



1、British in flue nces on the prese nt worldEngland's full title is "Great Britain and the Northern Ireland united kingdom". She separates North Sea, Straits of Dover and the English Channel faces one another with the Europe con ti nen t, is an isla nd coun try. En gla nd was formed as a

2、 country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles that is one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries.In 18th cen tury, because politics, the economy and the tech ni cal aspect are gradually mature, En gla nd has started a in dus

3、trial revoluti on. Along with the steam engine invention, to 19th century in leaf's Victoria time, England has become in the world the most adva need in dustrialized coun try, leaps to the world first place in the product ion and the trade yeast, everywhere carries out the gun boat policy, captu

4、res the marine hegem ony, in vades the colony, massively plun ders other country wealth. Great Britain dominates the world, spreads Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia in the overseas control region and it is known as "the date not to fall the empire".This period is the most prosperou

5、s period, and it is should be the prosperous to leave the world two very profo und in flue nces that one is En glish and the other is in dustrial revoluti on. The in flue nee of En glishEnglish nowadays is used in a lot areas around the world. Once called as the sun-never set country" in the 19

6、th century, the British Empire owned about 1/4 land of the world. At that time, the Ianguage of the ruler, the English, was the Ianguage chose n for com muni cati on betwee n differe nt colonies and within the British Empire. English now is the official language for more than 80 countries and become

7、s one of the most popular Ian guage for intern ati onal com muni cati on.Nowadays English is popular in many fields, such as academy,international political meet in gs, en terta inment, bus in ess,a nd eve n pers onal social in teracti on. In the field of mass media, En glish is the most favorite Ia

8、n guage. Take the TV n ews as an example. CNN and BBC are good choices to get information about the current international news. In the entertainment industry, English has an unparalleled position. In the movie field, Hollywood plays an important role and produces lots of movies every year. Among the

9、 movies from Hollywood, most are in En glish or come withEn glish subtitles. In the music field, hav ing En glish com muni cati on ability seems to be the basic requirement for the artists to compete in the global market. English is preferred to any other Ian guage in the field of scie nce and tech

10、no logy. Besides being used in books, n ewspaper, academic conferen ces, and scie nce tech no logy, En glish is also the main Ian guage employed in intern ati onal sett in gs, intern ati onal airports, advertis ing, and orga ni zati ons.In all the above cases, English globalization makes English bec

11、ome the international lingual franca for communication. A lingua franca is used as a tool for com muni cati on. When two speakers with differe nt first Ian guages want to com muni cate with each other, each speaker has to choose a com mon Ian guage to make himself/herself un derstood. The chose n co

12、m mon Ian guage is the lin gua fran ca. Curre ntly, the Ian guage chose n most ofte n around the world is En glish (House, 2003). To these people who choose En glish as the lin gua fran ca, En glish is used as a tool to achieve someth ing ben eficial to their lives, for making mon ey, job.The reas o

13、n of this in flue nceWhy does this phe nomenon take place? Gen erally speak ing, there is a primary factor accounting for this phenomenon. Because Great Britain was dominated the world, spreads Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia in the overseas con trol regi on, is known as "the date not

14、to fall the empire". At that time, the Ianguage of the ruler, the En glish, was the Ian guage chose n for com muni cati on betwee n differe nt colonies and with in the British Empire.The in flue nce of in dustrial revoluti onFrom the 18th to well into the 19th cen tury,the famous In dustrial Re

15、voluti on from where the greatest cha nges in several parts made a profo und effect on the whole society in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the whole world. It is a great revolution which brings about a new times in moder n history of

16、the world of produce and tech no logy.It goes without saying that the agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and tech no logy have already un derg one massive cha nges in the bli nk of an eye. The In dustrial Revolutio n is con sidered a major turni ng point in huma n history almost every as

17、pect of daily life was eventually influenced to some degree. Most notably, the population began to display unprecedented sustained growth and the quality of people ' selisvimproved dramatically.The industrial revolution was the driving force behind social change between the 18th and 19th centuri

18、es. England had already been well on its way toward becoming a major workshop of the world. During the century, human power was rapidly being supplanted by machine power; the domestic system was being replaced by the factory system; and a substantial part of the population was moving to industrial t

19、owns and cities.In my opinion, the industrial revolution played the vital role. First of all, it is not only the British industrial development to increase productivity, but also indicates the rapid development of science and technology. Secondly, the famous scientist helped to reduce the workforce

20、and enhance the industrial development speed. However, due to the industrial revolution, the consolidation of the economic base and superstructure set up, but masses of people were still in poverty, unemployment. Cyclical economic crisis also produced a new social contradiction. Overall industrial revolution not only brings benefits to the people, but also for people irreparable loss. The causes of the Industrial RevolutionIt is a necessary result of the social development in Britain. The bourgeoisie in Britain accomplished its “ primitive accumulation of capital t”hrough p


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