1、温馨提示:此套题为 Word 版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节 合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板 块。阶段评估检测(一)(必修1)(120分钟 150分)第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳 选项。ATheAdventuresof Amilya Rose The Lieby Chavonne D. Stewart, Jasmine Mills, published in 2014Enter for a chanee to win a copy of th
2、e book. It is the first book in asurprising series of ehildren' s books. That ' s fun and exeiting and teaekids valuable less ons.Chesterand Gusby Cammie McGovern, published in 2017Chester has always wan ted to become a service dog. Whe n he failshis certification test, though, it seems that
3、 dream might never come true until a family adopts him to be a companion for their ten-year-old son, Gus. But Gus acts so differently from anyone Chester has ever met.He never wants to pet Chester. Chester' s not sure how tbouhtelp Gus,he' s determined to figure it out and show he' s the
4、 right dog for the job.Invisible Emmieby Terri Libenson, published in 2017The novel tells the story of two totally different little girls in a class quiet, shy and artistic Emmie and popular, outgoing, athletic Katie and how their lives unexpectedly connect one day, when an embarrassing note falls i
5、nto the wrong hands. Emmie eventually learns to speak up for herself, realizing that being social isn 'ats impossible as she thought.Ocean MeetsSkyby Terry Fan, Eric Fan, published in 2018“ Young readers will be attracted. The Wa”shington Post.Finn lives by the sea and the sea lives by him. Ever
6、y time he looks out of his window, it 'as constant reminder of the stories that his grandfather told him about the place where the ocean meets the sky. Finn ' s grandfather is gone but Finn knows the perfect way to honor him. He' ll build his own ship and sail out to find this magical pl
7、ace himself! And when he arrives, maybe he' lflind something he didn 'ktnow he was looking for.【文章大意】 本文为应用文 , 介绍了四部儿童读物的出版时间、作者等信息 , 并介绍了书的主要内容1. What can we know aboutThe Adventuresof Amilya Rose: The Lie?A. It may be gained for free.B. It ' s the first children' s book in 2015.C.
8、It ' s only for children' s fun.D. It ' s mainly about teachers' lessons.【解析】选 A 。细节理解题。根据文章第一句 “ Enter for a chance to win a copy of the book 可知人”们报名参加一项活动 , 便有机会赢得此书。 【误区警示】 B 项迷惑性较大 , 根据文意可知这本书是儿童套书中的 第一本 , B 选项偷换概念。需引导学生注意细节 , 正确选项的意思与 文章意思必须完全匹配。2. Who wrote the story about the
9、relationships between classmates?A. Chavonne D. Stewart, Jasmine Mills.B. Cammie McGovern.C. Terri Libenson.D. Terry Fan, Eric Fan.【解析】选 C。 细节理解题。本题考查书的内容和作者的对应关系。 由 “ The novel tells the story of two totally different little girls in a class 此句可知 , 本题考查第三本书 Invisible Emmie。3. Which book is related
10、to the loss of loved ones?A. The Adventuresof Amilya Rose: The Lie.B. Chester and Gus.C. Invisible Emmie.D. Ocean Meets Sky.【解析】选D。细节理解题。本题考查书的内容与题目的对应关系。根据最后一段 “ Finn g'ransdfather is gone ”可,知本文阐述的是 theloss of the loved ones亲人离世的主题。【知识拓展】a series of 一系列reminder n.起提醒作用的人或事物One of the greatest
11、sources of unhappiness, in my experience, is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.When we see something we don'ltike, we wish it could be different. We cry out for something better. That may be human nature, or perhaps it ' s something ingT根深e蒂固的)in our culture. The root of
12、 the unhappiness isn 'satrnileycthesat we want things to be different.It ' s not bad or gooadn,d it justHowever, it ' s that we decided we didn ' t like it in the first place. We judged it as bad, rather than saying, is it.In one of my books, I said,“You should expectlepetopmess upan
