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1、练习(4)Let ' s beg in our class with a short video about a great mJobS一. 短文填空Today people can1the phone to talk with others almost any where on the earth. Butwhen you use the phone, you don' t see the person you are2with. That may3in the future.Today some people are using a kind of teleph one4

2、phone ” or “ Visionphone ” . Withit , two people who are talking can see 5other.Picture phones can be useful whe n you have6toshow the person you' re calling. They have other uses in the future.One day you may be able to ring up a7and ask to borrow abook. Then you ' ll be able to read the bo

3、ok right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping 8 your picture phone. If you see something in thenewspaper that you think you what to buy, you' ll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the swill9you the thing you' re interested in right over the phone. aYrie to sh

4、op all' lover tow n and10leave your room.1. 2345678910二. 完型填空(1)Cell phones are very useful and they' re great fun. But cell phones do have risks. If you have oneit ' s necessary to understand these risks, and learn1enjoy your phone safely.2canbe a won derful way to keep in touch with yo

5、ur frien ds. But bad people can also send messages. If you receive a rude or terrify ing message, do not reply or forward( 转发)it.3, save the message andshow it to your teachers or parents. If you receive a message saying that you4a bi g prize, don ' tbelieve it.Sending pictures from a cell pho n

6、e is fast, easy and fun. But make sure you send only pictures thatyou wouldn ' t mind other people5. And you are more likely to have an accident if you try to useyour cell phone while6the road. There are cars and buses to watch our for! Hang up your cellphone7you walk.With your pare nt' s he

7、lp, you can keep your cell pho ne' s8. You won ' t have receivi ng unwan ted calls or messages! Remember n ot to talk on the cell pho ne too ofte n or too long. Your_10your cell pho ne whe n you sleep. TheC whatD what toC Sending messages D Using cell phonesC ExceptD Except forpare nts will

8、be9if you spe nd too much money.sounds of rubbish messages may wake you up.()1.A howB how t o()2.A SendmessagesB Use cell phones()3.A In steadB In stead of()4.AwinBwi nsC had wonD have won()5.AseeBto seeC sawD. Seeing()6.Across ingBcrossC crossedDgo across()7.AasBafterC beforeDwhe n()8.AdangerBdan g

9、erousC safelyDsafety()9.Ahap pyBpatie ntC angryDpa nic()10 ATurn onBTurn offC Tur n dow nDTurn up(2)The computer plays an importa nt part in our everyday life. It is one of the great _1_ in the world in the _2_ cen tury. It works for us not only at home, in the offices, in big shops, _3_ at schools.

10、 Today it is used _4_ many ways. It really _5_ the world large wealth and happ in ess.The first computer in the world was _6_ Eni d. It was built i n America in 1946. It was _7_ and heavy. _8_it was born, it has bee n develop ing very fast. Un til now it has gone _9_ four periods(时期,阶段) and changed

11、a lot. There' re many kinds of computers. Computers are getting smaller and smaller and computi ng faster and faster. It becomes more and more _10_.The computer can do most of the things _11_ the people. It can help us to _12_ about the real world more quickly, to lear n _13_ we want to lear n a

12、nd to thi nk _14_ ourselves. _15_ a stude nt in the twe nty-first cen tury, you must work hard at it.1. A. inven tio nsB. discoveriesC. robotsD. inven tors2. A. twen ty-firstB. twen tiesC. twelfthD. twen tieth3. A. alsoB. but alsoC. tooD. either4. A. inB. toC. byD. over5. A. takesB. helpsC. getsD. b

13、rings6. A. fou ndB. inven tedC. calledD. bought7. A. easyB. smallC. largeD. light8 A. WhenB. Si neeC. ForD While9. A. byB. AcrossC. ThroughD. aga inst10.A. seriousB. harmful.C. dangerousD. helpful11.A. forB. toC. atD. with12.A. setB. tellC. knowD. talk13.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who14.A. ofB. aboutC

14、. outD. for15.A. ForB. BeC. AsD. To三. 阅读理解Steve Jobs was one of the fath 亡岱 cf the personal computing time and the founder of Apple.He was also one of the giants of the information age. Here arc some of his greatest contributionsThe iMacUnder Jobs' leadership Apple introduced the all-in-one iMac

15、 computer in 1998. The iMac became the fir我 machine, which offered only a CD-ROM slotApple IIJobs and SteveVi/oznUk founded Apple Computers Inc. in 1976.A year later, the AppleThe iPad6y 2010, SteveJobs was confident the world was ready to have a tablet computer that would be great for watchingII wa

16、s invented. This production!产品 was the world's first mass-market personal computer.iPhone 4siPhone 4s came out onOctober2011, InAmerica.It looks like iPhone 4. Ithas a larger and wider screen and abetter camera and faster data transfer speeds.slimmer yet wider case. It has a()1. When was the App

17、le II inven ted?A. In 1976B In 1997C In 1998D In 2010()2. When did the iMac first come out?A. In 1976B In 1998C. In 2010D . In 2011()3. Which one was the oldest?A The Apple II B The iMacC The iPadD The iPhone 4s()4. From the passage, we can know that iPadA has a better cameraB is the first pers onal

18、 computerC has a CD-Rom slotD is great for watch ing movies()5. According to the passage, which of the following is True?movies and playing games. The touch-sensitive IPad is a great success.A iPhone 4s ' s screen is the same size as iPhone 4 B iPho ne 4s has a larger and slimmer case tha n iPh

