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1、哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文 xxx 大 学毕 业 设 计 题 目:On Jane Austens View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 院、 系: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 姓 名: xxxxxx 指导教师: xxxxxx 系 主 任: xxxxxx 年 月 日2论简奥斯汀在傲慢与偏见中的婚姻观 摘要傲慢与偏见作为揭示女性婚姻类题材的巨著,表现出十九世纪的中产阶级对待婚姻与爱情的不同态度,它反映了作者的婚姻观。这本书描写了班纳特的女儿们对待婚姻的不同态度。在当今社会,虽然妇女的社会地位较十九世纪有了天翻地覆的变化,但她们在面临爱情和金钱的抉择时


3、学学士学位论文 On Jane Austens View of Marriage in Pride and prejudice Abstract As the masterpiece of female marriage theme, Pride and Prejudice, describing different attitudes of love and marriage in the middle-class in the nineteenth century. It reflects the authors view of marriage. This book shows us d

4、ifferent view of marriage of the Bennets daughters. Nowadays, although women have gained higher social status compared to the nineteenth century, when they are faced the choice between love and money, most of them still get confused. Should financial condition be the standard of spouse selection for

5、 women? Or would love be enough for a happy marriage? In Pride and Prejudice, Austen shows the ideal marriage to the modern women, which can solved the two confusions we put forward above. In this book, the author shows the readers the social view of marriage in that eramoney and wealth determine th

6、e womens fate and marriage relationship.By reading Pride and Prejudice, readers can understand that Austens ideal marriage takes love as basis, money as guarantee. According to authors social background and personal experience, this paper explores the authors view of marriage by describing the four

7、marriages. Although Austens era is over, her marriage view at present times still has its practical significance, guiding a group of young people when looking for a happy marriage. Keywords: love; Pride and Prejudice; marriage view; wealth ContentsAbstractIContentsIIIChapter1 Introduction1

8、1.1 The background of Pride and Prejudice11.2 The summary of Pride and Prejudice2Chapter2 Four Couples in Pride and Prejudice32.1 Charlotte and Collins32.2 Lydia and Wickham42.3 Bingley and Jane52.4 Elizabeth and Darcy the ideal condition of marriage6Chapter3 Jane Austens View of Marriage83.1 A

9、ustens life and experience83.2 Jane Austens view of marriage93.2.1 The foundation of a happy marriage93.2.2 The guarantee of a happy marriage10Chapter4 On Jane Austens View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice124.1 Honesty124.2 Fate and Effort134.3 Self-esteem14Chapter 5 Conclusion16Acknowle

10、dgements17Bibliography18IVChapter1 IntroductionTo know the reasons Austen writes Pride and Prejudice, we should know the social background first. Great changes have taken place in Britain in the late eighteenth century.1.1 The background of Pride and PrejudiceBefore the Industrial Revolution, the st

11、andard to measure treasure was your acreage. The landlord is the leader of community. With the further development of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution, the wealth of entrepreneurs exceeded the land lord. But their political status was inferior to the land lord. Based on this different social

12、 hierarchy, they were eager to be more powerful. Therefore they demanded to reform the existing hierarchy, while money was getting more and more important in peoples mind.At the 18th century, the politics and economy were dominated by men. Women were still in a low social status in society. The only

13、 way to improve their social status is marriage. But the development of capitalism not only brought economic development but also promoted the desire for freedom and equality. Women dissatisfied to their social status, so the book Pride and Prejudice emerged as the times require.1.2 The summary of P

14、ride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice is one of Jane Austens famous novels with an original name First Impression. It shows the British womens social life at that time by describing their marriage problems. The book mainly describes the marriages of Elizabeth and her sisters. Just as the opening sen

15、tence of the novel says “it is a truth universally admitted that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife” (Jane Austen, 2006:1). Mr. Bennet has five daughters and Elizabeth is one of them. Mr. Bingley is an upper people who comes from London and falls in love with Eliz

16、abeths sister Jane who is gentle and beautiful in a dancing party. At the same time, his friend Darcy has a prejudice against Elizabeth. Darcy thinks Elizabeth is “tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me” and Elizabeth also thinks “Darcy was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world” (J

17、ane Austen, 2006:34). Bennets youngest daughter, Lydia married with a man whose appearance is beautiful but broken inside. And Elizabeths best friend Charlotte married just for material needs. Through the vivid and detailed description of different marriages, Austin expresses her view of marriage. T

18、o a certain extent, this novel also reflects the wish of the marriage independently for women at that time.Chapter2 Four Couples in Pride and PrejudiceIn Pride and Prejudice, there are four kinds of marriages: reality marriage between Collins and Charlotte, sexual marriage between Wickham and Lydia,

19、 traditional marriage between Bingley and Jane and ideal marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth. In this part, the reasons of their marriages will be analyzed.2.1 Marriage between Charlotte and CollinsThe first marriage is between Collins and Charlotte. Collins and Charlotte do not fall in love w

