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1、International Conference Shandong Jianzhu UniversityIn this unit, well learn how to prepare for International conference and accomplish the following tasks:Task 1: Call for Conference PapersTask 2: Conference Agenda and ProgramsUnit 1 Preparations for International Conference Meeting: a general term

2、 for people assembled for a particular purpose.Conference: a kind of formal meeting, often lasting for a few days. It is organized on a particular subject to bring people together who have common interests. Symposium: a kind of meeting, which refers exclusively to the meeting for specialized academi

3、c discussion. Congress: The basic characteristic of a congress is that it is usually attended by representatives or delegates who belong to national or international, governmental or non-governmental organizations. It is held to discuss issues, and policies of public interest. Meeting 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性

4、的会议,可用于各种场合 e.g.峰会 a summit meeting 参加会议 attend a meeting 主持会议 chair a meeting 正式会议 official meeting 多边会晤 multilateral meeting 全体大会 general meeting 小组会议 group meeting 欢迎会 welcome meeting 欢送会 a farewell meeting 联欢会 a convivial meeting 筹备会 preparatory meetingConference(通常持续几天的大型正式)会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、

5、各国之间的协商、会谈等。 波茨坦会议 Potsdam Conference 万隆会议 Bandung Conference 政治协商会议 the Political Consultative Conference 新闻发布会 news release conference 记者招待会 press conference 与会者/ 会议的参加者 a participant in a conference 大会胜利闭幕。 The conference has concluded successfully. symposium研讨会、专题报告研讨会、专题报告The symposium on AIDS

6、research lasted two The symposium on AIDS research lasted two days. days. 艾滋病研究的报告会持续了两天。艾滋病研究的报告会持续了两天。The Second National Symposium on the basic The Second National Symposium on the basic problems of lasers. problems of lasers. 第二届全国激光基本问题第二届全国激光基本问题讨论会。讨论会。WPSA Poultry Genetics Symposium WPSA Pou

7、ltry Genetics Symposium 世界家禽科世界家禽科学协会家禽遗传学讨论会学协会家禽遗传学讨论会Congress 代表大会代表大会指国会、议会、代表大会等机构,尤指经选举产生指国会、议会、代表大会等机构,尤指经选举产生的国家立法机构的大会或由这些机构召开的大会,的国家立法机构的大会或由这些机构召开的大会,也可指专业人员代表大会。也可指专业人员代表大会。e.g. e.g. 全国人民代表大会全国人民代表大会 the National Peoples the National Peoples CongressCongress国际地质物理学家代表大会国际地质物理学家代表大会 an in

8、ternational an international congress of geophysicists congress of geophysicists 美国国会美国国会 the Congress of the U.S.A. the Congress of the U.S.A. About Conference Convention: a kind of routine meeting, at which a large gathering of people meet and discuss the business of their organization or politica

9、l group, such as the annual convention of the union. 年会,全体与会者年会,全体与会者 Forum: a kind of public meeting, at which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues 论坛论坛 Seminar: a class-like meeting, where participants discuss a particular topic or subject that is presented

10、by several major speakers 研讨会研讨会Workshop: a period of discussion on a particular subject in which a group of people learn about the subject by sharing their knowledge or experience专题讨论会,讲习专题讨论会,讲习研讨班研讨班Convention 指社团或政党成员为某一特定目的所召开的大会、会议;指社团或政党成员为某一特定目的所召开的大会、会议;也可指学术团体的年会。也可指学术团体的年会。 Convention is

11、a kind of routine meeting, at which a large gathering of people meet and discuss the business of their organization or political group. e.g. e.g. to attend the convention on global environmental to attend the convention on global environmental protection protection 参加全球环保会议参加全球环保会议 the annual conven

12、tion of International Geology Society the annual convention of International Geology Society 国际地质学会年会国际地质学会年会 Session: a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity 一届一届会议,会期会议,会期 Preparatory meeting: A preparatory meeting takes place after the deadline for applications to the forma

13、l meeting. 预备会议Plenary session: a meeting that all the members of a group or organization present, esp. at a conference 全体会议全体会议 e.g. the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central CommitteePanel discussion: a small group discussion, in front of an audience, by people chosen to give advice, make

14、a decision, etc.小组讨论会小组讨论会 International conference is a kind of formal meeting, often lasting for a few days. It is organized on a particular subject to bring people together who have common interests. The planning progress for holding a conference should begin very early. A chairperson is selected

15、 to make the plan. Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee. The committees are then to work out a general program, including Conference Notice, Letters of Inv

16、itation, Conference Agenda, a Call for Conference Papers, etc. 1)What does the Conference Organizing Committee include? The Conference Organizing Committee: a chairperson a vice-chairperson members a secretary general 2) What does the Conference Academic Committee consist of ? The Conference Academi

