1、国际货运代理专业英语轨道交通系 1、FIATA是()年在()地方成立的,其总部位于()。A、1926 苏黎世 维也纳B、1945 苏黎世 维也纳C、1926 维也纳 苏黎世D、1945 维也纳 苏黎世 KEY:C 2、 (),标志着我国政府对货运代理行业的管理进入了一个政府监管和行业自律并重的新阶段。A、CIFA的成立B、FIATA的成立C、IATA的成立D、CEPA的成立KEY:A 3、在经营策略上,引领我国货运代理企业发展的两条基本道路是()。A、民营化和重组化B、专业化和物流化C、专业化和民营化D、重组化和物流化KEY:B 4、当国际货运代理以()的名义与实际承运人签订运输合同并向委托人
2、收取()的时候,其为纯粹代理人身份。A、自己的名义 固定的费用B、自己的名义 佣金C、委托人的名义 固定的费用 D、委托人的名义 佣金KEY:D 5、无船承运人一身兼有承运人和托运人两者的性质。他向托运人签发是(),实际承运人对其签发()。A、MASTER B/L OCEAN B/LB、OCEAN B/L HOUSE B/LC、HOUSE B/L MASTER B/LD、MASTER B/L HOUSE B/LKEY:C 6、当货运代理与托运人及实际承运人呈以下关系时,该货运代理人实为()KEY:A托运人货运代理实际承运人委托运输以自己名义委托签发Ocean B/LA、当事人 B、委托人C、承
3、运人 D、收货人 7、以下何种情况货运代理不能通过投保责任险得到保障?A、货代误将本该发往新西兰的货物发往新加坡B、货代在收取大笔费用后运输毒品C、运输单证上规定了船公司完全免责的情况下船公司卸货失误产生货物损坏D、货代的船舶在运输途中发生大火造成部分运载货物的灭损KEY:B 1.Definition and Importance International trade is important. International trade is the exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders or
4、territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP). While international trade has been present throughout much of history, its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries. Industrialization, advanced transportatio
5、n, globalization, multination corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the international trade system. Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization. International trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a wo
6、rld power. Without international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services produced within their own borders. Main points: multinational:多国的,跨国公司的:多国的,跨国公司的 corporation:法人,公司,企业:法人,公司,企业 outsourcing:外部采购,外包:外部采购,外包 revenue:收入,国家收入,税收:收入,国家收入,税收 Study details: GDP:国内生产总值:国内生产总值What is
7、 GDP?What is outsourcing? 1 1、定义及重要性、定义及重要性 国际贸易很重要。它是资本,商品和服务的跨境或跨国交换。在大多数国家,它占国内生产总值(GDP)很大份额。虽然国际贸易已经有很长的历史,但近几个世纪其经济、社会以及政治上的重要性在不断上升。产业化,先进的交通运输,全球化,跨国公司以及生产业务外包都对国际贸易体系产生重大的影响。迅猛增长的国际贸易对全球化的持续至关重要。那些被认为是世界大国的国家,国际贸易是其经济收入的主要来源。没有国际贸易,各国只能被限制于本国境内生产商品和服务。 Translation 2.Differences between Inter
8、national Trade and Domestic Trade International trade is typically more costly than domestic trade. The reason is that crossing a national border typically involves additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays, and costs associated with country differences such as language, the
9、legal system, or a different culture. 2 2、国际贸易与国内贸易的区别、国际贸易与国内贸易的区别 国际贸易通常比国内贸易成本更高。原因是跨越国界通常涉及关税等额外费用,由于边界延误的时间成本,以及由国家差异产生的成本如语言,法律制度,以及不同的文化。 TranslationAnother difference between domestic and international trade is that factors of production such as capital and labor are typically more mobile wi
10、thin a country than across national borders. Thus, international trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and services. Then, trade in goods and services can serve as a substitute for trade in factors of production. Instead of importing the factor of production, a country can import goods that m
11、ake intensive use of the factor of production and are thus embodying the respective factor. An example is the import of labor-intensive goods by the United States from China. Instead of importing Chinese labor, the United States is importing goods from China that were produced with Chinese labor.Int
12、ernational trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the large branch of international economics. Main points: respective :分别的,各自的:分别的,各自的 intensive :强烈的,精深的:强烈的,精深的 labor-intensive :劳动密集型的:劳动密集型的 capital-intensive :资本密集型的:资本密集型的 technology-intensive:技术密集
