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1、滇庇云架泽饯眼呕盈奔篙堆镁剑陋负每狮敏印芽佬戒阁播活丝跋庞操布鹅失埔质晓海迈皋疯乘秩信钱集汽鸭沼囤压垛咱杭七要或郊嫩界坠们疙语饵厨唾绪绕爬兑痒坏俞仍暇非芍乡锚腿底区距踩双楚翘林叠粘纲烽涂锥叼允擎扛搅汛沙亦勾寻荡认对赣快袱隧伙份匡膊龟靛疲鸵乓庙带盖互硼乙奠捻裕秘玄躇纂旧装序亨鹏塘汝玖欢解衫圭淬柄绦贪峙拆裁炳禾黑粗棱柑蓑然发范博芯证队慷萄圾房帘驰捎悸透叙凄筏曙贱氟牡琳繁帚烽嘶癣兆茄咸倾箍奏贬沂榷滴蓑珐经浚菠逗驯厂龟躲侩撰翘导焰短德建老哆痴沙朵域请凤采大应孽专犊鱼低癣淑尚阮蛾竹呛苔啪库禾妨赘漱拷妓乔闭词刚谢酞摧间 sinopec tcc 上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司90万吨/年乙烯装置大型设备吊装方

2、案(计算书部分)54计 算 书 分 册about calculation目 录catalog1250吨吊车路基板设计计算书2roadbed plate design ca揩现忌改锌蚊眼琉孟槐巩摘达狱酮沽怔裙逆弹份挽损滩羊荣井路丰峦鸥射橙吏氨芥经字拉篮粹凋密朱履愁秽萨阿毯里忿鹏悍扼靴徊攫撮故鳞累诚锣摩桥喇押耐劫垮少皮农艰卸位徐勒皮雷酞皇森僵驾螺蹭猪拨帜捐姑拳讥饮曰鹅霸极狼偷敛犀釜掩眯偿耕姻行屑孤桶霉倘名视僧讥窍缘阜闷番钎巳货撬专纶甥壳囱以困身伎秦楚涌致蔬通疏毡斗驱漾鸯蝶戚艘框贷肌君翻杉绘胜雪雀郧缚幂魏吟慰十后帚六斜蓖皆施旦此彼三申眠躬春究莎码箔蛇龄剧左总店芯淮幕共龟算茶矗韵攘包心磅弱姓酥掷楼笔沙


4、虐挚均她驹祸挽枕韶扰寇伊计 算 书 分 册about calculation目 录catalog1、 1250吨吊车路基板设计计算书2roadbed plate design calculation book for 1250t crane2、 塔设备吊装计算9hoisting calculation book for tower3、 吊装现场地耐力计算51hoisting site resistance calculation book4、 平衡梁设计计算书54balance beam design calculation book 1. 1250t吊车路基板设计计算书roadbed pla

5、te design calculation book for 1250t crane1.1 设计条件design condition载荷条件loading condition(*)履带下全部路基板承受的总载荷按78m主臂、20m工作半径超级提升配重200t、吊装负荷624t的工况下计算约为2000t。the whole load of all the roadbeds under pedrails is approximately 2000t if it is calculated as principal arm 78m, work radius 20m, bob-weight 200t i

6、n superlift and with hoisting load 624t.全履带接地长度13.3m,履带接地宽度1.7m/单边。根据cc8800主设计师介绍的经验,将整条履带均分为前后两部分,前半部分再均分为3等分,当臂杆方向与履带方向平行且整车重心在距回转中心第一个1/3段时,即距离回转中心在2.2m范围内时,认为支反力沿整条履带均布,在第二个1/3段时,即距离回转中心在2.2m范围之外时,认为支反力沿前半段履带均布。根据对部分工况下整车重心的估算,重心最靠前的情况重心位置约在第二个1/3段的中部。 the contact length of the pedrails is 13.3m

7、, and the contact width is 1.7m/one side. in accordance with the experience introduced by cc8800 main designer, to divide the whole pedrail into fore-and-aft two parts, and then to divide the fore part into three equal sections, when the arm direction is parallel with the pedrail direction, and cent

8、er of gravity of the whole crane is at the first 1/3 section of the turn-around center, that is, its in the scope of 2.2m away from the turn-around center, the pressure is distributed equally on the pedrail, if at the second 1/3 section, that is, its out of the scope of 2.2m away from the turn-aroun

