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1、国际贸易双语课程习题集chapter1 introduction 1. important concepts: specialization  exchange rateimport quotaexport industriesglobalizationrelatively closed economyimport-competing industries2.       choices:(1) international transactions constitute an extension of domestic tr

2、ansactions. in both cases, trade offers the benefits of              .a.specialization    b.industrialization    c.globalization    d.tariff(2) there are a few of the differences between dom

3、estic and foreign trade. which one is not included?a.exchange rates  b.commercial policies  c.marketing considerations  d.aggregate measures (3) commodity trade is not the only component of international transactions that has expanded rapidly. so do international    

4、60;      transactions. a.industrial products   b.agricultural products    c.service    d.raw materials3.       review questions(1) distinguish between (a) export industries,(b) import-competing indust

5、ries, and (c) nontraded goods. give examples of each.(2) japanese labor productivity is roughly the same as that of the united states in the manufacturing sector (higher in some industries, lower in others), while the united states is still considerably more productive in the service sector. but mos

6、t services are nontraded. some analysts have argued that this poses a problem for the united states, because our comparative advantage lies in things we cannot sell on world markets. what is wrong with this argument?(3) evaluate the statement, "the united states is a closed economy, hence forei

7、gn trade is of no consequence to it."chapter2 international trade theories1. important conceptscomparative advantageabsolute advantagefactor proportions (or endowment) theoryproduct cycleinter-industry tradeintra-industry tradecapital-intensive productscapital-abundant countrymonopolistic

8、competitionfactor price equalizationleontief scarce-factor paradox2. choices(1) the principle of comparative advantage was enunciated early in the nineteenth century by the english economist            .a. david ricardo    b.

9、 david hume    c. adam smith    d. mordechai e. kreinin(2) while comparative advantage determines the direction of trade, absolute advantage  determines             and therefore the relative living standa

10、rds of the two countries.a. allocation of resources   b. inflation    c. the countrys (3) country a has an absolute advantage over country b in commodity x if it can produce the commodity cheaper is the concept of _.a. comparative advantage      

11、;     b. absolute advantagec. relative advantage               petitive advantagechapter3 international trade policies1. important conceptsdemand considerationdynamic gains from tradecountry "in isola

12、tion"anti-inflationary trade2. choices(1) japan primarily exports manufactured goods, while importing raw materials such as food and oil.find out the negative impactions on japan's terms of trade of the following events_.a. a war in the middle east disrupts oil supply.b. korea develops

13、 the ability to produce automobiles that it can sell in canada and the united states.c. u.s. engineers develop a fusion reactor that replaces fossil fuel electricity plants.d. a harvest failure in russia.e. a reduction in japan's tariffs on imported beef and citrus fruit.(2) a national governmen

14、t can introduce a variety of restrictions upon international transactions that cannot be imposed on domestic transactions. these could include             .a.different domestic policies    b.voluntary export restraint &#

15、160;  c.statistical data    d.relative immobility of productive factors3. review questions what is meant by strategic trade policy? what are its limitations? how can export subsidies bring about an increase in the share of global profits obtained by “our” firms?chapter4 tari

16、ffs1. important conceptstariff protectionad valorem tariffspecific tariffeffective tariff2. choices (1) which one is not the type of tariff?a. ad valorem tariff    b. specific tariff    c. export tariff    d. compound duty(2) the rule, which gua

17、rds against discrimination in international trade, is known as         .a. wto    b. mfn    c. gatt     d. imf(3) the elimination of tariff in a customs union will cause the effect of _.a. trade improvement

18、0;            b. trade diversion  c. trade creation                 d. trade competation(4) a tariff rate is high enough to keep out all imports of the product

19、which we call _.a. revenue tariff                 b. prohibitive tariff  c. protective tariff               d. specific tariffchapter5 non-tariff

20、 trade barriers and the new protectionism1. important conceptsimport quotasquota rentsquality upgradingdumpingantidumping duty2. choices(1)   sets an absolute limit on the quantity of a product that may enter the country.a. an export quota    b. an import quot

21、a    c. tariff    d. voluntary export restraints(2) international trade in certain primary commodities ( namely raw materials or agricultural products ) is governed by              .a. wto   

22、; b. eu    c. oecd    d. icas(3) it is customary to distinguish among three types of dumping. which one does not belong to those?a. anti-dumping    b. sporadic dumping    c. predatory dumping    d. persistent dumping(4) a cou

23、ntry sets an absolute limit on the quantity of a product that may enter it is the concept of _.a. quota rents                        b. indirect taxesc. auctioning import license &

24、#160;           d. import quotas3. review questions(1) evaluate the following statements:a. as instruments of protection go, a tariff is less harmful to a country than an quota, and a quota is less harmful than a ver.b. protection is an expensiv

