1、Forrester Consulting :协调科技、数据和组织以提供价值零售商将数字作为提高客户参与的引擎。仅在美国, 14%的销售直接发生在 网上,39%的线下零售受到数字的影响。 所有这些数字活动都产生了丰富的信息, 但如果公司不能利用这些信息来改善体验和提升客户价值, 这些信息就毫无用处。2019年7月,Bluecore委托Forrester Consulting 对零售业的营销状况进 行了评估。Forrester对美国和欧洲零售公司的 307名营销技术(Martech )决 策者进行了一项在线调查发现, 零售商通常难以有效地利用其客户、 销售和产品 数据来为其客户提供现代营销体验。其
2、他发现:零售商努力实现他们最重要的客户目标。 零售商知道他们必须赢得新客户并 改善现有客户的体验, 因此他们正在寻求提供更吸引人的体验。 但是,大多数零 售商认为他们在这些目标上并不出色。 许多零售商都在努力提供跨渠道和触点的 个性化体验,以提供更多的价值。零售商在数据管理和组织孤岛方面苦苦挣扎。 数据管理任务是一项重大挑战, 因为零售商必须处理客户、销售和产品参与数据,以提供个性化的全方位体验。 但是,通常负责数据管理的 IT 资源超载,数据管理流程的最终责任也是支离破 碎的。因此,大多数零售商认为他们的数据管理和组织结构损害了他们的营销努 力。零售商需要从他们的营销科技努力中获得更多, 才
3、能在客户赋权的时代脱颖 而出。零售营销人员依赖多个系统将洞察转化为营销行动。 即使是客户体验的一 小部分改善,也可以带来数百万美元的收入增长。Align Technology, Data, And Your Organization To Deliver Customer ValueHow Marketers Can Improve Customer Experience And The Bottom Line By Translating Data Into Insights Into ActionTable Of Contents1 Executive Summary2 For Retai
4、lers, Massive Opport unity And Challenge Go Hand In Hand4 Retailers Struggle To Deliver High Value Customer Experiences5 Organizational And Process Silos Hirnder Data Management Efforts8 Retailers Need More From Their Martech To Capture Busin ess And Customer Benefits12 Key Recommendations13 Appendi
5、xABOUT FORRESTER CONSULTINGProject DhoctorNicKolaa Phelps, Senior 钦 Impact ConsuHartContributMfi Rewafch:Forr«iter,3 82C Marketing rewaarch peupPorrMKf Ccnculling prav »das independent and obfetko rMoirch-bacod oonwtnfl !ob«lpeuccxd thtir orgtnizitione Ranfling r scope troma short str
6、Mvpy seston to custom prcivds Fmi烫 1利 ConsuRm svrvictsconned you d<recVy with research anilysts who »pply expert ineht to your speafic buz mass challenges. For mor® mfermation. visit forroctor cotrUconsulting.O 2019 Forrcctor Rosoarch Inc Al nghis rosrvod naulhorizod reproduction ts str
7、icty prohibited information q based on best ava(lab>« resources Op«n«of;9 letlec! judgment at the time and ate subject to changiTechnographtcs. Forrester Wa e. AoleView TechRadar and Total Economic Impact are tradomarlic of Fonx 仙 Rocoach. Inc AH othor trad am arks aro rht propony
8、of th<ir roptctive commM Forinformation qa to兴 com (E-44749)ForresterExecutive SummaryKEY FINDINGSRetailers depend on digital as ther primary growth and customer engageniGnt enginm In the US alcne. 14% of al ses take place directly online, and 39% of aM retail sales that take place offl ne are in
9、fluenced by digital1 All of this digital activity results m a wealth of infocmation about customers' online behaviors, purchase journeys even produet interaction dati but tnic information it utelett rt firmt CAnnot harnMS il to improve experiences and drive customer value In July 2019 Oluccore c
10、ommssioncd Forreatcr Cor sorting to evaluate the state of marketing m roiii Forrester conducted an omme survey of 307 marketing technology (rrartech) decision maken at retal comp an «8 in the US and Europe to explore this topic We found that retailers often struggle to enectiveiy leverage teir
11、customer sales, and product data to del rue* moder n mar<etjng experiences for their customers.» Retailers struggle to meet th*4r most Important customer goals. Retaners knovr they must win nwr customers and improve the experience fo« their existing ones. and so they are looking to delk
12、er mor* r»l«v>nt. engaging #xp*ntnc«« Yet mott r«tait«r« believe E«y aren't excdling at those goals and many struogle to deliver the kinds of p«rs on alizd 9xp«rinc«s across ch a nnols and touchpoints that would deliver more customer valu
13、e.> Retollertruggg with data manogement and organizational silos. Data management tasks bt a significant challenge as retu i«rs must work across customer saes, and product engagement datato driver personalized omnichirnei experiences Yet r resources, often tasked with data na-agement, are ov
14、erloaded and ultimate accountabllty for data rianagement processes is fragmented As a result. most retailors fwl their data management and organizational structure hurt ther mnrfccbng efforts.> Rotoilrs need more from thor martech to excel In an ora of empowered customer ReUli marketer& re
15、87;y on multfle tystemg to translate insight Into marKeting ootlon. and study respondents f*vl the/ nvvd mor* from thek marketing technology ftp*claily it applies to data manager'ant Tisks that can power personaiiratKin and omnichannel efforts Personalization and omnichannei execution are ted to
