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1、great wallyellow rivertaj mahal gangesbabylonpyramidnile riverlchina: 盘古开天辟地,女娲造人补天,大禹治盘古开天辟地,女娲造人补天,大禹治水,炎帝战蚩尤,封神榜,嫦娥奔月,夸父追日,水,炎帝战蚩尤,封神榜,嫦娥奔月,夸父追日,后奕射日,牛郎织女后奕射日,牛郎织女lindia: ramayana(罗摩衍那罗摩衍那), mahabharata (摹摹呵婆罗多呵婆罗多)lbabylon: gilgamesh(吉尔伽美什吉尔伽美什)legypt: ennead(九九柱天神柱天神) ra (atum): 太阳神太阳神古埃及的法老们古埃

2、及的法老们(pharaoh)都视自己为荷露斯的化都视自己为荷露斯的化身身(incarnation)horuspharaoh (incarnation)aegean seagreecemt. olympusthe parthenon athenaeroscupidvenusprometheustrojan warthe influence of greek mythologyl pandoras box:灾难的根源 l an apple of discord: something can cause dispute不和的根源 lhelen of troy: a beauty who ruins

3、her country; a terrible disaster brought by sb or sth you like bestlthe trojan horse: spy, potential dangerlthe heel of achilles: fatal shortcomingloedipus complex: 恋母情结l museum; musiclsphinxs riddle: what is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three in the eve

4、ning?lherculean task 极为艰巨的工作ldamon and pythias: d (人质); p (死)生死之交l adonis: 美男子larachnid: 蜘蛛(arachne)lcereal: 谷物 ceres(demeter)ldaphne: 月桂树lgorgon: 丑陋可怖的女人lnarcissus: 水仙 echo: 回声 lpenelopes web:一项永远也完不成的工作 lthe sword of damocles: 形势危急,千钧一发;lshakespeares “venus and adonis”lshelleys “prometheus unbound

5、”lkeatss “endymion”, “lamia”, “hyperion”lyeats: “leda and swan”lj.k. rowlings “harry potter” ( a hippogriff, a phoenix, and centaurs).hippogriffcerberuslajax a hero in the trojan war who rescued the body of achilles: a brand of cleaner and football team in hollandlamazon. com: race of warrior women:

6、 an online shopping sitelnike: goddess of victory: a brand of athletic shoemercury (hermes):水星:水星 punished by zeus to be chained to a rock with an eagle (vulture) tearing at his liver eternally epimetheus (afterthought) and pandora goddess of the moon roman name: luna (lunar calendar)eosgoddess of d

7、awnroman name: aurora the olympians roman name: jupiter (木星木星) the supreme god and lord of skythunderboltsacred animal: eagle (kingly power) metis (the goddess of wisdom): athena, swallowed leto: apollo and artemis maia: hermes dione: aphrodite demeter: persephone semele: dionysus zeus used various

8、disguises a. spartan queen leda- beautiful swan (helen)b. phoenician princess europa-bull (minos)c. princess danae-shower of gold (perseus)d. trojan prince ganymede- eagle (cup-bearer) roman name: juno the goddess of women, marriage and childbirth the wife of zeus and queen of heaven famous for her

9、jealousy and temper hera imprisoned zeuss lover io and ordered the hundred-eyed giant argus to watch over her. hermes charmed the giant with his flute to sleep and then cut off his head and released io. hera, as a gesture of thanks to her loyal servant, scattered the hundred eyes of argus over the t

10、ail of her sacred bird -peacocksacred bird: peacock roman: neptune god of the sea, earthquakes and horses. athena roman name: minerva athena (athene): the virgin goddess of wisdom, arts, craft and war prototype of career womanbirth of athenademeterdemeter goddess of corn (agriculture), harvest and f

11、ertility. romans name ceres demeter is best known for her fierce defense of her daughter, persephone. hestia the virgin goddess of the hearth fire roman name: vesta tends the sacred fire on the olympus the living flame of hestia was tended constantly and never allowed to die out. the olympic torch i

12、s just one example of the living flame that has survived to modern times, which originally honored the greek goddess hestia. goddess of love & beauty roman: venusaphrodite the lame god of fire, crafts and volcanoes roman name: vulcanhephaestus the worst match of all the pairings of greek god and

13、 goddess aphrodite felt that she had married below her class since hephaestus was blue collar even though he was a god. ares god of war lover of aphrodite roman name: mars often carrying a bloodstained spear. his throne on mount olympus is said to be covered in human skin erosgod of youth, music, pr

