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1、平凉四中英语导学案(七年级上) 章节课时课型审核人班级小组评价教师评价section a(1a-2c)1新授课古润灵 unit 6 do you like bananas? period l section a (1a-2c)【教学目标】:1.知识与技能:(1)key words: hamburgers, tomatoes, french fries, oranges, bananas, strawberries, eggs, apples, carrots, pears,broccoli, ice cream, salad, chicken.(2)target language:do you

2、 like bananas ?yes, i do. / no, i dont. do they like french fries ?yes, they do. /no, they dont.lets have ice-cream.no.i dont like ice-cream .2.过程与方法:通过视听法、实物展示法、小组合作法,掌握重点单词、短语及句型。谈论对食物的喜好。3.情感态度价值观:通过本节课的学习,学会询问对方是否喜欢某种食物。 【预习案】【预习过程】1.读记unit 6第31-32页单词。2.查阅英语配套练习册(5960)页,按照阅读六字诀“查、划、写、记、练、思”找出本课时

3、的知识点和句型,并在课本相对应位置用双色笔标记、注释。3.结合配套练,找出本课时重点句型,然后朗读5-10遍;(阅读要求:大声、快速、清晰)4.通过预习让我们小试身手吧!a.根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示 喜欢_香蕉_汉堡包_西红柿_ 花椰菜_薯条_橙子_冰_奶油_冰淇淋_ 沙拉_ 草莓_b.用所给单词的准确形式填空。 1. there are four _ ( tomato) in the drawer. 2. jeff likes _( strawberry ) very much. 3. are these _( you) oranges. 4. she _( like ) banana

4、s. 5. i _ (not like ) math. 【探究案】【探究1】可数名词与不可数名词 在英语中,名词根据其可数性分为可数名词和不可数名词。让我们来看看他们有何区别。1 可数名词指能用数来计算的名词,可数名词可直接和不定冠词或数词连用,有复数形式。其作主语时,谓语动词的形式根据名词的数实行变化。如:a cup is on the table.three cups are on the table.2.不可数名词指不能用数来计算的名词。不可数名词不能够直接和不定冠词(a/an)或数次连用,没有复数形式。其作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:some milk is on the table.

5、【探究2】在英语中,有些名词既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,但是他们所表达的意义却有所区别,如:food,fruit,ice-cream,salad,chicken,orange等。不可数名词可数名词food表示“食物”表示类别fruit表示“水果”ice-cream表示“冰激凌”表示份数salad 表示“沙拉”chicken表示“鸡肉表示“小鸡”orange表示“橙汁;橙红色”表示“橙子”【训练案】(一)写出下列单词的复数形式. hamburger_ dictionary_ tomato_ photo_ strawberry_ banana_ pear_ orange_ (二)选择. 1.

6、he likes some_. a.apple b.banana  c.broccolis  d.salad 2.she doesn't like_. a.tomato  b.tomatoes c.tomatos d. a tomato 3.bill and bob _ like bananas. a.does  b.don't c.not  d.does4. i have egg and milk every morning. a.an;a b.an;不填 c.a,a da,不填5.look!some rice on

7、 the table.a.are b.is c.have  d.has平凉四中英语导学案(七年级上)编号 35 编制人 张艳红章节课时课型审核人班级组名姓名小组评价教师评价sectiona(2d-3c)2新授课古润灵 unit 6 do you like bananas?period 2 section a (2d-3c)【教学目标】:1.知识与技能:(1)key words: dinner,week,think about,food,how about,vegetable,fruit. (2)target language: 1)do you like salad? yes ,i

8、do./no,i dont. 2) do they like pears? yes,they do./no,they dont. 3)does she like tomatoes?yes,she does./no,she doesnt. 4)i like oranges. i dont like bananas. 5)he likes ice-cream. he doesnt like vegetables. 2.过程与方法:通过自主学习,掌握重点单词、短语及句型。通过小组合作,共同探讨如何谈论对食物的喜好。3.情感态度价值观:通过本节课的学习,学会like的第三人称单数在一般现在时中的使用。

