高中英语 Unit 22 Environmental Protection单元综合测评 北师大版选修8_第1页
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1、unit 22 environmental protection.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)atrees are useful to man in three important ways: they give him wood and other useful things, they give him cool places, and they help to stop drought and flood.unluckily, in many parts of the world, man has not found that the third of these po

2、ints is the most important.man wants to make money from trees, so he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.and also, he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees.so the forests slowly disappear.this does not only mean t

3、hat man will have fewer trees.the results are even worse: for where there are trees, their roots break up soilmake the rain inand also bind(凝固) the soil, thus stopping it from being washed away easily; but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away, causing floods and car

4、rying away the rich top­soil.when all the topsoil is gone, nothing is left but useless desert.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章告诉我们树木对人类有三种重要的用处,人类却不合理的对待树木以至于森林慢慢减少并且给人类带来洪涝干旱等灾害,同时文章也暗示我们要保护森林使其免遭大量的砍伐。1the most important points of trees to man is_.athey help him to make moneybthey give him cool cthey give h

5、im wood and other thingsdthey help him to stop drought and floods【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段和第二段第一句unluckily, in many parts of the world, man has not found that the third of these points is the most important.可知树木对人类最重要的一点是他们能帮助人类阻止干旱和洪水。故选d。【答案】d2in many places forests slowly disappear because _.amany trees

6、have been cut down by man bnew trees are not well looked after cman has not paid enough attention to planting treesdall the above【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段man wants to make money from trees, so he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.and also, h

7、e is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees.so the forests slowly disappear.描述可知选项a、b、c都是人为的造成许多地方森林慢慢消失的原因。故选d。【答案】d3land becomes desert after all trees are cut down because_.aroots of trees break up the soil bthere are too many rainfallscstrong winds bring a lot of sanddthere are n

8、o longer trees to keep the rain and protect the topsoil【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段描述可知当所有的树木被砍伐后陆地就会变成荒漠是因为再也没有树木保留住雨水和保护表层土壤。故选d。【答案】d4which title best fits the passage?atrees and manbthe function of tree woodchow do people do with trees?dthe usage of tree roots【解析】标题归纳题。文章第一段讲树木对人类的用处,下面几段又讲人类是怎么不合理的对待树木的。

9、所以本文最好的题目是树木和人类。故选a。【答案】abthere have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise.some people believe that they can't help putting on weight as they get older, while others hold that if they stop exercising, their muscles will turn into fat.here are s

10、ome more myths:i'll never lose weighti come from a fat familywrong! while we can't change the body type we are born with, we can't blame our genes for making us fat.there's plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families, and the main reason is that they share the same habits of eat

11、ing too much and exercise too little.i am fat because i burn calories slowlywrong! fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism(新陈代谢)if fact, although fat people consume more energy that slim people, they also fail to realize how much they eat! keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food int

12、ake more accurately.exercise is boringwrong! anything will become boring if you do it repetitively.the key is to develop a balanced and varied program that's fun as well as progressive.if you enjoy a sunday walk, take a different route.if you do yoga, try a taichi class.if you like swimming, set

13、 yourself a distance or time challenge.no pain, no gainwrong! exercise is not meant to hurt.indeed, pain is your body telling you something's wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury.you may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly, but this your body a

14、dapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quickly.if you don't, rest and seek medical advice.【语篇解读】本文旨在澄清人们关于肥胖和运动的几个认识上的误区。作者告诉我们:“肥胖与遗传无关;肥胖不是因为新陈代谢缓慢;运动可以是有趣的;运动不以疼痛为代价”。5what does the author think about being fat?ait is the family genes that

15、make people fat.bpeople are fat because they consume too little energy.ca diary of exercise can prevent people from becoming fat.dit is the consequence of people's unbalanced lifestyle.【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段的句子“and the main reason is that they share the same habits of eating too much and exercise too l

16、ittle”可知,人们肥胖的主要原因是生活方式的不平衡,表现为吃得太多而运动太少。故选d。【答案】d6according to the author, how can we make exercise more interesting?aby taking varied exercise.bby choosing simple exercise.cby doing regular exercise.dby sticking to outdoor exercise.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段的句子“the key is to develop a balanced and varied pro