13、型的:技术密集型的 Study details: factors of production:生产要素:生产要素 labor、land、capital、technology、information. 另一个国内贸易和国际贸易的区别是,像资金和劳动力一类的生产要素,通常在一国国内比跨国流动得更多。因此,国际贸易主要限于商品和服务的贸易。然而,商品和服务的贸易可作为生产要素贸易的替代品。一个国家可以进口密集利用生产要素而生产出来的商品来代替进口生产要素,这样便体现了各自的要素。举一个美国从中国进口劳动密集型商品的例子。美国从中国进口那些由中国劳动力生产的产品,而不是进口中国的劳动力。 国际贸易也是
14、经济的一条分支,它与国际金融一同构成了国际经济的大分支。 Translation 3.Risks in International Trade There are some risks in multilateral trade. They mainly include economic risks and political risks. Economic risks include the risks of insolvency of the buyer; the risk of failure of the buyer to pay the amount due within six m
15、onths after the due date; the risks of non-acceptance; the risk of exchange rate, and so on. Political risks include the risk of cancellation or non-renewal of export or import licences; war risks; risk of expropriation of confiscation of the importers company; risk of the imposition of an import ba
16、n after the shipment of the goods; transfer risk imposition of exchange controls by the importers country or foreign currency shortages; and influence of political parties on an importers company. Main points: multilateral:多边的,多国的:多边的,多国的 insolvency:无力偿还,破产:无力偿还,破产 license:许可(证),执照:许可(证),执照 expropri
17、ation:征用,征收,收用:征用,征收,收用 confiscation:没收,充公,征用:没收,充公,征用 imposition:强迫接受:强迫接受 Study details: multilateral trade:多边贸易:多边贸易 3 3、国际贸易的风险、国际贸易的风险 多边贸易存在一些风险。主要包括经济风险和政治风险。经济风险包括买方破产风险;买方未能在买卖达成后的6个月内支付买卖款项的风险;不接受的风险;汇率风险等等。政治风险包括取消或不在续用出口或进口许可证的风险;战争的风险;征用或没收进口商的公司的风险;货物装运后强迫接受出口禁令的风险;转移风险强迫接受进口商所在国的外汇管制或
18、外汇短缺;以及进口商公司受到政党的影响的风险。 Translation 4.World Trade Organization The World Trade Organization is best described as an umbrella organization under which the agreements that came out of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations are gathered. The WTO thus serves four basic functions: (1) to im
19、plement, administer, and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes, (2) to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations, (3) to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes, and (4) to review the trade policies and practices of member states. Additionally, the WTO is to cooperate with
20、the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in order to achieve greater coherence in global economic policy making. Main points: negotiation :商议,谈判,流通:商议,谈判,流通 annex :附件;并吞,附加:附件;并吞,附加 tribunal :法官席,审判员席,(特等)法庭:法官席,审判员席,(特等)法庭 coherence :一致:一致 Study details: the International Monetary Fund :国
21、际货币基:国际货币基金组织金组织 the World Bank:世界银行:世界银行 世界贸易组织被形容为来自乌拉圭回合达成的多边贸易谈判协议下的一个伞式组织。世贸组织因此具有4个基本职能:(1)实施,管理和执行世贸组织的协定及其附件,(2)为正在进行的多边贸易谈判的提供论坛,(3)作为解决纠纷的法庭,(4)复审贸易政策和会员国的行为。此外,世贸组织与国际货币基金组织和世界银行合作,以在全球经济决策中获得更一致的连贯性。 Translation 5.Barriers to Internation Trade A trade barrier is a general term that descr
22、ibes any government policy or regulation that restricts international trade. The barriers can take many forms, including: import duties, import licenses, export licenses, import quotas, tariffs, subsidies, and non-tariff barriers to trade. Most trade barriers work on the same principle: the impositi
23、on of some sort of cost on trade that raise the price of trade products. If two or more nations repeatedly use trade barriers against each other, then a trade war results. 贸易壁垒是一个描述政府任何限制国际贸易的政策或法规的通用术语。这些障碍可以采取多种形式,包括:进口关税,进口许可证,出口许可证,进口配额,关税,补贴和非关税贸易壁垒。大多数贸易壁垒都有相同的宗旨:强加某些商品的贸易成本以提高其贸易价格。如果两个或两个以上国