16、 better customer loyalty and experience, as wel as more effective marketing measurement and product offers And even a small improvement n customer experience can result in millions of dollars in increased revenues down the line.Forrester-1 | Ahgn Uglogy 0*1 a And YourV*liRetailers must seek out oppo
17、rtunities to better understand customer needs and deliver value to those needs in the time and place of the customers* choosing For Retailers, Massive Opportunity And Challenge Go Hand In HandRetailers today face unprecedented opportunity and unprecedented challenges s muitaneousiy The opportunity:
18、OveraB US retan sales grew 47% year over year In 2018. marking tfw fastest retail economy growth ince 2011, whi e online retail saiet grew by 16% in th* wme time period ? Th© chalenge Stagnant Incomes and growing debt mean that hou«<holdt trimming the« budget* ar>d moving their
19、tptndmg to the retailers that oh«r Them superior value convenience and customer xperince, whether onlino or in -store * Finding the means to deliver cu3tor-cr value will determine which rctniters evolve or are left bch ndUltimatoiy tbree macro trends “6 dr>ng change in how roYailors must rel
20、ate to their custom> Customer hyperadoption CoBumen toddy Are adopting new proauctv and experiences much more rapidy than before ForrMtc has shown that con turner j are 28% more likely to agree that they arc a/ays will ng to try new things than They we*6|u$t nine years ago This openness proves in
21、roads for vfrergng disnjptve entrarts kke direct-lo- consumer (DTC) brands which are adept at *dentify«ng and responding to empowered conjumers* p(ev»cxj$iy unmet (and unknown) needs?> Digital disruption. Retailers know their customers are more likely than ever to start and f n.sh ifiei
22、r purchase journeys via digital expenences As a result retailers are embracing digital touchpoims yet many struggle today to adapt Io rising customer demonds for seamless expedonces tnroughout their customer (ourneys? The came digital tool and system that customers have embraced give companies a bri
23、dge over which to cheaply and rapidly ideate dovdop and dPwer the experiences and outcomes that customers hyperadopt but those new expenences continuously raise the bar of customer expectations.» Customer experience. The abiliry to rapidly offer hyperadoptive consumers powerful new experiences
24、and outcomes has shone a spotight on customer experience the I aye* of touchpoints and connections that ex«1 between any company and its customers Customer experience leaders grow revenue faster dnve higher brand preference and can charge a premium for their products*DELIVERING VALUABLE CUSTOME
25、R EXPERIENCES IS THE COMMON THREAD FOR SUCCESSFUL RETAILERSResponding to these three macro trends requires that retailers take ©very opportunity to identfy and mxt cuttomw nedt with new, digda -forward experiences that drhe concisiont personaized value to the customs Aetailets in this stucty ha
26、ve shown that they understand xhE mportance of customer centricrty and have placed customer-certnc goab toward tne top of their list of key business objectives for this year (see Figure 1).Wh: e these objectives help reta I marketers succeed most marketers struggle to enectiveiy execute agamst them
27、Half of respondents to d us they spend at best 30% of their time d rectly pursuing their most ImporUnt goals As a result, only 20% beWeve ther organizations are very eHective ot winning new customer® and just 21% ooy they are very eff«ctiv« Jt improving cuttomer experience Figure 2|Fi
28、gure 1"Wluit er oryantzalion's top malting objective* for thh year?" Rank 1 Rack 2 Rank 33 | AfcgpTiglojh 0*t* And YoufC ) To - C Vgiv*Forrester-# | AfcgpTiglojh 0*t* And YoufC ) To - C Vgiv*Forrester-Win new cvetomers improve our cToemIrw o«t In aulomat»onRetain oxisling uct
29、omwrsIncrease customer loyaltyCr«*dte or increase customs vehe13%45%16%16%39%37%32*.31%Retailers are putting customer-centric objectives at the top of their marketing goals this year, including improving customer experienee.# | AfcgpTiglojh 0*t* And YoufC ) To - C Vgiv*Forrester-Half of retaile
30、rs spend 30% of their time or less on top objectives.Approximatohf what porcoat of your timo would you say you spend directly working to pursue your top goal?*23%Mov than 50%27%32%>30% 50%>20% - 30%Base 307 naartech deoeion mxers al f如 eoterpreesSoltoq A cotnmeacfiod conductad b/ F3noEtof Cons
