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仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit+4+Having+Fun课件 (1)_第5页
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1、一.Do you know these animals?二.Lets know about these animals.J1. Whats this ?J Its an elephant.J2. Whats this ?J Its a lion.J3. Whats this ?J Its a panda.J4. Whats this ? J Its a tiger.J5. Whats this ?J Its a monkey.三.Listen to 1a and complete the passage.J freeJ Kangkang and Michael are _ tomorrow.J

2、 zooJThey want to go to the _. They can see _Jmonkeys lionsJ_ , _ , tigers and Jelephants 9 J_.They will meet at _ oclock at JKangkangs home. 四.PracticeJ1.Listen to 1a and read after it.J2.Practice 1a in pairs.J3.Listen and number the pictures. ( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 )五.What time is it , please? / Wh

3、ats the time,please?J1:00J 1:05J J 1:15J1. It one oclock.J ( Its one.)J2. Its five past one.J ( Its one o five.)J3. Its a quarter past one.J ( Its one fifteen.)J 1:30 J1:40J 1:45J4. Its half past one.J ( Its one thirty.)J5. Its twenty to two.J ( Its one fourty.)J6. Its a quarter to two.J ( Its one f

4、orty-five.)两种常用的时刻表达法:J1.直接表述(先小时后分钟).如:J 1:15 one fifteen J2.借助于past (过)和to (差)的表述(先分钟后小时).J 当分钟数小于或等于三十分钟时,用past (过).如:J 10:12 twelve past ten J 10:30 half past tenJ 当分钟数超过三十分钟时,用 to (差).如:J 1:55 five to two六.Practice .What time is it,please? /Whats the time,please?J1). 6:00J Its six oclock.J2). 6

5、:05J Its five past six.J3). 6:10J Its ten past six.J4). 6:15 Its a quarter past six.J5). 6:30J Its half past six.J6). 6:35J It twenty-five to seven.J7). 6:40J Its twenty to seven. J8). 6:45J Its a quarter to seven.J9). 6:50 J Its ten to senen.J10). 6:55J Its five to seven.J11). 2:05JIts five past tw

6、o.J12). 6:22JIts tweny-two past six.J13). 8:20JIts twenty past eight.J14). 10:10JIts ten past ten. 七.Practice.(Boys act A, girls act B, thenexchenge.)JSee Example 1):J1) A. What can we see at 10 oclock?JB. We can see the Monkey Show at 10 oclock.J2) A. What can we see at a quarter past ten?JB. We ca

7、n see the Panda Show at a quarter past ten?J3) A. What can we see at half past ten?JB. We can see the Elephant Show at half past ten.J4) A. What can we see at a quarter to eleven?JB. We can see the Lion Show at a quarter to eleven.J5) A. What can we see at eleven oclock?JB. We can see the Tiger Show at elevn oclock.J九九.Call out the names of the p


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