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1、社工面试技巧和注意事项引导语:不管你有什么样的和才华,如果在上砸了,你就无法 得到那个职位。如今经济困难的情况下,你需要用到每一个优势。和注意事项(双语)不管你有什么样的简历和才华,如果在面试上砸了,你就无法 得到那个职位。如今经济困难的情况下,你需要用到每一个优势。(No matter your resume and tale nts, if you mess up a job in terview you won ' t get thatpositi on. In today ' s tough economy you need every possible edge 。)

2、下面10个简单的事情,将极大提升你被录用的可能性:带着 合适的表情、知道什么是不该说的,以及绝对不要流汗等等。(Here are 10 thi ngs to do that will dramatically in crease your cha nces: from weari ng the right expressi on, to knowing what not to say, to never ever breaking a sweat。)1. 不要“笑脸盈盈” (Don ' t be a smiley face.)面试中过度微笑会被视作紧张和缺乏自信。笑容可掬的一个人 看上

3、去是虚假的,而这些很快会被面试官发现。相反,做一个有思想、 令人愉快的人。在有东西值得笑时才去笑。先在镜子或朋友面前练习 练习。(Excessive smiling in a job in terview is see n for what it is-n ervous ness and a lack of con fide nee. A smiley-face pers onexudes phonin ess, whichwill quickly be picked up by the in terviewer.In stead be thoughtful an dpleasa nt. Sm

4、ile whe nthere ' s something to smile about. Do a practicerun in front of a mirror or friend 。)2. 不要扯闲话(Don ' t be a small-talker 。)你的任务是对参加面试的单位有充分了解。昨晚电视节目星 随舞动的内容或你最喜爱的博客等话题都不会让你得到这份工作。 绝对不要觉得自己非得在面试里不停地闲谈。找到途径谈论和该行业 或公司有关的话题。片刻间歇的沉默比用胡言乱语填充面试要更好。(Your job is to be kno wledgeable about th

5、e compa ny forwhich you ' reinterviewing. Random facts about last night' sepisode of Dancing withthe Stars or your forite blog will not get you the job. Never feelyou he to fill an in terview with small talk. Find ways to talk aboutserious subjects related to the industryor company. Pockets

6、of silencearebetter than paddi ng an in terview with ran dom babble3. 不要流汗(Don ' t sweat。)衣服多穿了一点点或穿了件汗衫可能让你失去一份工作。手掌 有汗,或额头上的汗珠不会给人留下好印象。你不是在申请个人运动教练。出汗将被看作是一个表示柔弱和紧张的迹象。穿着你的面试服装在朋友面前先实际演练一下。面试绝对不是你希望感汗流浃背的场 合。(You can lose a job by weari ng an un dershirt or simply alittle toomuch clothing. Sw

7、eaty palms or beads on your forehead will not impress .You are not appl yingto be apers onal trainer. Sweat will be see n as asig n of weak ness and n ervous ness. Do a practice run with your jobi nterview outfit in front of frien ds. The job in terview is one placeyou defi nitely don ' t want t

8、o be hot 。)4. 不要做拦路石(Don ' t be a road block 。)面试官在寻求的是那些渴望接受有挑战性的项目和工作的人员。犹豫和拒绝的心态将会是赫然醒目的,消极的信号。对于一些你 是否对某些任务或工作有兴趣等会让你迟疑的的问题,要练习说“是”。(In terviewersare seek ing can didates eager to take onchallenging projects and jobs. Hesitaneeand a nay-sayingmen tality will be asvisible as a red tie and see

9、 n as a n egative.Practice saying yes to questions about your interest in tasks and work that might normallygive you pause。)5. 不要琐碎(Don ' t be petty 。)询问午餐房间或会议室在哪里是在暗示你缺乏准备和主动性。 做好准备。不要询问诸如:物品位置、你的办公隔间大小,公司对喝 咖啡休息时间的政策等公司的常规事务或职能。(Aski ng the locatio n of the lun chroom or meet ing roomwill clu

10、e the in terviewerin to your lack of preparati onandinitiative. Prepare.Don' t ask questions about routine elementsor fun cti ons of a compa ny:where stuff is, the size of your cube, and company policy on coffeebreaks 。)6. 不要撒谎(Don ' t be a liar。)研究表明,员工在职场上经常会撒谎。撒谎无法给你带来一份 工作。在面试时,即便是一点的夸张都