31、uting on b«ha of Qluccofo, IJo ember 2019 rigwr* 2"Mow effective do you believe your organization k today at ochieving lhe following merketing go*"* Yery effoctiveOuuv 307 mirtch deoeon al entvprewSoltoq A commnicMd shxiy corMluctod by Forrsstor Consuting on bohaf of ShMOOr% Wow ember
32、 2019# | AfcgpTiglojh 0*t* And YoufC ) To - C Vgiv*Forrester-RETAILERS PRIORITIZE YET STRUGGLE WITH DELIVERING HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCESDigital savvy, tmecrunched consumers expect retailers to deiver valuable interactions consistently across any touchponts they Goose In retponte retailors are
33、iocuied on improving me<r capabihtiet tor personalizoton and omnichannel delivery Personflitzed oxperiencei um customer data to crrate individja(zod product content, or offer recommendations and under>tondmg that frame guide, extend and enhance interactions based on cortex: predictive models a
34、nd th© indidual person s History, preferences ardA>r intent Omnichannel expcnenccs involve the coordination of traditional charnels (marketing skiing furfilimeni) and $upporting systems to create a seamless and consistent customer experierce fro*n discovery to purdiase Both a»e critical
35、 to debvenng customer value and meeting customer expectationsRetail marxeters understand th© mportance of these capabll ti6s and the vast majority of study respondents md eated that omnichanncl and pefsonakzod oxperwncos are key to achieving th«r objective Eighty one percent behave that de
36、livering soomless and consistent o<nnichann<H experiences o important or extremely mporUnt to thek rrarket«ng goals, white 78% caid the same of delivering porsonaued experiencesRetailers Struggle To Deliver High-Value Customer ExperiencesWhile retail mirketeft underttand th# importince of
37、 personaliaition >nc ommchftnntl exporencoa. moat brands atrugglt to deliver them Only 30H of 6tudy respondents reported that ttieir brands are very effective at omnichannel «xccution and lust 12% feel very confdent in their personalization capab Kties (see Figure 3) Forrester research suppo
38、rts this picture: Retailers consistently struggle with both omn channel and personalization, argely due to d>fficultcs aligning across technology, data, and orgomzotonal silos 'Figure 3'How would you mt» your orgMfilmtioR'B nbHity nt *11011 of the followIrq csay lhey are very eff
39、ectr/e* at drlvmg seamlees and consistent omnichannel experiences to custofnere.say they are ey effeetke- at dHvering personalized experiences to customere.# I0小 And Your 0 f)-« ZM c»n Io D«4i.- CWbForrester-Base 307 martech deccaon makers at reta; enterprecsSocroe A comrx»cned s
40、ruefy conducted D, Forreeter CouEg on behar of Bluoore. Novemtoar 2019# I0小 And Your 0 f)-« ZM c»n Io D«4i.- CWbForrester-It*s impossible to effectively deliver relevant, personalized experiences where and when your customers need them if they can't understand what their customers
41、* engagement and shopping behaviors are saying.DATA MANAGEMENT HOLDS BACK RETAILERS* EFFORTS TO DELIVER CUSTOMER VALUERetailers face a two-sided i$ue dd/ering personatzed, omnichannel custor er experiences On one hand, ttiey are awasli m rich sources o1 data a*d in tight customer data to reveal behi
42、viort and needt. salet data to Illuminate the sTepa of the buyer journey and product lnteractk>r data to determine apreferred products or solutions. On theother hand, rotaitors must clean process, align share, and turn all this data into actionable insightsThvte dati managUBkt hav« proven to
43、 b a major sbeking point for rwtal markotors. vast mjority lack full conndenct infundamental data management capab (ities For example only 13% of reta ler decision makers are very conf dent in their organmtionH daia hygiene and reconc:liation capabilfties while just 16% behave they excel at data agg
44、regation This leaves retailers stuc*: Its impossible to eflechvcly deliver relevant, personalized expediences where and when cvU)n«od them If they can't unaorstand what their customgrs* ngagemtnt and shopping behaviors are soywigOrganizational And Process Silos Hinder Data Management Effort
45、sFundamental data management tas<s are holding reta< marketers back from deiivenno personolized and omnichannel experiences and oftein tlw current elite ol procett and organIzational illgnmentt contnbutes to tha problem. Many organizations rely on teams wrth« the IT organization to handle
