1、Standard Specification forClassification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes用于高速公路中的土和土的混合料的分类AASHTO Designation : M 145-91 (2000)1 SCOPE(适用范围)1.1 This recommended practice describes a procedure for classifying soils into seven groups based on laboratory determinat
2、ion of particle-size distribution(本规范根据试验室测定的数据将土壤的分类分为了7类), liquid limit(液限), and plasticity index(塑性指数). Evaluation of soils within each group is made by means of a "group index,"(组指数是评价每组分类的依据) which is a value calculated from an empirical formula(这是一个从经验公式中计算的出来的值). The group classific
3、ation, including group index should be useful in determining the relative quality of the soil material for use in earthwork structures, particularly embankments ,subgrades , subbases , and bases(本组的分类包括组指标在确定土壤材料相对质量的土方结构 ,特别是在路堤、路基、基层和基底的使用是有利的). However, for the detailed design of important struct
4、ures additional data concerning strength or performance characteristics of the soil under field conditions will usually be required(然而,对于重要结构物的详细设计,通常是需要在现场条件下测试土壤的强度和性能).1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.本规范所使用的单位均为 SI 标准单位2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (引用规范)2.1 AASHTO S
5、tandards: T 11, Materials Finer Than 75-m (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing 水筛法中材料颗粒小于75-m (No. 200)筛 T 27, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates 细集料和粗集料的筛分分析 T 87, Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil Aggregate Samples for Test 干法制备扰动土和混合料土的样品 T 88, Particle Size Analysi
6、s of Soils 土壤的颗粒分析 T 89, Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils 土的液限测试 T 90, Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils 土的塑限和塑性指数 T 146, Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test 湿法制备扰动土的样品2.2 ASTM Standard: D 1140, Amount of Material in Soils Finer Than the No. 200 (75-m) S
7、ieve 土中比尺寸为No. 200 (75-m)多的材料的总数 Note 1- Either AASHTO T 88 or T 11 and T 27, or ASTM D 1140 will be used to determine the particle size distribution of soils or soil- aggregate mixtures as a basis for classification. 在AASHTO T88、T11、T27或者ASTM D1140 将用于确定土壤颗粒中尺寸分部和的土壤或土壤-骨料的混合物作为分类的基础。3 CLASSIFICATI
8、ON (分类)3.1 The classification is made by using the test limits and group index values shown in Table 1(分类通过测试和组指示值在表1中查询得到的). If a more detailed classification is desired, a further subdivision of the groups shown in Table 1 may be made(如果想要更详细的分类,则应在表1中所显示组中更进一步的细分). An example of the classificatio
9、n with such subgroups as shown in Table 1 may be made(子组的分类可以像表1一样的). An example of the classification with such subgroups is shown in Table 2(表2就是一个子组的分类). The liquid limit and plasticity index ranges for the A-4, A-5,A-6, and A-7 soil groups are shown graphically in Figure 2.(在图2中可以看到液限和塑性指数的范围为A-
10、4,A-5,A-6和A-7的土壤组)3.2 Classification Procedure(分类方法)- With required test data available(根据必要是试验数据). proceed from left to right in Table 1 or Table 2 and the correct group will be found by process of elimination(在表1和表2中从左到右排除错误的组后可以得到正确的组). The first group from the left into which the test data will
11、fit is the correct classification(得到的测试数据显示左侧第一组分类是正确的). All limiting test values are shown as whole numbers(所有限制性试验值显示为整数). If fractional numbers appear on test reports, convert to nearest whole number for purposes of classification(如果测试报告中出现小数点,那么应该修约成为最接近的整数后再进行分类). Group index values should alwa
12、ys be shown in parentheses after group symbol as: A-2-6(3), A-4(5), A-6( 12), A-7-5( l17), etc。 组索引值应在组后括号内显示,就像A-2-6(3), A-4(5), A-6( 12), A-7-5( l17)等 (土壤和土壤混合料的分类) 颗粒材料 粉质粘土材料一般分类 组分类 分析筛、通过百分率 通过0.425mm 液限 的分数特征 塑性指数 作为一般等级路基 优秀的 见表2值 “从左到右消除的过程中把 A-3放置在A-2前面是必要的,并不表名A-3比A-2优越 重要组成材料的类型 碎石片、 细砂