9、 【教学重难点】1. like的不同人称,不同句式的熟练运用。 2. like第三人称单数形式的灵活运用。【预习案】【预习过程】1.读会p32、33页的生单词,并查字典标注它们的用法。2.查阅练习册和grammar focus按照阅读六字诀“查、划、写、记、练、思”找出本课时的重要知识点和句型,并在课本相应位置用双色笔标记、注释;3.通读grammar focus 6遍以上。4.分角色表演p32,2d的对话,换三个以上同伴,表演三次以上5. 自己完成p33, 3a,3b我的困惑是:_ 【探究案】【探究1】小组合作总结一下名词变复数的变化规则(可参考课本85、86页): (1)一般情况_ (2)

10、以辅音字母加+y结尾的词_ _ (3)以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词_ (4)以o结尾的单词 写出下列单词的复数形式: banana tomato strawberry pear boy photo 【探究2】lets think about the food.让我们想想吃什么食物吧。 think about表示“ ”,think 为不及物动词,常与about 连用 let me think about it.让我考虑考虑这件事 【训练案】一根据句意和首字母提示完成单词. 1.do you like _ (番茄) ? yes,i do. 2.tom hamburgers and i _.oran

11、ge.(like) 3.we must eat _.( 蔬菜 ) 4.i like _, for example (例如 ),apples, bananas,oranges. 5.she doesn't like b_.(花椰菜) 6.my brother likes ice c_. 7.i have six b_. (香蕉)二用所给词的正确形式填空.: 1. mrs gao _(eat) a lot of healthy food. 2. do you like _(pear)? 3. for dinner,she has some _.(chicken) 4. that _(sou

12、nd) good. 5._(do)he like pears?三选择1. he likes some_. a. apple b. banana c.broccolis d.salad2. please read your list _food to us. a .at b.in c.of. d.on3. _gina _french fries? a. do, like b.does, like c. does, like d. do, likes4. i ofen have chicken and fruit _dinner. a. of b. for c. at d. in5. bill a

13、nd tom _like eating eggs. a. does b. don't c. not does 四翻译下列句子1.你能考虑一下这只钢笔吗? 2.蔬菜对我们有好处 3.-这是什么?-是苹果。 4.我喜欢鸡肉和西红柿。 5.一些大米在袋子里。 平凉四中英语导学案(七年级上)编号 36 编制 张艳红章节课时课型审核人班级组名姓名小组评价教师评价sectionb(1a-1e)3新授课古润灵 unit 6 do you like bananas? period 3 section b(1a-1e)【教学目标】:1.知识与技能:(1)key words:breakfast lunch

14、(2)target language:-i like all vegetables. - i dont like vegetable.2.过程与方法:通过自主学习,掌握重点单词、短语及目标语言。通过小组合作,共同探讨物品的归属。3【情感态度价值观】通过本节课的学习,在学会谈论对食物的喜好。 【预习案】【预习过程】 1.读会p34页1a的单词,并查字典标注它们的用法。2.查阅练习册按照阅读六字诀“查、划、写、记、练、思”找出本课时的重要知识点和句型,并在课本相应位置用双色笔标记、注释;3.自读并记忆单词5分钟,.两人一组,相互提问 ,展示交流,小组竞赛(以听写形式进行展示)fruit: 香蕉_

15、橙子_草莓_ 梨_苹果_ vegetables :花椰菜 _ 西红柿 _ 胡萝卜 _food: 汉堡包 _ 炸马铃薯条 _ 冰淇淋 _沙拉_ 鸡肉 _蛋,鸡蛋 _others: 早餐 _午餐_晚餐_ 喜欢 _ 吃、饮_3.我的困惑是:_【探究案】【探究1】原句再现:lets have strawberries and apples then.lets=let us“让我们”的意思,后跟动词原形。例如:let me get it. lets go. 【探究2】how about=what about 怎么样,后跟名词、代词或动名词。例如:how about the bananas? what a

16、bout playing computer games?针对练习:1. lets _(have)hamburgers.2. she _ like salad.a. doesnt b. dont c. do d. does【训练案】一、写出下列单词的复数形式。some_ (pear) ten _ (hamburger) six _ (dictionary)three _ (family) many_(strawberry) eight _ (apple) seven _ (orange) nine _ (key) two _ (tomato)二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. lets _ (h

17、ave) some oranges. 2. _you _ (like) milk for breakfast? yes, i do.3. mary _ (like) playing volleyball.4. my mother _ (not like) ice cream, but i like it very muc5. that _(sound) good. 6._(do)he like oranges?7. _(do)they like this baseball?8. jack _(like) english very much. 9. tom _(no

