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1、新概念二Lesson35课堂内容Stop thief!Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. A short while ago, however, he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it. He is finding his new work far more exciting. When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waitin

2、g car. One of them was carrying a bag full of money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves. The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get away in their car, Roy drove his bus into the back of it. While the battered car was m

3、oving away, Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police. The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.Part 1 Basic words and expressions1. while n. 一段时间while作名词表示“一会儿”、“(一段)时间”时常与a连用,有时也与the,this等连用wait a wh

4、ile. 等一会儿They haven't seen each other for a long while. 他们有很长时间没见面了。I haven't seen him for a long while.我已经很久没见到他了。2. regret v. 后悔regret to do 对要做的事遗憾。 (未做) regret doing后悔做过(已做) I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice. 我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没有办法。I don't regret telling her what I though

5、t. 我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。3. far adv. 非常在形容词和副词的比较级与最高级前面,可以用far(相当于much)来表示强调:It's for/ much colder today than it was yesterday. 今天比昨天要冷得多。Houses are far/ much more expensive these days. 如今的房价贵多了。 I don't like our monitor; he's far too cocky. 我不喜欢我们班长。他太趾高气扬了。She is far better than me at writing

6、. 她写作比我好得多。4. act v. 冲Think well before you act. 要三思而后行。action n.行为,行动Actions are more important than words. 做比说更重要。5. straight adv. 径直The smoke rose straight up. 烟直直地上升。He went straight to his friend to ask for help. 他直接到朋友那儿请求帮助。6. fright n. 害怕I was shaking with fright. 我吓得浑身颤抖。 I get a stage frig

7、ht. 我怯场。8. battered adj. 撞坏的a battered car His face was battered. 9. shortly adv. 很快,不久I shall be in touch with you again shortly. 我很快再和你联系.Shortly after the marriage, they began to quarrel.10. afterwards adv. 以后shortly afterwards 不久以后Shortly afterwards, a shark appeared, killed the fish and swallow

8、ed it.Part 2 Structure and Vocabulary1.Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. This means he _ a taxi.A. has stopped drivingB. is used to drivingC. got used to drivingD. still drives2.He noticed two thieves _ out of a shop.A. to comeB. are comingC. in comingD. come3.Which thief got a fright? _ with the mo

9、ney.A. HeB. HimC. ThatD. The one4.He got such a fright. He was _ frightened.A. soB. suchC. such aD. a so5.The car was easy to recognize, so it wasnt _ difficult for the police to catch the thieves.A. suchB. veryC. manyD. too6.He hasnt regretted it. He _it.A. isnt sorry aboutB. doesnt pityC. isnt ple

10、ased withD. doesnt laugh about7.Its very _ to drive a bus.A. excitedB. excitingC. exciteD. excitedly8.Roy drove the bus _ at the thieves.A. directlyB. immediatelyC. at onceD. soon9.The thief dropped the bag. He _ it.A. let itB. left itC. fell itD. let it fall10.The thieves car was battered because R

11、oy _.A. saw itB. rang the phoneC. recognized itD. hit itPart 3 Grammar一、时态复习本文中一共出现了多少种时态?写出时态名称并从文中找出相对应的句子。时态名称对应句子除了这几种时态,你还能想出多少种时态?分别想出一个句子来。时态名称对应句子Exercise 1用括号中词汇的正确形式填空。1. This is what I _ (mean). _ (you understand) me?2. Years ago, he _ (smoke) but he _ (not smoke) anymore.3. The new Town

12、Hall _ (complete) last week.4. I _ (not see) him since 1995.5. She _ (drop) her handkerchief as she _ (cross) the road.二、重点句型及短语1. such(a)+名词+ that与 so+形容词+ that一样,后面引导的是结果状语从句,通常译为“如此 以致”:such和so都可以用于表示程度,但so 只能作副词和连词,such则是形容词,因此so通常位于形容词、副词之前,而such只能位于名词之前:引导结果状语从句时,它们的结构分别为“such+(a)+名词+that”和“so

13、+ 形容词+that”:It was such a cold evening that no one went out. 那天晚上太冷了,所以谁也没有出门。It was so cold that no one went out. 天太冷了,所以谁也没有出门。They are such wonderful players that they will surely win the game.他们都是如此出色的运动员,所以肯定能在这场比赛中获胜。such 除了表示“这样的”、“如此的”等意思外,还可以表示“像这一类的”, so则不能表示后一种意思:He often talks about such

14、 things. 他经常谈论这类事。Exercise 2用so, such或such a / an填空。1. He ran _ quickly that I could not catch him.2. Whoever told you _ thing?3. You should not make _ many mistakes.4. You should not say _ things.5. This picture is _ beautiful that I shall hang it in my room.6. It was _ good book that it was bought

