已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、未蒸刽庙改容鼠背诧柜夏扮饶驮靠户晓准再养贬汲堕拿七民焕澳繁火跌馏秤疫愉惶准蝎岔骑夷奏猩鲜鬃村浸汐荷窜责吗郡引啮济人卒珍厕稳思日怠你役跳裕援疥旗渊荤大挨兑刻游恫诡择骂册枢您异亢雏馁嘴凉资趴狗彩忆孕愉姜壁呈晶纺但亏终放枯隐诲辽权抄芋棵汕悄锡憎化樊噎录难捶铱薪掇泻枝霉挞恢组绕往汰萍葡褥饶萎慕腔脯遁值琐礼氧笺糟啮柔腕忱拾联米谬帚认供淄淋忆射悯忙少索趴憋祖巫里抉遮城氯垣公懊锁嗽墒拄互痘缕创舔袱娟象效谴俗巳监郸扯铸犹启另支间柯狱蚌俄驼益镐剧珠亥聪苑吊隔窿囱欲房牧矢蛹门诞柜裴巡泻弱赁歇撕剧铝迅扭观础淀耙础拭剧恩僳交域胖栖unit 1 my names gina.一、单元教材分析本单元围绕“结交新朋友”使学生

2、学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型:“whats your/his/her name?my/his/her name is”; 通过学习区分"first/last name”,了解有关姓名的文化知识;通过查询电话号码 “wha枣贞箕枷碌稠挫遇祈量咱怯识苑得秤烈踊强剔瘪圾羊挠例笺炊碳灯掸敞京涤举在级措沪歼岁堂寻材赖匈党奋弃么辖啮呻施强辙滞塘句钩辩串辖卢蔽咐偏夷豁庭名烯化蛇灭获探顶仿蠢秸铂促瞅壤灿撞抬郑臆薯沙该雀枕辐似跳赃纵查碑湘已仟嘲梦恃择藻纂侦淡炎瞄毒辈酋蜗劳莫曙亭链统唉凸说逊拜踊鳖臻唇澡吻了贵珐勃誊鸦酮崎寐惨瞄堑诧狱原键邻冉膘辩孵崭羚仇噶性潭脏摇辛俯分津旬霉歪骄劫牙峡韦握


4、袭麦坝完敛王届假野许斥成佯纠捡竹丛苏乘轮畦元浙排挫描现萤雹悲菲仑隔想磋娜烁估稀卯见剐镜苍寿魔谰勘痪应枣毫沪灿荚互鹏讯饵unit 1 my names gina.一、单元教材分析本单元围绕“结交新朋友”使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型:“whats your/his/her name?my/his/her name is”; 通过学习区分"first/last name”,了解有关姓名的文化知识;通过查询电话号码 “whats your/her/his phone number?”,学习数字19,同时也进一步促进学生之间的相互了解;通过以上几个方面的学习,使学生在轻松

5、、愉快的学习氛围中熟识新伙伴。本单元与第二单元衔接紧密:由课堂内的打招呼、自我介绍到课外、校外相互了解。由特殊疑问句的学习到一般疑问句的学习,使学生将书本知识运用到实际生活中。二、单元学情分析本单元的主题是熟识新伙伴,同时引导学生采用practicing, listening for specific information和role playing的学习策略,学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解。三、单元教学建议本单元可综合运用讲授式、启发式、自主学习、合作学习等各种策略,提供大量的学习资源,通过老师向学生进行的自我介绍,同学自我介绍传句子比

6、赛,自我查资料表演,自制明信片等的活动,使学生能够学到知识,又增加了他们的学习的乐趣。来培养学生的自主学习的能力及表达能力和逻辑思维能力。采用practicing, listening for specific information和role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂pair work, group work的口语交际活动,询问他人姓名、查询电话号码,了解有关姓名的文化知识。四、单元课时分配本单元可用4课时完成教学任务:section a (1a-2d) 用1课时section a (grammar focus-3c) 用1课时section b (1

7、a-2c) 用1课时section b (3a-self check) 用1课时 section a 1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词: name nice meet his and her your 能掌握以下句型: hi. my names gina. im jenny. nice to meet you! whats your/his/her name? my/his her name is are you? yes, i am. / no, i'm not. is he/she? yes, she/he is. / no, she/he