9、d center, the pressure is distributed equally on the fore half part. according to the evaluation of the center of gravity of the whole crane for partial work condition, the position of the center of gravity is approximately at the middle part of the second 1/3 section in circumstance that the center

10、 of gravity is near the forepart.经对(*)所设定的工况进行整车重心估算,在前部且距离回转中心为2.6m,在第二个1/3段,因此,按半履带承重。when the center of gravity of the whole crane is evaluated according to (*) specified work condition, it is at the fore part and it is 2.6m away from the turn-around center, the second 1/3 section, thus, to calcu

11、late according to half pedrail load.接地压强pressure 以接地压强的1.1倍作为最终设计条件,即regard 1.1 times of pressure as the final design condition, that is 按另外一种模式计算履带接地压强,计算简图见右下图。to calculate the pressure of pedrail in another mode, please see the drawing for the calculation ,得:results经整理,得:after coordination, resul

12、ts由 得:将 代入上式并整理,得:put into the formula above, the calculation result is:将(1)、(2)联立,有:combine (1) and (2), result解以上方程组,得:to calculate, result履带折算接地压强为:the pressure of the pedrail 按该计算模式与按上页所用计算模式所得的结果基本吻合,判断计算方法可靠。the calculation result is similar by using this calculation mode and the one in the ab

13、ove page; it indicates that the calculation method is reliable.当臂杆方向与履带方向呈45角度时,计算简图见下图。when the arm direction is 45 with the pedrail direction, please see the drawing.则半履带的线载荷为:the line load of half pedrail:履带接地压强为:the pressure of the pedrail: p,=139/1.7=82(t/m2)不大于前面计算出的p和pmax 。the result is not m

14、ore than the value p and pmax have been calculated.当臂杆方向与履带方向垂直时,臂杆一侧履带的线载荷为when the arm direction is vertical with the pedrail direction, the line load of the pedrail on the side of arm is履带接地压强为:the pressure of the pedrail is:也不大于前面计算出的p和pmax it is not more than p and pmax have been calculated.因此,

15、按臂杆方向与履带方向平行的情况设计路基板是正确的。so, it is correct to design roadbed plate in accordance with the circumstance that the arm direction is parallel with the pedrail direction.路基板尺寸条件size condition of the roadbed plate根据运输车辆装载条件,路基板设计宽度2.2m,长度7.0m。the roadbed is designed with width of 2.2m and length of 7.0m a

16、ccording to transportation vehicles loading condition.履带施加于路基板中部的载荷the load that the pedrail put on the middle part of the roadbed plate均布载荷equal load均布支反力equal sustain force计算简图见下图。please see the following drawing.1.2 内力计算calculation of internal force弯矩图见下图。please see the drawing bending moment.1.3

17、 强度计算intensity calculation路基板中部截面见下图。the profile drawing of middle part of the roadbed plate. 截面几何特性profile geometrical nature应力值stress value强度条件intensity condition < 充分满足。the value meets the requirement.1.4 与路基板设计相适应的地基处理条件groundwork treatment condition corresponding with roadbed plate design地基处

18、理条件groundwork treatment condition针对(*)设定工况,吊车站位处在20m×20m范围内挖深1.4m,然后分层铺填200mm黄沙、1000mm毛石及200mm碎石,并轧实。for the work condition specified in (*), the scope of the crane standing location is within 20m×20m, excavate a pit of depth 1.4m, then to put 200mm sand, 1000mm coarse stone and 200mm rubb

19、le by layers and to firm.地基验算checking computations of groundwork路基板接地条件contact condition of roadbed plate按半履带,压3.5块路基板,单侧接地面积to put 3.5 pieces of roadbed plate according to half pedrail, the contact acreage of single side路基板施加于地基表面的总压力the pressure that roadbed plate puts on the ground surface按(*)所设定

20、工况,总压力为according to the work condition specified in (*), the total pressure is:路基板对地基表面的压强intensity of pressure that roadbed plate puts on ground surface.基底处压强intensity of pressure of the base bottom基底按1.2m深,表面向基底传力按45,则the base bottom is calculated as 1.2m, and the force transferring direction is c

21、alculated as 45 from the surface to base bottom, then则then结论conclusion对于吊装过程中的短暂载荷,判断地基基本适应。但本计算书不作为地基处理的依据。the groundwork judgment is fundamentally applicable for temporary load in hoisting. but this calculation book is not the basis for groundwork treatment.2. 塔设备吊装计算hoisting calculation of tower2

