1、河海大学水利水电工程专业课程描述Course description for students majoring in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering 专业名称:水利水电工程Major name:Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering课程名称:高等数学1(80学时)Course name:Advanced Mathematics 1(80hours)学期:1Term:1学年:2011-2012年Academic year:2011-2012课程描述:Course Overview:高等数
2、学课程是高等学校工科本科各专业学生的一门必修的重要基础理论课,通过本课程的学习,使学生获得:函数与极限、一元函数的导数与微分,中值定理与导数应用、不定积分、定积分、定积分的应用、空间解析几何和向量代数等方面的基本概念、基本理论和基本运算技能,为学习后继课程和进一步获得数学知识奠定了必要的数学基础。Advanced mathematics is an important basic theory course compulsory for undergraduates of all engineering majors of institutions of higher education. I
3、n this course, students can learn the basic concepts, basic theories and basic computing skills in respect of functions and limits, derivative and differential of function of one variable, mean value theorem and application of derivative, indefinite integral, definite integral, application of defini
4、te integral, spatial analytic geometry, vector algebra, etc., laying a necessary mathematical foundation for subsequent courses and further learning mathematical knowledge.课程目标:Course Objectives:1使学生获得函数与极限、一元函数的导数与微分,中值定理与导数、不定积分、定积分、空间解析几何和向量代数等方面的知识To let students learn knowledge in respect of fu
5、nctions and limits, derivative and differential of function of one variable, mean value theorem and application of derivative, indefinite integral, definite integral, spatial analytic geometry, vector algebra, etc.;2掌握基本理论和运算技能,为后续课程提供必不可少的数学基础知识To master basic theories and basic operation skills, p
6、roviding essential basic mathematical knowledge for subsequent courses;3为解决实际问题提供有效的数学方法To provide effective mathematical methods to solve actual problems. 成绩评定:Achievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期中考试、期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination of usual performance, midterm examinatio
7、n, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:10%,形式有课堂考勤和课堂作业。Usual performance: 10%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期中考试:20%,形式为笔试。Midterm examination: 20%, in the form of written examination. 3:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination.笔试:期中
8、卷面100分,按20%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。期末卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。Written examination: 100 scores for midterm examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 20%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;100 scores for final examination, which will be converted into results at the percen
9、tage of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:高等数学2 (96学时)Course name:Advanced Mathematics 2(96hours)学期:2Term:2学年:2011-2012年Academic year:2011-2012课程描述:Course Overview:高等数学课程是高等学校工科本科各专业学生的一门必修的重要基础理论课,通过本课程的学习,使学生获得:无穷级数、多元函数微分法及其应用、重积分、曲线积分与曲面积分、微分方程及其应用等方面的基本概念、基本理论和基本运算技能,为学习后继课程和进一步
10、获得数学知识奠定了必要的数学基础。Advanced mathematics is an important basic theory course compulsory for undergraduates of all engineering majors of institutions of higher education. In this course, students can learn the basic concepts, basic theories and basic computing skills in respect of infinite series, diffe
11、rential of function of many variables and its application, multiple integral, curve integral and surface integral, differential equation and its application, etc., laying a necessary mathematical foundation for subsequent courses and further learning mathematical knowledge.课程目标:Course Objectives:1使学
12、生获得无穷级数、多元函数微分、重积分、曲线积分与曲面积分、微分方程等方面的知识To let students learn knowledge in respect of infinite series, function of many variables, multiple integral, curve integral and surface integral, differential equation, etc.; 2掌握基本理论和运算技能,为后续课程提供必不可少的数学基础知识To master basic theories and basic computing skills, p
13、roviding essential basic mathematical knowledge for subsequent courses;3为解决实际问题提供有效的数学方法To provide effective mathematical methods to solve actual problems.成绩评定:Achievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期中考试、期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination of usual performance, midterm examination
14、, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:10%,形式有课堂考勤和课堂作业。Usual performance: 10%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期中考试:20%,形式为笔试。Midterm examination: 20%, in the form of written examination. 3:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination.笔试:期中卷
