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1、”东西方跨文明比较通识课程东方财富文化与西方财富文化陆道夫主讲广州大学卫斯理安学院亚当斯密国富论2 The Wealth of NationsThe Wealth of Nations国民财富的性质和起因的研究国民财富的性质和起因的研究An Inquiry Into The Nature and Causes of The An Inquiry Into The Nature and Causes of The Wealth of NationsWealth of NationsLife story Adam Smith was a curious human being. He lived

2、with his mother (she lived to be ninety) and remained a bachelor all his life. Adam Smith didnt have much luck with ladies, however; he proposed marriage two or three times but was rejected. 4Social background1 Adam Smith was born in 1723 in Fife (County Fife) of coker Cadillac (Kirkcaldy). The Brit

3、ish can be said to be the advanced capitalist countries in Europe. Is not only the countries of the world trade center, and is a leading industrial countries in the rest of the world.2 Early 18th century Europe land of France and Germany, are still within the childish feudal family industry, or inde

4、pendent handicraft industry stage, still in this way to control production.Absent-minded- 与人讨论自由贸易时走进皮革厂的水池;- 泡茶时把面包和黄油放进茶壶,说这是他喝到的最不好喝的茶;- 边走边思考问题,走出家门15英里(24公里)竟然不知道;- He told his London publisher in 1780: “I had almost forgot that I was the author of the inquiry concerning The Wealth of Nations.”

5、 6 a Scottish social philosopher and a pioneer of political economy the father of modern economics and capitalism. 为什么一个哲学家会写经济学的书? 当时英国的大学以教授历史和哲学为主 哲学法理法律制度政府政治经济学7 在当时的英国和欧洲的大部分国家,政府的作用被认为是至高无上的。 亚当斯密认为,the way to achieve peace and prosperity is to set individuals free. He attacked one type of go

6、vernment intervention after another. 8严复翻译成原富 国富论在亚当斯密生前曾出版过5个版本(1776, 1778, 1784, 1786, 1789) 1897年严复开始翻译原富, 1902年上海南洋公学译书院出版。 多为意译,甚至脱离原文,就书中某一观点阐述自己的观点。9 郭大力 王亚南1936年出版国富论10本书的地位 有人认为,如果没有国富论,就没有马克思的资本论。 有人认为,本书是现代政治经济学研究的是现代政治经济学研究的起点,被誉为西方经济学的起点,被誉为西方经济学的“圣经圣经” 。它标它标志着经济学作为一门独立学科的诞生。志着经济学作为一门独立

7、学科的诞生。 200多年来,经济学家所做的工作只是为亚当斯密的理论打补丁、做完善。The contribution Marxs judgment of the wealth of nations by Adam Smith: with Adam Smith, political economy has grown into a whole, it is included in the scope of a certain extent, has been formed. for the first time, the basic problem of political economics h

8、as been put forward by him ; 国富论论述的问题 the role of self-interest, the division of labor, the function of markets, the international implications of a laissez-faire economy.13The wealth of nations is a great work, Adam Smith put the self-interest of heart did a harmonious unity with the male, the hear

9、t, let us know the self-interest and public interest are not contradictory to each other, but complement each other, is conducive to the progress and development of the community as a whole. 重要观点和主张 个人主义个人主义 财产私财产私有制有制 追求利追求利润具有润具有正当性正当性 价格机能价格机能 经济自由经济自由 4.重视“看不见的手”对经济的调节作用 5.商品的价格,由市场来决定 1.社会进步是建立

10、在个人的生存及发展的基础上的2.私人应当有权拥有及支配自己的财富3.使追求利润的过程中同时促进社会的进步 Book One Of the Causes of Improvements in the Productive Powers of Labour, and of the Order according to which its Produce is Naturally Distributed among the Different Ranks of the People 论劳动生产力改进的原因,以及劳动产品自然地分配给各阶级人们的顺序16Book Two Of the Nature, A

11、ccumulation, and Employment of Stock 论财富的性质、蓄积和用途17Book Three Of the different Progress of opulence in different Nations 论不同国家中财富的不同发展18Book Four Of Systems of Political Economy 论政治经济学的体系19Book Five Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth 论君主或英联邦国家的收入20有待研究的若干问题 有无“亚当斯密问题”? 何谓“看不见的手”? 如何处理政府

12、与市场的关系?有无“亚当斯密问题”? 19世纪德国人提出了“斯密问题”(das Adam Smith Problem):在道德情操论中提出的同情原理与他在国富论中提出的利己心原理相互矛盾。 斯密在道德情操论中把人的行为归结于同情,而在国富论中却把人的行为归结于自私。 能够解决经济短缺问题(economic scarcity)的是个人利益和效用,还是仁爱和同情?22道德情操论 “人,不管被认为是多么的自私,在他人性中显然还有一些原理,促使他关心他人的命运,使他人的幸福成为他的幸福必备的条件,尽管除了看到他人幸福他自己也觉得快乐之外,他从他人的幸福中得不到任何其他好处。”23国富论 “我们决不能指

13、望从屠夫、酿酒师或面包师的仁慈中获得我们的晚餐。我们只能从使他们关心他自己的利益中来获得我们的晚餐。我们要向他们讲述的不是不是他们的人道博爱,而是他们的私利。绝不要向他们谈论我们自己的需要,而是要谈论他们的利益。只有乞丐才会把自己的生活主要地寄托在同胞的施舍上。” “在追求他个人利益时,他时常比他真实地有意促进社会利益还更加有效地促进了社会的利益。我从来没有听说过那些伪装为了公共利益而经商的人做了多少好事。诚然,那种装模作样,在商人中并不普遍存在,所以无须说什么去劝阻他们。”何谓“看不见的手”? 亚当斯密所说的invisible hand的原意是指什么? 在Theory of Moral Se

14、ntiments一书的Part IV第一章中使用了invisible hand一词: “in spite of their natural selfishness and rapacity, though they mean only their own conveniency, though the sole end which they propose from the labours of all the thousands whom they employ, 26 “尽管他们(富人)的天性是自私的和贪婪的,虽然他们只图自己方便,虽然他们雇佣千百万人来为自己劳动的唯一目的是满足自己无聊而

15、又贪得无厌的欲望,但是他们还是同穷人一样分享他们所做的一切改良的成果。一只看不见的手一只看不见的手引导他们对生活必需品作出几乎同土地在平均分配给全体居民的情况下所能作出的一样的分配。从而不知不觉地增进了社会利益,”如何认识政府与市场的关系? 国富论要回答的问题就是如何促进国家财富的增长。实现增长的途径就是laisser faire,即发挥“看不见的手”的作用。28invisible handsSocial nature has an invisible hand to lead the people to make the best choice for society and the ind

16、ividual and no government and individuals can replace the role of this invisible hand, if you want to replace the role of this invisible hand, will cause confusion. What is the invisible hand? Smith although there is no direct expression, but the book has told us, that the invisible hand is the soul of the human heart.亚当斯密与中国 国富论有60处提到“China”,8处提到Chinese. “China has been long one of the richest, that is, one of the most fertile, best cultivat


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