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1、»l-lt IM-III can measure the flow at every position at high precision上海髓机电有限公司Shanghai Fan Yang Mechanical and Electrical Co .Ltd 妣上肺口殴站癬4号202星 电话虽 021-632W342 20C036LUGB型辎羅廿Vortex flowmeterHttp:師wJanyangjdaficonEmaiHanyang昨hotmaiLoom上御扬机电有限公司Shrghai Fan Ya旳 MeMncal artf EWxd Co .

2、ltf注:U1 直涡发生休两侧平均流速.m/s;Sr 斯待劳哈尔数;m 旗涡发生体购侧弓形面枳与管道横飲面面枳2比Note: U1average flow velocity at boti sides of the vortex generator, m's;Sr - Slrouhal numberm - "8 of the arch form areas et both sides o( the vortex to the cross-section area of the primes上海帆扬机电有限公司位于全国的经济中心.中国最貝发展潜力的 城市上海。公司创建于一九九七

3、年.己通过ISO9000:2000质量体系认 证是自动化仪表生产及成套的专业公司.在同行业中厚有较鬲声誓 己经成为国内许多大中型电力、钢铁、化工蒔企业的描定供应商.公司兰雯产品:热电偶、热电阴、压力变送器、小型压力变送§8、 差压变送智能压力变送器.智能差压变送器.气动压力变送器.气 动差压变送器、压力控制器、液位变送器、fffi或液位变送器:电磁涼 计涡街注呈计、孔板流18计、V锥流量计、威力巴流星计、智能靶式 流量计金厲转子流呈计玻璃转子流呈计-超声波流星计;电动调节 阀、气动调节阀;钊能数显调节控制仪表、流枳算仪、无纸记录仪: 玻璃板液仪计、玻璃管液位计、双色玻璃管液位计、超声

4、波液位计.雷 达液位计、电线电塡、电缆桥衆、控制盘、控制柜、阀门管件承接自 动化工程设计、安殺-调试同肘代理销售川仪横河的EJAS列变送器.罗斯裁特变送器.上海横河电机旋涡流计.上海自动化仪表股份有限公司所有产品!公司宗旨:以最好的质、履优的价格.优质的服勞竭诚为电力、钢铁、石化、冶金、等部门提供全方位的服务!不求最好但求更好 是本公司永远的追求!涡街流量计工作原理Working principle of vortex flowmeter在流体中设置旋涡发生体(阻流体).从旋涡发生体两侧交替地产生有规 則的旋涡,这种旋泯称为卡曼涡街旋涡列在旋泯发生体下游非对称地排 列。设旋涡的发生频率为被测介

5、质来流的平均速度为u,旋涡发生体迎面 宽度为d表体通径为D.根据卡曼涡街原理.有如下关系式:Io install a vortex generator (bluff body) in the fluid, which can produces regular vcxtex at both sides of th© vortex generator attemativGty Such voctox is called Karman Vortex Vortex trams are asymmetrically arranged at the downstream of ttie vort

6、ex generator. Suppose the generating frequency of the vortex is f. th© average speed of th© incomvig flow of the tested medium is U. the head<on width of the vortex generator is d. end the diameter of the flowmeter ts D, and base on the principles of Karman Vortex, the followwig relatio

7、ns will be obtainedf=SrU1/d=SrU/md由于旅涡分髙在柱体两剑产生压力脉动,探头体产生交变应力.埋设在 探头体内的压电品体元件受交变应力作用而产生交变电荷.检测放大器将交 变电商进行变换处理后.辅出频率与介质滾速成正比脉冲信号.送至积算仪 进行处理和显示或输岀4-20mA标准电涼信号.As the vortex is separated and distributed at the both sides of the column, which generates pressure pulsation. and the probe body generates al

8、ternating stress, piezoelectric crystal elements in the probe body generate alternating electric charge under the effect of aMernating stress After the detector ampliHer transforms theattomating electric charge. the pulse signals with frequency proportional to the flowspeed of the medium is output,