18、t like) the vegetables.10. she _(watch) tv every day.三、单项填空。1. jack_ ice cream. a. is like b. likes c. like d. do like2. lets_ some ice-cream.a. has b. to have c. have d. having3. he eats an_ every day.a. banana b. apple c. tamatoes d. pears4. i eat some _.a. strawberry b. egg c. tomatoes d. ha

19、mburger5. they like oranges, but bill_pears. a. like b. likes c. to like d. have6. hello, do you like bananas? _.a. yes, i dont b. no, i do c. yes, i do d. no, he dont四、选词完成句子, 注意句首字母要大写。 does, likes, dont, like, do1. _ you like bananas?yes, i do.2. we dont _ salad.3. they _like oranges. t

20、hey like tomatoes.4. jim _ french fries a little.5. _ sally like strawberries? no, she doesnt. 平凉四中英语导学案(七年级上)编号 37 编制 张艳红章节课时课型审核人班级组名姓名小组评价教师评价sectionb(2a-2c)4新授课古润灵 unit 6 do you like bananas?period 4 section b (2a-2c)【教学目标】:1.知识与技能:(1)key words: star,eat,well,habit,healthy,really,question,want,b

21、e,fat.(2)target language :(1)a:does bob like french fries? b:yes, he does. (2)a: does bill like strawberries? b: no, he doesn't.2.过程与方法:通过自主学习,掌握重点单词、短语及目标语言。通过小组合作,运用句型do you like ?/doeslike?及其回答,调查人们喜欢与不喜欢的食物.3【情感态度价值观】通过询问他人喜欢与不喜欢的食物的句型及其回答. ,来了解同学老师们的食物喜好。 【预习案】【预习过程】 1.读会p35p36页的单词,并查字典标注它们

22、的用法。2.查阅练习册按照阅读六字诀“查、划、写、记、练、思”找出本课时的重要知识点和句型,并在课本相应位置用双色笔标记、注释; 3.熟读p35页上的2b 6遍以上,找出并列出本课时重点句型,然后朗读5-10遍;(阅读要求:大声、快速、清晰) 4. 小试身手,英汉互译。1健康的 _ 2.清单 _ 3.跑、奔跑 _ 4.星星、明星_5.lots of_ 6.healthy food_ 7.french fries_ 8.unning star _ 9.一个鸡蛋_ 10一些花椰菜_11.七个草莓_ 12.一些鸡肉_ 5.我的困惑是:_【探究案】【探究1】so what fruit do you l

23、ike?那你喜欢那种水果?此处what fruit表示“什么水果,那种水果”。what还可以和其他名词搭配。例如:what color do you like?你喜欢什么颜色?【探究2】i dont want to be fat.我可不想变胖 1.)want to be表示“想要成为,想要变得”,动词be 之后接形容词或名词。例如: do you want to be a teacher?你想成为一名老师吗? i dont want to be old! 我可不想 变老!2)fat有“肥胖”之意,表达较为直接。在英语中,人们比较忌讳使用这个词,而是委婉的改用其他说法。例如:i dont wan

24、t to be overweight.(超重)【探究3】for breafast/lunch/dinner,i like早饭、午饭、晚饭我喜欢吃 介词for与一日三餐名词搭配使用时,表示各餐所吃的食物。例如:what do you have for breakfast?早饭你吃什么?we often eat rice for lunch=for lunch, we often eat rice。我们午饭常吃米饭。【训练案】 一. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. what do you have for b_? 2. i like salad for l_. 3.