17、c Committee: advisors a chairperson a vice-chairperson members secretaries 1) Before making any arrangements, the chairperson and vice-chairperson must consult other members on the committee to reach the final decision on the main theme / purpose of the conference the date(s) the venue a call for pa

18、pers for the conference2) When the events begin to take shape, details are discussed: nametags proper signs the program the sound system the lighting food the arrangement for someone to answer queries Chairpersons and secretaries, with other members, must be completely preoccupied with the conferenc

19、e before, during, and after it. 3) Main Procedures of International Conference Before International Conference During International Conference After International Conference Before International Conference Writing Conference Notice Writing Letters of Invitation Writing Conference Agenda and Programs

20、 Writing a Call for Conference Papers Writing a Notice of Acceptance or Rejection of an Abstract or a Paper During International Conference Giving an Opening Speech (chairperson) Giving a Welcome Speech (chairperson or distinguished guest) Introducing a Speaker (chairperson) Making an Oral Presentat

21、ion at a Conference Handling the Questions and Answer Session Giving a Closing Speech (chairperson or distinguished guest)After International Conference Making a Campus Tour Guide Speech Making a Lab Tour Guide SpeechTask 1: Call for Conference PapersI. Discussion 1.What is a call for conference pap

22、ers? It is to notify the prospective participants of the conference.2. Why must the call for papers be written ? The call for papers must be written in order to notify the prospective participants of the conference.3. What does the call for papers usually involve? Discussion Call for PapersIt usuall

23、y involves: information concerning the conference themedate(s) and venueobjectives topics of interestsplenary (keynote) speakerssponsorsOrganizing Committeerequirement for paper submission (abstract submission deadline, acceptance notification, full paper submission)registration feecontact informati

24、onII. Format of call for conference papersTheme and /or backgroundConference objectivesTopics to be discussed Time and venue Papers and submissions Organizing institution and committeeContact information III. Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns 1. Call for papersPapers are being invited for TI

25、83rd World Conference to be held in Shanghai, May 23-27, 2004.Titles of proposed papers with a 200-word abstract should be submitted no later than May 10, 2006.The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by July 15, 2006.Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns 2. SubmissionThe submitted papers s

26、hould be original and have not been published elsewhere.Best papers will be selected by the Advisory Committee and Program Committee, and the authors are invited to submit their papers to an international journal.For all submissions, please include the following information: title of the paper, name

27、, affiliation, address, phone number, email, and audiovisual request.Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks followed by 10 minutes of discussion addressing any topic in the areas of Asian environmental protection Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns 3. Format and length Abstracts should be su

28、bmitted electronically in an MS Word format and sent by email to the conference secretariat.Authors of accepted papers should send the full text paper in format of PDF or MS Word before September 15, 2006 to * adress with attachment.All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps)

29、, or MS Word (.doc) format.Initial paper submissions should be approximately ten pages. Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns4. Notification of acceptance and refusal Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by August 1, 2006.Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email.Submiss

30、ions received after this date will not be given primary consideration.Acceptance of the paper will be confirmed by JICC 2006 Program Committee based on content quality of the extended abstract.Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in papers being excluded from the conference procee

31、dings. Sample One IV. SamplesSample One What does the call for conference paper consist of ? 2008年海外汉学与中外文化交流国际研讨会 征集会议论文 Call for Papers 2008 The Institute of English Literature at Zhejiang University, Institute of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at Copenhagen University, and School of History,

32、 Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, cordially invite your active participation in an international symposium on Sinology and Sino-Foreign cultural relations and exchanges to be held in Hangzhou, October 24-26, 2008. Abstracts for prospective papers on the following topics are w

33、elcome. Your initiative in organizing a session will also be appreciated.1. Early records of and description about China in other countries2. The emergence and development of overseas sinology or China studies3. Western missionaries, diplomats, merchants, explorers and journalists who came to China

34、in ancient and modern times4. Visual images of China in the West5. Chinese students, merchants, laborers, diplomats, and revolutionaries in Europe and America 6. Chinas modernization in the Global perspectiveKeynote Speakers (in alphabetical order) Dr. Thomas H. Hahn, Cornell UniversityProf. Qi Han,

35、 Chinese Academy of SciencesDr. Eduard Koegel, urban planner and architect, BerlinProf. Hua Meng, Peking UniversityProf. Xiping Zhang, Beijing Foreign Studies UniversityDr. Harriet T. Zurndorfer, University of Leiden主题发言人(排名按拼音字母的顺序)主题发言人(排名按拼音字母的顺序): 美国康奈尔大学,韩涛博士美国康奈尔大学,韩涛博士 中国科学院,韩琦研究员中国科学院,韩琦研究员