9、and the signals are send to the totalizer for processing(a)转换器原理框图 Functional Nock diagram of the convertef上:wfen趺融敢于竝鸩神匕啊I舷m刃 K社*.頤能尸ah 孰 eaaoxr(2Dxgi*sy. 认铀毅ft毬卩頭铀专昭圖 嚴申WHBWh 己般堀阶欽中3!电加«8. 爼财詡西.zin狀IS、蝴§恥範8、悻时仪显 iE?aa.帼披潴.was加強n Mans.勁 i?瞎、從斑 titmsa: mi 廿、羅壬lit、&股tit、维壬*、“咬lit、mt 忑li

10、t、舒憑;耐那 fl帘亦盘88B§«?ma- xisii锁谀心 ?MW.醐初稣"我昭淞it、8M;砂化t 达雜氷讎錢、电钢仏 m.紳氐uni#.蘇目 Wtltttt、肆、珮IWftWI恢胡UEJA胡贱II 韻每-址:糯晦哎9. 55I»S23. iMSIIUBHit il飢般Ml筑WMI绸紺attfnsi觀那址搏牺砂怙 龈5ft.讎、徊用賊於脈欽押駛审刖 辭饲础辭!SMii+MSWoriong principle of voitex ffawneterMM.她林陝测测加港枷®I «. i&S册述解乩觀介辭溯蜒处U,劇发外師 5

11、8W. «*i8W. ttflXSSl. fiSTSStTbirstiiaMH那盛1皿询皿“皿E W 妙 uln Mtn 心 gertnxrX vm scaM KjnaiW '力t« fare «as)Trr<TOii armj n te 总nsron d t)3 *r« genemx SjfegefetrrhQcydtMmisttfeir speeds tH nxcw iw H he kted Twin MU tH 好m Q d t» «d srcbUaW J他加stHRK曲dKanai Wu tMhlcw»

12、rM>T$vit)e o02rK f=S(Ul/d=SU/md由積潮鮭加MP1E力闷服妤级药九IH麻期紡骗阪牧妹動澜VI奴电名ftMAMSI49OIM96.託解5傑建虹如林号Um 斯魁陆禅紀卜肮彌$*蟻m/$;5r-IfrS«?8;乔劇融脯躬际阳詡加右HU貼简亦 6亦:QtUW K馆M 畑于忆MUT« "6jwaiH ytmn 陰MM 刑 jrctt W)附加 aftniM; pimMc 6剣 #mcft n im 呻绷 护廉ektt cutg 柚 ggakTtfr sms AMcth 加y anpf«e如怕 如叭知:郴 Wgtt甲険 沛*tKy阿

13、oE®慚炕g U'fm*9 kv g , M mm d tv vm 寥加 nt gzz rtoyMRbrfWbrfiseBWSitttCTtHecnt/tepctt工作特点Working features检测无件不接触被测介质.因此性能稳定,可靠性高没有可动部件构造简单而牢固.K期运行可靠,使用寿命长.测星范由广,复程可达】o:】准确良等级高.输出脉冲信号或电流佑号便于同计算机等数字系统配套使用。安装、维护方便 Detecting elements don't touch the tested medium; so it has stable performance

14、with high reliability. It is not equipped with movable parts, with simple and firm structure, reliable long-term operation and long service life VAde measunng range. the measurement range can reach 10:1; High eccuracy class; It can output pulse signals and current signals, which makes it easy to use

15、 together with computer and other digital system Easy to be installed 8nd maintained主要技术参数Major technical parameters测量介质Tested medium燕汽(tfeJMSR汽和过热蒸汽)、空气-般气侔和液悴Steam (saturated steam and superheated steam), air. common gas and bquid测虽可能范围Possible measuring range宙诺数为 8000*7000000.Reynolds number: 800

16、0 to 7000000正常工作范围Normal working range雷诺数为 20000-7000000.Reynolds number: 20000 to 7000000准确度等级Accuracy class液体(Liquid): ± 1.0% ;气体(Gas): ± 1.5% ;廉 A(steam): ± I 5%。垂复性Repeataoility液体(Liquid): 0.3%;气体(Gas): 0.5%; 蒸汽0.5%。输出信号Output sgnals二线制4-20mA标准电流信号三线制电压脉冲Two-wire s>3tem 4-20mA