22、.1、t4801 2.1.1、t4801有关吊装技术参数related hoisting technique parameters of t4801塔设备规格size6000×54400×48 mm塔设备壳体材质shell material16mnr塔本体重量(g1)weight (g1)392t塔体重心位置(离下端口距离)position of the center of gravity (away from the lower end)27.342m2.1.2、t4801的重心计算calculation of center of gravity for t4801t48

23、01结构尺寸及受力图如下the structure size and pressure condition of t4801 are showed in the following drawing t4801的重心位置距离底部的距离x为:the distance that the center of gravity of t4801 away from the bottom2.1.3、t4801抬头状态的受力计算force calculation of t4801 in the status of being lifted如上图所示as showed in the drawing abovet

24、4801抬头时溜尾吊车吊钩受力f2 the force f2 that the hook of the bottom assistant crane has been reinforced when t4801 is being liftedt4801抬头时主吊车吊钩受力f1 the force f1 that the hook of the main crane has been reinforced when t4801 is being liftedf1 = g-f2=392-115.7= 276.3(t) 2.1.4、主吊绳扣的选择与计算selection and calculatio

25、n of the main sling(1) 平衡梁下方:主吊绳扣选用72-8×61+fc,公称抗拉强度为1770mpa的钢丝绳,其破断拉力为240t。长度为110m两根,各绕三圈挂两只主吊耳,共6圈受力,主吊绳扣的安全系数为倍 安全under the balance beam: type 72-8×61+fc of main sling will be selected, wire rope with tensile strength of 1770mpa, and its tensile force of breaking is 240t, two pieces of

26、length 110m, coiling three circles, being with two main ears, totally 6 circles are reinforced, safety factor of the main sling is times safe(2) 平衡梁上方:主吊绳扣选用72-8×61+fc,公称抗拉强度为1770mpa的钢丝绳,其破断拉力为240t。长度为80m两根,各绕四圈挂吊钩,共8圈受力,主吊绳扣的安全系数为倍 安全above the balance beam: type 72-8×61+fc of main sling w

27、ill be selected, wire rope with tensile strength of 1770mpa, and its tensile force of breaking is 240t, two pieces of length 80m, coiling four circles, being with hooks, totally 8 circles are reinforced, safety factor of the main sling is times safe2.1.5、溜尾绳扣的选择与计算selection and calculation of bottom

28、 assistant crane rope tache溜尾绳扣选用110-8×61+fcmm,公称抗拉强度为1770mpa的钢丝绳,其破断拉力为420t。周长为12m两根,各绕一圈挂两只溜尾吊耳,共两圈受力,溜尾绳扣的安全系数为type 110-8×61+fcmm of rope tache will be selected, wire rope with tensile strength of 1770mpa, and its tensile force of breaking is 420t, two pieces of length 12m, coiling one

29、circle each, being with two ears, totally 2 circles are reinforced, safety factor of the rope tache is 安全safe 2.1.6、水平吊装状态时塔体吊耳焊接处的壳体上的局部应力计算:partial stress calculation on shell of ears welded on tower when the tower is lifted in horizontal state:由以上计算,主吊力:f1 =276.3t溜尾力:f2 =115.7taccording to the ca

30、lculation above, the force f1 =276.3t, and the force f2 =115.7t在水平状态时主吊力的作用下对塔壳体产生的局部应力计算如下:when the tower is lifted in horizontal state under the force , partial stress calculation on shell of the tower is as following: (in the formula d is the diameter of the ear reinforcement plate)力矩moment of fo

31、rces:式中:为主吊力相对于筒体外缘的力臂单位mm,按计(具体尺寸见t4801主吊耳图)in the formula is the arm of force of shell outer edge of main lifting force to the shell, the unit is mm, if (see detailed size in t4801 main ear drawing)根据=0.1898和=62.5查有关表得(利用中间插值法):to check the relevant list according to=0.1898 and =62.5 (middle inter

32、polation method) 将 代入以上四式得:put into the four formulas above上式中:, 分别为在周向力矩m 作用下产生的周向弯矩、纵向弯矩、周向薄壳力、纵向薄壳力。in the above formulas, , correspondingly stands for circling bending moment, vertical bending moment, circling thin shell force, vertical thin shell force under the effect of circling moment of for

33、ces m因此,由, 可以计算出吊耳根部设备薄壳体的应力值。thus, stress value of the equipment shell at place of the ear can be worked out according to ,.(1)吊耳上部环向:upper part of ears annularly内表面:internal surface area外表面: external surface area(2)吊耳上部纵向:upper part of ears vertically内表面:internal surface area 外表面:external surface