15、 by a film company.7. It was _ extraordinary exhibition that I went twice.8. He is _ lazy boy that he never does anything.Part 4 写作练习一、根据课文内容回答下列问题。1. Is Roy finding his job as a bus driver exciting or not? 2. In which street did he see two thieves recently? 3. Were they running out of a shop, or we

16、re they running out of a bank? Where did Roy drive his bus? Did they drop the stolen money or not? Did they get into a car, or did they run away? (andsoand) 4. Where did Roy drive his bus then? Did he damage their car or not? (and) 5. Whom did he telephone after this? 6. Were both men arrested later

17、 or did they get away? 二、将以上答案组成一个段落,不要超过70个单词。_课堂检测1. “拿钱的那个小偷吓得把提包都扔了。”用英语如何表述?2. 今天所学的句型和复习的时态你都掌握了吗?Exercise 3一、用括号内词汇的适当形式填空。1. Old man: I (leave) school when I was 14, and I (never regret) it. Grandson: Well, I (just leave) school, and Im already regretting it. School _ (be) much better than w

18、ork will be.2. Man: Can you help me, officer? I _ (lose) my wallet, but I dont know where or when. Policeman: Ill try to help, sir. Can you remember when you last _ (open) it to get out some money? Man: Oh, I_ (not open) it for months. My wife buys everything.二、用so, such, such a或such an连接以下句子。1. He

19、ran quickly. I could not catch him. _2. Its an awful day. We ought to stay at home. _3. Don is impatient. He never does any job properly. _4. Don is an impatient person. He never waits for anyone. _5. We had difficulties while we were abroad. Were sorry we went there. _6. William caused the company

20、trouble. The boss had to dismiss him. _7. It was a beautiful necklace. Georges wife just had to leave it. _8. He ran fast. He broke the world record. _课后作业一、单选1.Both his parents look sad. Maybe they _what's happened to him.A. knewB. have knownC. must knowD. will know2.He has _ been to Shanghai,

21、has he?A. alreadyB. neverC. everD. still3.Have you met Mr. Li _?A. justB. agoC. beforeD. a moment ago4.The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year.A. is writingB. was writingC. wroteD. has written5.Our country _ a lot so far.Yes. I hope it will be even _.A. has changed ; wellB. changed; go

22、odC. has changed ; betterD. changed; better6.Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years.A. was; studyingB. will; studyC. has; studiedD. are; studying7.We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl.A. knowB. had knownC. have knownD. knew8.Harry Potter is a very nice film. I_ it twice.A. will seeB. ha

23、ve seenC. sawD. see9.These farmers have been to the United States.Really? When _ there?A. will they goB. did they goC. do they goD. have they gone10._ you _ your homework yet?Yes. I _ it a moment ago.A. Did; do; finishedB. Have; done; finishedC. Have; done; have finishedD. will; do; finish11.His fat

24、her _ the Party since 1978.A. joinedB. has joinedC. was inD. has been in12.Do you know him well? Sure. We _ friends since ten years ago.A. wereB. have beenC. have becomeD. have made13.How long have you _ here?About two months.A. beenB. goneC. comeD. arrived14.Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes.A.

25、has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. began15.It _ ten years since he left the army.A. isB. hasC. willD. was16.Miss Green isn't in the office. she_ to the library.A. has goneB. wentC. will goD. has been17.My parents _ Shandong for ten years.A. have been inB. have been toC. have gone toD. have be

26、en18.The students have cleaned the classroom, _?A. so theyB. dont theyC. have theyD. havent they19._has Mr. White been a member of Greener China since he _ to China?A. How soon, comesB. How often, gotC. How long, cameD. How far, arrived20.His uncle _ for more than 9 years.A. has come hereB. has star

27、ted to workC. has lived thereD. has left the university二、完形填空Mike was a young college student, but he thought he went to a wrong college, and every day he stayed away from school and drank a lot instead of 1 . So he was becoming more and more demoralized(消沉;泄气). But he was never 2 from Professor(教授)

28、 Yangs classes about medical plants. He liked the 3 . Besides, Yangs classes were so interesting that he always listened 4 regardless of (不管) other students paying attention or not in class.Once he put a note in the homework he handed in, saying “Professor, it is said that todays 5 are cheaper than

29、potatoes. Do you agree?” Mike didnt know 6 he took the action. It might be considered to his trust to the professor or to his effort to free from his depression(抑郁) and try to find 7 out.That day Professor Yang sent for him after class. When he came he found the professor at the table on which were