13、粘土或粘土砂石和砂 粉质土 粘性土石子和砂Plasticity index of A-7-5 subgroup is equal to or less than LL minus 30.Plasticity index of A-7-6 subgroup is greater than LL minus 30 (see figure2).A-7-5子组的可塑性指数小于或等于液限减30.A-7-6子组塑性指数大于液限减去30(见图2)4 DEFINITIONS OF GRAVEL, SAND, AND SILT-CLAY (砂砾、砂子、粉质粘土的定义)4.1 The terms "gr
14、avel," "coarse sand," and "silt-clay," as determinable from the minimum test data required in this classification arrangement and as used in subsequent word descriptions, are defined as follows: 分类排列是使用最底的测试数据和描述来确定的,定义如下:砂砾、粗砂和粉质粘土4.1.1 gravel -material passing sieve with 7
15、5-mm (3-in.) square openings and retained on the 2.00-mm (No.10) sieve. 砂砾材料通过75mm(3 in)的方形筛和保留在2.00mm(No.10)筛上的。4.1.2 coarse sand -material passing the 2.00-mm (No. 10) sieve and retained on the 0.425-mm(No. 40) sieve. 粗砂材料通过2mm(No. 10)的筛子和保留在0.425mm(No.40)筛上的。4.1.3 fine sand-material passing the 0
16、.425-mm (No. 40) sieve and retained on the 75-m (No. 200) sieve. 细砂材料通过0.425-mm (No. 40) 的筛子和保留在75-m (No. 200)筛上的。4.1.4 silt clay (combined silt and clay)-material passing the 75-m(No. 200) sieve. 粉质粘土(粉土和土的结合物)材料通过75-m (No. 200)筛4.1.5 Boulders and Cobbles (retained on 75-mm (3-in.) sieve) should be
17、 excluded from the portion of the sample to which the classification is applied, but the percentage of such material, if any, in the sample should be recorded. 石块和鹅卵石(保留在75mm (3in)的筛上)应该被计算为分类的一部分,但不会计算到材料的百分比中,如果样品中的的话应该记录。4.1.6 The term "silty" is applied to fine material having plastici
18、ty index of 10 or less and the term "clayey" is applied to fine material having plasticity index of 11 or greater. 术语“粉”适用于塑性指数为10以下的材料,术语“粘土”适用于塑性指数为11以上的材料5 DESCRIPTION OF CLASSIFICATION GROUPS (分类描述)5.1 Granular Materials- Containing 35 percent or less passing 75-m (No. 200) sieve, Note
19、 2. 颗粒状材料包含35%或很少材料通过75-m(No. 200)的筛,注释25.1.1 Group A-1-The typical material of this group is a well-graded mixture of stone fragments or gravel, coarse sand fine sand, and a non plastic or feebly plastic soil binder .However, this group also includes stone fragments, gravel, coarse sand, volcanic c
20、inders, etc without soil binder. A-1组该组典型的材料是级配良好的混合料碎石或砾石、粗砂、细砂和无可塑性或弱塑性的土料。然而,这组也包括了碎石、砾石、粗砂、火山渣等没有粘性的。 Subgroup A-1-a includes those materials consisting predominantly of stone fragments or gravel, either with or without a well-graded binder of fine material. A-1-a 子组的主要由碎石或砾石,有一种或者没有级配良好粘
21、合剂的优良材料。 Subgroup A-1-b includes those materials consisting predominantly of coarse sand either with or without a well-graded soil binder. A-1-b 子组的主要由粗砂和具备或不具备良好级配的粘土组成5.1.2 Group A-3- The typical material of this group is fine beach sand or fine desert blow sand without silty or clay fines
22、or with a very small amount of non plastic silt. The group includes also stream deposited mixtures of poorly graded fine sand and limited amounts of coarse sand and gravel. A-3组该组的典型材料是良好的河砂或者良好的不含系粘土泥风化砂或者用量很小的非塑性材料。该组还包括 分级不佳的细砂混合沉积数量有限的粗砂和砾石5.1.3 Group A-2- This group includes a wide variety of &
23、quot;granular" materials which are borderline between the materials falling in Groups A-1 and A-3 and silt-clay materials of Groups A-4, A-5, A-6. and A-7. It includes all materials containing 35 percent or less passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve which cannot be classified as A-1 or A-3, due to f
24、ines content or plasticity or both, in excess of the limitations for those groups. A-2组该组材料包括各种各样的“颗粒”,在组A-1和A-3之间的材料、在组A-4, A-5, A-6和A-7中的粉质粘土。它包含了35%或者更少通过尺寸为75-m (No. 200)的筛,那些不能被归为A-1或者A-3组中。对这些组的限制是由于细粒含量或者可塑性、或者两者都有5.1.3.1 Subgroups A-2-4 and A-2-5 include various granular materials containing
