1、医院口语会话】体温监护nurse : Monitoring body temperature accurately is an important nursing measure. Body temperature reflects the heat content of the body and may provide information of the patient.Student : What is the normal temperature of the human body?N: The normal temperature of the human body is about
2、37C。 The rectal temperature is about 36.5°C37.5 C。Themouth temperature is 0.3-0.5 C lower than the rectaltemperature . The axillary temperature is 0.2-0.4C lowerthan the mouth.S: Then which is standard?N: The rectal temperature is standard, because it isin the cavity of the body and nearly the
3、temperature of the blood.S: How many times a day do we take temperature for the patient ?N: Some patients are taken temperature twice a day and others every fourhours or even every two hours.S: When do we take the temperature for the patients?N: Usually we take it at8 a . m. And 4p. M . . The feveri
4、sh patients should be taken their temperature every four hours or every two hours daily.S: Sould pulse and respiration be taken while the temperature is being taken?N: Yes , the nurse not only takes the temperature but also counts the pulse and respiration.N: Do you know what are the precautions whi
5、le taking one's temperature orally ?S: Yes . We should tell the patients to close their mouths and be careful not to break the thermometer and swallow the glass or mercury. It would be very dangerous.S: How do you treat that if the patients swallow the mercury ?N: The patient would take some egg
6、 white or milk immediately.护士:准确地监护体温是一项重要的护理措施,体温反映人体热 量并能够提供病人的信息。学生:人体的正常体温多少?护士:人体的正常体温约为37C。直肠温度大约是 36.5- 37.5 C口腔温度比直肠温度低0.3- 0.5 C。腑下温度比口腔温度又低 0.20.4 C。学生:那么,哪一个温度最准呢?护士:直肠温度最准。因为它是在体腔内,接近血液温度。学生:一天给病人试几次体温。护士:有些病人一天试两次体温。而另外一些病人 4 个小时甚至 两小时试一次体温。学生:什么时间为病人试表? 护士:通常试体温的时间是在上午八点,下午 4 点。发烧病人应 4 个小时或两个小时试一次体温。学生:我们测量体温时,是否还要测量脉搏和呼吸? 护士:是的。护士不但测量体温,还要数脉搏和呼吸。 护士:你知道测量口表时应注意什
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