1、 Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Educational Technology in TEFL 外语教育技术Lecture 1 Course Overview & ET ABC 课程介绍与教育技术的基本知识外国语言文化学院外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌刘晓斌School of Foreign Studieshttp:/ Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Course Overview: Terminology Educational T
2、echnology in TEFLTECHNOLOGYTEFL (TEFL/TESL/EFL/ESL/TESOL/ESOL) Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Technology will never replace teachers, but teachers who use technology will replace those who dont.Alan November Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 cine projec
3、torslide projectorLCD projector/data projector/beamerTablet PCe.g. ipad Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Terminology: other terms E-education, Audio-visual Education 现代教育技术,电化教育(电教),教育信息技术,信息化教育,教育信息化 Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Terminology: ET/IT A
4、ECT 1994 definition: Instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. AECT 2005 definition: Educational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving perfo
5、rmance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 A Chinese-friendly definition: Educational technology is the theory and practice of facilitating learning and teaching by designing, developing, utilizin
6、g, managing and evaluating the educational processes and resources supported by appropriate technology.Terminology: ET Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Course Overview: Objectives Understand usages of varied media in TEFL
7、. Master core ICT skills for TEFL Teacher Learn some methods and principles of applying technology into classroom teaching. Prepared Ss for B.A. thesis in this field. Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Course Overview: methods Lecturing Classroom Workshop Classroom presentation
8、After-class design assignment Final task: Micro-teaching Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Beatty, K. 2005. Teaching and Researching Computer-assisted Language Learning. 外语教学与研究出版社. 何高大,2002. 现代教育技术与现代外语教学. 广西教育出版社. Gavin Dudeney et al 如何用现代信息技术教英语. 朗文-人民邮电出版社 上海外国语大学:外语电化教学期刊C
9、ourse Overview: references Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Course Overview: evaluation final demo 60% 20%20% Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Modern Educational Technology in TEFL 现代外语教育技术Lecture 2 History of ET in TEFL 外语教育技术的历史外语教育技术的历史外国语言文化学院外国语言文化学
10、院 刘晓斌刘晓斌School of Foreign Studieshttp:/ Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 1. 1890s-: Optical Slides2. 1920s-: Audio-visual media3. 1960s-: computer (CALL)4. 1990s-: InternetHistory Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 1890s-1920s: Optical Slides Educational T
11、echnology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 1890s-1920s: Optical Slides Slide projector was used to show drawings for Ss to recognize the content and learn new words. Methodology: Direct Method (Natural Method) 直接法直接法/自然法自然法 Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Educational Technolo
12、gy in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 1920s-1960s: Audio-visual mediaRadio, recorder, movies & TV 1925, English learning programs were broadcast in Japan. 1935, the first English learning record released in former Soviet Union. 1959, the first Special English program was broadcast on the VOA. Educ
13、ational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 1920s-1960s: Audio-visual mediaRadio, recorder, film & TV 1950-1960s, English learning TV programs became popular, e.g. Walter & Connie, On We Go, and later, Sesame Street (芝麻街 1969). Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌
14、1920s-1960s: Audio-visual mediaLanguage laboratory 语言实验室(语音室)语言实验室(语音室) 1960, Edward Stack, the language laboratory and modern language teaching Language laboratory became popular in western countries. (A-P; A-A; A-V;) 1974, Chinas first Language laboratory installed in GIFL. Educational Technology
15、in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 1920s-1960s: Audio-visual mediaMethodology Audio materials and tools are used as stimulus and help to correct mistakes. Pronunciation and dialogue practice are emphasized. Audio-lingual Method 听说法听说法 Audio-visual Method (situational approach) 视听法(情景法)视听法(情景法) Educati
16、onal Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Behaviorism: reinforcement Provided theoretical basis for Audio-lingual method Tape recorder: best tool for language teaching1920s-1960s: Audio-visual media Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Modern Educational Technology in TEFL
17、现代外语教育技术Lecture 2 Theoretical Foundation 外语教育技术的理论基础外国语言文化学院外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌刘晓斌School of Foreign Studieshttp:/ Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Learning theories Communication theories传播学理论 Learning theories学习理论 Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Commun
18、ication theories Aristotles Model, 300sBC The Shannon-Weaver Model, 1949 Schramms Model, 1954 Berlos Model, 1960 Takashi Sakamotos (坂元昂) Model, 1971 Cone of Experience, 1946/1969 Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Comm. theories: Aristotles ModelOCCASIONOCCASIONSPEAKERSPE
