已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 六级备考词汇 get down (从)下来;写下;使沮丧;(to)开始认真做,着手做get in 进入,抵达;收获(庄稼等);(with)对亲近get into (使)进入;卷入;对发生兴趣get off (从)下来;动身,出发;下班,结束(工作);逃脱惩罚get over 克服,解决(问题等);(从疾病、失望等)中恢复过来get through 度过(时间);(使)通过(考试),(使)(议案等)获得通过;(将)讲清楚,完成;接通电话get together 相聚,聚集get up 起床;起立give away 泄露;赠送give back (归)还give in 交上,呈上;投降,屈服,认

2、输give off 发出(光、声音等),散发出(气味)give out 分发;用完;消耗尽;发出(光、声音)give up 停止,放弃;(oneself)自首go after 追求,追赶go ahead 开始;进行go by 遵守,遵循,依据;(时间)过去go down 下降,减少;(船)沉没,(日)落;(with)生病;(well 或badly)(不)受欢迎,(不)被接受go for 袭击;适用于;选择,想要获得;喜爱go into 进入,参加;开始从事;研究,调查 do without 没有也行,用不着,将就draw in (火车,汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短draw up 起草,

3、拟订;(使)停住dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮,装饰,修饰drop by/in 顺便(或偶然)访问drop off 下降,减少;睡着,入睡;让下车,把放下drop out 退出,退学dry out (使)干透dry up (使)干透,(使)干涸;(使)枯竭fall behind 落后,落在的后面fall through 落空,成为泡影fall out 争吵,失和;脱落fill in 填满;填写;(for) 替代find out 查明,找出,发现get across (将)清楚,(使)被了解get around/round 走动,克服,设法回避(问题等);(to)抽出时间来做(或考虑)ge

4、t at 够得找,触及;意思是,意指;查名,发现;指责get away 逃脱;走开,离开;(with)做了(坏事)而逃脱责罚get by 通过;过得去,(勉强)过活 clear up 清理;澄清,解决;(天)放晴come off 脱落,分开;结果,表现come on 表示鼓励、催促等快,走吧;开始,发生;进步,进展come out 发表,出版;出现,显露;结果是come round (around)顺便来访;苏醒,复原come through 经历仍活着,安然度过come to 苏醒;涉及,谈到;总数为,结果是come up 走上前来;发生,出现count on/upon 依靠,指望count

5、 up 共计,算出的总数cover up 掩饰,掩盖;盖住,裹住cross off/out 划掉,勾销cut across 抄近路穿过,对直通过cut back 削减,缩减;急忙返回cut down 削减,减少;杀死,砍倒cut in 超车抢档;插嘴,打断cut off 切断,阻碍;使分离,使隔绝cut out 删去,切去;戒除,停止服用cut short 中断,打断deal with 处理,对付;论述,涉及deep down 实际上,在心底die down 逐渐消失,变弱die out 逐渐消失,灭绝 bring to 使恢复知觉bring up 教养,养育;提出build up 逐渐积聚,

6、集结;逐步建立;增进,增强burn out 烧光,烧毁的内部;熄灭burn up 烧掉,烧毁;烧起来,旺起来;(使)发怒call for 叫(某人)来;要求,需要call off 取消call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,要求call up 召集;使人想起;打电话(给)care for 照顾,照料;喜欢carry off 夺走,拿走carry on 继续,进行carry out 实行,执行;实现,完成catch at 试图抓住,拼命抓catch on 理解,懂得;流行起来check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离去check up (on)

7、检查,核实cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来clear away 把清除掉,收拾 out of doors 在户外face to face 面对面地a few 有些,几个quite a few 不少,相当多a little 一点,一些little by little 逐渐地,一点点地quite a little 相当多,不少no matter 无论the moment (that) 一就no more 不再fair play 公平竞赛,公平对待rest room 厕所,盥洗室primary school 小学side by side 肩并肩地,一起heart and soul 全

8、心全意step by step 逐步地ahead of time 提前all the time 一直,始终once upon a time 从前 appeal to 呼吁,恳求attempt at 企图,努力attitude to/towards 态度,看法a great/good deal of 大量,非常,极其influence on 影响interference in 干涉,介入interference with 妨碍,打扰introduction to 介绍a lot (of) 许多(的),大量(的)lots of 大量,很多fall in love (with sb.) 爱上(某人)