13、d expect things to go differently than you planned” . Some readersit ' toso sorrowful to expect things to go wrong. However, it ' osnly negative if you see it as negative and judge it as bad. Instead, you couldaccept it as the way the world works and try to understand why that is.This can be
14、 applied to whatever you do: how other people act atwork, how politics works and how depress ing the n ews media can be.Accept these things as they are, and try to understand why they' re thatway. It will save you a lot of sad ness, becauseyou' lho Ion ger say,“ Oh. I wish bad things didn
15、9; t happen! ”Does it mean you can n ever cha nge thin gs? Not at all. But cha ngethings not because you can ' t accept things as tbey beeause youenjoy the process of cha nging, lear ning and grow ing.Can we make this world a better place? You can say that you ' llcontinue to try to do thing
16、s to help others, to grow as a person, tomake a differenee in this world. That' s the correct path you choose to takbecause you enjoy that path. Therefore, when you find yourself judgi ngand wishing for differenee, try a different approach: accept, andunderstand. It might lead to some interestin
17、g results.【文章大意】本文为议论文。本文分析了人感到不快乐的原因是因为不接受事物本身的样子。作者建议人们要学会接受,学会理解。4. The author believes that we feel un happy maybe because.A. it is our natural emotion in the lifeB. culture asks us to be different from othersC. every one has their own opinions on thingsD. we dislike something in the beginning【解
18、析】选D。细节理解题。考查学生寻找细节信息的能力。根据 文章第二段 The root of the unhappiness isn ' t necessarily that we w things to be different. However, it 's that we decided we didn ' t like it in the first place. 可以判断作者认为人们不快乐的根源是从一开始我们 就不喜欢某些东西 , 不愿意接受它们本来的样子 , 故选 D。5. What does the underlined word “ It ” in Par
19、agraph 4 refer to?A. Acting well at work and in politics.B. Feeling depressed for the news media.C. Accepting and understanding what has happened.D. Saying something negative when bad things come.【解析】选 C。 词义猜测题。 根据第四段中 Accept these things as theyare, and try to understand why they' re that 可知知此W
20、ill. It.扌旨代前面内容 , 即: 接受事物本来的样子 , 尽量去理解它们为什么会是 那个样子, 故选 C。6. What are you advised to do according to the last paragraph?A. Help others to change the things they hate.B. Enjoy what you have to do in the work.C. Judge yourself and make a wish for you.D. Try a new way when making the world better.【解析】 选
21、 D 。 细节理解题。根据文章的末段末句 when you findyourself judging and wishing for difference, try a different approach:accept, and un dersta nd. It might lead to some in terest ing result可 知 M乍者建议人们如果想让事情有所改观,可以尝试一种不同的方法接受并 理解,故选D。7. What is the main theme of the passage?A. Accepting can make our life happier and
22、better.B. Expect ing thi ngs to be differe nt gives us hope.C. Traditi onal culture becomes root of un happ in ess.D. Judgi ng good or bad is importa nt for our world.【解析】选A。主旨大意题。文章开头提出人们不快乐的根源是不愿 意接受事物本来的样子,然后进一步分析说明,最后建议人们为了快 乐就要学会接受、理解。由此可知 A选项内容能体现文章中心。【知识拓展】本文为生活感悟类文章。这类文章题材常见的有记叙文 和议论文。记叙文类的生
23、活感悟故事,结尾常会有一句 点睛之笔”点出全文的中心思想。有时会是夹叙夹议的哲理散文或生活随笔。这些文章是常出现的。文章的结构多与议论文相似,一般是总分总或总 分结构。C |世纪金榜导学号How crowded your neighborhood is can affect the health of our pla net, a new study fin ds. Scie ntists measured the effect that people have on the en vironment using a carb on footpri nt. That footpr int re
24、flects the amount of carb on dioxidea gree nhousegasthat is sent into the atmosphere because of people ' s daily activities.Carbon footprints tend to be low for citizens. Living in a suburb outside a city, however, can be opposite.People living in the city centers have low carbon footprints, the
