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1、命题:刘杲审题:熊蓓第一局部:听力共两节;总分值 30分第一节共5小题;每题分,总分值分听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,C三个选项中选 出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来答复 有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Wh ich is true about John?A. He went to a pub to dri nk.C. He is addicted to drinking.2. What does the woma n want to know?A. What kind of typewriter it

2、is.C. Why the man wants to sell the typewriter.3. How does the man feel now?A. Hun gry.B. Sleepy.4. When will the woman meet the man?B. He has give n up drinking.B. What price the man will ask for.C. En ergetic.A. At 10:00 tomorrow mor ning.B. At 10:30 tomorrow mor ning.C. At 11:00 tomorrow morni ng

3、.5. What does the man mainly do in his spare time?A. Lear n a Ian guage.B. Do some sports.C. Play the pia no.第二节共15小题;每题分,总分值分听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,C三个选 项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,每题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,答复第6至7题。6. What' s the relati on ship betwee

4、 n the two speakers?C. Mother and son.C. A turkey.C. 81.C. Four.A. Cous ins.B. Husba nd and wife.7. What are they going to buy?A. San dwiches.B. A prese nt.听第7段材料,答复第8至11题。8. How old is the woma n?B. 65.A. 16.9. How many girls does the woman's family have altogether?A. Five.B. Nine.10. What was

5、the woma n' s childhood like?A. Quarrelsome but free.B. Poor but happy.C. Rich but not free.11. In which way was the woman not satisfied with her childhood?A. She seldom had new cloth es.B. She had no chanee to go to school.C. She had no bike to ride.听第8段材料,答复第12至14题12. Where does the con versat

6、i on take place?A. In an old house.B. At a bus stop.C. At a uni versity.13. What does the man advise the woma n to do?A. To buy a moder n new house.B. To clea n the rooms every day.C. To buy an old house with small rooms.14. What do we know about the woma n?A. She prefers to live in small rooms.C. S

7、he wants to buy a large old house.B. She lfbuy a house near the university.听第9段材料,答复第15至17题。15. What are the two speakers?C. Teachers.C. Music.C. Clever.A. Stude nts.B. Workers.16. Which is the man' s favorite course?B. Scie nee.17. What does the man think of himself?A. Naughty.B. Hard-work ing.

8、听第10段材料,答复第18至20题。18. What is April 7th?A. It' s the Un ited Nati ons Health Day.B. It' s a day of great fun for childre n.C. It's the time when "Child to Child" was founded.19. What' s the main aim of " Child to Child" ?A. To help childre n have a good educati on

9、.B. To help childre n lear n about good health. C.To help childre n get en ough food and water.20. What can the children do at home to promote the idea of " Child to Child" ?A. Do more housework.B. Keep themselves clea n.C. Help other childre n to live healthily.第二局部:英语知识运用共两节,总分值45分第一节:单项

10、填空共 15小题;每题1分,总分值15分21. The police have started aninto the cause of the fire which broke out in the hotel last night.A. in flue neeB. in vestigati onC. in troducti onD. in fecti on22. Good morning, sir. Can I help you?Yes, can Inow? I' m leav ing an hour later. My n ame is George Brow n and my r

11、oom n umber is2021.A. check inB. turn inC. check outD. turn out23. -Waiter,?Wait a mome nt, sir. That' s $ 68 altogether.A. would you charge meB. how much did we eatC. may I have the bill, pleaseD. would you take the moneybeg your pard on. Iyou. So Iwhat you said.A. did n't hear; was n't

12、 catch ingB. was n' t liste ning to; did n' t catchC. was n' t heari ng; did n' t catchD. have n' t liste ned to; don' t catch25. The Internet is a huge computer systemallows millions of people around the world to sharein formatio n.A. whatB. thatC. asD. where26. I can't

13、find my keys any where. I saw them on the table this morning.I thi nk youthem in your car.A. may have leftB. could have leftC. would have leftD. should have left27. In gen eral, graduates who speak good En glish will have more cha nces tha nwho don 'A. thatB. theseC. thoseD. this28. I admire her

