



1、2013邯郸市高考英语(单项选择)考前训练(1)及答案解析: 单项选择: (共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分) 从a,b,c,d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21after the 80magnitude(八级) earthquake, a lot of people lost _ with their relatives acontent bcontext ccontact dcontest 22- tobby, it appears that we wont be _ after all - oh, but i am tired of working here anyw

2、ay aput off bsent off claid off dseen off 23-the accident hung up the traffic for several hours- this kind of thing _ happen every now and then amust bshould ccan dwill 24-jenny owed her failure in fulfilling her task to the old equipment in the company-i don't think so _ aa bad tree does not yi

3、eld good apples ba bird in hand is worth two in a bush ca bad workman blames his tools da man is known by the company he keeps 25unfortunately, when i dropped in, doctor li _for beijing, so we only had time for a few words ajust left bhas just left cis just leaving dwas just leaving 26south korea is

4、 closely watching the movements of the north's troops _ further missile launches" ain case of bin terms of cin need of din place of 27it is an abundance of cheap goods and quick delivery service _ account for the fact that the number of internet shopping on this website is four times _ it w

5、as last year athat; that bwhich; what cwhat; that dthat; what 28i always _ on life when listening to beethovens symphony areact brecover creflect drespond 29much to my surprise, i found the education system in the uk was totally different from _ of my home country athat bone cit dwhat 30i dont like

6、_ when a chinese host keeps serving me the food i dont like ait bthat cthis dat all 31_ with the accident, he was forced to resign aconcerned bconcerning chaving concerned dbe concerned 32- terribly sorry but i thought this was a parking lot - _here is your ticket athat's all rightbnever mind cd

7、ont mention itdsorry, that is no excuse33-will you go to the meeting for their discussion? -no, _ invitedi dont feel like getting involved with their business aunless buntil ceven if dotherwise 34cambridge university biochemistry was a three-storied red-brick structure, _ and unimpressive aplain bco

8、mplex csplendid dfancy 35bob could have seen the famous pop star _ yesterday morning adid he come bif he came chad he come dif he should come 单项选择ccccd adcaa adcac*结束16. -what when i phoned you?a. had you done; finished        b. were you doing; had just finishedc.

9、 did you do; had just finishedd. were you doing; was finishing17. my uncle_ until he was forty-five.a. married                      b. didnt marryc. was not marrying     

10、        d. would marry18. scientists say it may be five or ten years_ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.a. since           b. before      c. after    

11、; d. when19. -i can't find mr. smith.-it was in the hotel_ he stayed. a. that         b. where         c. which     d. since20. our new house is  very_ for me as i can get to the office in fi

12、ve minutesa. convenient     b. comfortable     c. natural   d. helpful21. -i don't think we have met before.-yes, once at a party, but we_.a. weren't introduced             b. didn&#

13、39;t introducec. haven't introduced             d. were not introducing22. you look so tired tonight. it is high time you_.a. went to bed     b. went to sleep     c. go to bed   

14、60; d. to sleep23. people greatly_ in their views of life.a. lead       b. differ       c. bring       d. struggle24. _ she couldn't understand was_ fewer and fewer students showed interestin her lessons.a.

15、 what; why    b. that ; what    c. what ; because    d.25.the _ is just around the corner and you won't miss it.a. bicycle's shop                 b. bicycle shop 

16、    c. bicycles shop                  d. bicycles shop26. -the prison was _ fire last night.-someone must have set fire_ it.a. on ; with     b. on ; to     c. o

17、ver; with    d. should27. keep up good state of mind even if you_ fail plenty of times.a. must          b. will       c. can           d. should28. sandy could

18、do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.a. admit          b. admitted    c. admiting     d. to29. i know nothing about the young lady _ she is from beijing.a. except       

19、60;  b. except for  c. except that  d. besides30. -have you any oranges and apples?-_a. yes, madam, on the second shelf over thereb. the oranges are very cheap.c. you like apples, dont you?d. of course, we have some fruits.* 参考答案1620 bbbba 2125 aabab 2630 bbaca*答案与解析16b前一个空受到when i ph

20、oned you的限制,要用过去进行时。后一个空关键是理解,“我刚刚完成作业,开始洗澡”。 17b 本题是考查until的用法。记住如果until前的谓语动词是短暂性动词要用notuntil;如果前面是持续性动词,则直接用until。18b本题是考查连词的用法。本题的关键是理解句子的含义:“科学家说还需要五到十年才有可能将药物在人体身上进行实验。”只有b选项符合题意。19b本题是定语从句的考查。考生一定要注意不能和强调句混淆。因为本题中的it是用于上个问句的回答,不是用于强调句的起首。20a本题是形容词的辨析。convenient表示“方便的”;comfortable表示“舒适的”;natural表示“自然的”;helpful表示“有帮助的”。21a本题是动词的语态考查。introduce是及物动词,后面需要有一个名词。本题中


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