25、 researchers found.“It is much easier to have a low carbon effect if yourhome is close to where you work, shop and play, ”explains Jones. Living within walking or biking distance cuts back on the amount of carbon dioxide compared with moving people by cars. And cities with bus and subway networks al
26、low people to travel great distances while keeping the amount of greenhouse gases low.Not everyone can afford to live in the city, however. Suburbs offer more space, allowing people to build larger homes. Suburbs may offer better schools to kids. But those homes are usually far away from where owner
27、s work, play or learn. So people who live in suburbs often drive long distances.The average household in a large city sends out about 40 tons of carbon dioxide per year. The average suburban household, however, sends out close to 50 tons of carbon dioxide per year.The new findings are an important c
28、ontribution to climate research. They would give scientists a better understanding of how culture might mix with locations to influence our carbon footprints.You may not have any control over the location of your home. Still, everyone can take steps to shrink their carbon footprints. That's beca
29、usehow much we pollute is influenced not just by where we live, but alsoby how we live.reTo shrink your footprints, start small. Turn off lights when they not in use. Recycle or reuse things instead of throwing them away. And as people get used to making small changes, the leap to bigger ones will g
30、et easier. 【文章大意】本文为说明文。本文开头指出了最近的研究结果住 在城市还是郊区决定碳排放量。并详细阐释了导致碳排放不同的原 因。最后号召读者从小事做起 , 减少碳排放。8. Why do people living in suburbs have higher carbon footprints?A. Because they often drive to work, play or do other things.B. Because their homes take up too much space.C. Because they often use buses and
31、subways to travel great distances.D. Because they have to send their kids to schools by car.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段“ Living within walking or biking distance cuts back on the amount of carbon dioxide compared with moving people by cars 及第四段 “ So people who live in suburbs often drive long distances. ”可知:
32、 距离工作地点步行可达或是骑车可达的 人, 碳足迹更少。而住在郊区的人经常开车 , 碳足迹更多。9. How are Paragraphs 3 to 5 mainly developed?A. By giving examples.B. By making comparisons.C. By following time order.D. By explaining processes.【解析】选B。考查文章的写作手法。第三段至第五段从碳足迹、居 住环境两个方面对比了居住在城市和郊区的情况 , 并最终用数据鲜 明地得出了居住在城市和郊区的碳排放量。10. What can we infer f
33、rom the passage?A. People living in big cities produce more carbon dioxide.B. Culture plays the most important role in influencing the environment.C. Any process of making new products may pollute the environment.D. One ' s small step can make a big difference to the environment.【解析】选D。推理判断题。考查学
34、生读懂言外之意的能力。结合最 后一段“ To shrink your footprints, start small 以及“” And as peoeplget used to making small changes 这”两句话中的 small 可知, 保护环境减 少碳足迹要从小处着手。11. In which part of a website may this passage appear?A. Health.B. Sports.C. Culture.D. Environment.【解析】选D。文章出处题。本文是关于碳排放的,最可能的主题就 是环境。开头第一段开宗明义 : “ . . a
35、 new study finds . Scientists measured the effect that people have on the environment using a carbon footprint. ”【知识拓展】第三段长难句 Living within walking or biking distance cuts back on the amount of carb on dioxide compared with movi ng people by cars,本句的 理解是解答第 8题的关键。这个句子动名词作主语 , within walking or bikin
36、g distanee作定语,修饰Living。词组cut back on作句子的谓语 动词,意思是减少,削减” ;comparecWith.结构作句子的状语,意 思是与相比”。DAfter photographer Monni Must'sdaughter Miya died, the sad mother adopted her black dog, Billy Bean. As Billy became increasingly weak, the thought of its death was just more than Must could handle. So she d
