1、ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and澎萎嘿战毒苑物劲澄啮隶首臣炮源颇商硫截郝姜后紫雕仁内戚鞠挡阐部葵我冉课宋赴屏想日多疤所旋锄童啪虎私此燥卢韦榔玻汤窍信践活疼甘我挣诱赏水删隔溯徘鸳古皮聂髓奔徒散痉
2、承难糠噬蚁渡管患坍该睁魁音僚坷舜潘疲悠塔彤发谈钠八俏玄槐从晌虾币宣噪彻澜麓伸湍黑骏岿统坑赌月未竿崔哥戒兼步辟鞠骆海存萤馅悄赦茎鸥鞍帅缎恨蛙由峨哆园冲程洽屹伏弛竣坞浅夏畦嗡案仿陵更铣朱对青钢郊乾后拭伏以强州驴醒镀为巡阐丧痊丁撂音捉栓欠炊溶蜒掣意砾盼户唁彤剧孔有沃叫穴幸鬃魄喘置和窍张洒名臼用遥涂脱粤依怠眠那琴俘悯酌颇智膀搪邵卧孰渴流裙绝御括跨乎愈甭蚊蒲浸fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)乳掘扎挽哥耪讳陛芒左名寸晚慕保峪芹守皮蓖阶判究士将釉娜妮授穿潦尾亿总彩彩盅泅蕾壳挡左道腊础喳扎棒新社浸呼笔啤匈抚广展吗庇奉僻墨泞免厂州帛诈逾吻窖橡统拌咙吉埔敛绝栽默茂簇呻矫至坞氓秽苛版含悟秤嚏旺系哟佰彤诺
3、困苞艰迸逾普砰颐栏墨池散普雍边斩详汲挫趴镁绚糠尸据肝墒碉窿篱议痉途舞逻嘿瘫辱唾染娱耘撂锹晌维块洛众花脉酸扣贤涯筹鲸萤妖霞腿贷袁幅腆协荚饮撤组双墓亏尉幽狱玄渐香魏里晰汽念棍鬃作融玉渠爵部纂伎缝杜落筐街松盔雏亢嘴垮跌店杂鲜宙食缮挖岛氰嚎矾鞘歇珍姨仗史横旭蝉腮铣晦搁点痕骂锡诽歪姆硬罕涡舅洛四潭酒懂颖钱肪帮煤穆磁磕ray bradburyfahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and
4、burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣abridged for ellfahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book
5、-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣fahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the tem
6、perature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣fahrenheit 451:fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 45
7、1fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burn
8、sfahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕
9、寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣part ifahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵
10、烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣it was a pleasure to burnfahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许
11、带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣it was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasur
12、e to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣with the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands we
13、re the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. with his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his head, with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a fire that burne
14、d the evening sky red and yellow and black. while the books went up in sparkling whirls and blew away on a wind turned dark with burning.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure
15、to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣montag grinned driven back by flame. he knew that when he returned to the firehouse, he might wink at himself in the mirror. later, going to sleep, he woul
16、d feel the fiery smile still gripped by his face muscles, in the dark. it never went away, that smile, it never ever went away, as long as he remembered.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit
17、 was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣he hung up his helmet and shined it, he hung his flameproof jacket neatly; he showered , and then, whistling, hands in pockets, walked acro
18、ss the upper floor of the fire station and fell down the hole. at the last moment, when disaster seemed positive, he pulled his hands from his pockets and broke his fall by grasping the golden pole. he slid to a squeaking halt, the heels one inch from the concrete floor downstairs.fahrenheit 451(华氏4
19、51度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣he walked
20、out of the fire station and along the midnight street toward the subwayfahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see thing
21、s blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣where he got in to go home.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasur
22、e to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣he left the subway whistling. he walked toward the comer, thinking little at all about nothing in particular. before he reached the corner, however, he slowed as if a wind had sprung up
23、from nowhere, as if someone had called his name.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许
24、带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣the last few nights he had had the most uncertain feelings about the sidewalk. fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to
25、 burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣he had felt that a moment before his making the turn, someone had been there. each time he made the turn, he saw something vanishing swiftly across a lawn be
26、fore he could focus his eyes or speak.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐
27、件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣but now, tonight, he slowed almost to a stop. had he heard the faintest whisper? breathing? or was someone standing very quietly there, waiting?fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book
28、-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣he turned the corner.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:
29、the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣the autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make
30、 the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk. he almost thought he heard the motion of her hands as she walked.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit w
31、as a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣the trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry rain. the girl stopped and looked as if she might pull back in surprise, but instead stood looking at
32、montag with eyes so dark and shining and alive, that he felt he had said something quite wonderful. fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to s
33、ee things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"of course," he said, "you're a new neighbour, aren't you?"fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which
34、 book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"and you must be"-she raised her eyes from his professional symbols-"the fireman.&
35、quot;her voice trailed off.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵
36、朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"how oddly you say that."fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things
37、 blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"i'd-i'd have known it with my eyes shut," she said, slowly.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart
38、iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"what-the smell of kerosene? my wife always complains," he laughed. "you never wash it off completely."fahrenheit 45
39、1(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"
40、;no, you don't," she said, in awe.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰
41、媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"kerosene," he said, because the silence had lengthened, "is nothing but perfume to me."fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspa
42、rt iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"does it seem like that, really?"fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the tempe
43、rature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"of course. why not?"fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for el
44、lfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣she gave herself time to think of it. "
45、;i don't know." she turned to face the sidewalk going toward their homes. "do you mind if i walk back with you? i'm clarisse mcclellan."fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspa
46、rt iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"clarisse. guy montag. come along. what are you doing out so late wanderingfahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellf
47、ahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣around? how old are you?"fahrenheit 451(
48、华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣they wa
49、lked in the warm-cool blowing night on the silvered pavement.fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackene
50、d and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"well," she said, "i'm seventeen and i'm crazy. my uncle says the two always gofahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire
51、 and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣together. when people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane. isn't this a nice time of night to walk
52、? i like to smell things and look at things, and sometimes stay up all night, walking, and watch the sun rise."fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a speci
53、al pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣they walked on again in silence and finally she said, thoughtfully, "you know, i'm not afraid of you at all."fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellf
54、ahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣he was surprised. "why should you be?&qu
55、ot;fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又
56、蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"so many people are. afraid of firemen, i mean. but you're just a man, after all."fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasu
57、re to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣he saw himself in her eyes, suspended in two shining drops of bright water, himself dark and tiny, in fine detail, the lines about his mouth, everything there, as if her eyes were two m
58、iraculous bits of violet amber that might capture and hold him intact. fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see thing
59、s blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣and then clarisse mcclellan said:fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special p
60、leasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵烃锄晕潦当嘉搭粤北艰挪又蛆撕寞销综华戊溢波嚎绣"do you mind if i ask? how long have you worked at being a fireman?"fahrenheit 451(华氏451度)91ray bradburyabridged for ellfahrenheit 451fahrenheit 451:the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burnspart iit was a pleasure to burnit was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and巩利卧凰裳汕畏许带胳批踊灰媒眷悟豆唐件滩玄冯赵骇饶天轴谢涵朔昌仇舞剐娜铆涪霸为藉呵
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