19、one 4.C iPhone 4s uses less time to transfer data than iPhone 4D iPh one 4s with an improved camera is cheaper tha n iPho ne 4Mobile phones are more important than ever in the daily lives of students, but how they use them has cha nged greatly in the past six years. While phones are still widely use

20、 for com muni cati on, a recent study has found that most stude nts think talk ing on mobile phones is now old-fashi on ed.London Uni versity researchers surveyed 1055 young people aged 13 to 18 about their mobile pho ne habits. The researchers divided mobile phone use into“ com muni catio n ” and“

21、en terta inment” . Ccin cluded talk ing on the phone and writ ing messages using text ing (短信) or chatt ing software.En terta inment was made up of play ing games, watch ing movies, liste ning to music and surfi ng the Intern et.The findings were then compared to a 2008 study, to see what changed. T

22、he results are shown below:Perhaps most surprising is how little time students spend talking on their phones these days. Six years ago the average student spent 36% of their mobile phone time making or receiving calls. In 2014, only 10% of time was used for talk ing. When stude nts use their pho nes

23、 to com muni cate, more and more often it is done by using chat software like qq or we chat.“ Communicationis still an important function of mobile phones. But now mobile phones are being used more for en terta inment tha n for com muni cati on,” said Dr Harry Lectre, the research leader.1. What was

24、 the most popular mobile phone activity in 2014?A. Talk ing. B. Text ing. C. Play ing games. D. Watch ing movies.2. I n total, what perce ntage of time did stude nts use their mobile phones for com muni cati on in 2008?A. 16%.B. 28%. C. 35%.D. 71%.3. Which of the followi ng is true about watch ing m

25、ovies on mobile pho nes?A. It has in creased most over the past six years.B. 14% of students now watch movies on their mobile phones.C. It was the most popular type of mobile phone en terta inment in 2008.D. Stude nts now spe nd more time watch ing movies tha n talk ing on their phon es.4. Which mob

26、ile phone activities were more popular than surfing the Internet in 2014?A. Chatt ing and watch ing movies.B. Chatt ing and liste ning to music.C. Play ing games and watch ing movies.D. Play ing games and text ing.5. The passage can best be described as a/an.A. report B. story C. advertiseme nt D. a

27、rgume nt四. 单项选择(中考题被动语态)( )1.The mobile phone has in flue need people' s life a lot since it.A inventsB. inven tedC. is inven tedD. was inven ted()2.O n June 11th, 2013,She nzhou-10 carry ing three astr on autsinto space fromthe space cen ter in Jiuqua n. All the Chin ese people are proud of its

28、 successful laun ch.A. sent up B. are sent up C. was sent up D is sent up()3. This liste ning material, together with its CD-ROMs, well.A sellsB. sellC. is soldD. are sold()4.The sports meeti ngn ext mon th.A. will holdB. is goi ng to hold C. will be held D be held()5. Excuse me. I'm look ing fo

29、r Be the Best of Yourself.Sorry. The book you ask forout.A. is sell ingB. is sold C. was sell ing D. will be sold()6 Annieto the party. She had a won derful time with us.A. in vitesB. is in vitedC. was in vitedD. has in vited()7 Many housesin the earthquake of April 20, 2013 in Ya' an.A. is dest

30、royed B. are destroyed C was destroyed D. were destroyed()8.Han Han' s books are popular. Theyby many teenagers.A. is readB. was readC. are read D. were read()9 Itlast week that the haze (雾霾)in Beijing caused many problems.A. reportsB. reportedC. is reportedD. was reported()10 Does she like sing

31、ing En glish son gs?Yes. She En glish songs in her room.A. ofte n hears singB. is ofte n heard singC. ofte n hears to singD is ofte n heard to si ng()11 If you see the carto on film, you will laugh.A. be madeB. be made to C. make to D. make()12 The Chin ese writer has got lots of fans in France. His

32、 new bookintoFrench as soon as it came out.A. was tran slatedB. tran slatedC. is tran slatedD. Tran slates()13. How ofte n do I n eed to feed the dog?Itfood every day, or it will be hun gry.A. must giveB. must be give C. must be give nD. must be gave()14 This pair of shoeshand, and itvery comfortabl

33、e .A. is made with; is feltB. are made from; is feltC. are made of; feelsD. is made by; feels()15 It is reported that Daimiao Culture Squarein Taia n next year.A. will be builtB. were built C. have built D. will build五听填信息Adva ntagesReasons1. The world is now smaller than beforeTV brings the outside

34、 world close to people 'because of TV(1).2. TV makes people see a lot and(2)a lotForexample,peoplecanknowwhat(3)is like in the deepest parts of the sea3. TV helps to open people ' eyes and(4)TV gives us new (5), welear n n ewer and better ways of doing thin gs.六.写作,1) 关于科技发明常用的短语和句子。I. 未来的生活 2.似乎是不可能的 3. 随着现代科技的到来 4. 变得越来越方便5. 高科技 6.伟大的发明 7.对数码相机感兴趣9.电脑出现了 10.电子书的流行II. 你能想象没有纸的生活? 12. 纸和印刷术已经使用很久了。 13. 书将被电脑代替14. 一个特殊设计的机器人 15. 对我们的日常生活有巨大的印象 16. 拍摄高质量的图像 17. 它更轻,便于携带 18. 这个东西是偶然被发明


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