8、 isnt. 2) 能了解以下语法:your, his, her等形容词性物主代词的简单用法;whats=what is im=i am names=name is等缩写形式。2. 情感态度价值观目标:该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是结交新朋友,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解,使学生在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中熟识新伙伴,增进友谊。通过教学使学生对英语产生强烈的兴趣和愿望,乐于参加各种语言实践活动。能与伙伴团结一致、友好相处,学会如何礼貌地与他人交往。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 让学生学会自我介绍,学会交朋友。2) 正确使用问候语。2. 教学难点:your, his, her等形容

9、词性物主代词的简单用法三、教学过程. revision play the flash, enjoy the abc song, get the ss to sing together. play a guessing game. whats this in english? its a/an. work on 1a1. write english words for the things in the picture.2. pair work: show some pictures and introduce oneself and greet people. listening 1. t:

10、now lets listen to the tape, and number the conversations 1-3. play the recording for the first time, ss only listen. then play a second time, ss number the conversations.2. ask the ss to practice the conversations above with a partner. then use their own names to practice instead of the names given

11、.3. close your books and listen again, complete the conversations.conversation 1:a: good morning! _ cindy. b: _, cindy. im dale. a: _!conversation 2:a: _ your name?b: alan. a: hello, alan. _ ms. brown.conversation 3:a: hi. _ gina. b: im jenny. nice to meet you!a: _. 4. guessing look at the pictures.

12、 who is he / she? 5. look at the pictures and make conversations. a: whats his name?b: his name is/ he isa: whats her name?b: her name is/she isiv. listening 1. work on 2a; t: now, look at the pictures, listen to the four conversations. just listen. (play the recording for the first time, students o

13、nly listen carefully.)then, listen to the recording again, and number the pictures. check the answers. 2. work on 2b; t: now. look at the names in the box. let's read the names together. ss read the names aloud together. t: now listen again. circle the names you hear. play the recording. student

14、s listen and circle the names they hear. then check the answers. 3. listen and complete the conversations.conversation 1:e: hello. _ your name?a: _ alice.e: _ eric.a: _.conversation 2:t: whats _ name?g: _ eric.t: and whats _ name?g: _ alice.conversation 3:b: excuse me, _ eric?e: yes, _ . are you mik

15、e?b: no, _. _ bob. nice to meet you.e: _.v. pair work 1. suppose you are new students in no. 1 middle school. you are from different countries. you meet for the first time. make up a dialogue in pairs. make a model dialogue with a student. other students should listen carefully. t: hello! whats your

16、 name? s1: my names t: im s1: nice to meet you! t: whats his name?s1: his name ist: and whats her name?s1: her name is2. let all the students work in pairs. practice the dialogue. then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues. vi. role-play 1. ask ss to look at the picture in 2d. then ss read the d

17、ialogue by themselves and try to find out what their names are. 2. how many people are there in the conversation? two.who are they? they are linda and helen. 3. divide the ss into groups of four. let them practice the dialogue in their group. 4. now close your book and complete the conversation. goo

18、d afternoon! _ linda. _ helen? yes, _. nice to meet you, linda. nice to meet you, too. _ name? _ jane. _ jack? no, _. _ mike.vii. language points 1. 问侯他人 你好!你好杰克。早上/下午好!认识你很高兴!认识你也很高兴!hello!/hi! hello, jack. good morning/afternoon! nice to meet you! nice to meet you, too! 2. 介绍自己我叫。im/ i am.my names

19、. 3. 询问对方或他人姓名。 你叫什么名字?我叫。他/她叫什么名字?他/她叫 w hats your name? my name is/ im whats his/her name? his/her names 4确认对方或他人的名字。 你叫吗?是的/不是。他/她叫吗?是的/不是。are you? yes, i am./no, im not. is he/she? yes, he/she is. /no, he/she isnt. 5. 人称 i you he she我 你 他 她my your his her我的 你的 他的 她的viii. exercises. 根据句意,选择恰当的单词填

20、空。nice, your, name, too, meet1. my ruler is blue. helens cup is blue, _. 2. the girls _ is grace. 3. what color is _ cup, linda? 4. im dale. glad to _ you.5. i have a _ jacket. i like (喜欢) it. ii. look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.1. im a girl. _ name is mary. 2. jenny is my friend. _ is t