37、ecided to clone the dog. “Ifeared everyone was going to forget Miya,” sh“e saanid ,my other daughters thought I hadcompletely lost my mind.”Billy 'ceslls were shipped to ViaGen Pets, a Texas company that provides the cloning service. With more than $50, 000, Must picked up a new puppy. “Thedog h
38、as a real soul and is everything my daughter was fun, social and kind, ” she said. “ Ifeel that I still have that touchable connection and not just a spiritual connection.”Cloning animals is hardly new. But the recent news that singer Barbra Streisand had cloned her dog grabbed international headlin
39、es. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) president Ingrid Newkirk issued a statement saying she would love to talk her out of cloning, noting that millions of wonderful dogs are getting old in animal shelters every year or dying in terrifying ways when abandoned.Normally, a doctor take
40、s a tissue biopsy( 组织活检 ), a piece of skin and muscle about the size of a pencil eraser, from the dog. The next step is to take an egg cell from a donor dog, remove the egg' s nucleus, and insert DNA from the pet to be cioned. When an embryo胚 胎develops, it is transplanted in the body of a mother
41、 dog.In the basic cloning procedure, scientists take an entire adult celland put it into an egg that's been relieved of its own DNA. The resultingembryo is a clone. However, in many animals, only one in 100 cloned embryos ever leads to a live birth. Some embryos die in the IVF (试管受 精) dish or in
42、 the mothers' bodies. Of those that are baofrenw, sufferfrom abnormalities and quickly die. Besides, pet cloning doesn ' t mean copying everything of your beloved pets.【文章大意】 本记叙文以主人公 Must 为了纪念女儿而去克隆女儿饲 养的狗这一事件展开 , 并穿插克隆动物的相关流程、个别人物对此事 的评论。12. Why did Must decide to clone Billy Bean?A. She f
43、elt alone without its company.B. Her work experience inspired her to do so.C. She wanted to keep her daughter' s memory.D. Her family encouraged her to get a new dog.【解析】选C。细节理解题。考查学生寻找和获取信息的能力。根据 第一段中的 “ Soshe decided to clone the dog. fIeared everyone was going to forget Miya '可”知 , Must 克
44、隆狗的原因是留下与女儿有关的 东西 , 从而保持对女儿的回忆。13. What 's Newkirk ' s attitude towards pet cloning?A. Supportive.B. Negative.C. Objective.D. Uncertain.【解析】选B。观点态度题。考查学生根据文中信息,推测作者或文 中人物态度的能力 , 该题目牵涉第三段中一处长难句的理解 , 即: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) president Ingrid Newkirk issued a statem
45、ent saying she would love to talk her out of cloning, noting that millions of wonderful dogs are getting old in animal shelters every year or dying in terrifying ways when abandoned. 本句的意思是 Newkirk 发表了一个声明说她更愿意说服她不进行克 隆, 并指出每年很多狗只能老死在动物收容所 , 还有一些狗被遗弃惨 死。根据本句意思推测 , Newkirk 并不支持进行克隆。14. What does Para
46、graph 4 mainly talk about?A. How dog cloning works.B. The achievements in dog cloning.C. The disadvantages of pet cloning.D. How to support animal protection.【解析】 选 A 。段落大意题。第四段有很明确的提示 “ The next step is to . . . 。所以”该题选择 A 。狗克隆的流程是什么或是克隆狗的工作原15. The last paragraph implies that animal cloning .A. is
47、 widely accepted nowB. has a very high failure rateC. gives pet owners false informationD. has made a breakthrough in recent years【解析】选B。推理判断题。最后一段用列数据的方式说明了克隆动 物的失败率较高。仅百分之一的胚胎能够最终成功克隆出动物。 “ . . . only one in 100 cloned embryos ever leads to a live birth. Some embryos die in the IVF dish or in the
48、mothers' bodies. Of those that are born,few suffer from abnormalities and quickly die.”【知识拓展】 adoptv. 采用 ;采纳 ;收养become increasingly weak=become weaker and weaker 变得越来越虚弱grab in ter nati onal headli nes获得全球关注talk sb. out of doing sth. 劝说某人不做某事abnormality n. 缺陷, 不正常第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面