25、 35 percent or less passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve and with minus 0.425-mm(No. 40) portion having the characteristics of the A-4 and A-5 groups .These groups include such materials as gravel and coarse sand with silt contents or plasticity indexes in excess of the limitations of Group A-1, and fin
26、e sand with non plastic silt content in excess of the limitations of Group A-3. 子组A-2-4和A-2-5包含35%的各种颗粒状的物体或者少量通过尺寸为75-m (No. 200)筛子和减去0.425mm(No. 40)A-4和A-5组的部分。这些组包含诸如砾石和粗砂或者超过A-1组的塑性指数的限制,A-3组中细沙中非塑性粉粒的含量限制。 Subgroups A-2-6 and A-2-7 include materials similar to those described under Subgr
27、oups A-2-4 and A-2-5 except that the fine portion contains plastic clay having the characteristics of the A-6 or A-7 group. 子组A-2-6和A-2-7包含材料类似于子组A-2-4和A-2-5中材料的描述,除了组A-6和A-7中部分特征包含有塑性的细粒粘土。 Note 2-Classification of materials in the various groups applies only to the fraction passing the 75-mm (3-in
28、.) sieve. Therefore, any specifications regarding the use of A-1, A-2, or A-3 materials in construction should state whether boulders retained on the 75-mm (3-in.) sieve are permitted. 注释2在不同群组中的材料分类适用于部分通过75mm(3in)的筛。因此,任何规范对使用组A-1, A-2或A-3中的材料应说明保留在75-mm (3-in.)筛上的允许的量。5.2 Silt-Clay Materials- Con
29、taining more than 35 percent passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve. 粉质粘土材料含有35%的材料通过75-m (No. 200)的筛5.2.1 Group A-4-The typical material of this group is a non plastic or moderately plastic silty soil usually having the 75 percent or more passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve. The group includes also mixtures
30、 of fine silty soil and up to 64 percent of sand and gravel retained on 75-m (No. 200) sieve. A-4组该组的典型材料是一种非塑性或适度可塑性的材料通过75-m (No. 200) 的筛的百分比为75%或更多。该组还包括粉质粉土、高达64%的最小粒径为75-m (No. 200)的砂和砾石组成5.2.2 Group A-5-The typical material of this group is similar to that described under Group A-4, except tha
31、t it is usually of diatomaceous or micaceous character and may be highly elastic as indicated by the high liquid limit. A-5组该分组的典型材料的描述与A-4分组类似,不同之处在于它通常包含硅藻土或云母的特性、由高液限指示可能是高度弹性的5.2.3 Group A-The typical material of this group is a plastic clay soil usually having 75 percent or more passing the 75-
32、m (No. 200) sieve. The group includes also mixtures of fine clayey soil and up to 64 percent of sand and gravel retained on the75-m (No. 200) sieve. Materials of this group usually have high-volume change between wet and dry states. A组 本组的典型材料是一种塑性粘土,通常有75%或以上的颗粒物通过75-m (No. 200)的筛。该组还包括了混合了细粘土和高达64
33、%的最小粒径为75-m (No. 200)的砂和砾石组成。该组材料通常在干湿状态之间的变化范围很大。5.2.4 Group A-7-The typical material of this group is similar to that described under Group A-6, except that it has the high liquid limits characteristic of the A-5 group and may be elastic as well as subject to high-volume change. A-7组该分组的典型材料的描述与A-
34、6分组类似,不同之处在于它具有A-5分组的高液限特征、并且是有弹性的和高容量变化的。 Subgroup A-7-5 includes those materials with moderate plasticity indexes in relation to liquid limit and which may be highly elastic as well as subject to considerable volume change A-7-5子组包括适度的可塑性和液限指标和具有高弹性及受到相当大的体积变化的材料5.2.4.2 Subgroup A-7-6 inclu
35、des those materials with high plasticity indexes in relation to liquid limit and which are subject to extremely high-volume change. A-7-6 子组包括高塑性指数和液限、和非常大的容量的变化的材料 Note 3Highly organic soils (peat or muck) may be classified in an A-8 group. Classification of these materials is based on visual inspe