15、面100分,按20%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。期末卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。Written examination: 100 scores for midterm examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 20%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;100 scores for final examination, which will be converted into results at the percent
16、age of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:大学物理1 (48学时)Course name: Physics 1(48hours)学期:2Term:22011-2012年2011-2012课程描述:Course Overview:大学物理,是大学理工科类的一门基础课程,通过课程的学习,使学生熟悉自然界物质的结构,性质,相互作用及其运动的基本规律,为后继专业基础与专业课程的学习及进一步获取有关知识奠定必要的物理基础。大学物理包括经典物理和近代物理,其中经典物理包括:运动,流体,热,声,光,电,磁等;现代物理包括:相对论,原子结
17、构,量子论,核物理,基本粒子学。Physics is a basic course for undergraduates of science and engineering. In this course, students can get familiar with the structure, nature and interaction of matters in nature and basic laws of their motions, laying a necessary physical foundation for learning subsequent basic and
18、 professional courses and for further acquiring relevant knowledge. Physics includes classical physics and modern physics, where classical physics include: exercise, fluids, heat, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, etc.; modern physics, including: the theory of relativity, atomic structure, quant
19、um theory, nuclear physics, elementary particle physics.课程目标:Course Objectives:1使学生对物质的基本结构、基本相互作用、基本运动形式与规律形成较完整的认识,To let students have a complete understanding of the basic structure, fundamental interactions and basic form and law of motion of matters; 2培养学生辩证唯物主义的思想方法和先进的自然观与科学观To train student
20、s way of thinking of dialectical materialism and advanced view of nature and science; 3帮助学生掌握研究物质运动规律的基本方法,提高自学、研究和创新能力。To help students to master the basic methods for studying the law of motion of matters and improve their capacities in respect of self-study, research and innovation; 成绩评定:Achievem
21、ent assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期中考试、期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination of usual performance, midterm examination, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:10%,形式有课堂考勤和课堂作业。Usual performance: 10%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期中考试:20%,形式为笔试。Midterm exam
22、ination: 20%, in the form of written examination. 3:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination.笔试:期中卷面100分,按20%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。期末卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。Written examination: 100 scores for midterm examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage o
23、f 20%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;100 scores for final examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:几何与代数(48学时)Course name:Geometry & Algebra(48hours)学期:2Term:2 学年:2011-2012年Academic year:2011-2012课程描述:Cours
24、e Overview:几何与代数是高等学校工科本科各专业学生的一门必修的重要基础理论课,是数学的一个分支,它的研究对象是向量、向量空间、线性变换和有限维的线性方程组。由于线性问题广泛存在于科学技术的各个领域,而某些非线性问题在一定条件下可以转化为线性问题,因此本课程所介绍的方法广泛地应用于各个领域。Linear algebra is an important basic theory course compulsory for undergraduates of all engineering majors of institutions of higher education. It is
25、a branch of mathematics and its research objects are vector, vector space, linear transformation and finite dimensional linear simultaneous equations. Since the linear problem is widely used in various fields of science and technology and some nonlinear problems can be transformed into linear proble
26、ms under certain conditions, the methods described in this course are widely used in various fields. 课程目标:Course Objectives:1.通过教学,使学生掌握线性代数的基本理论与方法To let students master the basic theories and methods of linear algebra in learning;2.培养学生应用线性代数的数学方法去解决实际问题的能力To train students ability to solve practi
27、cal problems with the mathematical methods of linear algebra; 3为学习相关课程进一步扩大数学知识面并奠定必要的数学基础To further expand the mathematical knowledge and lay a necessary mathematical foundation for relevant courses.成绩评定:Achievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination o
28、f usual performance, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:30%,形式有课堂考勤、回答问题和课堂作业。Usual performance: 30%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination.笔试:卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。100 scores for final examinatio