17、gram that's fun as well as progressive.”可知,多样化的运动可使运动变得有趣。故选a。【答案】a7what is the author's opinion about “no pain, no gain” in exercising?akeeping fit is essentially a painful experience.bexercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt.cpain in exercise is a precondition for reaching you

18、r goal.dgetting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body.【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段的句子“exercise is not meant to hurt.indeed, pain is your body telling you something's wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury.”作者认为运动只会带来轻微的“不适”,“疼痛”是生病的征兆,继续运动会造成严重损伤。故疼痛持续,应停止运动。故选b。【答案】b8w

19、hat is the purpose of the passage?ato declare the importance of keeping fit.bto clarify some misconceptions about fatness and exercise.cto confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.dto explain some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.【解析】写作意图题。根据第一段的句子“there have always been

20、 a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise.”可知,作者写本文是为了指出人们关于肥胖和运动的认识误区。故选b。【答案】bcwhen paul was a boy growing up in utah, he happened to live near a copper smelter (炼铜厂), and the chemicals that poured out had made a wasteland out of what used to be a beautiful for

21、est.one day a young visitor looked at this wasteland and called it an awful area.paul knocked him down.from then on, something happened inside him.years later paul was back in the area, and he went to the smelter office.he asked if they had any plans or if they would let him try to bring the trees b

22、ack.the answer from that big industry was “no”paul then went to college to study the science of plants.unfortunately, his teachers said there weren't any birds or squirrels to spread the seeds.it would be a waste of his life to try to do it.everyone knew that, he was told.even if he was knowledg

23、eable as he had expected, he wouldn't get his idea accepted.paul later got married but his dream would not die.and then one night he did what he could with what he had.as samuel johnson wrote, “it is common to overlook what is near by keeping the eye fixed on something remote.attainable good is

24、often ignored by minds busied in wide ranges.” under the cover of darkness, he went secretly into the wasteland and started planting.and every week, he made his secret journey into the wasteland and planted trees and grass.for fifteen years he did this against the_plain_common_sense.slowly rabbits a

25、ppeared.later, as there was legal pressure to clean up the environment, the company actually hired paul to do what he was already doing.now the place is fourteen thousand acres of trees and grass and bushes, and paul has received almost every environmental award utah has.it took him until his hair t

26、urned white, but he managed to keep that impossible vow (誓言) he made to himself as a child.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述的就是paul用自己的毅力实现了自己的理想,让一块污染之地成为了绿洲。 9when paul was a boy, _.ahe had decided never to leave his hometownbthe economy of utah depended wholly on the copper smelterche hit a young visitor because of h

27、is comments on the wastelanddhe stopped the copper smelter polluting the area【解析】综合判断题。 根据第一、二段可知,paul小时候住在炼铜厂附近,深受其害(动物没了,树木少了),从小就立志改变这种状况,所以他几年后就到工厂去,询问工厂是否制定计划植树或让他植树,但工厂拒绝了。这就说明当时还没有环境保护法。d选项的时态错误。【答案】c10paul went to college to study the science of plants, because _.ahe wanted to find out the b

28、est way to save the area himselfbhe was interested in planting trees since he was youngche wanted to get more knowledgeable people to help himdhe thought his knowledge would make his advice more convincing【解析】推理判断题。 从第二段中paul 没有说服工厂植树,树立环保意识可知,他认为知识会使他的建议更有说服力,故选d项。【答案】d11what does the underlined ph

29、rase “the plain common sense” probably mean? ait was impossible for trees to grow on the wasteland.bhis normal work and life would be greatly affected.cno one would like to join him in the efforts.dhe had to keep everything he did secret.【解析】词义猜测题。 从短语的上下文可知paul每天秘密地去那片荒地植树。这么做是明知道荒地上种不了树,还这么做。【答案】a

30、12the company hired paul to plant trees and grass because_.athey realized the importance of environmentalprotectionbwhat paul was doing moved themcpaul persuaded them to help himdthey had legal pressure【解析】细节推断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句later, as there was legal pressure to clean up the environment, the company a