14、ophecy, archery and healingapollo and daphnelaurel treeartemis virgin goddess of hunting, moon and wild animals and childbirth roman name: diana twin sister of apolloorionorion 猎户座猎户座 hermes messenger of the gods, guide of dead souls to the underworld god of commerce and the market- the patron of me

15、rchants, god of thieves roman name: mercury (水星水星) create the first lyre hades lord of the underworld and the dead roman name: pluto the underworld was guarded cerberusorpheus and eurydicegreatest musicianorpheuss music can charm wild beasts and even rocks and trees into movementvega 织女星织女星lyra god

16、of shepherds and flocks, wood and pasture, a god of fertility son of the god hermes half man half goat the word panic comes from his name when pan approached the nymph syrinx (排箫)she ran away from him. the gods of olympus pitied her and changed her into many reeds. pan made a panpipe from the reeds

17、and created beautiful music of an unreturned love. muses 缪斯女神缪斯女神 from their name words such as music, museum, mosaic are derivedjudgement of paris each goddess offered to reward him if he chose her. athena offered to make him become a great hero or general; hera offered to make him ruler of the ric

18、hest and powerful kingdom; aphrodite offered him the most beautiful woman in the world in marriage: helen of sparta.odysseustales of lovers echo was a mountain nymph. echo helped zeus to hide his frequent love affairs with other nymphs, by her endless chatter, to distract and detain hera, allowing t

19、he nymphs to escape from her anger. when hera discovered the truth, hera made echo suffered from a strange speech impediment. echo could only repeat the last words from another person. like many other nymphs, echo fell in love with a beautiful youth named narcissus. however, narcissus refused all th

20、e advances. echo wasted away in her longing for narcissus. only her voice remained in the mountain. one day, one scorned admirer of narcissus, prayed to the goddess nemesis, to punish the cold-hearted youth. when narcissus went to a spring for a drink of water, nemesis made narcissus to fall in love

21、 with himself. narcissus would not leave the spot as he looked longingly at his own reflection. narcissus also pined away from longing. shortly after his death, narcissus was transformed into flower by aphrodite. aphrodite let the flower grow by the river in order to allow narcissus to see his refle

22、ction for ever. that is why the flower narcissus should be planted in or near water. in psychology: narcissism 自恋自恋 pygmalion could not find any mortal woman he wanted to marry. pygmalion began carving marble of his ideal woman. then pygmalion fell madly in love with the beautiful statue, which he n

23、amed galatea. aphrodite had pity on the king, so she gave life to the statue. pygmalion married galatea and they lived happily ever after. pyramus and thisbe were lovers. their families were neighbours, but were rivals. both families refused to allow them to marry. a wall was built to separate the t

24、wo young lovers. one day the pair agreed to meet at night at the tomb. thisbe arrived early, and was frightened away by a young bloody lion. in her haste to flee from the lion, she had dropped her cloak. when pyramus arrived, he thought the lion had killed thisbe. in despair, pyramus killed himself

25、with his sword. thisbe returned to the tomb, to find her lover, dead. inconsolable, thisbe laid on top of pyramus before using the same sword on herself. their parents had them burnt on the same pyre, and placed in a single tomb. william shakespeare: romeo and juliet. hyacinthus was beautiful youth.

26、 apollo fell in love with young hyacinthus. one day they decided to throw discus. apollo threw the discus at great distance. hyacinthus went to fetch the discus, but the discus bounced off a rock and struck the boys face. zephyrus, god of the west wind, also fell in love with hyacinthus, and he was

27、jealous of apollo. zephyrus had caused the discus to hit hyacinthus. from hyacinthus blood, violet flowers grew where the blood landed, which was called hyacinth. 粉色风信子倾慕,浪漫 紫色风信子忧郁 黄色风信子与你相伴很幸福 红色风信子让我感动 白色风信子不敢表白 baucis and philemon zeus and his son hermes had decided to visit a town. they disguis

28、ed as two mortal beggars. each household rudely turned the gods away. finally they arrived at a little old hut, where dwelled an elderly couple baucis and philemon. they welcomed the tired travellers, treating their guests with their generosity and kindness. the couple then became aware that the cup

29、s of wine that their guests drank remained full. they were shocked that their guests were divine. the gods asked them to follow them to the high hill. when the elderly couple looked behind them, they saw that the town in the valley had vanished beneath a lake. the whole town was destroyed and only t

30、heir cottage remain untouched. the cottage was transformed into a temple. they were made priest and priestess of the temple. zeus asked the couple of what benefit they wished. the man and wife asked that they would live the rest of their lives together, and that they would die at the same instance, such was their love. zeus granted their wish. they lived the rest of their lives, tending the temple, the moment when th


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