14、 very much in that she successfullyher career with family life.A. acceptsB. receivesC. comb inesD. collects29. of the cha nge in the meet ing time, Mike arrived late.A. Not informingB. Not hav ing in formedC. Having not bee n in formedD. Not hav ing bee n in formed30. We n eed to know the custom of

15、this cou ntrywe would not displease anyoneA. eve n thoughB. as ifC. so thatD. only if31. , it fades n ext to the story of Armstro ng ' struggle aga inst disease.A. As the record is impressiveB. Impressive as the record isC. Impressive as is the recordD. The record is im pressive though32 Childre

16、 n should respect their pare nts and be awaretheir pare nts do is for their good.A .thatB. whichC. howD. what33. A mobile phone is no lon ger merelytelepho ne. It has becomemost complicated palmcomputer.,A. the; aB. /; theC. the; theD. a; a34. It's reported that the old railway betwee n the two

17、cities isthe new high speed railway.A. three times as long asB. as three times as longC. as long as three timesD. as long three times asprices of all the goods up and no one knows whe n they will become stableA. had goneB. have bee n goingC. have goneD. had bee n going第二节:完形填空共20小题;每题分,总分值30分I en ro

18、lled in Spanish class as a high school freshma n, not knowing that the teacher would be one of the most in flue ntial people in my life. Miss Isabella 36as a very elega nt lady of medium height, dressed fashi on ablyin a colorful suit. "Teachers are not supposed to be so37," I thought to m

19、yself. Later she proved tohave a charm ing pers on ality to 38_ her looks.In the beg inning of high school, I was a thin girl whose mouth shone with the silver metal of braces. I w as so shy that I ofte n crossed the street to 39 talki ng to classmates. My mother did n ot believe in praise, 40 she a

20、lways thought that praise would 41 self-esteem. This stra nge belief had an42 impact on mychildhood.I showed off my 43 in my Spanish class as Miss Isabella believed in me. She liste ned to whatever I said and gave me 44. Her Spanish class was amusing and the stories from Spanish history seemed to co

21、me 45. I received an A in every class. She 46 started a Spanish n ewspaper for which I wrote the n ews colum n. I 47found my place in high school and gained con fide nee in my48_I 49 a speech con test before the whole stude nts. Can you imagi ne the50that Ihad made toarrive at that point? I got the

22、third 51 in the con test. When I arrived at Spanish class, Miss Isabella said," You should have 52 . You were fantastic!" I thought to myself, "She has so muchbelief in me."Soon,myhigh school days 53 an eve n higher peak.I thi nk of myself as a pure white dove with a broke n wi n

23、g54 my mother' s in ability to educati on. Myteacher became my an gel on earth. She _55_ _ my broke n wi ng and allowed me to fly to greater heights.36. A. broke intoB. got intoC. tur ned outD. stood out37. A. seriousB. attractiveC. strictD. professi onal38. A. cha ngeB. adjustC. matchD. suit39.

24、 A. avoidB. attemptC. con ti nueD.con sider40. A. soB. butC. becauseD. although41. A. result fromB. result inC. depend onD. bring up42. A. activeB. un usualC. accessibleD. awful43. A. worryB. patie neeC. tale ntD. story44. A. faithB. puni shme ntC. stre ngthD. effort45. A. livelyB. aliveC. lovelyD.

25、live46. A. evenB. almostC. everD. still47. A. absolutelyB. actuallyC. hardlyD. gradually48. A. studyB. abilitiesC. workD. looks49. A. failed inB. participated inC. gave upD. put forward50. A. mistakeB. troubleC. progressD. sense51. A. opportu nityB. placeC. awardD. reward52. A. competedB. passedC. w

26、onD. missed53. A. hitB. appearedC. gainedD. beat54. A. in stead ofB. i n spite ofC. in additi on toD. due to55. A. men dedB. protectedC. offeredD. damaged第三局部:阅读理解共20小题;每题2分,总分值40 分AIt's 10:30 pm, and 11-year-old Brandon Bia neo is sou nd asleep at home. Sudde nly, a loud no isewakes him up. Nat

27、urally, Bra ndon reaches for his cell phone. The message becomes clear: "R U awake?"Bra ndon' s use of tech no logy does n' t stop there. He also has a computer, a TV and three video-game con soles控制台 in his room. With so many choices, it' s no surprise that when he isn' t