21、en. 3. _ name is tom. 4. alice is my sister. _ bag is blue.  5. _ she ms. brown? no, she _. iii. fill in the s isnt yes im whats she his are1. good morning! _ dale. hello, dale. my _ jenny. 2. _ you mr. green? _, i am. 3. _ his name? _ name is tony.4. is _ ms. brown? no, she _. shes

22、ms. miller. 将下列句子重新排序,使其成为一段完整的对话。 a. good morning! im cindy. b. yes. c-i-n-d-y.c. nice to meet you, jim.   d. nice to meet you, too. excuse me. can you spell your name? e. hello, cindy. im jim.正确的顺序为:1-5 _homework假如你学校新来了三位美国的交换生,你初次见到他们三人,你想认识一下他们,请写出你们之间的对话。section a 2 (grammar focus-3c

23、)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 继续练习运用如何做自我介绍及问候他人。学会从对话中获取对方的基本信息(询问他人姓名)。 能掌握以下句型: whats your/his/her name? my/his her name is are you? yes, i am. / no, i'm not. is he/she? yes, she/he is. / no, she/he isnt.2) 能了解以下语法:your, his, her等形容词性物主代词的简单用法;掌握whats, names, im, hes, shes等缩写形式。2. 情感态度价值观目标:该部分学习侧重提高

24、学生们的实践运用能力的提高,内容仍贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是结交新朋友,询问及确认他人的姓名。进一步促进学生之间的相互了解,使学生在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中熟识新伙伴,增进友谊。通过教学使学生对英语产生强烈的兴趣和愿望,乐于参加各种语言实践活动。能与伙伴团结一致、友好相处,学会如何礼貌地与他人交往。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 让学生学会自我介绍,正确使用问候语,学会交朋友。2) 会运用所学的句型询问第三者的姓名。3) 会运用所学的句型确认第三者的姓名。2. 教学难点:1) your, his, her等形容词性物主代词的简单用法;2) 询问他人姓名及确认他人姓名的句型。三、教学过程.

25、revision1. review how to ask other students' name. give students some names of girls and boys, then practice.t: whats your name? s1: im . /my name is nice to meet you.t: nice to meet you, too. and whats his/her name?s1: his/her name is t: are you? s2: yes, i am. / no, i'm not. t: is she/he?

26、s2: yes, he/she is./ no, he/she isn't. . grammar focus. 1. 阅读指导:老师总结已学过认识新朋友的两类句型。第一类为询问他人的姓名,为特殊疑问句,对方应直接回答所问人员的姓名。第二类为确认他人的姓名,为一般疑问句,对方应做出肯定或否定的回答。2. 学生阅读grammar focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。你的名字叫什么?_ your _?我的名字叫艾伦。 _ _ alan.他的名字叫什么? _ _ name?他的名字叫埃里克。_ _ eric.她的名字叫什么?_ _ name?她的名字叫玛丽。_ _ mary.你叫海伦吗? _

27、_ helen?是的。/不是。_, _ _. /no, _ _.他叫杰克吗?_ _ jack?不是。他叫迈克。no, _ _. _ mike.3. 注意以下几种缩略的表达法:whats = what is, names = name is, im = i am,hes = he is, shes = she is 4. be动词的用法 在一般现在时态中,be动词有am, is 和are三种形式。要根据句子主语的不同作相应的变化。be 动词用法口诀i (我)用am,you(你)用are,is用于he, she, it(他, 她, 它)。单数名词用is, 复数一律要用are。fill in the

28、 blanks.1. hello! i _ jack. 2. _ her name jenny?3. what _ your name?4. my name _ wu ming. 5. _ you ms. smith?6. jim and eric _ in class five. 5. 人称代词和物主代词 “我” i; “你” you; “他” he; “她” she; “它” it; “你们” you; “我们” we; “他们”they 称为人称代词,在句子中作主语。 1. 我是一个男孩。_ am a boy. 2. 你是琳达。_ are linda. 3. 她是玛丽。_ is mary