20、ith each other all the time. So their marriage is based on utilitarianism.Mr. Bennet didnt have a son so his property would be inherited by Mr. Collins, the nephew of Mr. Bennet. Mr. Collins decided to marry one of Mr. Bennets daughters so that the loss to them might be as l

21、ittle as possible, and also set the example of matrimony in his parish. So he offered to marry Elizabeth. And after his proposal was rejected by Elizabeth, his attentions were transferred for the rest of the day to Miss Charlotte Lucas, who was twenty-seven years old. Both Mr. Co

22、llins and Charlotte were pleased with the marriage. Charlotte accepted him solely from the pure and disinterested desire of a marriage. In her mind, “Collins was neither sensible nor agreeable, his attachment to her must be imaginary.” (Jane Austen, 2006:76) But the marriage was the only honorable p

23、rovision for well-education young women of small fortune. Uncertainty of giving happiness, it must be a guarantee of a steady life. As Charlotte knows, the marriage without property will eventually move toward disappointment and suffering. In this marriage, money is most important than eve

24、rything.  To some degree, their marriage is a compromise to reality.2.2 Marriage between Lydia and WickhamThe marriage between Bennets youngest daughter Lydia and Wickham is superficial. Lydia is the first one who got married in the five daughters. She is vain, ignorant, and idle. She has

25、never been taught to think on serious subjects. Wickham has a good appearance, “he had all the best part of beauty,a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address.” (Jane Austen, 2006:68) However, he is demoralization inside. It is terribly shamed if a lady eloped with a man in the nine

26、teenth century in England. So when Lydia eloped with Wickham, the Bennet family is in a mess. And even worse, they all know Wickham is not a man can be trusted and he never intended to marry Lydia at all. Mr. Darcy spent most time finding them and also paid off what Wickham owed. So Wickham agreed t

27、o marry Lydia. But when they got married, Lydia was still untamed, unabashed, wild, noisy, and fearless. Because of the help of Mr. Darcy, they got married. So we know that their marriage life was difficult. Wickham and Lydias marriage is based on fortune and sex, but without love. They do

28、 not understand the meaning of marriage. Wickham just wants to married with a girl with a fortune. Lydia just cares about flirting, physical attraction and an instant impulse. Their marriage is based on blind passion and transitory enjoyment which is ridiculous. 2.3 Marriage between Bingley and

29、 JaneThe marriage of Jane and Bingley is a felicitous one. They fall in love at first sight. Jane is young and beautiful, just like an angel. Mr. Bingley, a single man with a good fortune, his arrival is the big event for Mrs. Bennet because the business of her life is to get her daughters marr

30、ied. Moreover, Mr. Bingley is “attractive in appearance, extremely agreeable with easy, unaffected modest manner”. (Jane Austen, 2006:15) As Mrs. Bennet wish, he fell in love with Jane almost at first sight. He is progressive in the view of marriage at his time. In Mr. Bingleys eyes, Jane

31、is “the most beautiful creature he ever beheld”, he never changes his love to Jane even if his sister object to their relationship. But he is persuaded by Darcy, therefore he given up his proposal for a while. But soon he realized that he could not give up and finally is persuaded by Darcy

32、. Bingley, as a member of so-called superior class of male, does not hold much pride and prejudice like others in his class, which is very progressive at his time. Jane is playing the traditional role assigned to women in this marriage. There is no active action in her at all and she

33、is always waiting. Compared to Lydias flirting and indulges in physical attraction, Jane is conservative, she acts properly according to the social mores and ethic standards. Their marriage is a moral marriage but not an ideal one. This kind of marriage looks like perfect, but it is just a

34、n ideal condition of traditional marriage at that time. 2.4 Marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy the ideal condition of marriageJane Austen thinks the base of the marriage is the true love between a man and a woman. Elizabeth and Darcy they ignore each other at the beginning but finally clear the at

35、mosphere and fall in love. This kind of relationship is the most ideal condition Austen expresses in Pride and Prejudice.When Mr. Darcy first come into the party, he draw attention of the room because his appearance and his wealth. But soon people find he is forbidding, disagreeable countenance

36、. Elizabeth also has a prejudice against him. And Wickham makes this prejudice deepen. Mr. Wickham who has a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address tells her that Darcy encroach on his possession. When Elizabeth finally knows the truth, there are another thing prevented their lov

37、e, Darcys sense of hierarchy. When Mr. Bingley wants to propose to Jane, Darcy believe Jane is unsuitable. So when Darcy fought against judgments and familys expectation to show his love to Elizabeth, he was rejected. Fortunately, the lovers finally get married. The important reason of their marriag

38、e is efforts Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth make. For example, in the nineteenth century in England, it was terribly shame if a lady eloped with a man. So when Lydia eloped with Wickham, the Bennet family are out of kilter. Its Darcy who pays for their wedding, for Wickhams commission and for other things.