24、家对彼此反复使用贸易壁垒,那么将导致贸易战。 Translation 6.Steps of International Trade Any international transaction should start with market reseach. An importer/ exporter must acquire good knowledge of the foreign market to which his products are to be sold so that he can trade with the customers successfully. After t
25、hat, the following things should be done.Seeking customersContact each other by sending inquiriesStatus inquiryQuotations or offers; acceptance or non-acceptanceOrder; contractObtaining import/ export license; opening L/C/ receiving L/C, if anyPreparation of goods by the seller Inspection or survey
26、of goods Reserving shipping space either by the seller or buyer, depending on the trade terms Effecting insurance Customs clearance and loading Shipping advice Negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary Redemption of documents under L/C Customs clearance for import Delivery of good
27、s Lodging and Settling claims (if any) Main points: offer:出价,提议;提供,出价;提议:出价,提议;提供,出价;提议 order:订购,订单;命令,订购,定制:订购,订单;命令,订购,定制 quotation:引用语,价格,报价单,行情表:引用语,价格,报价单,行情表 shipping space:舱位:舱位 customs clearance:报关:报关 redemption:赎回,偿还,拯救,履行:赎回,偿还,拯救,履行 Study details:Translation 任何国际交易应该从市场调查开始。进口商/出口商必须对他要售出
28、的产品的外国市场的做深入了解,以便他能成功地与客户交易。在此之后,以下几点应该执行。 寻找客户 通过发盘联系对方 询盘 报价;接受或不接受 订购;合同 获得进口/出口许可证;开立L/C/收取L/C,如有 卖方备货Translation 商品检测 根据贸易条件由卖方或买方订舱 办理保险 清关和装货 航运咨询 受益人在信用证方式下凭出口单据议付 在信用证方式下赎回单证 进口报关 货物交付 投诉和处理纠纷(如有) 国内生产总值是指在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区所生产出的全部的最终产品和劳务的价值。它常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标,不但可反映一个国家的经济表现,还可以反映一国的国
29、力与财富。Gross Domestic ProductOutsourcing 外包是指企业整合利用其外部最优秀的专业化资源,从而达到降低成本、提高效率、充分发挥自身核心竞争力和增强企业对环境的应变能力的一种管理模式。最为流行的外包服务形式主要包括:IT资源外包服务、客户服务中心外包、营销外包、人力资源管理外包、应收账款外包等。 生产要素(又称生产因素)是指进行社会生产经营活动时所需要的各种社会资源,包括劳动力、土地、资本、技术、信息等内容。按生产要素分配,就是社会根据生产某种产品时所投入的各种生产要素的比例和贡献对投入主体进行的报酬返还。factors of productionmultila
30、teral trade 多边贸易又叫多角贸易,指三个或三个以上的国家,为求互相之间的收支在整体上获得平衡,通过协议在多边结算的基础上所进行的贸易。其产生往往是由于两国间彼此供应的商品不对路或价格不相当,以致进出口不平衡,外汇收支发生困难,需要第三国或更多的国家参加协议,建立三国或多国贸易,以使彼此间的进出口达到基本平衡。 国际货币基金组织(IMF)是政府间的国际金融组织。1945年12月27日正式成立,1947年开始工作,同年成为联合国的专门机构。IMF独立经营,总部设于华盛顿。the International Monetary Fundthe World Bank 世界银行是世界银行集体的
31、俗称。“世界银行”这个名称一直用于指国际复兴开发银行(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD)和国际开发协会(International Development Association, IDA)。这些机构联合向发展中国家提供低息贷款、无息信贷和赠款。 它是一个国际组织,其一开始的使命是帮助在第二次世界大战中被破坏的国家的重建。今天它的任务是资助国家克服穷困,各机构在减轻贫困和提高生活水平的使命中发挥独特的作用。 Exercises: 1.Any international transaction starts w
32、ith ( ). A. an offer B. quotations C. status inquiry D. market researchKEY:D 2.After the negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary, the importer, after viewing the documents, should do the ( ) of the documents by effecting payment. A. redemption B. claims C. deliver the goods D. i
33、mport clearanceKEY:AExercises: 3.For any country, international trade is a major source of economic revenue. ( ) 4.International trade is as costly as domestic trade. ( ) 5.If two countries repeatedly use trade barriers against each other, then a trade war results. ( )KEY: FKEY: FKEY: TExercises: 6.
34、International trade is the exchange of ( ) across international borders or territories. A. goods B. services C. land D. capitalKEY:ABD 7.The economic risks involved in international trade are ( ). A. risks of cancellation of import or export licenses. B. failure of the buyer to pay the amount within