9、reply to 回答,答复trolley bus 电车I.D. card 身份证credit card 信用卡no doubt 无疑地,很可能next door 隔壁 put into practice 实施,实行make progress 进步,进展give rise to 引起,导致为的原因make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理catch sight of 发现,突然看见(go) on the stage 当演员take ones time 不着急,不慌忙keep track of 与保持联系lose track of 失去与的联系,不能跟上的进展make use of 利用pu

10、t to use 使用give way 让路;屈服,让步;倒塌,塌陷make ones way 前往,行进,去make way 让路,腾出地方或位置 in the interests of 符合的利益interfere in干涉 intervene in 干预be involved in卷入be jealous of 妒忌(be) keen on 喜爱, 渴望 long forat large未被捕,详尽,普遍lean against (背)靠着in the light of考虑到, 根据 head for前往 leave for 到去in ones honour (in honour of)

11、祝贺,纪念on memory of 为纪念on ones honour 以某人的名誉担保be identical with和相同imposeon 把强加在impresson 给留下印象inclusive of 把包括在内indicative of 表明, 说明be inferior to 比差 superior tobe innocent of 无罪的 fall into the habit of养成习惯in fashion时兴,流行be fed up with 厌烦set the world on fire非常成功at first sight乍一看free of charge 免费furni

12、shwith (supply) 向提供takefor granted 把认为理所当然的。on the ground of (=because of) 以为理由be guilty of有罪或过失come to a halt (stop) 停止 at all events 无论如何 at any rate 无论如何in the event of(=in case of)万一with the exception of (apart from) 除去., 除以外in excess of超过exchangefor 以交换exert oneself to do sth. 努力come into exist

13、ence开始存在beyond expression无法形容go to extremes 走极端in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间keep faith with 对守信用lose faith in 对失去信心 deviate from 偏离fall back (retreat, turn back) 撤退dispose of (get rid of ,throw away)处理掉beyond dispute 无可争议 in dispute 在争议中distinguishfrom 把与区别开do away with废除,杀掉on earth 究竟, 在世上at e

14、ase自在go into effect 生效. come into effect; take effect 开始生效place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调上at ones wits end 智穷计尽come to and end (finish) 结束enter for 报名参加be entitled to有权,有资格be equipped with 装备有,装有in essence 本质上 consent to同意under consideration 在考虑中consist of(=be composed of)由组成的contrary to (oppos

15、ite to) 与相反in contrast to/with 和形成对比by contrast 对比之下 by comparison 比较起来at all costs不惜任何代价 . go to any length想一切办法 by all means不惜一切。at the cost of 以为代价(at the expense of)to ones credit使某人感到光荣be critical of 爱挑毛病的,不满out of date过时的;up to date最近的,时兴的; date back to回溯到; date from从某时期开始on the decline 在衰退中,

16、在减少中in demand有需求deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人某物 get the better of (=defeat sb。) 打败in blossom开花in bulk 成批地center on(=focus on) 把注意力集中在上by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然charge sb. with 控告某人犯有round the clock(昼夜不停地commit oneself to 致力于comparewith 把与比较 compareto 把比作on condition that (if)如果 in the event

17、thatconfide in 对讲真心话,be confronted with 面对, 面临in connection with与有关be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道 in addition to(=as well as)除外in advance 预告, 事先。take advantage of (=make the best of, make use of)利用。in the air不肯定,在谣传中。appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力approve of赞成 in favour of

18、 赞成assure sb. of sth向保证, 使确信make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth。) 试图做attend to侍候,照料attributeto把.。归因于. contribute to 有助于 due to 是由于at ones back支持,维护on the basis of 根据for the benefit of 为了的利益let go(of) 放开,松手hold out 维持,保持;坚持(要求),不屈服hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制;隐瞒,保守(秘密等)abide by,conform to , comply with

19、 遵守(be) abundant in(be rich in) 富于,富有of ones own accord(willingly)自愿地 ,主动地in accordance with (according to) 依照,根据 in terms of 根据takeinto account(take into consideration)把.。考虑进去on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 let go(of) 放开,松手hold out 维持,保持;坚持(要求

20、),不屈服hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制;隐瞒,保守(秘密等)abide by,conform to , comply with 遵守(be) abundant in(be rich in) 富于,富有of ones own accord(willingly)自愿地 ,主动地in accordance with (according to) 依照,根据 in terms of 根据takeinto account(take into consideration)把.。考虑进去on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 set out 陈述,阐明;动身,起程;开始;摆放set for


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