17、standard current signalsThree-wre system voyage pulse工作电源Working power supply+ 12VDC、24VDC、鰻电Jte(L«on Batiory)3.6V 14Ah介质温度Medium temperatureSififfl-40-250r;高JBS? -40-350X3(需定做)Common type -40*250high-temperature type -40*350*C (customized)工作压力Working pressure0-2.5 Mpa.(大于2.5MPa.按订货饕求生产)0*2 5 M

18、pa (< the pressure is h舟her than 2 5MPa we g prodi>ce the mstniment against 1he order)防护等级 Protection classIP65防爆等级 ti-Explosion ClassEXiblleT1-T5压力损失Pressure lossAP=l.lxrxV2(jt中ZP:压力根失Pa:V:流am/s:r:® kgf/m) P=L1xrxv2【where AP: pressure loss Po: v: flow vetocity m/$: c fluid gravity kgfAnJ

19、.传感器材质Material of sensor碳钢:不傍钢Carbon steel stainless steel管道口径Caliber of pipeline25*300rmn (中间任念口径)25-300mm :any caliber m the middle)电路放大器环境条件Ambient condition of circuit amplifier温度(Tempefature): -40-+55*C ;湿度(Humidity): <85%RH.Vfcdong features冏着移to加.沖巩耕,mwi.朋舲长. mor.M42iw> *mc 磁錄、耕Mb eterre

20、n (tnt bxri tr< ikm naljTk n t rts nt* “ wequq&Emu* 曲"叶 Wfmsh". 也裳呻enu 艸cc and 6】炽ve庞胎rmsi阿呼九fTWVtrm呼53):1; hxofKyctass tcrcu?/ttustfecuwY哎呼fe W 眄谟r iM Eer钟仲主要技楸Maprtech ncal parametersm®Testejrmdum虢i»w恥如割、巧、犷阴w3 m 血如托 M*r«aM$«n sorrs 押 rd"Pc&b8fnea®

21、;nng®geRfp»vtr SXCttWXO iEtlaNorraiKrtnjraftje哉 BA2)»ZX««JMttirtrJKCtoWl曲便利Acor齣出ss炉et ti.a;恤* ti.s;游jrt 二 i辄Repeaaatt/妙Um4:0恋帕* Q$5;翫昨:0风曲出鹏Qjgsg 讹二曲卜血以讎辆Tio<n 仲 4W trcre orert 1WMrtrg;msjp卯IMG 创DC、tmxT釦仙伽Medumtorperakre馳!独43畑氏湍ComortiPt 4>2炊 甲精声5 bw 4W50t imWfcrtjrg

22、贰$ 血Z5M(x (XfL5MPo. Ki»xt|H5Mn # h»mh 枷 im15«hspic4ani«m»3irsjr曲 |压力磁PressirefcssAM.ImWISP: EmteV: ilm/tf:琲酿聊m) KUnrt 腮厶和帧“孩如小丸3刀尙Q”.越跚Matenal of sensor«9: mClttnsw mrms 细fioaCalteppelDe2S3»m>vcaO!rfWfidle<筋鮭鋼炳件Mibe-l coated d a*cut amfier蕭厲怦s. 45St.融册舛<85

23、WH目录Contents01旻彼柿絲琏对沌料比01婶正*邨诧02和03 Wtfil腑o<«就朋脇时«itHnssRt«诩E船解*«支i捕财蚯锚驟备瑞0? WISSIEASOIJS0?般M骅二曲Qlt如初姐0910$n mtII ititt»«HmB2 Itit 料加M 股:01 MdNraitgMM曲 iontn zwtvm«ucra«r02 蚯 tw(6 OmdMkkadUrIX SMmdt«tKUT«tfcfve眄曲18(敕山宓01 Seteamdtftsunertbietiaivlj