19、ECHAUDIENCEEFFECT Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Comm. theories: Aristotles Model Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Comm. theories: Shannon-Weaver Model sourcesourcetrans-trans-mittermitterchannelchannelreceiverreceiverdestidesti- -nationn
20、ationfeedbackfeedbacknoise noise sourcesourceshared experience Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Comm. theories: Shannon-Weaver Model Why OBOW exams?What is an OBOW exam?How to construct an OBOW examTHE CONTEXTTHE TASKTHE GUIDE TO THE TASKOBOW and Web 2.0Summary and conc
21、lusion10 Dec. 2010Where is the audiences focus of attention?Acknowledgement: from Prof. Williams lecture readingFast readingDetailed readinga sample of Noise Source FunctionFast reading: Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma
22、had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.a sample of Noise Sour
23、ce Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Comm. theories: Schramms ModelABmessagedecoderinterpreterencodermessagedecoderinterpreterencoder Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Comm. theories: Berlos Model (SMCR) Modern Educational Technology in TEFL
24、S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Comm. theories: Sakamotos ModelteacherTool/textbookstudent Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Cone of Experience (经验之塔)(经验之塔) Edgar Dale (1900-1985) a U.S. educationist Audio-visual Methods in Teaching(1946, 1954, 1969)Communication theories: Cone
25、 of Experience Cone of Experience(Dale, 1946)Cone of Learning (Dale, 1969) Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 The importance of Audio-visual materials Balance between helpful information & noise source (3 types of noise sources) Suitable media should be used by teache
26、rs to illustrate teaching information. Teaching based on shared experience Diverse types of information bring better understanding and clear memory. Communication theories: Inspirations Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Quasimodo 钟楼怪人With five-foot headroom, its a real j
27、oy to be playing with torch and hot solder down there, climbing around oozing soil pipes from another era, crouching Quasimodo-like, measuring, cutting, squatting, slouching. My back is permanently bent. My beard is full of spiders. My clothes are indescribable. Modern Educational Technology in TEFL
28、 S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Songs, video clips & movies in the classroom teaching Situational : Warm-up and wrap-up Help Ss understand/reinforce language points and contents Cultural awareness EntertainingCommunication theories: Inspirations Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化
29、学院 刘晓斌 Using images/pictures to show language points Lyrics/subtitle gap-filling exercises Movie dubbing exercises Discussion (based on a relevant movie scene) Learn to sing a song Illustrating language points Edit a passage into a video clipCommunication theories: Applications in vain: Not yielding
30、 the desired outcome; worthlessI was searching in vain.Maybe my love is in vain.It was all in vain.When prayer so often proves in vainI will just love you in vain.in vain: Not yielding the desired outcome; worthlessQuestions: Whats baby trying to do? Can he do it finally?Direction: please answer the
31、 questions with using the term in vain according to the above video.fare vs. feeHeight: 160cmWeight: 64公斤height:226cm weight:134.3kg AntelopeWhy is the antelope in danger? Lets find the answer in the following scenes in 可可西里可可西里 . Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Learni
32、ng theories Behaviorism 行为主义 Cognitivism 认知主义 Constructivism 建构主义 Connectivism 连接主义 Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Learning theories: BehaviorismB.F. Skinner (1904-1990) Stimulus-Response Reinforcement theory Skinner Box Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师
33、范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Learning theories: BehaviorismBehaviorism: reinforcement Provided theoretical basis for Audio-lingual method Tape recorder: best tool for language teaching Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Learning theories: Behaviorismsheepsheep Modern Educational Techn
34、ology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 dogLearning theories: Behaviorism Modern Educational Technology in TEFL S.F.S.华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 刘晓斌 Learning theories: BehaviorismBehaviorism: programmed instruction 程序教学程序教学 Learners can be taughtif presented with information in small steps. Each step requires ap
35、propriate responses from the learner. Move on to more difficult/advanced steps. linear/branching programming Example: Programmed Instruction (Teaching the spelling of “manufacture”) Frame 1. Manufacture means to make or build. Chair factories manufacture chairs. Copy the word here: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
36、 _ _ Frame 2. Part of the word is like part of the word factory. Both parts come from an old word meaning make or build. manu _ _ _ _ ure manufactureclearcheckclearcheckExample: Programmed Instruction (Teaching the spelling of “manufacture”) Frame 3. Part of the word is like part of the word manual. Both parts come from an old word for ha
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