31、ctually hired paul to do what he was already doing.可知由于法律上的压力,故选d项。【答案】dda chinese actor's divorce from his wife, over her alleged extramarital affair, has social media buzzing, with posts about the subject gaining over five billion views.wang baoqiang announced online on sunday that he was divo

32、rcing his wife, ma rong, and sacking his agent, song zhe. he alleged that his marriage broke down after his wife had an affair with his agent, and that she had also transferred the couple's joint assets. ma has hit back at wang, accusing him of abandoning their family.the topic has sparked a deb

33、ate about relationships and divorce. it seems wang's situation has struck a chord with manywhich could explain the number of views, which are high even by chinese standards.the divorce quickly became a top trending topic in china. according to micro blog sina weibo, posts with the hashtag “wang

34、baoqiang divorce” have been viewed over five billion times. chinese netizens seem to have rallied around wang, with topics like “wang don't cry”“wang we support you”, quickly trending after news of the divorce spread. statistics by weibo showed that 47% of netizens' posts condemned ma for he

35、r affair, saying it had shattered her family. but why are they so interested? what is it about this one that's got all of china ruffled up?some people feel that this divorce seems to fit a certain tropeof a beautiful but ordinary girl marrying a rich but less good­looking man. it is not unc

36、ommon to hear the belief that a couple has to “match” at every levelbe it in status, or physical appearancefor a relationship to work out. wang and ma's split has many people wondering if uneven matches are unlikely to succeed.a lot of social media discussion has also centred around divorce, and

37、 in particular how people can protect themselves. wang has alleged that his wife transferred and hid some of the couple's assets. they're a wealthy coupletheir assets, according to chinese media, include nine flats, a bmw car and various luxury goods. as a result, people are debating the imp

38、ortance of protecting individual assets, even after marriage.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了王宝强的离婚事件引发了很多网民的热议,很多人都同情他的遭遇,这一事件也给人们带来了很多思考,通过这一事件告诉大家为什么对明星的离婚事件会如此引人关注。13what is the possible reason why wang baoqiang wanted a divorce?ahe abandoned his wife and family deliberatelybhe wanted to make his divorce a top tre

39、nding topic on the internet.che found his wife had an affair with his agent and that she had also transferred the couple's joint assets.d. he wanted to protect himself and individual assets.【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段中的“he alleged that his marriage broke down after his wife had an affair with his agent, and

40、 that she had also transferred the couple's joint assets.”可知,王宝强发现妻子马蓉和经纪人私通并转移共同财产后提出的离婚,故c项正确。【答案】c14which of the following is true according to the passage?ait is ma rong who should take responsibility for the divorce.ba couple has to “match” at every level for a relationship to work out.cif

41、they get divorced, wang baoqiang will have an equal share of their joint assets.dthe announcement of the divorce has made netizens debate the uneven matches and the protection of individual assets in marriage.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三、四段内容可知,王宝强离婚事件引起了网民对王宝强和马蓉在婚姻的不平等及保护个人财产等话题的热议,故d项正确。【答案】d15. what is the te

42、xt mainly about?awang baoqiang announced online that he was divorcing his wife, ma rong.buneven matches are unlikely to succeed.cit is important to protect individual assets, even after marriage.dwhy a celebrity divorce has aroused netizens' interest. 【解析】主旨大意题。根据倒数第三段中的“but why are they so inte

43、rested? what is it about this one that's got all of china ruffled up?”可知,本文通过王宝强的离婚事件告诉大家为什么对明星的离婚事件会如此引人关注,故d项正确。【答案】d.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)public speaking trainingget a coach_16_, so get help. since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training

44、and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.focus on positives any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well. nothing can hurt confidence more than being to

45、ld that you aren't doing well._17_, so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn't do._18_if you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's going to give you lots of dos and don'ts, walk away! your brain is so full of what

46、 you're going to be talking about._19_. as far as we're concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking. your audience can be your friends.you are a special person not a clonemost importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with y

47、our own personal habits._20_. your training course should help you bring out your personality, not try to turn you into someone you're not.ayou aren't like anybody elsebyou already do lots of things wellcturn your back on too many rulesdcheck the rules about dos and don'tsewhatever the p