29、n, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:工程制图(48+32学时)Course name:Engineering Drawing 1(48+32hours)学期:1&2Term:1&2学年:2011-2012年Academic year:2011-2012课程描述:Course Overview:工程制图是高等学校工科专业的技术基础课。分为两个部分来上课,第一个部分是研究在平面上用图形表示形体和解决
30、空间几何问题的理论和方法的学科,其内容包括画法几何、制图基础、专业制图三个部分。画法几何的内容还包含投影变换、截交线、相贯线和展开图等。投影基础部分以点线面、立体截交、相贯、组合体等内容。同时工程制图是机械制图的投影理论基础,它应用投影的方法研究多面正投影图、轴测图、透视图和标高投影图的绘制原理,其中多面正投影图是主要研究内容。第二个部分研究了CAD的画法及制图基本知识,包括点、直线及平面的投影,立体的投影,轴测图,组合体视图,机件的常用表达方法,标准件和常用件、零件图,装配图,计算机交互绘图系统,计算机绘制二维平面图,计算机绘制三维立体图。课程目标:Course Objectives:1掌握
31、投影原理及其应用To master projection principles and their application;2培养对三维形象的逻辑思维和形象思维能力To train the logical thinking and image thinking skills ability for three-dimensional images;3贯彻制图标准,进行绘制工程图的基础训练To implement drawing standards and conduct basic training for drawing engineering drawings; 4掌握绘制和阅读工程图样的
32、方法To master the methods for drawing and reading engineering drawings;5掌握徒手绘图的基本技术To master the basic techniques of freehand drawing;6 熟练掌握CAD画图的专业知识,并且能够熟练运用CAD画图软件进行计算机内二维三维图纸的绘制。成绩评定:Achievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination of usual performance,
33、 final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:30%,形式有课堂考勤、回答问题和课堂作业。Usual performance: 30%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试与上机画图。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination and drawn on the computer.笔试:卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。100 scores for final
34、 examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:理论力学Course name:Theoretical Mechanics学期:3Term:32012-2013年2012-2013课程描述:Course Overview:理论力学主要研究刚体的力学性能及运行规律,是力学的基础学科,由静力学、运动学和动力学三大部分组成。静力学部分介绍静力学基本概念和公理、物理受力分析方法、平面汇交力系、力矩和力偶矩、平
35、面任意力系的合成与平衡问题以及摩擦的基本理论、有摩擦存在的平衡问题的分析方法。运动学部分介绍了点的运动合成,科氏加速度,刚体平面运动的速度分析方法,刚体平面运动的加速度分析方法。动力学介绍了其基本概念包括动量定理,质心运动定理,刚体对于定点的动量矩定理,刚体对于质心的动量矩定理:动能、势能、动能定理,达朗贝尔原理,虚位移原理及其在静力分析中的应用。单自由度系统振动方程与振动特征量等。课程目标:Course Objectives:1掌握经典力学的基本理论和基本方法To grasp the basic theories and methods of classical mechanics; 2运用
36、理论和方法解决一些简单的工程实际问题To apply the theories and methods to solve some simple practical engineering problems;3为后续课程打下坚实的力学理论基础To lay a theoretical foundation of solid mechanics for subsequent courses; 成绩评定:Achievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination of us
37、ual performance, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:30%,形式有课堂考勤、回答问题和课堂作业。Usual performance: 30%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination.笔试:卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。100 scores for final examination, w
38、hich will be converted into results at the percentage of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:测量学Course name:Surveying学期:2Term:22011-2012年2011-2012课程描述:Course Overview:课程内容包括水准测量、角度测量、距离测量与直线定向、测量误差的基本知识、小区域控制测量、大比例尺地形图的测绘、地形图的应用、施工测量的基本工作、工业与民用建筑施工测量、道路工程测量、“3S”技术的集成与应用简介等。The course c
39、ontents include leveling surveying, angular surveying, range survey and linear orientation, basic knowledge of survey error, small regional control survey, surveying and mapping of large-scale topographic maps, application of topographic map, basic work of construction survey, construction survey fo
40、r industrial and civil buildings, road engineering survey, brief introduction to the integration and application of "3S" technology, etc.课程目标:Course Objectives:1能够理解测绘的基本概念、基本理论和方法To understand the basic concepts, theories and methods of surveying and mapping;2能够使用各种常规测量仪器和工具做基本的工程测量工作,能够对
41、测量数据进行处理To be able to use a variety of conventional surveying instruments and tools for basic engineering survey;3了解测绘图的成图过程与测绘方法,熟练地阅读和应用地图To understand the mapping process and mapping methods and to proficiently read and apply maps;成绩评定:Achievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is
42、 conducted by way of combination of usual performance, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:30%,形式有课堂考勤、回答问题和课堂作业。Usual performance: 30%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination.笔试:卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120
43、分钟。100 scores for final examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:大学物理2(64学时) Course name:Physics 2(64hours)学期:3Term:3学年:2012-2013年Academic year:2012-2013课程描述:Course Overview:在大学物理1的基础上,进一步介绍自然界物质的结构,性质,相互作用及其运动的基本规律,并加深了
