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1、u To learn how to ask for information politely. u To learn to follow directions.u To learn the new words: pardon, bathroom, rush. Guessing gameOne student explains the places in English and another student guesses what place it is.bank n. 银行银行 take outget some moneysave moneyexchange moneyWhere is i

2、t?postcards n. 明信片明信片stamps n. 邮票邮票post office 邮局邮局 Where is it?buy some postcardspost/ mail a letterbuy some stampsbookstore n. 书店书店 Where is it?buy some booksget some informationread booksmuseum n. 博物馆博物馆show some old thingstake a showerwashroom n. 洗手间;厕所洗手间;厕所bathroom n. 浴室;洗手间浴室;洗手间wash your han

3、dsbuy some food and drink supermarket n. 超市超市Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?buy some stampsCould you tell me where I can save money?save moneyCould you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?get a dictionarydictionary n.字典字典Do you know where I can get some magazines?get some maga

4、zinesmagazines n. 杂志杂志2a Listen. You will hear some of the directions below. Number the directions in the order that you hear them._ Go to the third floor._ Turn left ._ Go to the second floor._ Turn right._ The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore._ Go past the bookstore.23412b

5、 Listen again. Draw a line to show how the boy walks to the supermarket. A: Excuse me, do you know where I can get some postcards? B: Sure. Go to the second floor. Theres a bookstore between the bank and the supermarket.2c Make conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.Make your own

6、conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?B: Yes, theres a post office in this shopping center.A: Do you know how to go there?B: Yes. Go to the third floor and turn right. Then go past the bank. The post office is between muse

7、um and library. You should be able to get stamps.A: Ok, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know B: Im not sure, but you A: Ok, thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome.Could you tell me where the restroom is?He Wei: This is Fun Times Park, the biggest amusement park in our city! Alice: Im excited to try th

8、e rides!He Wei: What should we start with? Theres Space World, Water World, Animal World .2d Role-play the conversation. Alice: Before we decide, could you first tell me where the restrooms are?He Wei: Pardon? Restroom? You want to rest? But we havent even started yet! Alice: Oh no, I dont mean that

9、. I mean. you know, a washroom or bathroom. He Wei: Hmm. so you mean. the toilets? Alice: Yes! Sorry, maybe people in China dont often use the word “restroom” when they speak English.He Wei: Thats right. In China, we normally say “toilet” or “washroom” in English. Anyway, theyre over there. Alice: O

10、K. Ill be quick! He Wei: No problem. You dont need to rush!Read 2d and complete the following.He Wei and Alice go to Fun Times Park. Alice wants to try the _. Before they start, Alice asks He Wei for the _, She means the _ ridesrestroomtoilet/bathroomA: Could you tell me where.B: . uThe supermarket

11、is between the flower store and the bookstore. 超市在花店和书店之间。 betweenand .意为“在和之间”,指在两 者之间,连接名词或代词。 She lives between the school and the drugstore. 她住在学校与药店之间。 He is sitting between you and me. 他正坐在你我之间。between:在两者之间在两者之间among:在三者或三者以上之间在三者或三者以上之间 Dont eat between meals. 正餐之间不要吃东西。 He sat among the chi

12、ldren. 他坐在孩子们中间。uGo past the bookstore. 经过书店。经过书店。go past = pass 意为意为“经过;路过经过;路过”。其中其中 past为介为介词,意为词,意为“从从旁边过去旁边过去”。 Go past our school. = Pass our school. 经过我们学校。 The bus went past us without stopping at the bus stop. 公共汽车没在站点停留就从我们旁边过去了。past用作介词时还表示用作介词时还表示“( (时间时间) )在在后;晚于后;晚于”。 Its five past six

13、 now. 现在是 6 点 5 分。past 经过经过over跨越跨越across 横穿横穿 through穿过穿过辨析:辨析:past,over,across与与throughpast晚于;从旁边经过表示时间上“在之后”或空间上“经过”over从上方跨过表示空间范围上“越过”across横穿;越过表示动作是在某一物体表面进行的,强调从一端到另一端through穿过;越过表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,强调从内部穿过 The man walked past a shop. 这个人走过一家商店。这个人走过一家商店。 There is a bridge over the river. 河上河上面面有

14、有座桥座桥。 The little boy is walking across the road. 这个小男孩正在步行穿这个小男孩正在步行穿过马路过马路。 He can go through the forest by himself. 他能独自穿过森林他能独自穿过森林。uIm excited to try the rides! be excited to do sth. 对做对做感到兴奋感到兴奋 She was excited to learn the news. 她听到这消息很兴奋。 be excited about sth. / doing sth. 对对感到兴奋感到兴奋 Are you