46、 dot a integrations ard management to address fragm。n2d data 6ik>s Reta ; decision makers told us they stmggle with the fact that data they need exists in multiple formats that must be reconciled by socneone and that issues with data fragmentation are the most significant problems they face m cam
47、paign creation. custorer journey management and data aggregation tashsIT RESOURCES ARE SPREAD TOO THIN TO HELP MARKETERS OPERATE IN REAL TIMECustomers demand that brands wpond to thoir nmds. nnd often thnt response must come m real or near-real T>n)e In many ways, foous ng on a central zed resour
48、oe to enable these capab川t)g makes sese since retailers' responses must reach end to end across the enterprise channels, and the customer ecosystems 1 he challenge Is that the centralized resource de ngueur IT teams are often balancing multiple pnorrties.nts study rouna tnat neany two-<nra$ o
49、t n responaents wonang on data integration and dealing devote a* rnosf 10 hours a week to 1hese critical enablement tasxs creating a bottleneck on data kisighio required to power relevant customer experiences As a result marketers struggle to turn data into action. Seventy-eight percent of mirk«
50、;t«n our study told ut they wait sworsl days to moro than a week for campaign or audience data requests to bo completed Nodless to say. this isn't a situ at onsupports real-time customer vaue (see Figure 4>.S | Ahgp TxMology D«Ih And Your O zM»c*nC W5臼 VmForrester*4"Approi
51、how much time p«»r w”h do yo/do“your toem spend buikimg data integrations and cleaning tasks for marketing?*”pprom*©” how long do youto wa4 forcampaigre or audionc* data requests you svbmrt to b« comptotod?*0 to 呛6 than 10 hour1% -Don't know/doee 81 apply3%10%More than a week
52、 A few hours to n«ar-<eal-timGSeveral daysBacq 1T| fT mrtGcti docb>an makm rcuil cfTtoedKosScxrce: A commssicned stud conducted by Forres!er Co曲Eq on 碎淼 & BKixg N/enber 2019Paco 12D markoliig maftoc*! doci&c«i mahorv retail MerphcsC Note Percerln*? don t total 100 because of
53、roundng Source A oomrx» study coMucfed FoiTeerer ContuXg on betofl of Pluecort. Novwn W 2010FRACTURED ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES FAIL TO ADD VALUERetailers be «ve that a FcX of clear ownership of data management taiK< also contnbut#s to problems executing ommcnarnei personattzobon On ave
54、roge thm 厲 lime agmrwni around who truly * owm* thv outcomet of data manag«mM)t W atked survey respordenta which tunctions are responaiole. accountable. consulted or informed (a classic RACI mod®I) for data managmnt strategics and work efforts Wc found that while IT is ultimately responsib
55、le markctinQ. digital media buying customer experience, and external partners are ail accountable 1or the work. And then data science and eCommerce teams are consulted. As o result, only 22% believe the«r organizational structure Is highly effeebve for customer data management, whrfe 42% bHieve
56、 It either doesn t he p or even hurts data management efforts (see Fgup 5).As a result, reta I marketers say they aren*t receiving the support they nooc to pursue th«lr koy goals. Recalling that retailers' top two market*no goals are wmnmg new cuatomcri and imoroving customer experience, re
57、spectively, manech i$ deaty fa ling to deliver Just over 20% gav« th«ir technology top marks for supporting customer acquisition and about n third martech supports customer experience improvements very well TelllnQly only 15% of retailers believe their marlech stack provides very good supp
58、ort for creating or mere合sing customer value |see Figure 6).# | AupWlmology D*tg And Your 0 «zM«c»n ToCV血Forrester-Fu»ctk>nRACI DotignatloM©ITF esponsibteMarketingAcco un table©Anatylics/data scienceConsultedUfaCommerceConsultedDbgdal mtdtai buykig>-ccountable Wii
59、mCu»to<vwr experWnceAccountable41Agency or eilernel tech partR*rAccountableFigure 5Over 40% believe their org structure hurts data management efforts、 To whet degree do youth«trvct«r« of your orgunkiiUoii from ttia prior question it fWcfrva?-Highly tHffecbvaBow 307 n ditch dtv
60、«on al -<a< tnCuywSotroe A commroHcned st 吗 corxiucted by Forrest er Corvauting on behaf of Oluccore, H65ber2019Fgrv S*How w«ll do«s your current marketing technology support your orQAnryation't k*y fnarkting ob)*ctive«?* Supports «ery wellBawmwlxhnt twlw Source A commcacnM aruc coMucfed by Foaest
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