44、对经典物理、近代物理重点的介绍,为后继专业基础与专业课程的学习及进一步获取有关知识奠定必要的物理基础。It further introduces the structure, nature and interaction of matters in nature and basic laws of their motions and deepens the introduction to classical physics and modern physics on the basis of College Physics 1, laying a necessary physical foun
45、dation for learning subsequent basic and professional courses and for further acquiring relevant knowledge. 课程目标:Course Objectives:1掌握物理学基本知识、基本概念、基本规律和基本方法To master the basic knowledge, concepts, laws and methods of physics; 2了解当代物理学发展概况、了解当代高新技术发展的物理基础To understand the development overview of mode
46、rn physics and to understand the physical foundation for contemporary high-tech development; 3帮助学生掌握研究物质运动规律的基本方法,提高自学、研究和创新能力。To help students to master the basic methods for studying the laws of motion of matters and improve their capacities in respect of self-study, research and innovation;成绩评定:A
47、chievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期中考试、期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination of usual performance, midterm examination, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:10%,形式有课堂考勤和课堂作业。Usual performance: 10%, in the form of class attendance and class work. 2:期中考试:15%,形式为笔试。Midte
48、rm examination: 15%, in the form of written examination. 3:期末考试:75%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 75%, in the form of written examination.笔试:期中卷面100分,按15%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。期末卷面100分,按75%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。Written examination: 100 scores for midterm examination, which will be converted into results at the perce
49、ntage of 15%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;100 scores for final examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 75%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:概率论与数理统计(48学时)Course name:Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics(48hours)学期:3Term:3学年:2012-2013年
50、Academic year:2012-2013课程描述:Course Overview:该课程的主要内容包括:概率论的基本概念、随机变量及其概率分布、数字特征、大数定律与中心极限定理、统计量及其概率分布、参数估计和假设检验、回归分析、方差分析、马尔科夫链等。The main contents of this course include: basic concepts of probability theory, random variables and their probability distribution, digital features, law of large numbers
51、 and central limit theorem, statistic and its probability distribution, parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, regression analysis, analysis of variance, Markov chain, etc.课程目标:Course Objectives:1通过教学,使学生掌握概率与统计的基本理论与方法To let students master the basic theories and methods of probability and st
52、atistics through teaching; 2掌握一些分析和处理随机现象的能力To master the ability to analyze and process random phenomena; 3使学生运用科学的思维去解决生活中复杂的随机现象To allow students to use scientific thinking to solve complex random phenomena in life;4为学习相关课程进一步扩大数学知识面并奠定必要的数学基础To further expand the mathematical knowledge and lay a
53、 necessary mathematical foundation for relevant courses.成绩评定:Achievement assessment:考核采用平时成绩与期末考试,理论与实践相结合的方式Assessment is conducted by way of combination of usual performance, final examination, theory and practice. 1: 平时成绩:30%,形式有课堂考勤、回答问题和课堂作业。Usual performance: 30%, in the form of class attendan
54、ce and class work. 2:期末考试:70%,形式为笔试。Final examination: 70%, in the form of written examination.笔试:卷面100分,按70%折合成绩,考试时间为120分钟。100 scores for final examination, which will be converted into results at the percentage of 70%, and the examination time is 120 minutes;课程名称:材料力学(64学时)Course name:Material Me
55、chanics(64hours)学期:4Term:4学年:2012-2013年Academic year:2012-2013课程描述:Course Overview:本课程先研究杆件在拉压、扭转和弯曲等基本变形下的内力、应力、变形和强度、刚度计算及超静定问题。,然后讲述应力状态、强度理论、组合变形和连接件的强度计算,继而一次讲述考虑材料塑性的极限分析、能量法、压杆稳定和动荷载及交变应力等内容。This course introduces the bar in tension and compression, torsion and bending deformation under force
56、, stress, deformation and strength, stiffness calculation and hyperstatic problem, then tells the calculation of stress state, the strength theory, combination of deformation and strength of connections. Then turn on the extreme plasticity analysis, energy method, stability and dynamic load and alternating stress content.课程目标:Course Objectives:1 材料力学的主要课程目标是为未来的工程师提供分析和设计不同机械
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