11、算撒谎。别那么做。不要夸大 你的简历或美化你的成绩。和一位适度自信的人,以及和一位吹牛的 人谈话是不一样的。一个谎言会破坏全部面试,有的面试者一定会发 现那个谎言,让你离开。(Studies show that employees lie frequentlyin theworkplace. Lyingwon ' t get you a job. In a job in terview eve n a slight exaggeration islying. Don ' t. Never stretch your resume or embellish accomplishme

12、nts.There ' s a differenee between speaki ng with a measured con fide nee and en gag ing in BS. One lieca n rui n your en tire in terview, and the skilled in terviewer will spotthe lie and show you the door。)7. 不要成为糟糕的滑稽演员(Don ' t be a bad comedian。)幽默往往是十分主观的东西,虽然也许容易在你的面试时用一 个幽默开始,但是,对你的笑料

13、内容一定要小心。你可能对面试官的 敏感度一无所知,更加不知道什么能博得他们大笑。可另一方面,没 有什么会比一点点笑声更能缓解一次面试时的紧张,所以,用真是 面试的好天气! 这样的话,你能至少赢得一点礼貌的笑声。(Humor tends to be very subjective, and while it may betempt ing tolead your in terview with a joke you' ve got to becareful about yourmaterial. You probably will know nothing about the sen s

14、ibilities ofyour in terviewer, let alone what makes them laugh. On the other hand,nothing disarms the tension of a job in terviewlike a little laughter,so you canprobably score at least a courtesy chuckle men ti oning that it's perfect weather for a job in terview!。)8. 不要太难伺候(Don ' t be high

15、-maintenance。)如果你开始谈论理想中的办公室温度、你疼痛的后背适合的椅 子、饮水机需要装进口矿泉水等问题,那么不论你的资格如何,可能 你将被示以一个礼貌的微笑,还有送客的大门。如今任何招聘单位都 不会寻找对他们办公地点过分讲究的人。(If you start talking about the ideal office temperature, the perfectchair for your tricky back, and how the water cooler needs to be filledwith imported mineral water, chances a

16、re you ' ll be shown a polite smileand the door, regardless of your qualificatio ns. Nobody hiri ng today is going to be look ing for some one who ' s going to be finicky about their workspace 。)9. 不要浪费时间(Don ' t be a time-waster 。)每一次面试时,潜在雇员都会有提问的机会。让你的问题显得 聪明一些,直截了当,同时通过观察对面的面试官来决定提问是

17、否恰 当。问太多不相干的问题,你会被认为是一个注定要用无足轻重和费 时的事情来浪费公司资源的人。(At every job in terview, the prospective hire is give n the cha nee toask questi ons. Make yours in tellige nt, to the point, and watch thepers on across the desk for visual cues whether you ' ve asked eno ugh. Asktoo many questi ons about off-tar

18、get matters and you ' ll be thought of assomeonedesti nedto waste the compa nys resourceswithin sig ni fica ntand time-wasti ng matters。)10. 不要出语伤人(Don ' t be a switchblade 。)一般来说,出语伤人者被看作一位背后捅刀子的人,通常会领 别人工作的功劳。在面试时,这种人禁不住要说前雇主的“坏话”。如果你让你过去的工作地点看上去像是地球上的地狱,那么面试你的人也许会打电话给他们,看看谁才是真正的恶魔。(Normal

19、ly the switchblade is thought of a backstabber, ofte n tak in gcredit for some one else' s work. I n an in terviewsetting, theswitchblade can ' t help but trash talk his former employer. If youmake it seem like your former workplace was hell on Earth, the pers on in terview ing you might be

20、tempted to call them to find out who was the real devil。)法律英语口语:传票法律英语口语:传票。法律英语口语:传票Process 传票1. Address of service of process shall be in cluded in theArticles of Associatio n.2. Alias summons is a subsequentsummons issued toreplace one that could not be served or otherwise failed.3.Smith was subp

21、oenaedas a witness target=_blank4.Summons is a written notification that one is required to appear in court.5. The bailiff was in charge of issu ing a sum mons on theplai ntiff.6. The court served a sum mons on him.7. The sum mons was withdraw n.8. The witness target=_blank> 9.The writ was indors