35、 6 months after validity. C. war risks D. insolvency of the buyerKEY:BD Text Originally, a freight forwarder was a commission agent performing routine tasks on behalf of the exporter/ importer such as loading/ unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport, obtaining payment for his
36、 customer, and so on. However, the expansion of international trade and the development of different modes of transport over the years that followed enlarged the scope of his services. Today, a freight forwarder plays an important role in international trade and transport. The services that a freigh
37、t forwarder renders may often range from routine and basic tasks such as the booking of space or customs clearance to a comprehensive package of services covering the total transportation and distribution process. Main points: freight:货物,运费,货运:货物,运费,货运 render:呈递:呈递 routine:例行公事,常规,日常事务:例行公事,常规,日常事务
38、scope:范围,机会,余地:范围,机会,余地 payment:付款,支付:付款,支付 mode:方式,模式,样式,时尚:方式,模式,样式,时尚 freight forwarder:货运代理:货运代理 commission agent:委托代理人:委托代理人 distribution:分配,分发,配给物:分配,分发,配给物 a comprehensive package of services:全面的一揽子:全面的一揽子服务服务 Study details: 最初,货运代理是以出口商/进口商的名义处理例行事务的委托代理人,这些例行事务有装/卸货物,储存货物,安排当地运输,为客户获得付款等。 然
39、而,近年来随着国际贸易的扩大和各种交通工具的发展,货运代理的服务范围也得以扩大。时至今日,货运代理在国际贸易和运输发挥着重要的作用。其提供的服务往往从像订舱或者清关的日常基本事务到涵盖全部运输和分发过程的一揽子服务。Translation Unless the consignor, the person sending goods, or the consignee, the person receiving goods, wants to attend to any of the procedural and documentary formalities himself, it is us
40、ually the freight forwarder who undertakes on his behalf to process the movement of goods through the various stages involved. The freight forwarder may provide these services directly or through sub-contractors or other agencies employed by him. He is also expected to utilize, in this connection, t
41、he services of his overseas agents. Main points: agency:代理处,代理:代理处,代理 consignor:发货人,寄件人:发货人,寄件人 consignee:收货人,收件人:收货人,收件人 document:文件,文档:文件,文档 formality:正式手续:正式手续 sub-contractor:转包商,次承包者:转包商,次承包者 undertake:承担,担任,许诺,保证:承担,担任,许诺,保证 utilize:利用:利用 Study details: 除非发货人,即货物发送人,或收货人,即货物接收人,想要亲自参与程序和单证的手续,否
42、则通常由货运代理以他的名义代为处理各个阶段的货物运输。货运代理会直接或通过分包商或其他受雇于他的代理提供这些服务。他也以此利用他在海外的代理的服务。 (1)The forwarders, on behalf of the consignor (exporter), would:Choose the route, mode of transport, and a suitable carrier.Book space with the selected carrier.Take delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as
43、the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders Certificate of Transport, etc.Study the provisions of the L/C and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import, as well as any transit country. He would also prepare all the necess
44、ary documents.Pack the goods, taking into account the route, the mode of transport, the nature of the goods, and applicable regulations, if any, in the country of export, transit countries, and country of destination.Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary.Weigh and measure the goods.Draw the
45、 consignors attention to the need for insurance and arrange for the insurance of goods, if required by the consignor.Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier.Attend to foreign exchange transactions, if any.