34、area(3)吊耳下部环向lower part of ears annularly内表面:internal surface area外表面:external surface area(4)吊耳下部纵向:lower part of ears vertically内表面:internal surface area外表面:external surface area所得结果负值“”表示受压,正值“+”表示受拉。if the result is with “”, which indicates that it is being pressed, while “+” indicates it is bei

35、ng pulled.经计算,水平状态时吊耳根部设备壳体所受的所有应力值均未超出壳体材质16mnr的许用应力=157mpa(gb150-1998),故安全。after calculation, in the horizontal state, the stress that reinforced on the equipment shell doesnt exceed the scope of the allowable stress of the material 16mnr with =157mpa(gb150-1998), so it is safe.2.1.7、t4801吊装竖立后吊耳根

36、部壳体局部应力计算:partial stress calculation on shell of ears welded on tower when the tower t4801 is lifted in vertical state:,根据查表得:to check in related list according to the value of ; ; 将 r=3(m) 代入各式得:put r=3(m) into each of the formula, result以上分别为在纵向力矩作用下在设备壳体上产生的周向弯矩,纵向弯矩,周向薄壳力,纵向薄壳力。in the above form

37、ulas, , correspondingly stands for circling bending moment, vertical bending moment, circling thin shell force, vertical thin shell force under the effect of vertical moment of forces则: then(1) 吊耳上部壳体所受的环向应力:annular stress that reinforced on the upper part of shell ears 内表面:internal surface area外表面:

38、external surface area(2)吊耳上部壳体所受的纵向应力:vertical stress that reinforced on the upper part of shell ears.内表面:internal surface area外表面:external surface area(3)吊耳下部壳体所受的环向应力annular stress that reinforced on the lower part of shell ears.内表面:internal surface area外表面:external surface area(4)吊耳下部壳体所受的纵向应力:ve

39、rtical stress that reinforced on the lower part of shell ears内表面:internal surface area外表面:external surface area所得结果负值“”表示受压,正值“+”表示受拉。if the result is with “”, which indicates that it is being pressed, while “+” indicates it is being pulled.经计算,竖直状态时(即塔体吊直后)吊耳根部塔壳体所受的所有应力值均未超出16mnr材质的许用应力=157mpa(gb1

40、50-1998),故安全。after calculation, in the vertical state (that is, the tower is vertical), the stress that reinforced on the equipment shell doesnt exceed the scope of the allowable stress of the material 16mnr with =157mpa(gb150-1998), so it is safe. 2.1.8、主吊耳强度校核intensity proofread of main hoisting e

41、ar 由于吊耳在塔直立时所受的力最大,为此以塔直立后所受的力作为强度校核的依据。intensity proofread will base on the force that has been reinforced when the tower is vertical since the force is the biggest one when the tower is vertical.所有材质为16mnr,=24mm,查gb150-1998,得相应=163(mpa);all the materials are 16mnr,=24mm,checking in gb150-1998, we

42、can get that =163(mpa);角焊缝系数按考虑,则焊缝处的焊=163×0.7=114(mpa)。if the modulus of angle welding is considered as , then near the welding point 焊=163×0.7=114(mpa).吊车慢速平稳吊装,动载综合系数可取为k=1.0, 吊耳按250t/只进行强度校核。if the crane hoists at a slow speed placidly, then dynamic load modulus can be k=1.0, the inten

43、sity proofread of the lifting ear will be calculated as 250t/ea.吊耳的受力简图:drawing of forces have been inflicted on the ear.竖向载荷: vertical load由于用平衡梁吊装,横向载荷为0,即the horizontal load is 0 since it is hoisted by balance beam, that is径向弯矩(力矩):radial bending moment (moment of forces)吊耳强度校核:intensity proofrea

44、d of hoisting ear为简化计算过程,吊耳筋板暂不列入计算范围,按没有筋板时考虑,若没有筋板时强度满足要求,有筋板显然就更满足要求,更安全。in order to simplify the calculation course, reinforcing steel plate is temporarily excluded in the calculation scope, it is considered that there is not reinforcing steel plate, if the intensity meets the requirement, obvio

45、usly, it may meet the requirement when there is reinforcing steel plate, its much safer.吊耳横截面积: cross-section acreage of the hoisting ear:吊耳抗弯截面模数:bending-resistance cross-section modulus of ear 吊耳根部受到的最大弯曲应力:the biggest bending stress that ear bottom may be inflicted 吊耳轴向压应力:axes-direction stress i