22、edwith details of the plai ntiff s claim.10.They were accused of demandingpaymentwiththreats.1. 传票2. 第二传票是取代因无法送达或因其他原因失效的传票之传票。3. 史密斯被传唤为证人在巡回法院出庭。4. 传票是一种要求某人出庭的书面通知。5. 法庭执达官负责向被告签发传票。6. 法院向他送达了传票。7. 传票被撤销。8. 用传票传唤证人参加审判。9. 传票上详细批注了原告的主张。10. 他们被指控用威胁方式提出付款要求。面试技巧:面试中如何回答你的缺点是什么每次面试中肯定会出现的可怕问题是 “你最

23、大的缺点是什么?也许这是面试官淘汰应聘者的方式,他们想看看谁真正为这个不友善 的问题做了准备。无论如何,你可以通过准备答案和遵循下面的方法 免去部分尴尬。面试技巧:面试中如何回答你的缺点是什么The one dreaded questio n that is guara nteed to come up in every in terview is What is your greatest weak ness? Perhaps it s the in terviewer s way of weed ing out can didates to see who is truly prepare

24、d to an swer this un comfortable questio n. Regardless, you can remove some of the awkwardnessbyprepp ing for the questio n and follow ing these rules.每次面试中肯定会出现的可怕问题是 “你最大的缺点是什么?” 也许这是面试官淘汰应聘者的方式,他们想看看谁真正为这个不友善 的问题做了准备。无论如何,你可以通过准备答案和遵循下面的方法 免去部分尴尬。1. Don t give a cop-out an swer1. 不要回避问题Please don

25、 t give tiredanswers like, My greatestweak ness is that I m too much of a perfecti oni st/workaholic.Perhaps it is true for you, but unfortun ately, it may bring false to the in terviewerwho is used to heari ng these gen eric an swers that come off as a way to dodge the questi on.请不要给千篇一律的回答,比如:“我最大

26、的缺点是过于追求完 美/工作太拼命。”也许这是真实回答,但不幸的是,它会给面试官错 误信息,他们习惯了听这些通用回答,会以为你想回避这个问题。2. Be hon est2. 要诚实Dig deep into yourself and figure out what your trueweak nesses are at work. Write them dow n on a sheet of paper, and figure out which ones you can use in an in terview. If you state a weakness you ve struggle

27、d with, your answer will sound more hon est. Some things that will help you come up with true weak nesses is to look at some of the challe nges you have faced in your previous jobs or think about con structive criticism you ve received from a man ager.深入挖掘自己,找到真正的缺点。把它们写在纸上,看看哪些 可以在面试的时候说。如果你说的是让你烦扰

28、的缺点,听上去会更诚 实。帮助你想到真正缺点的事是看你在以前工作中遇到的困难或想想 经理对你的有用批评。3. Avoid deal breakers3. 不要说会影响面试的缺点Although we men ti on that you should be hon est, it s alsogood to remember that there is such a thing as being too 10honest. You need to avoid weaknesses that will hurt your cha nces of gett ing the job. For exa

29、mple, say if you re appl ying for an HR position and you say that you re not good with people, or if you re trying for a sales job and you say you are bad at n egotiati ng. This does n t mean that you have to make up a weak ness, but it s just preferable for you to pick ano ther weak ness that isn t

30、 a deal breaker.虽然我们刚才提到你应该诚实,但也要记住别太诚实。你要避 开那些会影响你得到工作的缺点。例如,申请人力资源的职位却说不 善于与人相处,或者想做销售却说不擅协商。不是让你一定要编缺点, 但是挑个不会影响面试的缺点会好一些。4. Talk about your attempts to overcome your weak ness4. 要谈到你为克服缺点做的努力Always talk about the steps you have take n to overcomeyour weak ness. This is your cha nee to show the i

31、n terviewer that although you have your flaws, you are proactive and resourceful eno ugh to overcome them .In a way, your effort to conq uer your weak nesses will be looked at as a stre ngth.要说你为克服缺点做的事。这是你向面试官证明的机会,让他 们知道虽然你有缺点,但你会主动克服缺点,也有办法克服它们。在 某种程度上,你为克服缺点做的努力会被视作优点。双语职场:快乐工作6个方法增加你的职场幸福感之前我写过