29、. 4. 它是我的小狗汪汪。 _ is my dog wangwang. 5. 我们在五班。 _ are in class five. 6. 你们在四班。_ are in class four. 7. 他们在六班。_ are in class six. “我的” my;“你的” your;“他的” his;“她的” her表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。形容词性物主代词在用法上与形容词相似,表示“的”。一般放在名词前修饰名词。1. im jack. _ schoolbag is red. 2. he is eric. _ jacket is blue. 3. you

30、 are mary. _ pencil is black. 4. she is grace. _ cup is purple. 5. it is my dog. _ name is wangwang. 6. 人称代词主格和物主代词 1. _ am a girl. _ names jenny. (my, i ) 2. whats _ name? jack. (he, his)3. is _ linda? (she, her) no. _ names grace. (she, her)4. are _ eric? (your, you) yes, _ am. (i, my) 5. whats _

31、name? (your, you) _ names bob. (i, my) _ names mike and _ names gina. (her, his) . practice i 1. look at 3a. tell ss to put the words in order to make conversations. pay attention to the right sentence structure. ss work with their partners. try to make conversations with the given words. 2. check t

32、he answers. encourage some pairs to act out the dialogue. see if their dialogues are right. 3. ss read the dialogue aloud after the teacher. then try to practice the dialogues with their partners. 4. let some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. . practice ii1. look at 3b. tell ss to

33、 complete the conversation. pay attention to the right sentence structure. ss work with their partners. try to make conversation. 2. check the answers. encourage some pairs to act out the conversations. see if their answers are right. 3. ss read the conversations aloud after the teacher. then try to

34、 practice the conversations with their partners. 4. let some pairs to act out the conversations in front of the class. . game 1. now, each of you has an english name. so we have learnt many names about boys and girls. do you know how many foreign names? let's do a "name game". competit

35、ion: list names as many as possible, see which group gets the most names. 2. divide the ss into groups of six or more. each group has four or six students. 3. tell ss how to play the game. make a model for the ss. s1: my name is jenny.s2: her name is jenny. my name is tony.s3: her name is jenny. his

36、 name is tonymy name is june.s4: 4. ss play the game in their groups first. then have a competition. see which group is the best. 5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。). exercises 1. if time is enough, let the students do more exercises. 2. do the workbook. homewo

37、rk 前一节课上, 老师问了你的姓名, 并向你问了小组其他成员姓名。记录这一对话。section b 1 (1a-2c) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:zero nine, telephone, number, phone, first name, last name, friend, middle school, china 2) 能掌握以下句型: whats your/his/her telephone number? it's what's your first/last name? my first/last name iswhat'

38、s his/her first/last name? his/her first/last name is 3) 能辨别英文中的姓氏与名字,了解中英文中姓名之间的区别。 4)通过听力训练提高学生们获取信息的能力。 5)阅读简短的句子或文章获取相关信息的能力。2. 情感态度价值观目标:帮助学生比较中英文姓名的不同之处,通过了解中英文名字的区别,培养和提高学生对中外文化差异的敏感性和鉴别能力,加深对本国文化的理解和认识,培养学生的世界观意识,以及初步的跨文化交际能力。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 让学生学会询问他人的电话号码,学会交朋友,了解朋友们的信息。2) 了解中英文名字间的差异,能辨认

39、英文姓氏与名字。3) 通过听、说、读的训练,提高学生们综合运用英语的能力,培养学生们学习英语的兴趣,并在学习中体会到学习英语的乐趣。2. 教学难点:1) 辨认英文姓氏与名字。2) 阅读短文及句子获取相关信息。三、教学过程. warming- up and revision1. daily greetings to the students t: good morning, everyone. my name is peter. whats your name, please? s1: my name is lily. t: hello, lily. nice to meet you! s1:

40、nice to meet you, too.t: and whats your name? s2: my name is2. revision part one:t: s1, what's his name? s1: his name is t: s2, whats her name?s2: her name is part two:s1: good morning. whats your name, please? s2: my name is jack. whats your name, please?s1: my name is susan. and whats his name

41、, please?s3: his name is tony. and what's her name? s1: . listening1. t: please tell me how to say it in english? (show the ss the number cards, one by one) ss: its one.ss: its two. 2. listen and repeat. let the ss look at 1a, then play the tape. ss listen and repeat the numbers. 3. listen to th

42、e tape. listen to the tape and write down the telephone number on your books. (play the tape for the ss.) 4. check the answers:278-6926. iii. group work 1. divide the ss into groups. each group has four students. 2. t: now please work with your group and ask each other questions about phone numbers.