25、e and inefficient way to create jobs.c. international commodity agreements constitute the best way of helping ldcs combat the effect of violent price fluctuations on their economies.d. the multifibre agrement represents an excellent way to organize international trade. we should apply it to steel an

26、d other industries.(2) "import quotas on capital-intensive industrial goods and subsidies for the import of capital equipment were meant to create manufacturing jobs in many developing countries. unfortunately, they have probably helped create the urbanchapter6 economic integration and wto1. ex

27、plain the following terms:   trade creation of a customs union.   trade diversion of a customs union.2. what are the conflicts between the wto and the environmental movement?3. choices(1) international and regional forums for trade and financial negotiation include some organizat

28、ions except                .a. wto    b. eu    c. world bank    d. oecd(2) what is unique about inrernational economics_.a. exchange rates       

29、           b. relative immobility of productive factorsc. marketing considerations         d. commercial policies(3) which of the following actions would be legal under gatt_.a. a u.s. tariff of 20 percent agai

30、nst any country that exports more than twice as much to the united states as it imports in return.b. a subsidy to u.s. wheat exports, aimed at recapturing some of the markets lost to the european union.c. a u.s. tariff on canadian lumber exports, not matched by equivalent reductions on other tariffs

31、.d. a canadian tax on lumber exports, agreed to at the demand of the united states to placate u.s. lumber producers.e. a program of subsidized research and development in areas related to hightechnology goods such as electronics and semiconductors.f. special government assistance for workers who los

32、e their jobs because of import competition.chapter7 international trade and e-commerce1. what is the process of e-commerce?2. briefly review the key innovations that culminated in the digital revolution. what is the basic technological process that made the revolution possible?3. what is convergence

33、? how is convergence affecting sony? kodak? nokia?4. what is the innovator's dilemma? what is the difference between sustaining technology and disruptive technology? briefly review christensen's five principles of disruptive innovation.5. what key issues must be addressed by global companies

34、 that engage in e-commerce?6. what is the meaning of dfi? list some of the factors that induce companies to invest abroad.chapter8 procedure of international trade1.please list at least three essential constituents of a definite offer.2. according to the text, what characteristics does an indefinite

35、 offer have?3. please briefly describe the export process.4.why is it of great importance for the exporter to check the l/c against the sales contracts very carefully after receiving the l/c?5. what documents should usually be submitted when negotiating through the bank?6. please briefly describe th

36、e import process.7.why is the shipping advice so important on cfr?8.what information should be included in a packing list?9.please list at least six kinds of documents used in international trade?10. what are the major functions of an b/l11.what are the contents and functions of commercial invoice?1

37、2. what is the function of documentation in export and import practices?chapter9 international trade terms1. whats trade terms?2. please briefly describe the thirteen trade terms in incoterms 2000.3. what are the obligations of the buyer under the terms of cif, fob and cfr?4. what are the obligation

38、s of the seller under the terms of fca, cpt and cip?5. which trade term is suitable to inland waterway and oceanic transportation?6. please briefly describe three international trade practices.7. please describe the formation domestic expenses and foreign expenses.8. please list at least four derive

39、d forms of cfr.9. whats the meaning of main freight?10. whats difference between symbolic delivery and physical delivery?11. whats the relationship among fob, cfr and cif?12. whats commission ?13. please describe the formula about conversion among fob,cfr and cif.chapter10 terms of commodity1. how t

40、o name goods exported ?2. whats quality of commodity?3. please describe types of quality.4. how to weight different commodities?5. whats more or less clause?6. please describe functions of sales packing and shipping packing.7. why is shipping mark important in international transportation?8. please

41、describe the standardized format of shipping mark suggested by iso.9. when choosing appropriate cargo packing, what factors should one take into consideration?chapter11 international cargo transportation1. list at least 4 major type of transportation.2. what are the characteristics of liner shipping

42、?3. how to compute freight of liner shipping?4. who will undertake the loading and unloading charges in chartering a vessel?5. whats international multimodal transportation.6. what are the features of containerization?7. whats demurrage and dispatch?8. whats the function of bill of lading?9. please

43、explain the clean bill of lading.10. whats the difference between hague rules and hamburg rules?chapter12 international cargo transportation insurance1. please describe the scope of cargo transportation insurance.2. whats the difference between perils of sea and extraneous risks?3. please list at le

44、ast 6 major type of fortuitous accidents.4. which risk did titanic encounter? can this kind of risk be avoided?5. did all the cargoes sunk with the ship? what type of loss they belonged to ?(actual loss, constructive loss, particular loss or general loss).6. what measures were taken after titanic encountered the risk? what was the nature of the expense caused by the measures? did the insurance compensate for it? 7. who relieve the survivor on titanic ? what was the nature of this kind


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