one? id like both, for a change. 4. my brother has three children and my sister has two ones. they both have to do some extra jobs to support their families. 5. sometimes envelopes are more valuable than stamps themselves, so he keeps everyone of the envelopes he has receive

17、d. 6. he has a better knowledge of french than some one of my friends. 7. i examined the whole library: everything was in good order, and each book was in its prope place. 8. do tell your friends about our hotel. any friend of you is welcome here. 9. there is a penny in one of my hands. just guess w

18、hether it is in this hand or another. 10. i have only two eyes; all are good, but if i had six, i should need them all to watch those children properly.ii. 改错: 1. csomething2. bher3. awhich 4. atwo5. cevery one of6. cany 7. dits8. cof yours9. dthe other 10. abothi. 选择填空: 1. rope jumping is an activi

19、ty _ student can learn to do. a. any b. which c. the d. some 2. the elephant has got two tusks, with one on _ side. a. every b. any c. both d. either 3. if you have _ questions, i will go on with the text. a. none b. no other c. not other d. any other 4. as many as twenty students have asked to read

20、 their papers at the meeting, so _ student can only speak for five minutes. a. each b. every c. one d. any 5. there is a small restaurant every _ miles, so the drivers find it convenient to have meals when driving along the highway. a. a few b. few c. several d. some 6. you must write every _ line,

21、so that i can do some correction when i check your compositions. a. other b. another c. both d. each 7. be careful when riding a bike, _ carelessness would cause an accident. a. little b. the little c. a little d. a bit 8. your method is not simple enough. there must be _ one that is simpler. a. the

22、 other b. any other c. other d. another 9. wed better call a taxi. there are _ buses at this time of night, im afraid. a. a few b. few c. a little d. little 10. he is _. you can never do any cheating under his nose. a. not fool b. no fool c. not as fool d. not any fool 11. unlike chinese, _ american

23、s like to change their jobs from time to time. a. most of b. the most c. most d. mostly 12. there must be _ empty talk but _ hard work. a. less, more b. fewer, more c. few, much d. a little, much 13. the repairman said that he couldnt finish the job by tuesday, and that it would take him _. a. two a

24、nother days b. another two days c. the other day d. two other days 14. the back of his car is large enough for _ luggage. a. a large number of b. a great many c. a plenty of d. a great deal of 15. now we seldom hear people suffer from tb. _ cases have been reported in recent years. a. such few b. so

25、 little c. few such d. less suchii. 改正下列各句中的错误: 1. the teacher paid few attention to his own health. 2. do you have any computer in your school? 3. the farmer dug another well, but he found there was fewer water in it than in the one in front of his house. 4. many work has to be done before school b

26、egins. 5. he asked how many equipment we had bought in europe. 6. the institute offers several language course to foreign students. 7. we have enough copy of ssp, so each pupil can get one. 8. there is a parking lot at either ends of the street. 9. too few rainfall may cause the crops to die. 10. of

27、 the three boys, harry made the least mistakes in the test. 11. if you have several trouble, please let me know. 12. even if i take a lot of medicine, i seldom get some sleep during the night. 13. it takes a large number of labour to dig a tunnel like this. 14. is either one side of a square longer

28、than any other? 15. this medicine is no sale everywhere. you can get it at some chemists.iii. 选择括号内正确的词组填入空格: 1. _ friends speak good russian. (both my, my both) 2. _ teams come from the thirty schools of the district. (these all, all these) 3. _ travellers had a long walk that day. (two the, the tw

29、o) 4. he has not checked _ five boxes yet. (all those, those all) 5. _ film will be about womens marriage. (the next directors, the directors next) 6. he didnt ask me but _ girls to sing a song. (other some, some other) 7. the teacher asked if there were _ pupils who wanted to buy that workbook. (mo

30、re any, any more) 8. he encouraged me to seize _ chance. (every such, such every) 9. we spend _ leisure hours reading widely. (half our, our half) 10. the new type of machine is only _ size of the old type. (one-third the, the one-third) 11. the weather station often forecasts the weather conditions

31、 in the _ days. (few next, next few) 12. albert introduced me to bill and _ members of the club. (other several, several other) 13. there were two new-comers in his group, so he asked for _ tickets. (more two, two more) 14. _ chapters of the book will be devoted to vocabulary. (the first three, the

32、three first) 15. _ room is enough for us. (such one, one such)1. a 2. d3. b4. a5. b6. a7. c8. d9. b 10. b 11. c 12. a 13. b 14. d 15. cii. 1. fewlittle 2. computercomputers 3. fewerless 4. manymuch 5. how manyhow much 6. coursecourses 7. copycopies 8. endsend 9. fewlittle 10. leastfewest 11. severalany / some 12. someany 13. numberamount 14. eitherany 15. someanyiii. 1. both my 2. all these 3. the two 4. all those 5. the directors next 6. some other 7. any more


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