25、where is my ice c_? 4. this is an e_and that's an apple. 5. we must eat v_.二单项选择 1. _clark _french fries? a. do like  b. does like c. does like d. do like 2. i often have chicken and fruit _dinner. a. of b. for c. at d. in 3. my brother _very much. a. like banana b. likes bananas c. like ba

26、nanas d. likes bananas 4. does she like broccoli? _.a. yes, she like. b. no,she does. c. yes, she does. d. no, he does. 5. mary _vegetables. a. don't like b. doesn't like c. doesn't likes d. like三 .汉译英. 1. 他不喜欢花椰菜. he _like_. 2. 我们应多吃些水果和蔬菜. we should eat lots of _and_. 3. 我哥哥早餐吃薯条和沙拉. m

27、y brother eat _ _and _for_.4.我爷爷的饮食习惯很好。my grandfathers _ _are good.5 .你晚饭喜欢吃什么? do you for dinner?6.我可以询问玛丽的家庭情况吗?can i mary her family?四.句型转换 1.xiao ming likes oranges.(改为一般疑问句)     _xiao ming _ oranges ? 2.jack likes french fries.(改为否定句)      jack

28、 _ _french fries. 3.this is a tomato. (改为复数句)            _ are _. 4.i like chicken very much .(对划线部分提问)  _ _ _like  very  much ? 平凉四中英语导学案(七年级上)编号 38 编制 张艳红章节课时课型审核人班级组名姓名小组评价教师评价self -check5复习检测古润灵unit 6 do you like bananas? writ

29、ten test part (共80分).单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 (     )1. _ you like ice cream?       a. are         b. am          c. does   

30、      d. do(     )2. _ _ play table tennis.       a. let         b. lets          c. lets         d.

31、 its(     )3. _ does your father have _ lunch?  chicken  or tomatoes.?        a. what; for    b. what; /        c. how; for      d. how; /(   

32、60; )4. oranges are a kind of _.        a. vegetables   b. vegetable       c. fruits         d. fruit(     )5. what _ tom like _ for breakfast?   

33、0;    a . does; eat     b. is; eat          c. does; to eat    d. is; to eat (     )6. do you like ice cream for _ dessert?        a. a  

34、60;        b. the             c. /            d. an(     )7. does your friend like salad?       

35、; - _.         a. yes, she like. b. no, she does. c. yes, she doesnt  d. no, she doesnt.(     )8. i have a cat. it likes fish. it eats _ every day.        a. a lot       

36、 b. many           c. lots of        d. much(     )9. does your english teacher sing very _ ?        -yes, she  does.      &#

37、160; a. good       b. nice            c. great           d. well(     )10. lets _ baseball.         -ok.

38、lets _.        a. play; go     b. plays; go        c. play; to go      d. play; goes  .完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从a、b、c、d四个选项中选择最佳答案。 mrs jones: which meal do we need most,

39、breakfast, lunch or _11_?tony: dinner.mrs jones: dinner is the big meal of the day. but i dont _12_ we need it most.tony: is lunch the meal we want most?mrs jones: no, _13_ is the meal we need most. but why?kate: it is a long time from night to morning. we have no _14_.mrs jones: right! if we dont h

40、ave breakfast, we dont feel _15_. but what makes a good breakfast?james: i think we can _16_ milk, bread, noodles or porridge. _17_ are good for breakfast.mrs jones: thats right. we can eat some vegetables and fruits _18_ the morning, too. they make us healthy.david: i _1_9_ coca cola a lot. can i h

41、ave that in the morning?mrs jones: youd better not. water is good for you.danny: mum says we can not eat too much things after _20_.mrs jones: great, danny. it may make you sick. after sports you  need water and a rest first, not lots of food.(     ) 11. a. fruits  

42、;        b. food            c. dinner(     ) 12. a. like           b. know           

43、 c. think(     )13. a. breakfast       b. lunch           c. dinner(     )14. a. water         b. food    

44、0;     c. vegetables(     ) 15. a. good           b. great            c. well(     )1 6. a. take     

45、0;      b. make            c. have(     ) 17. a. you            b. they             c

46、. we(     )1 8. a. for             b. in               c. on(     ) 19. a. eat        

47、0;    b. bring            c. like(     ) 20. a. school         b. lunch            c. sports.阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分) 

48、 tom: good evening, mum.mum: good evening, tom.tom: do we eat chicken for dinner , mum?mum: no, we eat fish and carrots, dear.tom: mum, i dont like carrots. i like chicken.mum: but we need more vegetables, not only meat. its not healthy to eat chicken every day. tom: ok. but dad likes chicken, too.m

49、um: well, lets eat chicken and broccoli tomorrow. (明天)tom: that sounds great!(     ) 21. what do they eat for dinner?    a. chicken      b. carrots       c. carrots and fish(     ) 22. what does tom want to eat for dinner?         a. fish          


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