32、职场幸福,但是我给出的大部分建议需要持之以恒下面是5个有效又简单的方法能够快速提高你的职场体验。双语职场:快乐工作6个方法增加你的职场幸福感I ve writte n about workplace happ in ess in the past, but many of my suggestionsrequire consistent effort. Here arefive sure-fire,in credibly easy acti ons that will immediatelyimprove your workplace experie nee:之前我写过职场幸福,但是我给出的大

33、部分建议需要持之以恒。 下面是5个有效又简单的方法能够快速提高你的职场体验:1. Take a quiet min ute each morni ngWithin your morning routine,carve out a minute-60sec on ds-tobe sile nt, by yourself. Don t thi nk about work.Read a poem or say a prayer. Or just rest your brain. You ll be amazed at how much extra en ergy it will create for

34、 the rest of your day.1. 每天早上享受安静的一分钟在你早晨的例行时间内,抽出一分钟一一 60秒一一独自安静 的待着。不要想工作。读一首诗或是祷告,哪怕只是让大脑休息一下。 你会惊讶于接下来的一天这一分钟给你带来的额外能量。2. Smile more freque ntlySmili ng accomplishes two thin gs. First, it tells your brainto be more happy. (Try being depressed with a huge grin stuck on your face.) Second, whe n

35、you smile it tends to make other people smile, too. It s con tagious, in a good way.2. 多笑微笑可以带来两个好处。一是告诉你的大脑快乐一些。(你试试咧着嘴笑还能郁闷吗。)二是当你笑的时候,其他人也会跟着笑。这 是传染的,当然是以一种积极的方式。3. Give yourself more creditTake a second to give yourself a mental and emotional pat on the back every time you complete a project, ev

36、e n if it s only a small part of a larger effort. This creates a sense of accomplishme nt that keeps you from feeli ng overwhelmed.3. 给自己更多的肯定每完成一个项目后,抽时间给自己精神和情感上的慰藉,哪怕 你的功劳只是九牛一毛。这能让你有一种成就感,而不会自惭形秽。4. Celebrate whe n you lear n somethi ngIf you re alive, you can t help learning somethingnewevery d

37、ay. The trick here is to recog nize whe n you ve lear ned somethi ng new and pote ntially importa nt. That s a victory and worth a quiet, inner hooray!4. 每当学成什么就庆祝一下如果你还活着,就避免不了新的东西。关键是你要认识到自己学到的东西是新的而且有潜在价值。那就是一种胜利,值得在心理默 默庆祝。5. Enjoy huma n n atureLet s face it: People do really stra nge thin gs.

38、You have a choice whe n confron ted with these foibles: 1) Be irritated; or 2) Be amused. Being irritated makes you miserable but being amused helps you find creative ways to work around the limitati ons of others.5. 享受人性让我们面对现实:人们确实会做一些奇怪的事。当你面对以下 两种小缺陷时可以做一个选择:1)生气;2)惊讶。生气会让你痛苦, 但是惊讶却能够帮助你以富有创造力的方

39、式处理他人的缺点。6. Say tha nks to those who do tha nkless tasksYou probably already know that you should tha nk co-workers and customers on a regular basis. But what about the jan itors, the facilities people, the call cen ter staff? They ve got really tough jobs and seldom hear that their con tributi ons

40、are valued.6.对那些做不值得称道的事的人说谢谢基本上你应该知道同事和客户值得感谢。但是门卫呢,器械维 修工呢,客服中心的员工呢?他们的工作很辛苦却很少得到他人对他 们工作给予肯定。酒店英语:Re nting a Card 租车酒店英语:Renting a Card 租车(双语)。Ren ti ng a Card租车How much does it cost to rent a mid-size card?租用一个中等大小的轿车需要多少钱?That would be $40 a day plus 38 cents a mile.40美元一天,外加38美分每英里。It' s $

41、135.99 per week plus taxes. All cars come with un limited mileage.一星期135.99美元,税另算。所有的车都没有里程限制。The base price for one week is $288.95. Plus $2 per dayfor the lice nse fee, and local taxes. The total is $327.94.基本的价钱是一个星期288.95美元。再加每天2美元的执照 费和当地税,总共是327.94美元。We fill all the cars before they leave. But

42、 be sure you bring it back filled, because we charge you two dollars a gallo n to fill it here.车辆离开前我们都把油加满。不过,你还车的时候也得把油加 满,因为你要是到这儿再加的话,1加仑就得花2美元。You can leave the car at any of our places in North America, subject to additi onal costs.你可以在我们设于北美的任何一家公司还车,但会酌情加一些 费用的。May I see your driver ' s