39、 When Mr. Bingley is shy to express his love to Jane, its Darcy who accompanies him and encourages him to express his feeling to Jane. Finally, Jane and Mr. Bingley get married and begin new life.What is the author trying to show through Elizabeth and Darcys story? Their marriage is most perfect the

40、 love of a couple is not only inspired by their appearance, but also by the spiritual interaction between them. Although at the beginning of their meet they have prejudice against each other, they eventually change their minds and fall in love after going through a series of problems and troubles to

41、gether. They would prefer to admire, listen to and understand each other. They are the only couple in the novel getting married for love, mutual understanding and living a happy life. Their love and marriage show the right view of marriage. I think this is what the author tries to show us.Chapter3 J

42、ane Austens View of Marriage3.1 Jane Austens life and experienceJane Austen, born in the village of Stevenson in Hampshire, is one of the most famous nineteenth centurys British women writers. Although her novels focus on courtship and marriage, she did not get married all her life. Moreover, she ne

43、ither entered a formal school nor got well educated by her family. She did a fair amount of reading and lived her life quietly and cheerfully. Her lifelong companion and bosom friend was her only elder sister, Cassandra. Although both of them were not married at all, lots of relatives and friends wi

44、dened Austens social experiences beyond her immediate family. Jane Austen was unmarried all her life, but she had to be in love with someone. When she was young, she had been in love with two young men, but none of the two relationships could go to a happy ending. A man with great fortune asked her

45、to marry him when she was 27 years old, Jane agreed. However, she regretted after a sleepless night. And the same condition happened when she was 33 years old, and the man is a clergyman. Finally, it was settled by leaving unsettled. These experiences brought up her unique viewpoint of marriage.In t

46、he late eighteenth century, with the development of the Industrial Revolution, the English social structure was changed. The capitalists attempted to obtain more political power. For this reason, the conflicts between landlords and capitalists became sharper. In this condition, Jane Austen exerted h

47、er transitional role in English literature. Jane Austen gave the novel its modern characteristic through the treatment of daily life. Austen published her four works anonymously and she was widely read in her lifetime. Woolf called Austen “the perfect artist among women.” In the turbulent and transf

48、ormation society at that time, Pride and Prejudice could be found everywhere and women destinies were critically influenced by property and social status, which played a crucial role in their selection of marriage.3.2 Jane Austens view of marriage Jane began to be drafted at the age of 19 or 20. Her

49、 first novel, Sense and Sensibility, was published in 1811. Her next novel Pride and Prejudice, which she defined as her own darling child received highly favorable reviews in 1813. Mansfield Park was released in 1814, then Emma in 1816, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion in 1818. All of these books ar

50、e about womens marriage. Her marriage view reflects in her book.3.2.1 The foundation of a happy marriageAusten has a clear location of the relation between marriage and money. she puts forward quite advanced views on marriage: property, social status and love are interconnected. Fortune and social s

51、tatus is not the only element of a happiness marriage. In her view, love is the foundation of a happy marriage, love is playing the leading role in a marriage.At that time, women are passive in the marriage because of their social status lower than men, they have to rely on their husband. They want

52、to improve the quality of life and social status through marriage. But Austin thinks that marriage without love will not be happy. We can see that point at all her works. Her thoughts make women pay attention to their marriage, rather than the benefits after they get marriage. This view was advanced

53、 at that time, and now still has profound social significance.If a couple does not consider any substantive issues, such as fortune and social status, etc. they do not stand on the ground. However, if they get married just for the need of a marriage, they are also unwise. A marriage without love is

54、hard for a couple to be happy. Although the author does not deny the importance of economic condition, she emphasizes the crucial role of love.3.2.2 The guarantee of a happy marriageIn Pride and Prejudice, her heroines are ultimately married. In the relationship of marriage, people always give prior

55、ity to marrying young and rich landlords or clergymen. At that time, marriage was the only honorable provision for women to improve her social recognition. So money plays an important role in the marriage. Austen has incisive insight into the aristocratic and bourgeois English society of her time. I

56、n Pride and Prejudice, the view of marriage which takes the money or social position as the first choice is criticized. But it does not means that material doesnt matter in marriage. There is an old saying in China that everything goes wrong for poor couple. In a country, the economic base decides a

57、 superstructure. In a similar way, money playing an important role in a family.As we said above, if a couple does not consider any substantive issues, such as fortune and social status, they are unpractical. In the first words of Pride and Prejudice, it shows that a single woman without money will w

58、ant to marry a rich husband. That is to say, the economic condition is the material foundation of a happy marriage.Chapter4 On Jane Austens View of Marriage in Pride and PrejudiceElizabeth and Darcy are central figures in the novel. The marriage between them is ups and downs but imprints on their heart. Elizabeth and Darcy give each other such a poor first impression that


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