36、ction, and is not dependent on percentage passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit, or plasticity index. The material is composed primarily of partially decayed organic matter, generally has a fibrous texture, dark brown or black color, and an odor of decay. 注释3高度有机土壤(泥炭或淤泥)可能分类在A-8组中。这些材料的分类是
37、基于目测的,并不是依赖于通过75-m (No. 200)筛的百分比、液限或塑性指数。该材料的组成的组要部分为腐烂的有机质,通常具有纤维组织,深褐色和黑色,和腐烂的气味。 These organic materials are unsuitable for use in embankments and subgrades. They are highly compressible and have low strength. 这些有机材料不适合用于堤坝和路基的使用。它们是可高度压缩的并具有底强度。6 GROUP INDEX (分组依据)6.1 The group index is calcula
38、ted from the following formula: (分组指数经过下面的公式计算的出) Group index(分组指数)=(F-35) 0.2+0.005 (LL-40)+0.01 (F-15) (PI-10) Where: F= percentage passing 75-m (No. 200) sieve, expressed as a whole number. This percentage is based only on the material passing the 75-mm (3-in.) sieve. 材料通过75-m (No. 200)筛的百分率,表示为一
39、个整数。这个百分比仅基于通过75-mm (3-in.)筛的材料 LL=liquid limit(液限), and PI=plasticity index(塑性指数)6.1.1 When the calculated group index is negative, the group index shall be reported as zero.(当组指标计算为负数时,组指数应记录为0)6.1.2 The group index should be reported to the nearest whole number. 组指数在报告中应为最接近的整数。6.2 Figure 1 may b
40、e used in estimating the group index, by determining the partial group index due to liquid limit and that due to plasticity index, then obtaining the total of the two partial group indexes. 图1可以用于估计组指数,通过确定由于液限和塑性指数的部分组指数,然后获得双组分指标的总数。6.3 When calculating the group index of A-2-6 and A-2-7 subgroups
41、, only the PI portion of the formula (or of Figure 1) shall be used. 在计算A-2-6和A-2-7子组索引时,只有PI部分公式(或图1)能用到。6.4 The following are examples of calculations of the group index: 下面是该组指数的计算示例6.4.1 Assume that an A-6 material has 55 percent passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve. liquid limit of 40, and plastici
42、ty index of 25. Then: 假设A-6分组材料通过75-m (No. 200)筛的百分率为55%。液限为40,塑性指数为25 Group index=(55-35) 0.2+0.005 (40-40)+0.01 (55-15) (25-10)= 4.0+6.0=106.4.2 Assume that an A-7 material has 80 percent passing the75-m (No. 200) sieve. liquid limit of 90, and plasticity index of 50. Then: 假设A-6分组材料通过75-m (No. 20
43、0)筛的百分率为80%。液限为90,塑性指数为50. Group index(分组指数)= (80-35) 0.2+0.005 (90-40)+0.01 (80-15) (50-10)=20.3+26.0, or Assume that an A-4 material has 60 percent passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve. liquid limit of 25, and plasticity index of 1. Then 假设A-4分组材料通过75-m (No. 200)筛的百分率为60%。液限为25,塑性指数为1. Group
44、 index= (60-35) 0.2+0.005 (25-40)+0.01 (60-15) (1-10)=25 x (0.2-0.075)+ 0.01 (45) (-9)=3.1-4.1=-1.0 Report as 0(记录为0).6.4.4 Assume that an A-2-7 material has 30 percent passing the 75-m (No. 200) sieve. liquid limit of 50, and plasticity index of 30. Then, 假设A-2-7子组材料通过75-m (No. 200)筛的百分率为30%。液限为50,
45、塑性指数为30. Group index=0.01 (30-15) (30-10)=3.0 or 3 (Note that only the PI portion of formula was used.)(注意,只有一部分的公式被使用)Group Index (GI)=(F-35)(0.2+0.005(LL-40)I+0.01(F-15)(PI-10) 总体指标(GI) where F= Percent Passing 0.075-mm sieve. LL=Liquld Limit ,and PI=Plasticity Index 液限 塑性指数When working with A-2-6
46、 and A-2-7 Subgroups, the Partial Group Index (PGI) is determined from the PI only.当在A-2-6和A-2-7子群时,局部组指数只取决于PIwhen the combined Partial Group Indices are negative, the Group Index should be reported as zero. 当合并后的部分组指数为负数时,该组指数应为零7 BASIS FOR GROUP INDEX FORMULA (群指标公式)7.1 The empirical group index formula devised for approximately with in-group evacuation of the "clayey granular materials" and the "silt-clay materials" is based on the following assumptions: 组指数经验公式的设计大约在“粘性颗粒材料”
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