24、ve(6 CMdrwwtfNtarw(6 flrtq4rrwiofttkvr*r(6 沁kra&诙御tor伍=W»nWwr神crYtvWMJd也 ervwn07 WqgMoHft晌gtOMa«rerttvwf«h仲卜咖MM1111 呦窗 resr”bi312 啊翊MtiHrvtrwn祝irRi叭*緒M3打如U *rerbT»PDJMCi«ms PnnmdassP45Art陀晌CauE1U?TI4J为 »K*SAmaes-2Sit?St« 粽二 itBIXSU3际滋2315 Sc*Ue CwzHYStflbSiar眄真

25、恋殴酸叶“e16 沁i 血dOgMSmMy24关于技术服务和那些应该引起特别注意的Technical service and matters that need special attention对符含所规定条件的用户上门调试交付母必级仔细考虑仗农安翘的位置.对于荷定操作、设貿、保养的人员必须阅渎全部或相关部分并且理解特别指出操作要求一定要符合仪表规定如果不符合我们不顽担任何 责任C技术资料必级安放在挡案室里让使用仪表的人方便査到如果丢失从我们或其他任何代理商处索取。在正常使用情况下保证每一产品无质毘问36。保修期一年始于发货之曰。零部件及产品修理和维护的保修期为一年。此保修不适用于Wt8&#

26、171;选型、错误使用、改装、疏忽、襦故或非正常条件下燥件和处埋而导致损坏之产品。请用户在使用仪義时至少甸天定时记录数拯.并与相关单位或个人达成仪衰出现故障或维修时处理数据的协议.我厂不顽担由此适成的任何 损失流复计一经安装使用即代表您接纳以上条秋. On-site debugging for users meeting th© requirements. The installvig position of instrument shall be carefully considered when the instrument is delivered The specified

27、operation, setting and maintenance personnel must read and fully understand all or relevant parts of the instructions It shall be specially pointed out that the operation must be in compliance with the stipulations concerning the instrument, otherwise, wg do not assume any responsibilities Technical

28、 matenals must be put in the file room foe referen8. and they are available frocr us or other agencies if lost Undec normal operation, we guarantee that every product is free from quality problems We provide one year warranty for the product from the delivery date, and one-year repair and mawitenanc

29、e warranty for the parts and the product The warranty is not applicable for the damage of the products caused by wrong selecion of model, wrong operation. refitting, negligence, accident or the operation and treatment under normal conditKXis. The users shall record the data at least at daily basis w

30、tien using the instrument, and enter into the agreement with the relevant unrts and individuals upon the doto procoGG«ng whon the motrumont goes out of order. Instaling and using the flowmeter shall be daemed as you accept the above terms.如何正确使用仪表How to use the instrument in correctly流处计是有一定使用范

31、图的请在安装前确认所购的流计是否符合您的工作状况(涼st、压力、温度)。打开包装后请尽快安装以免影响放大器性能和金属部件受到腐蚀等:在储存己经使用过的流厨计时必将流量计完全潸洗.流计避免安装在温度变化很大的场所和受到设爸的热辐射若必须安装时须有隔热通风的措施。流S8计的安装点应itt免受到机械振动和中击若涼计安裝在振动较大的管逍时须在安装涼星计旁边将管道囚定安装流置计的管道要符合本手册规定的前后負讶段否则僉影响流fit计的测塑宿度严至时会损坏流计。安装流计时在电焊法兰或爸道过程中流虽计须不在管道上以免损坏涼计的电子放大电略。 The nwmeter has a certain use rang

32、e; please make sure the purchased flowmeter meets your working conditions (flow, pressure and temperature) before installation Please install the instrument as soon as possible after unpacking the box so as to avoid impair the properly of amplifier and prevent the metal pads frexn being corroced. us

33、ed flowmeter must be cleaned thoroughly before storing ft. Preveit the flowmeter from being installed in th© place with great temperature changes or radiation of equipments If the flowmeter must be installed in the above mentioned places, heat insulation and ventilation shall be ensured The ins

34、tallation place shall be protected againsl mechanical vibration, collision and impact. If the flowmeter is installed in the pipeline with strong vibration, the pipeline bestde the flowmeter dhall be fixed. The pipeline where the fkxwmeter is to be installed shall be the front and back straight pipe

