1、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句【语境展示】仔细观察A. B两组句子,并注意它们的不同点。A1. He is the man who / that lives next door.2. Tlie man (that / who / whom) you met at the school gate yesterday is Toms uncle.3. The river which / that runs through the city centre brings us lots of pleasure 4. This is the factory where / in which I onc
2、e worked for 3 years.5. This is什】e singer whose name is known to all of us.6. Do you still remember the days when / on which we stayed together in thecountryside?7. The woman with whom you shook hands just now is the head of the company.8.1 dont know the reason (why / for wliich / that) he came here
3、B1. Bessie is our monitor, who is kind and always ready to help others2. The students went to the hospital to see Miss Wang, whom they respect greatly 3. The 10:00 train, which is usually on time, was late today.4. The film Life of Pi. which I have seen three times, is well worth seeing again 5. Mr.
4、 King, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital.6. They went to the Royal Theatre, where they saw George Bernard Shawls My FairLcidy.7. This house, for which he paid $150,000, is now worth $300,000 8. Mary is very patient with the children, which her husband seldom is.9. My brother
5、wasnt listening to me, which made me angiy【自我归纳】通过观察我们可以发现:A组句子中的定语从句都是限制性的,B组句子中 的定语从句都是非限制性的。限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句主要有以下区 别:1.功能不同限制性定语从句对先行词起限制或修饰的作用,与先行词之间的关系非常 密切,如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整、不明确或失去意义(A组句子)。非限制性定语从句只是对先行词作附加说明,与主句的关系不十分密切, 如果去掉,主句的意思仍然清楚、完整(B组句子)。2形式不同限制性定语从句和主句之间不能用逗号分开(A组句子);非限制性定语从 句和主句之间通常用_分开
6、(B组句子)。3.关系词不同关系词_ 和_ 可用于限制性定语从句中(A组句1-句3、句8),通常不用于非限制性定语从句中。另外,在限制性定语从句中,关系词有时可以 省略,而在非限制性定语从句中,关系词一般不可省略。注意:无论是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句,只要关系词在从句中作语,都用whose (A组句5, B组句5)。关系副词或“介词which / whom”既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限 制性定语从句(A组句4、句6、句7、句8, B组句7)。4.先行词不同限制性定语从句的先行词通常只能是名词或代词(A组),而非限制性定 语从句的先行词可以是名词或代词(B组句1-句7),也
7、可以是一个句子的部分 或(B组句8、句9)。【即学即练】I.将下面两个句子合并成一个含有定语从句的复合句。1 The note was left by Tom. He was here a moment ago.2. Uli never forget those days. I worked together with you.3. Please pass me the book Its cover is green.4. Jinan is a nice city. It attracts many visitors every year.II-选用方框内合适的关系词填空。thawhich,
8、who, whom, whose, when, where, why1 Do you still remember the days_we stayed together in junior school?2. Kevin is reading a book_is too difficult for him.II.3. The boy with_John spoke is my brother.4. Mr. Li,_came to see me yesterday, is an old fiiend of my father.5. Mary,_ children are at school a
9、ll day, is trying to get a job6. The city_ I grew up is a very beautiful place 7. They dislike Tom,_ is not surprising 8. I went to the old house in_my grandmother used to live9. Please give me the reason_ you were late again.10. You should apologize to your friend_bike you lost.答案【自我归纳】逗号;that; why:定;全部【即学即练】1.1 The note was left by Tom, who was here a moment ago.2. Fll never forget those days when / ill which I worked together with you.3. Please pass me the book whose cover is green.4. Jinan, which is a nice city, attracts many visitors every
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