1、英国成孤家寡人The Lonely BulldogBritain has found itself swimming against the tide in the last few days, after a European Union make-or-break summit to save the euro.The British PM David Cameron vetoed treaty changes for the 27-member bloc aimed at forging a tax and budget consensus to tackle the eurozone
2、debt crisis.Mr Cameron argued he had to protect Britain's financial services industry from further taxation and was praised by eurosceptic politicians in his Conservative Party who had urged him to show the "bulldog spirit". The bulldog has become an unofficial symbol of the British sp
3、irit of independence and defiance.tae124.jpgBut many in Britain believe that the decision to go it alone has put the bulldog in the doghouse. Opposition leader Ed Milliband fears the country could be left out of the loop in future decisions taken by the continental group. And the Liberal Democrat Ni
4、ck Clegg, Cameron's partner in a coalition government, has acknowledged that there is "a real danger that over time the UK will be marginalised within the EU".Business leaders are also concerned about a perception that their country could become isolated in Europe. Ian Rodgers, directo
5、r of the trade body UK Steel, says the domestic metals industry is dominated by foreign firms, which would make their investments in Britain on the basis that it was a key part of the European community.Across the English Channel, the British stance caused some irritation. According to the European
6、Commissions' president Jose Manuel Barroso, "the UK's position on financial regulation represented a "risk to the integrity of the single market".英国成孤家寡人欧盟就拯救欧元问题召开的峰会落幕后,英国发现他们在过去的几天里,一直逆流而行。为了应对欧元区债务危机,27个欧元国旨在就改革税收和预算方案达成一致协议,但英国首相戴维·卡梅伦拒绝修改方案。卡梅伦争论道他必须保护英国的金融服务产业免受日益加
8、#183;巴罗佐介绍:“英国对于金融监管的立场给欧洲单一货币市场的完整性带来了风险。”1.swim against the tide 逆流而行例句:He advised me not to swim against the tide.他劝我不要对着潮流上。2.veto 否决例句:The president vetoed the economic package passed by Congress.总统否决了国会通过的一揽子经济计划。3.in the doghouse 失宠 受冷遇 丢脸例句:The boy was in the doghouse with his teacher by oft
9、en coming to school late.老师很不喜欢那个男孩,因为他上学经常迟到。4.marginalize 排斥 忽视 排挤例句:We've always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened.我们总是遭到排挤、剥削和不断的恐吓。大脑蛋白质决定女人比男人更健谈This is AP News Minute.At least 7 people are dead after a tour bus and a semi-truck crashed early Sunday on a freeway near
10、Palm Springs, California. The California Highway Patrol says at least 30 others were injured. There's no word yet on what caused the crash.breaking.jpgDefense Secretary Ash Carter visited Northern Iraq Sunday for a closer assessment of the fight against the Islamic State group. He met with Kurdi
11、sh leaders whose forces have launched a new defensive in the operation to wrest Mosul from the militants and with U.S. service members who are not far from the battle.With just over two weeks to go before Election Day, the presidential candidates are pushing their messages in battleground states. Hi
12、llary Clinton spent the day in North Carolina. Donald Trump was campaigning in must-win Florida. His camp acknowledging he's trailing in the race, but insisting he still has a viable path to win the White House.And it's been a day following a long night of celebration for Chicago Cubs' f
13、ans, who are heading to the world series for the first time in 71 years.Kelly Daschle, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.1.crash v.碰撞The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica.那架飞机在乌斯蒂卡岛附近神秘坠毁了。2.assessment n.评估;评价There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environme
14、nt.几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。3.acknowledge vt.承认;鸣谢You have to acknowledge that we live in a racist society.你得承认我们生活在一个有种族偏见的社会中。4.insist vt.& vi.坚持They insist on tastier chocolate than the anaemic British stuff.他们坚持要比淡而无味的英国货味道更好的巧克力。5.viable adj.切实可行的;能养活的The goal has been to establish and sustain a na
15、tion of viable family farms.目标是要建立一个能够使家庭农场得以存续的国家,并使其维持下去。1.He met with Kurdish leaders whose forces have launched a new defensive in the operation to wrest Mosul from the militants and with U.S. service members who are not far from the battle.wrest from(从)攫取,抢夺(权力等)The rebels tried to wrest contro