46、Pay fees and other charges including freight.Obtain the signed bills of lading from the carrier and arrange delivery to the consignor.Arrange for transshipment on route if necessary.Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts with the carrier and the forwarders agents
47、 abroad.Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods.Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for loss of the goods or for damage to them. Main points: route:路线,路程:路线,路程 carrier:承运人,运送者:承运人,运送者 delivery:递送,交付,交货:递送,交付,交货 issue:出版,发行;发行,放出:出版,发行;发行,放出 provision:供应,(一批)供应品,
48、规定:供应,(一批)供应品,规定 applicable:可适用的,可应用的:可适用的,可应用的 shipment:装船,出货:装船,出货 pack:包裹,:包裹,一群,一副一群,一副 destination:目的地:目的地 warehouse:仓库,货栈,大商店:仓库,货栈,大商店 insurance:保险,保险单,保险费:保险,保险单,保险费 transaction:办理,处理,会报,学报:办理,处理,会报,学报 foreign exchange:外汇,外国汇票:外汇,外国汇票 charge:费用,收费:费用,收费 bill of lading:提单:提单 transshipment:转载:
49、转载 monitor:监管,监视器,监控器:监管,监视器,监控器 Forwarders Certificate of Receipt:代理人收货证明:代理人收货证明书(是代理人收到货物的凭证)书(是代理人收到货物的凭证) Forwarders Certificate of Transport:代理人运输证:代理人运输证明书(是代理人具备运输能力的凭证)明书(是代理人具备运输能力的凭证) Study details:(1)货运代理以发货人(出口商)名义将: 选择运输路线,运输方式,及合适的承运人。 向选定的承运人订舱。 接收货物并签发如代理人收货证明书、代理人运输证明书等的相关单证。 研究信用证
50、上的条款以及所有适用于出口国、进口国以及任何中转国政府的货物装运规则。并准备所有必要的单据。 基于以下包装货物:运输的路线,运输方式,货物的性质以及在出口国、中转国和目的地所在国适用的法规,如果有的话。 安排货物仓储,如有必要。 测量货物(重量和体积)。Translation 提醒托运人注意保险的需要,若托运人要求,安排办理货物保险。 将货物运至港口,安排通关,相关单证手续并将货物付交给承运人。 换取外汇,如有。 支付费用和其他收费,包括运费。 从承运人处获得提单并交给发货人。 安排途中的转运,如有必要。 通过与承运人及货运代理在海外的代理联系,自始至终监管货物的运输。 记录货物的任何灭失,如
51、果有的话。 协助发货人就货物的灭失向承运人索偿,如果有的话。 (2)The forwarders, on behalf of the consignee (importer), would:Monitor the movement of goods on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo.Receive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods.Take delivery
52、 of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight costs.Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary.Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee.Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them.Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution. Main points: duty:税,
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