49、短文 , 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Scientists Create Speech from Brain SignalsScientists have found a way to use brain signals to make a computerspeak the words a person is trying to say. Some illnesses or injuries cancause people to lose the ability to speak. 16, but they are slow.One method
50、allows a person to“ type ” by moving their eyes from letter toletter to spell out words. The top speed with this method is about 10 words per minute. Normal human speech is about 150 words per mi nu te.Much rece nt research has focused on a direct conn ecti on betwee nsome one' s brain and a com
51、puter. 17 . For many BCIs, people have wires attached to their brains. This allows scientists to track the electrical sig nals in the brain and connect them to computers.Scie ntists at the Un iversity of California, San Fran cisco (UCSF)decided to focus on the muscles people were trying to use whe n
52、 they spoke. 18. Epilepsy (癫痫)is a con diti on where unu sual electricalactivity in the brain can cause problems with a person' s control of thbody or sen ses.There are about 100 muscles used for speak ing. The scie ntists knewroughly what the shape of the mouth would have to be to make eachsoun
53、d. This allowed them to figure out how the brain sig nals con trolledthe speaking muscles. With that information they could “ decodethebrain signals to find out how the person was moving their mouth.19 .The scie ntists were surprised at how close to real speech the computer speech was.20the muscles
54、used to make each sound are the same forevery one. That will make it easier for a system like this to help many people.A. These people could speak no rmallyB. This is called a“ Brain Computer In terface” (BCI)C. There are some ways for these people to com muni cateD. The UCSF sscientists worked with
55、 a group of five people with epilepsyE. There ' much to learn before a system like this could be used in everyday lifeF. One important discovery is that though each person' s brain signalsdiffere ntG Then the scie ntists were able to create computer speech sounds based on the positi on of th
56、e speak ing muscles【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一项新的科研成果。科 学家已经找到了一种方法,利用大脑信号让电脑说出一个人试图说 的话。16. 【解析】选C。利用同词复现策略确定答案。根据这句话后面的 内容:一种方法允许一个人通过移动他们的眼睛拼出单词。此方法的 最高速度约为每分钟10个单词。正常人类讲话是每分钟大约150个 单词,所以这里选择 C:有一些对于那些因为疾病而失去说话能力 的人的沟通方式。C选项中的these people指代空前失去说话能力的人,C选项中的ways和空后method同义词复现。17. 【解析】选B。利用同词复现策略确定答案。选项B中
57、的词汇BCI,在空后出现,起到上下文衔接的作用;选项B的主语This指代上 文。许多研究都集中在人的大脑和电脑之间的一个直接联系上 , 这称 为 “大脑电脑接口 ”。对于许多大脑电脑接口来说 , 人们有一些大脑电 线, 这使得科学家能够跟踪大脑中的电信号 , 并将它们连接到电脑 上。18. 【解析】选D。利用同词复现策略确定答案。D选项中的epilepsy, 在空后出现。 加州大学旧金山分校的科学家们对五名癫痫病患者进行 研究, 癫痫病是大脑中异常的电活动导致大脑对人的身体或感官控 制出现问题。19. 【解析】选G。根据上下文的逻辑关系确定答案。大约有 100块 肌肉用于说话。科学家们大致知道
58、发出每个声音时 , 嘴的形状是什 么。这使他们能够找出大脑信号如何控制说话的肌肉。 有了那个信息 , 他们可以“解码”大脑信号 , 以找出人是如何移动他们的嘴。然后 , 科 学家们能够根据说话肌肉的位置来创造计算机语音。 科学家们对计算 机产生的语音与真实语音的接近程度感到惊讶。20. 【解析】选F。根据标点符号以及反义词复现策略确定答案。F选项中的different与后半句话the same构成一对反义词。一个重要的 发现是 , 虽然每个人的大脑信号是不同的 , 但是每个人用来发出声音 的肌肉是相同的。第二部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分 30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。|世纪金榜导学号-When winter came to Washington and the streets froze over, Hen ders on could fin ally teach his favorite sport hockey (冰球).One day in 1978, Henderson 21 there were too many kids to just _22 playing in the street. He walked to the
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