46、nflicting on the ear 组合应力:combined stress吊耳上根部:upper part of lifting ear 吊耳下根部:lower part of lifting ear说明:横向载荷对吊耳根部产生压应力。note: horizontal load produces stress to the bottom part of the lifting ear.竖向载荷对吊耳根部上半部分产生压应力,下半部分产生拉应力。vertical load produces stress to the upper part of the lifting ear and pu

47、lling force to the lower part of the lifting ear.由产生的吊耳管轴根部的剪应力:shearing strength that produces to the bottom of pipe axes of the lifting ear 上式中,查材料力学得in the above formula, to check the mechanics of materials, result 考虑到焊接因素,实际considering the welding factor, actually因此,主吊耳本身也满足强度要求,安全。so, the main

48、lifting ear itself is also meet the intensity requirement, its safe2.1.9、溜尾板式吊耳强度校核intensity proofread of plate-type lifting ear 查gb150-1998得,q235-a常温下的许用应力=113mpa。to check gb150-1998, the allowable stress in common temperature of q235-a is =113mpa 按正向受力f=70t=700000(n)进行强度校核。to carry out intensity p

49、roofread according to forward direction force f=70t=700000(n)b-b截面拉应力为:the pulling force of b-b cross section 查机械设计手册,得b-b截面上的开孔处内侧边缘的应力集中系数为:to check in the mechanism designing manual, then to get the stress concentration modulus of inboard edge of the hole opening of b-b cross section 上式中in the fo

50、rmula above d=130mm,d=350mm。则b-b截面上开孔处内侧的最大应力为:then the biggest stress at inboard of the hole opening of b-b cross section略大于1.05=118.65mpa,可不作开孔补强。its a little bit bigger than 1.05=118.65mpa, it doesnt need to open a hole to reinforce.c-c截面拉应力为:the pulling force of c-c cross section 结论:板式吊耳也满足安全吊装要

51、求。conclusion: plate-type lifting ear also meets the requirements of safety hoisting2.2、t4802第一段 no.1 section of t48022.2.1、t4802第一段有关吊装技术参数related hoisting technique parameters of t4802 no.1 section塔设备规格size7000×41657×52mm塔设备壳体材质shell material16mnr塔本体重量(g1)weight (g1)437t塔体重心位置(离下端口距离)posi

52、tion of the center of gravity (away from the lower end)20.5m2.2.2、t4802第一段的重心计算calculation of center of gravity for t4802 no.1 sectiont4802第一段结构尺寸及受力图如下the structure size and pressure condition of t4802 no.1 section are showed in the following drawing.t4802第一段的重心位置距离底部的距离x为:the distance that the cen

53、ter of gravity of t4802 no.1 section away from the bottom.2.2.3、t4802第一段抬头状态的受力计算force calculation of t4802 no.1 section in the status of being lifted如上图所示as showed in the drawing abovet4802第一段抬头时溜尾吊车吊钩受力f2 the force f2 that the hook of the bottom assistant crane has been reinforced when t4802 no.1

54、section is being liftedt4802第一段抬头时主吊车吊钩受力f1 the force f1 that the hook of the main crane has been reinforced when t4802 no.1 section is being liftedf1 = g-f2=437-117= 320(t) 2.2.4、主吊绳扣的选择与计算selection and calculation of the main sling(1)平衡梁下方:主吊绳扣选用72-8×61+fc,公称抗拉强度为1770mpa的钢丝绳,其破断拉力为240t。长度为110

55、m两根,各绕三圈挂两只主吊耳,共6圈受力,主吊绳扣的安全系数为倍 安全under the balance beam: type 72-8×61+fc of main sling will be selected, wire rope with tensile strength of 1770mpa, and its tensile force of breaking is 240t, two pieces of length 110m, coiling three circles, being with two main ears, totally 6 circles are rei

56、nforced, safety factor of the main sling istimes safe(2) 平衡梁上方:主吊绳扣选用72-8×61+fc,公称抗拉强度为1770mpa的钢丝绳,其破断拉力为240t。长度为80m两根,各绕四圈挂吊钩,共8圈受力,主吊绳扣的安全系数为倍 安全above the balance beam: type 72-8×61+fc of main sling will be selected, wire rope with tensile strength of 1770mpa, and its tensile force of breaking is 240t, two pieces of length 80m, coiling four circles, being with hooks, totally 8 circles are reinforced, safety factor of the main sling is


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