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1、语法改错练习一v 1.Children should obey rules when they at home or school.v 改:When引导状语从句,那么从句应该是独立的句子,而这个从句缺乏谓语动词。v 正:Children are expected to obey different rules either at home or at school.v 2.Strict discipline sometimes is important, but it would have a impact on childrens ability of solving problems.v

2、改:impact前的冠词应该用an , ability to do something是固定表达。v 正:strict discipline is sometimes important , but it would have an adverse impact on childrens problem-solving abilities.v 3.The main function of discipline is to make children take responsible to their behaviors and shape a good behavior.v 改:take后面要

3、加名词,而不是形容词;behavior一般是不可数名词,或者有时候用复数,很少用冠词a.v 正:The main function of rules is to hold children accountable for their behavior and to help them develop good behavior patterns from a young age.v 4.Unlike adults, children are not aware of the results caused by their behavior, but they will realize that

4、 how to be accepted by the society through discipline.v 改:results caused by这个搭配不是很地道;realize that 宾语从句后面应该是独立的句子。v 正:Unlike adults, children are normally not aware of the consequences of bad behavior, and setting rules can help them realize how to behave in a society acceptable way.v 5.For example,

5、children are supposed to learn to how to show good manners and be friendly to others , which is quite important to adult life.v 改:learn是及物动词,后面可以直接加名词性从句,定语从句中is不是很恰当,毕竟前面的先行词有两个。v 正:For example, children can learn how to show good manners and get along with others, which would be important skills i

6、n adult life.v 6.If there is no rules to forbid them bullying and saying bad words, they will not know how to deal with social relationship in adulthood.v 改:is no rules主谓不一致;forbid somebody to do something是正确表达。v 正:If no rules forbid them to use bad language or bully others, they will not know how t

7、o deal with social relationships in adulthood.v 7.Sometimes rules may not have great influence for children, if those parents establish the strict rules emphasize childrens obedience.v 改:influence后的介词用on;从句中有establish和emphasize两个动词。v 正:Sometimes rules may not have a positive influence on children, i

8、f those parents who establish the strict rules give priority to childrens obedience.v 8.Children rely on rules to so a degree that they are not able to solve problems independently.v 改:sothat搭配,so后面一般修饰形容词或者副词,而degree为名词。v 正:children will rely heavily on rules and may not be able to solve problems i

9、ndependently.v 9.If the disciplines are too strict, children will fail to do time management without the parents arrangements, and have no idea what to do at work.v 改:discipline为不可数名词,do time management这个表达也不好。v 正:They may not know how to manage time themselves, as a result of strict upbringing, and

10、 they are not able to decide what to do in the workplace without their parents direction.v 10. They are unlikely to achieve a succeed career.v 改:succeed是动词;achieve career搭配不对。v 正:They are unlikely to achieve success in their career.v 11. Their imagination are limited by obeying rules, thus failing t

11、o coming up good ideas which help to cope with problems effectively.v 改:imagination are 主谓不一致;应使用fail to do something不定式v 正:Strict rules can stifle childrens creativity and they are not able to solve problems in different ways.v 12.Children refuse to put their thoughts in practice, since they are af

12、raid of being punished if they against rules.v 改:refuse这里不恰当;against是介词,从句没有谓语动词。v 正:They dare not put their ideas into practice, since they are afraid of being punished if they disobey rules.v 13. If students are teached to solve problems in one way, they will rarely try to think in a new way.v 改:teach的过去分词不是teached;way是可数名词,要用复数。v 正:If they are required to solve math problems in one way, they will rarely consider other approaches.v 14.The problem people are facing in their real life are complicated, and those who without creativity woul


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