43、license?我可以看看你的驾照吗?Yes, it' s right here.可以,就在这。You ' ll have to use credit card or leave a US $100 deposit.你要么用信用卡,要么交100美元的押金。What ' s your high-end card?你们最好的车是什么车?Can I have a look car first?我可以先看看车子吗?Can I drop it off at ano ther bran ch?我可以在其他分店还车吗?Is the van ready?旅行车准备好了吗?Y es. W

44、e have it all ready for you. It 's parked right outside. Come have a look.是的。已经全都为你们准备好了。就停在外边。过来看看吧。Okay. Hey, this is really n ice.好。嘿,真不错。Yes, this is the Ford Windstar. It ' s very popular.对,这是一辆福特“风之星”,很流行的。Yeah, I' ve see them advertised.嗯,我在广告上见到过。英语专业四级听写注意事项听写,顾名思义,既听又写,它渗透在各种形式

45、的语言活动中, 是最常用到的基本功之一。英语专业四级听写注意事项英语专业四级听写的选材广泛而不生辟,体裁可以为叙述性, 描写性,或说明性,难度适中,不超出与听力理解部分的同等难度, 词汇以大纲要求的前四级为主,也有一些五、六级词汇,但不会出现 太偏僻的人名、地名等专有名词或词汇,背景知识要求不会太复杂, 不会超出大部分学生应该掌握的。听写部分占时共约15分种,原始分为15分,比重占全部的15%.听写,顾名思义,既听又写,它渗透在各种形式的语言活动中, 是最常用到的基本功之一。听写测试要求考生把听到的内容准确无误 地以笔头的形式表达出来,虽无需考生自己遣词造句,但由于牵涉到 语言(听力、单词拼写

46、、篇章结构等)与非语言能力(如记忆力、速 记等)也决非易事。提高听写能力,关键就是加强各种相关知识和技 能的训练。英语专业四级考试(tem4 )的第二大部分是听写。同第一部分 写作一样,听写也属主观性考试,由人脑阅卷。听写曾作为教学手段而历史源远流长,同时,作为测试综合技 能的手段之一,听写可根据考试目的,对象等的不同,在选材难度, 朗读遍数及速度,中间停顿时间的长短等方面,采用不同的形式,女口: 标准听写,部分听写,干扰听写,听写等。在 tem4中,采用的是录 音式标准听写,也就是要求考生在 15分钟内在全面理解所听内容的 基础上准确无误地逐字逐句写出全文。目的是测试应试者的接收性(听)与产

47、出性(写)语言技能,其理解,拼写,标点等的能力。所 选材料广泛而不生辟,体裁可以为叙述性,描写性,或说明性,难度 适中,不超出与听力同等难度,词汇以大纲要求的前四级为主,也有 一些五,六级词汇,但不会出现太偏僻的人名,地名等专有名词或词 汇,背景知识不需太复杂,不会超出大部分学生应该掌握的常识。听写部分共占时大约15分种,计分15分,比重15%.全文大 约150词左右,为一段或多段,共分15个意群,每个意群可能是词 组,分句或单句。全文共朗读四遍。第一遍为正常速度,每分钟录音 速度为大约120词,要求考生此时从整体理解全文内容,抓住中心 大意,而不要着急写;第二,三遍为慢读,根据意群停顿,停顿

48、时间 大约15秒,要求考生准确写出所听内容;第四遍跟第一遍一样,仍 为每分钟约120词,考生可边听边校对。全文听完后,有两分钟的 复查时间,直到录音中听到“ that s the end of dictation” 表示这一部分结束,该进行下一项听力内容了。职场新人:学会这几句短语发传真写邮件小case职场新人在办公室除了听到电话铃就“心惊胆战”外,必定还 会听到的两句话就是:“你发个传真过去吧”,“你email我就行”。发 传真、写邮件是职场必备招式,不会这些,怎么混职场?职场新人:学会这几句短语发传真写邮件小case职场新人在办公室除了听到电话铃就“心惊胆战”外,必定还会听到的两句话就是:“你发个传真过去吧”,“你email我就行”。发 传真、写邮件是职场必备招式,不会这些,怎么混职场?1. 发传真必备第一句:你能把它传真给我吗经


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