28、at school, he spends nearly every wak ing min ute using one or more of these devices.Brandon is hardly alone. According to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, kids aged 8 to18 are spending more time than ever before using electronic devices. How much time? More than seven and a half hour

29、s a day on average, th e study found.The jump is the result of a huge explosi on in mobile devices, says Victoria Rideout, the lead author of the study. Today, nearly seven out of ten kids have cell phones. Just five years ago, it was four out of ten.Often, kids multitask, or use more than one devic

30、e at a time. " If you' ve got aneyoulee to do somethingcomputer and take a pho ne call and have the TV on in the backgrou nd, why no t?" media expert Cheryl Olson says.Most experts agree tech no logy has much to offer kids. But some worry the kids could be miss ing out on otheractiviti

31、es like playing outside or hanging out with friends. " It' s a matter of balanee," says Olson." You' ve goto work on it."Multitask ing while doing homework is ano ther concern. Some kids liste n to music, watch TV or use thephone while doing their homework. "It'

32、s important to make sure that you can stop and concentrate on one thing deeply, " says Rideout.With new and excit ing devices hitt ing stores every year, keep ing tech no logy use in check is more importa nt than ever. " Kids should try," adds Rideout. " But pare nts might have t

33、o step in sometimes."56. Why do children spend more time in using electronic devices?A. Because more electro nic devices are available to them.B. Because electro nic devices are more excit ing tha n before.C. Because they have less other activities.D. Because they have less homework to do.57. I

34、t is known from the passage that .A. Brandon Blanco feels very annoyed about his late-night textB. the tee nagers using mobile devices have in creased by 30% in the past five yearsC. Cheryl Olson is not surprised about kids' in creas ing use of mobile devicesD. most experts think tee nagers shou

35、ld not use electro nic devices for their studies58. Which of the follow ing is an example of multitask ing accord ing to the passage?A. Watchi ng TV while using the computer.B. Talk ing on the pho ne while stay ing with others.C. Playi ng video games on the Intern et.D. Liste ning to music while rel

36、ax ing.59. Accord ing to the passage, Victoria Rideout would probably agree that.A. kids should do homework while surfi ng the InternetB. kids should do homework in a place without disturba neeC. kids should spe nd more time on homeworkD. kids should have more homework than before60. The underlined

37、phrase "in check" in the last paragraph can be replaced by "".A. in orderB. in storeC. in sightD. in controlB40 years ago, the community of Seneca Falls, New York, decided to create a hall of fame for women. The town was the birthplace of the women' s rights movement.In 1848,

38、 300 women and men gathered in Seneca Falls for the first Women' s Rights Convention. Among them were feminist leaders Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott.The delegates passed a declaration calling for voting rights for women, among other demands. 72 years later the nineteenth amendment to

39、the United States Constitution gave women the right to vote.In 1969, the people of Seneca Falls wanted to honor the women who took part in the struggle. So they established the National Women' s Hall of Fame. 10 years later, the group raised enough money to buy a historic bank building to house

40、the Hall of Fame.There are more than two hundred-women in the National Women' s Hall of Fame today. They include teachers, doctors, artists and athletes. There are also pilots, social activists, comedians, politicians, poets and builders.The National Women' s Hall of Fame announced ten new m

41、embers on March second to honor National Women' s History Month, who will be inducted into the Hall of Fame in October this year.One of them is Louise Bourgeois, a 97 years old artist in New York City, whose best known works are huge sculptures of spiders. Her art has been exhibited in major mus

42、eum collections around the world.Another new member of the Hall of Fame has been fighting to help victims of abuse for more than 30 years. Growing up in a violent home, Susan Kelly-Dreiss started her career by helping to set up a shelter for abused women. Later she helped gain passage of the first l

43、aw against domestic violence in the state of Pennsylvania. Now, Susan Kelly-Dreiss works on the issue at the national level.Susan Solomon is an international leader in atmospheric science. She developed the theory explaining how and why the ozone 臭氧 hole happens over Antarctica. She also got some of