35、sections as specified in the Manual, otherwise, it will affect the measuring accuracy of the flowmeter. or even damage the flowmeterWtiile welding flango or pipeline for installing the flowmeter, the flowmeter shall not * placed on the pipeline, so as to avoid damaging the electronic amplif/ing circ

36、uit.1 流每一处粉确一度' Ensure Accurocy for Every Single Scole and Oetoii关干技柵务蜩甌關舲别注訓Technical sewce and matters ttat need specal attentioniffi舖駆絆饰砌TM文朋嘶附耿鮭紬肚讲蜒炸帽巔拟魁報乳翕戯翻耗朝辩牝無赵吩聘纱孤曲狒.幼和®珂赫賄茹人方 MMUSJUMlMtWIftllWIW.肛戕飜您碗4工紙师昭牖HT舫躺2B扇耕好劭肿盼解滤it鵜稳軒18昵辿歆轉誌懿、利鮮正鶉和斛紈暫鞭即Z陽肝砍驗肺耿姒鋼谭帰.并钠关单如个徳(出mu觀删腫战湍氷gritsmmw

37、 跌 O 血險喀转加 isrsfr砧ngfefaAHKrC恥113昨8$46«術加皿*:9¥5皿$如*"曲网6斜* neq&ed沁a seHngiMnarreuxorswerMrtecandMyiniegrcaia除irpatsythnsigms tsrg驚 AStfpr凶NtY* hSMntcc rvd ten coTanc* wtiba nrittois arani t» rcmrt obr«e. «v doixtssiTt any m沁 MQg傩(w!t«Mnnelte帧”啲sxari均tHfiuN血worcr

38、hf学gtMK IhlrwTtfrcr m gjararha M wen pcM 4hehn pUM W w wwewrj fyh! fiwxJte fltWry ueiM cr/ear g N tertmt et? 01刑旳 hi 网n Tte «rare/r$ rd 4)pkcattely tie orageilieclosed b> aftse<mcffTca(wtf$cf«Qr£r.neanci acot c( te橱 cr and Timrt Fr 血 angers TttuunftlrtcvdteMknsti(t«Mveeii$r

39、ftMrahnert.i>1 ebarrtoUttntrtveiMrthrtatsrcntabupont»仙酊XCSST9 *KA 啊样 X 如 6( h$也卿啊ftwn啊血te 如Jis泗咖 h9Me%(TS如何正确使耽耒Hew to use the instrument in coTectly划htsfl-典用粘肋豉卿埔躺Slit总胎加岀炯肚助:&)折舔氐紐頤酬幾轴抽犍腔昭钗期搗:站视2烈汕閒剧i貯匙购迪廿紋安粧1H炖烟淸槪緬甜媒Mt私溅觀漠覘炖血鶴述诫探防it姣卿住硕狎击靑述糕魅百观大帅辎诡玮述竹沖H睑琳51询雅融合轩晌桩肿联电超沏肚厳Ft牝期51讯妁11怦U輒茫

40、縫胡酔渦滞我笛U履阿51廿触子RX驟 TUXwmh沁lose呼 郴mmtMMn馥ctoranKTKt阿咖19皿畑$4 网“狄断网録嘲阻斤rotor 伽eEUiWnmneia(ttcraspa»x 汰仲呵 temxsob 力血 e(M 肛 口“0怡狄 咖ftterrttalNwmnMrQ 93KM1 皿IbnrulKgfiMtmiXMreOyn" ftmrhBfcwT唆rtwbengr®拗nW畑HiKkwiHct同cr汕妙甘闪柯巾 rfetMWMinttfmtiieCrtB 蚌 wuHd (teesreet 陽加 利 isniatm 何*咖加1101帥峻曲12阿氏“

41、耶腋8“£3血伽81»<1溯21111«<1细6(15叱"帕科"皿 沁e he 甲$e为曲化ftww加 朋代嘶 Mtwne僧 Bbbensiatei$MtehehrtiM3Kirn«mgfi8$pK3ntMVfiMcmgf*flfwfie neonaconcy恢 fewrHsr yEiiiretettQfcwT舸 林学 b 时Wfcmr 曲ivwgsstM 加escaniESgme 细me祢H肚丽,計栅帧开鵬种于曲妄fttit飒粘H飞咙就詡酊龄疑捕淞桶仇H涨即汕廿筋轉*狹離鴉也般長雜好 通代申聃M昭 販甑郭泌飯絶鉗朋肅1W