36、德国建筑师,德国建筑师,Eduard Koegel博士博士 北京大学,孟华教授北京大学,孟华教授 北京外国语大学,张西平教授北京外国语大学,张西平教授 荷兰莱顿大学,荷兰莱顿大学,Harriet T. Zurndorfer教授教授Abstract Guidelines You are asked to limit your abstract to one double-spaced page, bearing your: NAME, ACADEMIC AFFLIATION, FULL ADDRESS, and CONTACT INFO. To be fully considered, abst

37、racts must be received by June 1, 2008. You will be notified in early July of the Program Committees decision about your abstract.论文摘要规范论文摘要规范论文摘要长度请限制在论文摘要长度请限制在1页页A4纸(纸(WORD文档双倍行距),注意文档双倍行距),注意标明:姓名、所属学术单位、详细联系地址、其他联系方式(包括电标明:姓名、所属学术单位、详细联系地址、其他联系方式(包括电话、电子邮箱等)。请务必在话、电子邮箱等)。请务必在2008年年6月月1日前发送论文摘要。

38、会议组委日前发送论文摘要。会议组委会将于会将于7月初通知结果。会议论文将结集出版,入选论文将由会议论文月初通知结果。会议论文将结集出版,入选论文将由会议论文集编委会及同行评审共同决定。请将您的论文摘要和其他咨询问题发集编委会及同行评审共同决定。请将您的论文摘要和其他咨询问题发往:往: We are happy to add that we plan to publish a proceeding of the conference, and the selection of papers for publication will be made by and Editorial Board a

39、cting in conjunction with various referees. Please send your abstract and all conference communications by e-mail to: Registration Fees (Payable on site. Graduate students: 50%) Foreign participants: 90, $150, E130 Domestic participants: RMB660 * The rate covers a half-day tour, tea/coffee, three lu

40、nches, two dinners and one banquet. 会议注册费会议注册费(报到现场现金支付。研究生优惠(报到现场现金支付。研究生优惠50%50%) 国际参加者:国际参加者:9090英镑英镑 / 150/ 150美元美元/130/130欧元欧元 国内参加者:国内参加者:660660元人民币元人民币/ /人人* *会议注册费包括:会议资料、茶点、三顿中餐、会议注册费包括:会议资料、茶点、三顿中餐、两顿晚餐和一个集体晚宴(不含住宿费用)。两顿晚餐和一个集体晚宴(不含住宿费用)。Organizers of the ConferenceProf. Hong Shen, Zhejian

41、g University, China (hshen_)Prof. Denise Gimpel, Copenhagen University, Denmark ( Prof. Paul J. Bailey, University of Edinburgh, U. K. ( +86-571-8820 6044 Fax: +86-571-8820 6179会议组织者会议组织者中国,浙江大学外语学院,沈弘教授(中国,浙江大学外语学院,沈弘教授(hshen_.chshen_ n)丹麦,哥本哈根大学,丹麦,哥本哈根大学,D

42、enise GimpelDenise Gimpel教授(教授(英国,爱丁堡大学,英国,爱丁堡大学,Paul J. BaileyPaul J. Bailey教授(教授( 电话:电话:(571) 8820 6044(571) 8820 6044传真:传真:(571) 8820 6179(571) 8820 6179Sample One Sample Two 1. What does the call for conference paper consist o

43、f ? 2. What is the name of the conference?3. When and where were the 1st and 2nd ESP in Asia conferences held? 4. What are the conference goals?5. What is the theme of the conference? 6. When is the deadline of the submission?Sample 2Sample 23rd International Conference on English for Specific Purpo

44、ses in Asia Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, Shanxi, P. R. ChinaOctober 21-23, 2011 Call for Papers Xian Jiaotong University is pleased to announce that the “3rd International Conference on English for Specific Purposes in Asia” will be held from October 21 to 23, 2011 in Xian following the 1st and 2

45、nd ESP in Asia conferences held at Chongqing University in 2009 and University of Nottingham Ningbo, China in 2010. The conference aims to promote interaction and discussion among researchers and teachers interested in ESP teaching and research, which have become more and more important in China as

46、globalization makes academic and professional communication in English essential for many people. The theme of the conference is “ESP Teaching and Research in the age of Globalization”. Contributions are invited from scholars in the following areas of study: 1) ESP theories: Development and applicat

47、ions2) Corpus and ESP research and teaching 3) ESP Course design and pedagogy4) ESP Testing and assessment 5) Research in multimodal communication in English for Specific Purposes6) ESP and professional developmentKeynote Speakers:Keynote Speakers:John Swales, Emeritus Professor of Linguistics, the

48、University of Michigan, U.S.AJohn Flowerdew, Professor of Applied Linguistics, the City University of Hong KongVijay Bhatia, Professor of Applied Linguistics, the City University of Hong Kong, President of the Asia-Pacific Association of LSP and Professional CommunicationBrian Paltridge, Professor of TESOL, the University of Sydney, AustraliaHuizhong Yang, Professor of Applied Linguistics,


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