16、l of the town from government forces.反叛者企图从政府军手中夺取这个城镇的控制权。2.And it's been a day following a long night of celebration for Chicago Cubs' fans, who are heading to the MLB for the first time in 71 years.head to引至,通到Disobeying the law can head to trouble.不守法可能会引起麻烦。这里是美联社一分钟新闻节目。周六早些时候,一辆旅游巴士和小
17、卡车在加利福尼亚棕榈泉附近一条高速公路上相撞,造成至少7人死亡。加利福尼亚高速巡警表示,另外还有至少30人受伤。目前关于车祸起因还没有任何消息。周日,美国国防部长卡特(Ash Carter)视察了伊拉克北部,更近距离地评估打击伊斯兰国激进组织的战斗。他还会见了库尔德领导人。在从IS激进分子手中夺回摩苏尔的行动中,库尔德力量和距离战斗不远处的美国军人发动了新的防守行动。距离选举日还有两周多的时间,总统候选人们在竞争激烈的州继续传达自己的信息。希拉里·克林顿走访了北卡罗来纳。唐纳德·特朗普在必须取胜的佛罗里达州活动。他的阵营承认他在竞选中已经落后,但是坚持称他仍有可能入主白宫。
18、一天前,芝加哥小熊队球迷举行了整晚的庆祝活动。这是71年来的首次挺进世界职业棒球大赛。Kelly Daschle为您报道美联社一分钟新闻。大选在即 特朗普为他的新酒店剪彩HARI SREENIVASAN: With 13 days to go, the presidential campaign ran the gamut today, from rallies to ribbon-cutting.John Yang begins our coverage.HILLARY CLINTON (D), Presidential Nominee: If people get out and vote
19、, we will have a victory on November the 8th.DONALD TRUMP (R), Presidential Nominee: I'm asking America to join me in dreaming big.JOHN YANG: Scenes of two campaigns today just minutes apart. Donald Trump taking time away from the stump to tend to other business, officially opening the new Trump
20、 Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.,DONALD TRUMP: My theme today is five words, under budget and ahead of schedule. Today is a metaphor for what we can accomplish for this country.JOHN YANG: Hillary Clinton campaigning in battleground Florida on her 69th birthday suggesting a darker si
21、de to Trump's ribbon-cutting.HILLARY CLINTON: He relied on undocumented workers to make his project cheaper. And most of the products in the rooms were made overseas.JOHN YANG: Others are getting in on the campaign combat, too.DONALD TRUMP: Congratulations, Newt, on last night.大选在即 特朗普为他的新酒店剪彩JO
22、HN YANG: Today, Trump publicly praised House Speaker Newt Gingrich for taking on FOX News Megyn Kelly over the sexual allegations against the nominee.FORMER REP. NEWT GINGRICH, Former speaker of the House: I'm sick and tired of people like you using language that is inflammatory that is not true
23、.MEGYN KELLY, FOX News: Excuse me, Mr. Speaker. You have no idea whether it's true or not. What we know is thatNEWT GINGRICH: Hillary Clinton in a secret speech in Brazil to a bank that pays her $225,000 saying her dream is an open border, where 600 million people could come to America, that'
24、;s not worth covering?MEGYN KELLY: That is worth covering, and we did.NEWT GINGRICH: And you want to go back through the tapes on your show recently? You are fascinated with sex, and you don't care about public policy.JOHN YANG: And after Vice President Biden said he'd like to take Trump beh
25、ind the high school gym, Trump said bring it on.DONALD TRUMP: Did you see where Biden wants to take me? To the back of the barn. Me. He wants to. I would love that. I would love that.JOHN YANG: Trump returned to campaigning this afternoon in another crucial state, North Carolina.As the candidates dr
26、ive to the finish, Republicans are saying promised there would be no honeymoon if Clinton wins the White House and the GOP holds the House. Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz told The Washington Post there would be immediate hearings into Clinton's time at the State Department. He said
27、they already have two years' worth of material lined up.Meanwhile, Donald Trump Jr. told the "NewsHour" that the people he's met during the campaign has him thinking about a political future for himself.DONALD TRUMP JR.: It'd be an honor to be able to one do that. I think I hav
28、e got to get my kids through school, and after this, I may need a good 10-year break from politics. But, you know, again, there is a rush to it. I mean, there is something very exciting and very moving and humbling when you are speaking with those people.JOHN YANG: So, someday, there could be anothe
29、r candidate named Trump.For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm John Yang.收入差距成缅因州选民关注焦点Maine Voters Concerned About Income GapThe election in the United States next month is not just about who will be the next president. There are many local issues on the ballots as well.For example, some states