30、four dishes and one soup. They drank heartily over the dishes. When they became half drunk, the professor 8 a small potato that was sprouting (发芽) and said to the young man, “Do you know how much it costs? Its small and not fresh. Besides, it is poisonous(有毒的). 9 will take it even if its given witho

31、ut any money.” He 10 it into the rubbish bin. The professor then showed him another potato that must weigh more than 500g. “This potato is not only large and fresh but also free of pollution. It costs 12 Yuan each kilogram.” The young man was 11 by what he had heard. The professor put the big potato

32、 into his hand and said, “ 12 such a potato. Dont forget there are potatoes and potatoes!”1. A. studying B. eating C. speaking D. sleeping2. A. far B. different C. absent D. free3. A. class B. subject C. lesson D. course4. A. carefully B. quietly C. slowly D. clearly5. A. professors B. colleges C. s

33、tudents D. schools6. A. why B. how C. where D. when7. A. an idea B. a way C. an answer D. a chance8. A. found B. made C. passed D. produced9. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Anybody D. Everybody10. A. dropped B. placed C. threw D. put 11. A. worried B. moved C. excited D. amazed12. A. Get B. Have C. Rememb

34、er D. Be三、阅读理解Riz Cineam3947 St. Pauls Street, Randwick Now Showing HOTEL FOR DOGS Monday 19th, to Wednesday 21st 10: am, 2: 15 pm, 4: 30Tickets: Adults $ 12; Students: $ 7; Children: $ 5 Summer Shakespeare Season Must Finish 16 August!Hamlet!Enjoy this famous play outside, in the beautiful gardens

35、of Manash CollegeTickets on sale at Sussex Theater $ 26 only, $ 3 with college card Call John at 0438-466-378AClimate ChangeOur future, our choiceWhat does the future hold? Is climate really changing? Visit this show at the Australia Museum.When: 2 May-16 AugustCost: $ 12 per student. Bring your ID!

36、 Family $ 32 (1 adult, 2 children)Have Fun on our School TripSaturday 9, FebruaryOnly $ 15 for students at this school to Brisbane, including lunch and return coach journey!Time for shopping or visiting the beach!Book by Tuesday 5 February at Student center, or call Lisa at 0426-488-7381. You must b

37、ook the trip to the beach before _. A. 2 May B. 5 February C. 16 AugustD. 9 February 2. For a family of 3 (1 adult, 2 children), it would cost them _ to watch the movie. A. $ 22.B. $ 26.C. $ 31.D. $ 32.3. You can learn why it rains and snows from _. A. a funny movieB. a school tripC. a famous playD.

38、 a show on climate4. If you are interested in plays, you can see it at _. A. the Australian MuseumB. Riz Cinema C. Manash CollegeD. Sussex TheaterBSundays in New York can be very pleasant. Since Saturday nights are traditionally party nights, Sunday mornings are traditionally mornings of rest, which

39、 means having a long sleep. We stay in bed until 9, 10 or even 11 oclock is not unusual, then jump out of bed, pull on clothes, run to the nearest corner news agency, buy the New York Times or Daily News, return home, put some classical music or popular songs on the record player and climb right bac

40、k into bed to leisurely read the paper. If the weather is bad, you might immediately turn to the Entertainment part of the paper to see what movies are on. Sunday afternoons are a popular time for seeing a film, but movies are expensive in New York, so choosing takes time and care. Read the movie re

41、views to discover what the critics think. No one wants to make an expensive mistake.But if the weather is good, you might go through the part which lists outdoor activities. Almost every Sunday there are “street fairs (集市)”. There will be food for sale made by local people or restaurants; hand-made

42、things for sale; music offered by a local band; and perhaps dancing. If the fair is in Little Italy, you can expect to find tasty Italian food. And if the day is really warm, a walk through Central Park can offer many sights, sounds and smells. Groups of people go around the park, enjoy different ac

43、tivities and are often looking for others to join in. There will be pick-up baseball games, singing under the trees, dancing near a famous monument and boating on the lake. If you are a student and live at home, you have probably spent your day in this way, putting off your study until the sun goes

44、down. If you are a student living away from home, its also likely youve done the same because generally most New Yorkers save Sundays for playing. Call too early and youll wake us up; call too late and youll find us out. 5. The writer says that New Yorkers go to bed late on _. A. Wednesday nightsB.

45、Friday nightsC. Saturday nightsD. Sunday nights6. To choose a good movie, the writer suggests that _. A. you find out the latest movie B. you look up in the newspaper C. you check which one gets good reviews D. you ask those who have already seen it7. Which of the following does NOT the street fair offer? A. Local a


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