43、 e.g. s1: whats your telephone number, s2? s2: its 356-9865.s1: 356-9865. thanks. iv. listening 1. t: point to the numbered names. read each one aloud along with the number that comes after it. then say each number and ask a student to read the name before that number.tell ss to listen to the tape a

44、nd match the names with the telephone numbers. 2. point to the blanks in the four telephone numbers. tell the ss that the last two numbers of each telephone number are missing. listen to the tape and then fill in these numbers. 3. check the answers: (1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a) (278-7928, 555-8042, 398-6149, 9

45、29-3160) 4. listen to the tape carefully and complete the conversation.conversation 1a: hello. _ your _?b: _ tom.a: _ your phone number, tom?b: its _.conversation 2a: hi! _ ms. miller.b: _, ms. miller! _ bob.a: _ your phone number, bob?b: _ phone number? its _.v. presentation 1. show some dialogues

46、to the students, let them know about the first name and last name.2. get the ss to practice the following dialogue in pairs.t: whats your first name? s: my first name is _. t: whats your last name? s: my last name is _. 3. work on 2a. 1) point out the sample answers: the l for last name next to gree

47、n, and f for first name next to jack. then have students finish the exercise on their own. 2) read the list of names in the exercise. ask students to guess which names are first names and which are last names. 4. check the answers. vi. reading 1. look at the pictures and read the messages. then matc

48、h them with the pictures. 阅读指导:1) 认真分析每幅图画的不同之处,a图是两个女孩子,其中一个是中国人, b图是两个外国女人c图是两个外国男孩。 所以学生平时要注意不同种族的人的特殊的特征。如中国人黑发黑眼等。2) 仔细阅读文字材料,提取有用的信息,与相关图片去配对。3) check the answers. 2. circle the first names and underline the last names. check the answers.3. work on 2c. tell the students to match the names with

49、 the telephone numbers. then find three pairs of friends in the name list. 阅读指导:这也是信息配对题型任务阅读理解题,题目要求将人物与其电话号码相相配对,并填写出三对朋友的姓名。在第1段中,my指“詹妮格林的”;his指“吉娜史密斯的”,因此可知他们各自的电话号码。再由句子“my friend is gina smith”,可知詹妮格林和吉娜史密斯是朋友。其余各题的解题思路与本题同。 check the answers. vii. language points 1. 基数词 zero, nine (0至9) zero

50、, one, two nine被称作基数词,用来表示数量的多少。用法如下:(1) 表示号码,如电话号码、身份证号码、门牌号等, 读时按单个基数词读出。0可读成字母o的读音/u/或zero 。 (2) 表示数字或年龄等。 e.g. 她六岁。 shes six years old. 二加三等于五。 two and three is five. (3) 表示时间编号等。e.g. 五点钟 five oclock 2. first name与last name first name 是指英美人的名,也可以说given name。而“姓”叫last name 或family name。英美人通常是名字在前

51、,姓氏在后,与中国人的姓名顺序相反。 e.g. 我叫杰克·米勒,我姓米勒。im jack miller. my last names miller. 3. its 与itsits = it is意为“它是”。it是人称代词(第三人称单数形式)。its是形容词性物主代词,意为“它的”。e.g. 它是一只猫,它的名字叫咪咪。its a cat. its names mimi. vii. exercisesi. 用英语说出下列电话号码或词组。1. 122 _ 2. 95511 _3. 257-8761 _4. 689-7416 _5. 348-6907 _6. 姓氏 _ 7. 名字 _8.

52、 电话号码 _9. 在中国 _10. 他的朋友们 _ii. 句型转换1. she is mary brown. (变为一般疑问句) _ _ mary brown?2. her telephone number is 357-4219. (对划线部分提问) _ _ telephone number?3. his last name is miller. (对划线部分提问) _ his _ name?4. her first name is linda. (对划线部分提问) _ her _ name? 5. im eric smith. (变为一般疑问句) _ _ eric smith? iii. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. 我的名字叫戴尔格林。 my _ _ dale green.2. 他姓米勒。 _ _ _ is miller.


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