15、 excited about your new job? 你对新工作感到兴奋吗? You must be excited about leaving for America. 你对去美国一定很兴奋。杰克对乘坐飞机去那里旅行感到兴奋。杰克对乘坐飞机去那里旅行感到兴奋。(两种答案)(两种答案) Jacky was excited to travel there by plane. Jacky was excited about travelling there by plane.在句子中都可以用作定语或表语,但它们的意思和在句中的用法有差异。 excited 意为兴奋的,一般修饰人;excitin

16、g 意为令人感到兴奋的,一般修饰物。 Was it an exciting match? Are you excited about going to Beijing? 知识链接知识链接 excited & exciting 类似词语有: interested / interesting 感兴趣的有趣的感兴趣的有趣的 moved / moving 感动的令人感动的感动的令人感动的 surprised / surprising 感到惊奇的使人惊奇的感到惊奇的使人惊奇的 pleased / pleasing 高兴的令人高兴的高兴的令人高兴的 bored / boring 厌烦的令人厌烦的厌

17、烦的令人厌烦的tired / tiring 厌倦的令人厌倦的厌倦的令人厌倦的 amazed / amazing 惊奇的令人惊奇的惊奇的令人惊奇的 frightened / frightening 受惊恐的令人惊恐的受惊恐的令人惊恐的 puzzled / puzzling 迷惑的令人迷惑的迷惑的令人迷惑的uPardon? 请再说一遍好吗?请再说一遍好吗?pardon此处为感叹词此处为感叹词,意为,意为“再说一遍;抱歉,对不再说一遍;抱歉,对不起起”。此处表示没听清或不理解对方的话,。此处表示没听清或不理解对方的话,希望对方希望对方再重复一遍,读时用升调再重复一遍,读时用升调,相当于,相当于“Be

18、g your pardon?” 或或 “ “ I beg your pardon?” pardon还可用于做错事还可用于做错事道道歉时,读时用降调;歉时,读时用降调;要表明自己要表明自己与对方有不同的见解,与对方有不同的见解,可能引起对方不快时,用降调可能引起对方不快时,用降调。 I do beg your pardon. 请您一定要原谅我。pardon用作及物动词意为用作及物动词意为“宽恕;原谅宽恕;原谅”,后接名词代词后接名词代词动词动词-ing形式作宾语,也可接形式作宾语,也可接双宾语双宾语常用结构常用结构:pardon sb. for (doing) sth. “原谅某人做某事原谅某人

19、做某事” We must pardon him for his fault. 我们我们一一定定要原谅他的要原谅他的过失。过失。 Please pardon me for not having answered your letter. 没有给没有给您回信,请你原谅。您回信,请你原谅。uBut we havent even started yet! 但是我们甚至还没有开始呢!但是我们甚至还没有开始呢! yet副词副词, ,意为意为“还;尚还;尚”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,常用于否定句或疑问句中, ,通通常置于句末。常置于句末。yet表示说话人期望发生的事情尚未发生表示说话人期望发生的事情尚未发生

20、, ,常用于现在完成时。常用于现在完成时。 They havent watered the flowers yet. 他们还没有浇花。他们还没有浇花。uYou dont need to rush! 你不需要着急!你不需要着急!rush此处用作此处用作动词动词,意为,意为“仓促;急促仓促;急促”。常用短语:。常用短语:rush to do sth. 意为意为“赶紧赶紧/ /抢着做某事抢着做某事”; rush to意为意为“冲冲/ /奔向奔向”。 Shes always rushing to finish her homework first.她总是赶着第一个完成作业。她总是赶着第一个完成作业。

21、He stood up and rushed to the door. 他站起来向门口冲他站起来向门口冲去。去。rush用作名词用作名词,意为意为“匆匆忙;繁忙忙;繁忙”。in a rush“匆忙地匆忙地”rush hour“(交通交通)高峰期高峰期;拥挤时刻拥挤时刻” I found the work being done in a rush. 我发现这件作品正在被仓促我发现这件作品正在被仓促赶赶制制。 If you go now, youre likely to hit the rush hour. 你要是现在走你要是现在走,很有可能会赶上交通很有可能会赶上交通高峰高峰期。期。.根据所给的

22、首字母提示填空。1. P_me, but whats your address?2. Im sorry, but I must go nowIm in a r.3. CCTV is short for China C _Television.4. Andy is in the (浴室浴室) now. Would you please call later? All right. ushentralbathroomardon.单项选择。1. The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims _Tuojiang River after supper. A. over B. through C. to D. across2. There is a bank _ the second floor. A. at B. on C


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