48、resentation, public speaking is toughfthe one thing you don't want is for them to fall asleepgso trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse【语篇解读】文章讲述了进行公共演讲的训练要点。 你可以找到一个教练帮助你进行公众演讲训练也可以参加公众演讲训练课,并且指出应该找到适合自己的培训机构。16【解析】根据下一句ready to offer you public speaking traini

49、ng and courses可知,开头说的是与public speaking 有关的问题。故选e。【答案】e17【解析】本题位于段中,通过上下文得出选项。后一句so good public speaking training should develop those与空格形成因果关系,所以空格中应表达“你已经做得很好了”的含义,所以b选项是正确答案。【答案】b18【解析】本题位于段首,为整段的主旨大意。本段第一句中提到lots of dos and don'ts, walk away!【答案】c19【解析】从前句your brain is so full of what you'

50、;re going to be talking about, 可知后一空与前一空形成因果关系,脑子里装满了条条框框只会使情况变得更糟。故选g。【答案】g20【解析】小标题为you are a special person not a clone以及treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits可以得出答案you aren't like anybody else(与众不同)。故答案选a。【答案】a.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)we waiters need to face all kinds of

51、customers every day.when something goes wrong, we should have the ability to keep on going and _21_the customers.i remember my first job was at a fine restaurant.one day, the manager informed all the cooks and _22_that a vip group were coming for _23_.the group were vips in the city's restaurant

52、s _24_ 10 people.after they arrived, we let them get _25_ comfortably and drinks were ordered._26_,the head waiter would be the person in _27_ of wine service.however, the manager asked me to serve that noon.i had never served a group of 10, _28_ had i done wine service.when it's turn to _29_one

53、 of the wine glasses in front of a young woman, somehow i lost my trip(抓)and the other _30_fell on top of her, and then to the floor and _31_in pieces.i felt _32_and apologized many times to the woman and to the rest of the group.quickly, the manager _33_ my aid, helped in the clean­up, and sen

54、t out their _34_ right away.the group forgave me and the young woman repeatedly informed me it's ok._35_on that day, my manager told me,“mistakes and_36_do happen.if you know why they happened, learn from it and move on, _37_you still have a table to serve.keep your head up and be confident.the

55、glasses are _38_.”i understand why he was truly a well respectable restaurant manager within our _39_.his close relationship with the group made the situation calm and the group _40_me for that.【语篇解读】本文讲述作者在服务客人的过程中犯了一些错误,经理及时出现并处理和控制住局面,从这位经理身上受益匪浅。21a.pleasebattractcinvitedwelcome【解析】句意:当出错时,我们应该有

56、能力继续服务顾客。根据语境可知选a项。【答案】a22a.cookersbservantscwaitersdcleaners【解析】句意:一天,经理通知厨师和服务员,有一个vip客户团队要来吃午餐。根据语境可知选c项。【答案】c23a.mealbdinnercbreakfastdlunch【解析】句意:一天,经理通知厨师和服务员,有一个vip客户团队要来吃午餐。根据下文however, the manager asked me to serve that noon.可知选d项。【答案】d24a.made up ofblet in as cadded up todrecognized as【解析】

57、句意:这些客人都是重要的客户,由10个人组成。根据语境可知选a项。【答案】a25a.satisfiedbseatedcdresseddintroduced【解析】句意:当他们到达后,我们让他们舒适地坐下,上了所点的饮料。get seated就坐,故选b项。【答案】b26a.quicklybrapidlycnormallydnaturally【解析】句意:像往常一样,领班负责酒水。根据语境可知选c项。【答案】c27a.chargebchangechonordfavor【解析】句意:像往常一样,领班负责酒水。in charge of 负责,故选a项。【答案】a28a.neverbeverclittlednor【解析】句意:我从来没有服务过这么大的一个团队,也从来没有服务过酒水。根据never可知选d项。【答案】d29a.setbbrokecshookdcut【解析】句意:轮到给前面一位女士上酒杯,我没有抓住,另外一个酒杯掉到她的身上,再掉到地上,摔成碎片。根据语境可知选a项。【答案】a30a.winebglassesccoffeedcookers【解析】句意:轮到给前面一位女士上酒杯,我没有抓住,另外一个酒杯掉到她的身上,再掉


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