44、 the first chemical measurements that showed man-made chlorofluorocarbons 氯氟化碳 caused the hole. Susan Solomon served as one of the leaders of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This group shared the Nobel Peace Prize with former American Vice-President Al Gore in 2007.Other new members i

45、nclude Emma Lazarus, the great 19th century Jewish poet. Her famous poem is on the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Scientist Mildred Cohen, whose biological research has won many awards including a National Medal of Science, will also be inducted into the National Women' s Hall

46、 of Fame.61. How many new members introduced in the passage will be inducted into the National Women' s Hall of Fame?A. Ten.B. Six.C. Five.D. Four.62. Among the new members introduced in the passage, _ succeeded in solving the mystery of ozone holes.A. Louise BourgeoisB. Susan Kelly-DreissC. Sus

47、an SolomonD. Emma Lazarus63. According to the passage, the National Women' s Hall of Fame was originally established in honor of the women .A. who made great achievements in science and technologyB. who participated in the struggle against racial discriminationC. who lost their lives in the wome

48、n' s rights movementD. who got involved in the struggle for voting rights for women64. Which of the following is the correct order for the events mentioned in the passage?a. American women were given the right to vote.b. A hall to honor the wome n was established.c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lu

49、cretia Mott fought for the first Wo men' s Rights Conven ti on.d. A build ing inten ded to house the Hall of Fame was purchased.e. A declaration calling for voting rights for women was passed.A. c, b, d, a, eB. c, e, a, b, d ,c,d,b,a,d,b,e,a65. What is the most suitable title for this passage?A.

50、 Important Female Figures in American HistoryB. National Women's Hall of FameC. It Is Women Who Have Made HistoryD. New Members to the National Women's Hall of FameCThe average area of glaciers 冰川 in Western China might shrink by about 30 percent by 2050 becauseof global warm ing, damagi ng

51、crop producti on and worse ning droughts. This dire predicti on came Friday in a report released at the UN climate talks in no rth Chi na's Tianjin Mun icipality.The " Climate Chan ges and Poverty-Case Study in Chi na" report was joi ntly released by orga ni zati onsin clud ing the In

52、stitute of En vir onment and Social and Susta in able Developme nt in Agriculture with the Chin ese Academy of Agricultural Scie nces. Forecasts of glacier recessi on 衰退patter ns showed the average glacier area in western China might be reduced by 27. 2 percent by 2050, said the report. World ocean

53、glaciers, affected by wet airflow from the ocean, would shrink by 52. 5 percent, and Asian continental glaciers, formed in the con ti nen tal climate would shri nk by 24. 4 perce nt.The report warned that global warming would reduce the seasonal snowfall period while melting area would be higher, co

54、ntributing to the sharp decline. Moreover, climate change would not relieve water shortages , but reduce river run-off by 20 to 40 percent in northwest China.Glacier shrinkage would also threaten China's agriculture sector.' The report warned that overall crop producti on capacity would drop

55、 by 5 perce nt to 10 perce nt by 2030 due to global warm ing, especially in wheat, rice and corn, and the impact would worsen after 2050.The Chin ese gover nment had attached importa nee to tackli ng the problems caused by climate cha nge and taken effective measures to reduce the negative impacts,

56、said Sun Cuihua, an official with the National Developme nt and Reform Commissi on NDRC , Friday at the climate talks.After three rounds of talks this year, which are moving slowly towards a negotiating text for the Cancun meeting in Mexico at the end of the year, more than 3,000 delegates from 194

57、nations gathered in Tianjin from October 4 to 9 to accelerate the search for com mon grou nd.However, the gap remai ns wide betwee n the -developed and develop ing n ati ons as the former rema in cautious of gree n tech no logy tran sfers and additi onal financing to poorer n ati ons.66. The underli

58、ned word "dire"in t nhe text probably means "".A. en couragi ngB. seriousC. touchi ngD. in teresti ng67. Which of the following is NOT the possible result of global warming according to the text?A. Water shortages.B. Glacier shri nkage.C. River run-off s decli ne.D. In crease in sno wfall.68. What effect will the glacier shrinkage have on agriculture?A. A reducti on in grain yield.B. An in crease in producti on capacity.C. Better producti on en vir onment.D. Long growth periods for crops.69. Which of


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