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1、第三十一篇 Pool Watch泳池监护Swimmers can drown in busy swimming pools when lifeguards fail to notice that they are in trouble. 如果救生员没有注意到游泳者遇到了麻烦,那么他们可能会在人多的游泳池里淹死。The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents says that on average 15 people drown in British pools each year, but many more suffer major in

2、jury after getting into difficulties. 防止事故皇家协会说每年平均有15个人在英国的游泳池里被淹死。但是更多的人在遇到麻烦后受到了重伤。Now a French company has developed an artificial intelligence system called Poseidon that sounds the alarm when it sees someone in danger of drowning.现在,一个法国公司开发了一种人工智能系统,叫做波塞冬,当它发现有人有被淹死的危险时就会发出警报。When a swimmer s

3、inks towards the bottom of the pool, the new system sends an alarm signal to a poolside monitoring station and a lifeguard's pager.当一个游泳者要沉到池底时,新的系统就会给池边的监视站和救生员的呼机发出警告信号。 In trials at a pool in Ancenis, it saved a life within just a few months, says Alistai McQuade, a spokesman for its maker, P

4、oseidon Technologies.这个系统的制造商,波塞冬科技的发言人Alistair McQuade说,在昂斯尼市的一个游泳池对这个系统进行了试验,它在几个月内就救了一条人命。Poseidon keeps watch through a network of underwater and overhead video cameras.波塞冬通过水下的网络和头上的摄像机进行监视。 AI software analyses the images to work out swimmers' trajectories. AI软件分析图像得出游泳者的轨迹。To do this reli

5、ably, it has to tell the difference between a swimmer and the shadow of someone being cast onto the bottom or side of the pool.为了可靠地做到这些,它(人工智能软件)必须能区分一个游泳的人与投射到池底或池壁的某个人的影子。 "The underwater environment is a very dynamic one, with many shadows and reflections dancing around", says McQuade.

6、McQuade说:“水下的环境是动态的,晃动着许多投影和倒影。”The software does this by "projecting" a shape in its field of view onto an image of the far wall of the pool.这个软件做到这些是通过把它视野内的形状投射到游泳池远处的池壁的图像上。It does the same with an image from another camera viewing the shape from a different angle.它对另一个从不同角度看到这个形状的摄像机上

7、的图像做了同样的处理。If the two projections are in the same position, the shape is identified as a shadow and is ignored.如果这两个投影在同一位置,这个形状就被认做是阴影而被忽略掉。 But if they are different, the shape is a swimmer and so the system follows its trajectory.但是如果它们是不同的,这个形状就是一个游泳者,这个系统就会跟踪它的轨迹。To pick out potential drowning

8、victims, anyone in the water who starts to descend slowly is added to the software's "pre-alert" list, says McQuade.McQuade说,为了找到潜在的被淹的受害者,水中任何一个开始缓慢下沉的人都会进入软件的“预警”名单。 Swimmers who then stay immobile on the pool bottom for 5 seconds or more are considered in danger of drowning.那些在池底停止不

9、动五秒钟以上的游泳者会被认为有溺水的危险。 Poseidon double-checks that the image really is of a swimmer, not a shadow, by seeing whether it obscures the pool's floor texture when viewed from overhead. 波塞冬通过从头上看它是否使游泳池地面的纹理变模糊,来双重确定图像是真正的游泳者,而不是阴影。If so, it alerts the lifeguard, showing the swimmer's location on

10、a poolside screen.假如是这样,它就会提醒救生员,在池边的屏幕上显示游泳者的位置。The first full-scale Poseidon system will be officially opened next week at a pool in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.第一个完整的波塞冬系统在下个星期将在白金汗郡海威科姆镇的一个游泳池正式开放。 One man who is impressed with the idea is Travor Baylis, inventor of the clockwork radio.对这个想法印象

11、深刻的一个人是Travor Baylis,时钟收音机的发明者。 Baylis runs a company that installs swimming pools - and he was once an underwater escapologist with a circus. Baylis经营一家安装游泳池的公司他曾经是马戏团一个水下表演脱身术的人。“I say full marks to them if this works and can save lives", he says. 他说:“如果这个系统有效并且可以救人命,那我会给它们满分。”But he adds tha

12、t any local authority spending 30,000 - plus on a Poseidon system ought to be investing similar amounts in teaching children to swim.但是他又说,任何一个花3万多英镑买波塞冬系统的地方政府都应该花同样的钱教孩子们游泳。注释:pre-alert:预先警戒的。the software's“pre -alert”list:软件的“预警”名单。pre-:是前缀,意思是先于;预先。又如:preadult:成年前的;precancerous:癌症前期的。alert:警

13、戒的,警觉的。练习:1. AI means the same as _ .A) an imageB) an ideaC) anyone in the waterD) artificial intelligence2. What is required of AI software to save a life?A) It must be able to swim.'B) It must keep walking round the pool.C) It can distinguish between a swimmer and a shadow.D) It can save a lif

14、e within a few months.3. How does Poseidon save a life?A) He plunges into the pool.B) It alerts the lifeguard.C) He cries for help.D) It rushes to the pool.4. Which of the following statements about Travor Baylis is NOT true?A) He runs.B) He invented the clockwork radio.C) He was once an entertainer

15、.D) He runs a company.5. The word "considered" in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by_.A) "thought"B) "rated"C) "regarded"D) "believed" 答案与题解:1D artificialintelligence人工智能。AI由artificial中的第一个字母a和intelligence中的第一个字母I合成。这样的词常叫做“首字母词”。严谨的说法应该是“首字母合成词”。


17、用时,这个新的系统在几个月中就挽救了一条生命。但用这句话来回答所讨论的问题是不妥的,因为当一个人的生命危在旦夕时,你过几个月才去抢救它,这条生命早已不存在了。3B本题问的是:Poseidon是如何挽救生命的?或者说,Poseidon是用什么方式挽救生命的?B说的是:它会提醒救生员。第五段有一句话是这么说的:假如是这样(图像确实是一个游泳人的图像),它就会提醒救生员可见B是正确的答案。A说的是:他跳入水池。C说的是:他喊救命。Poseidon是软件而不是人,因此这两个选项中用“He”是不妥的。D说的是:它急忙朝着水池跑去。软件是不会跑的,因此D也不是正确的答案。4A本题问的是:下面这些有关Travor Baylis的命题中哪一个不是真的?A说的是:他跑步。A中的run是不及物动词。最后一段中的“Baylis runs a company.”中的run是及物动词,作“经营”解。二者不是一回事。可见A是正确答案。B说的是:他发明了机械装置的无线电。这个选项可以从下面这个句子中找到(第六段):One man who is impressed with the ideais Travor


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