30、are considering making marijuana use legal. Other cities are thinking about raising taxes to help fund civic projects.In the northeast state of Maine, voters will decide whether or not to increase the minimum wage. The minimum wage is the lowest salary an employer is permitted to pay an employee.Tod
31、ay, the federal government requires employees to be paid at least $7.25 an hour. But voters in Maine are considering raising the minimum wage each year so that it reaches $12 an hour by 2020.Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' campaign for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination brought a
32、ttention to income inequality. Income inequality is the term used to describe the difference in wealth between the richest and poorest Americans.Hillary Clinton defeated Sanders and won the Democratic nomination. She said she supports an increase in the minimum wage. Her opponent, Donald Trump, said
33、 he believes individual states should decide for themselves.A group called Fight for $15 believes workers should be paid no less than $15 per hour. They have protested outside the presidential debates.In the city of Portland, Maine, Hillary Morrison is a bartender at Vena's Fizz House.She has de
34、bts and expenses: food, rent, transportation and student loans.But unlike many people who work making drinks or serving coffee, she has only one job.That is because her boss, Steve Corman, pays his employees a good salary.Morrison earns about $30 per hour on a busy night. Corman pays the bartender a
35、bout $9 per hour. She gets the rest from tips, extra money customers pay for good service.Under the current law in Maine, Corman could pay her less than $4 per hour since she is an employee who receives tips.Morrison said her salary is "incredible." She said she would have to work two or t
36、hree jobs in order to pay her bills without it.While some people may be surprised that a bartender or waiter can earn $30 per hour, Corman thinks the higher salary is a good investment. He said his employees work hard, are loyal to his business and develop strong relationships with customers who com
37、e back again and again.Chris Tyll owns a pizza restaurant in Portland called Pat's Pizza. He sees the minimum wage issue differently. He said he is worried voters might not understand why increasing the minimum wage could hurt a business like his.After adding up the cost of ingredients and labor
38、, he said selling one pizza does not make that much money for the restaurant.If restaurants had to pay their employees $12 per hour, a pizza might cost as much as $30.Tyll said people might not eat at such a costly pizza shop."We're asking people to make a decision, 10 seconds in a ballot b
39、ox, as they look at this question," Tyll said. He said he wants to see more of an effort to help workers learn new skills so they can get better jobs.Economists are not sure how a higher minimum wage would affect local economies.Some think workers would spend more if they made more, which would
40、 boost business. Others say businesses would be forced to raise prices without a guarantee that people would spend more for goods and services.The Economic Policy Institute said the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is not high enough to support the cost of living in the U.S. The instit
41、ute also said the U.S. economy could still do well if minimum wage rose to $12 per hour by 2020.I'm Dan Friedell.1.as well 也;同样I'll come with you if you like, I might as well.如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。2.as much as 多达I hate Lewis and his kind just as much as you do.我和你一样痛恨刘易斯之流。3.student loan 学生贷款He cr
42、iticized the Department of Education for not doing enough to control the student loan industry.他对教育部未采取足够措施控制学生贷款行业的情况提出了批评。4.the minimum wage 最低工资These people deserve to make more than the minimum wage.这些人应该得到比最低工资更高的报酬。1.She said she would have to work two or three jobs in order to pay her bills without it.in order to 为了In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking accuracy.为了改造环境,他苦心孤诣地制订了这个计划。In order to reach this limit a number of technical problems will have to be solved.要达到这
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