42、騎漪用越剜辭蜗手越齢御隹曲戦越正种雄躺. 伽:刪怕 加圖如/"helrr匕的!M4*»tfalMrt(leMrenMi ThekwneiareWMMcMMrtiy'geg ”“知5«>!£»时曰択加炳503牺如酬1俭 Tf TMhrrtierMbenstMnetfUcf cfwm aijct«>)oftMMvdtfnlinbis«aiicf tMUntfranirTiefcwT«jf 5:otnf»rwWfifa R羽彳”催呻即吗憎却才m WManctx stcnhapxmiUlji

43、H8p8EMbeiMNnefg«suitcmxn此 rTutote)tHnstgrfiand*arr 停郴他 nhattrMsoisrssutbecorgGls/eGfiicn鸚删Molel Description仙V 伽昨t Jal穴 谢HWW-f 9frwtWm佇FcFcb刃列 J流量计的正确选型Correct selection of flowmeter流ft计的口径选型很复要要邂循一些原則进行选择口径选择步鼻如下:被测介质的JR大流量、常用流虽、艰小流虽:最高压力、常用压力. 最小压力;最高忠度、常用汨度、艰小湿度;流堀测僉范民是否处于仪表的最佳工作范围(即上限流虽的22/3

44、处几见表: Caiioer selection ot ine flowmeter is quite imponant. ana some prinapies snail oe toiioweo ine seieciKXi procedures <x ine caiioer are as ioiiows wnetner me max low. common flow and mm flow of the measured medium; max pressure, common pressure and min pressure; max temperature, common tempe

45、rature and min temperature: and whether the measuring range of the flow are within the optimal working range of the instrument (i e 1/2 to 2/3 of the upper flow limit) See Table:Selection of the Instrument for Measuring the Quality and Flow of Saturated Steam and the Flow Measurement Range测量饱和蒸汽质量流量

46、的选型及流量测量范围内 ft(mm) ln$»dt diameter0.2MPO0.3MPo0.4MPO0.5MPO0.6MPa0.7MPQ0.8MPO25ll*115kg/h15-150kg/h18*185kg/h22-2209/h25*255kg/h28*290kg/h30-320kg/h3219-190kg/h24-245kg/h30-300kg/h36-360kg/h4H415kg/h47-470kg/h49-530kg/h4029-295kg/h38-385kg/h47*475kg/h56*560kg/h65*650kg/h73*740kg/h77-830kg/h5046*




50、0-70.908.650-82.409.210-93.609.740-104.55007.160*45.808.200-60.009.100*74.0010.00-67.5010.70-101.811.40-115.512.00*129.0单位(unit):T/h内 & (mm) Inside diameter0.9MPoI.OMPql.lMPo1.2MPO1.3MPO1,4MPa1.5MPo2532-360kg/h33-390kg/h34-425kg/h36-460kg/h37-490kg/h38-530kg/h40-560kg/h3252-585kg/h54-640kg/h56-7




54、9.84008.100-91.408.480-100.008.800-108.89.170-117.49.500-126.19.820-134.710.10-143.4450)0.20-115.6010.70-126.611.10*137.711.60148.612.00*159.612.40-170.513.80-181.450012.70-142.813.30-156.313.80-170.014.30-183.5014.90-197.015.40-210.515.90-224.0注:根按上述原则选择的口矗不 定与管道通K相一致.如不同时应连接笄形借,配燮 段必雯的a簷段K1S。N<

55、Me The caliber selected according to the above principles is not certainly the same as the diameter o( the pipelines If they are different, special pipes and a section of straight pipe with certain length are necessary羅计的正輸型 Correct seledon of flwnielef雜过热咖幟型 鶴熊皿大述翔 ilM述:M琳耦功M耐:”11氈液、討液:违*號取琰汕砂醴:瞬尿U上Bi曲股)£«: grsm


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