



1、unit1-unit4重点词组和句型unit1 this is me一单词:自己对照单词表默写 课文背默:p6对话,p8课文,p14b,p16课文和句型二词组及句型:1.你叫什么名字?whats your name?2.我的名字叫.my name is.3. 照顾,照看look after=take care of4.早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安good morning. good afternoon. good evening. good night5. 很高兴见到你。nice to meet you. glad to see you.6. 一个新同学a new student7. 12岁t

2、welve years old8. 短发/长发short hair/long hair(hair不可数)9.喜欢阅读like reading/enjoy reading10. 让某人做某事make/let sb. do sth11. 打篮球play basketball(球类名词前不用a,an,the)12.放学后after school13. 高而苗条tall and slim14. 来自come from/be from15. 擅长be good at/do well in/be clever at16. 喜欢运动like sports/like doing sports17. 在那边ov

3、er there18. 擅长游泳be good at swimming19. 听音乐listen to music20. 放风筝fly a kite/fly kites21. 玩游戏play games22. 一个可爱的宝贝a lovely baby23. 回家晚go home late24. 和我的家人住一起live with my family25. 戴眼镜wear glasses/wear a pair of glasses26. 所有课程all the lessons27. 对某人友好be nice/kind/friendly to sb.28. 我的主人my masterunit2

4、lets play sports一、单词:对照单词表默写 课文背默:p18,19对话,p20课文,p26b,p28课文和句型二词组及句型:1.喜欢散步like walking2.真的的确really3. 走向我的碗walk to my bowl4.一天很多次many times a day5.一周两次twice a week6. 打网球/排球play tennis/volleyball7. 喜爱或享受做某事enjoy doing8. 你最喜欢的运动是什么?what is your favourite sport?=what sport do you like best?9. 每周去游泳go s

5、wimming every week10. 你呢?what/how about you?11. 非常喜欢.likevery much12. 我最喜欢的足球明星my favorite football star13. .的一名新成员 在某个俱乐部里be a new member ofbe in14. 来自come from/be from15. 住在北京live in beijing16. 看起来强壮look strong(look+adj.看起来怎么样)17. 足球踢得很好play football very well18. 在他的空闲时间in his free time19. 喜欢听音乐li

6、ke listening to music20. 使他快乐make him happy/make him feel happy (make sb.+adj./do)21. 想要做want to do/would like to do22. 在下一届世界杯打比赛play in the next world cup23. 他的梦想成真。 他实现他的梦想。his dream comes true.he realizes his dream.24. 他看起来怎样?how does he look?what does he look like?25. 看篮球赛watch basketball match

7、es/watch a football match26. 在周末at weekends/at the weekend/on weekends/on the weekend27.还有其他什么吗?what else?28. 让我感觉很棒make me feel great29. 许多有趣的书a lot of interesting books/lots of interesting books30.阅读是种乐趣。reading is fun.31. 谈论篮球talk about basketball32. 我的英雄my hero(heroes)unit 3 welcome to our schoo

8、l1 单词:对照单词表默写 课文背默:p30,31对话,p32课文,p38a3, b,p40课文和句型二词组及句型:1. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?what is your favorite subject?/which subject do you like best?2. 开放日open day3. 听两节课watch two lessons4.家长会parents meeting5.让我们在学校门口见面。lets meet at the school gate.6. 看起来漂亮/现代/年轻look beautiful/modern/young7. 如此大so big8. 带你四处参观show

9、 you around9. 在.前面(外部) 在.前面(内部)in front ofin the front of10. 教学楼classroom building11. 在一楼on the ground floor12. 窗明几净,干净而又明亮clean and bright13. 这边走this way14. 美术室art room15. 学校礼堂school hall16. 开会have a meeting/have meetings17. 那个穿白衬衣的男人是谁?who is that man in a white shirt?18. 参观我们学校visit our school;19

10、. 看墙上我朋友们的照片。look at the pictures of my friends on the wall.20. 让我看看/想想let me see21. 他在我们校足球队。he is in our school football team./he is a member of.22. 让我来跟你说说我们学校。let me tell you about my school.23. 我喜欢在课后跟他们一起玩。i like to play with them after class25. 我想跟她问声好。i want to say hello to her.25. 什么?请再说一遍。

11、pardon? 26. 我在电话里我听不清你讲话。i cant hear you well on the phone.27. 他怎样去学校?how does he get to school?28. 花费多少时间?how long does it take?29. 我家离学校路途遥远。i live far away from my school./its a long way from my home to school.30. 坐公车去学校go to school by bus/take a bus to school31. 住得离学校近live near our school32. 花费她

12、20分钟到达学校。it takes her about twenty minutes to get to school.she spends about twenty minutes getting to school.33. 开放/关闭be open/be closed34. 从.到.from.to35.各种各样的书all kinds of books36. 从图书馆借书borrow books from the library37. 穿过马路cross the road38. 在你回来的路上on your way back39. 谢谢你的来信。40. 谢谢某人某事/谢谢某人做某事thank

13、s for your letter.= thanks for writing to me.thanks for sth./thanks for doing41. 在.学习study at42. 只有少数几个only a few43. 离.遥远,远离far away from44. 步行去学校go to school on foot=walk to school45. 花费时间做某事it takes sb. time to do sth.sb. spends time (in) doing sth,46.记日记keep a diary/keep diariesunite4 my day一、单词:

14、对照单词表默写 课文背默:p42对话,p44课文,p50 b,p53b课文和p52句型二词组及句型:1.醒来wake up/(叫醒某人wake sb. up )2. 是吃早餐的时候了。its time for breakfast.its time to have breakfast.3. 我们去山上散步好吗?shall we go walking in the hills?4. 我很少出去。i seldom go out.5.在午饭后,我总是需要好好休息。after lunch, i always need a good rest.6.有些狗只是不知道怎样过得愉快。some dogs just

15、 dont know how to have fun.7. 做早操do morning exercises8. 做课外活动do after-school activities9. 吃早餐/午餐/晚餐have /eat breakfast,lunch,supper,dinner10.迟到be late for11. 在八点一刻at a quarter past eight12. 给某人写信write to13. 从周一到周五from monday to friday14. 最喜欢的科目my favorite subject 15. 许多朋友a lot of friends/lots of fri

16、ends16. 对我很好be nice/good/kind to sb.17. 彼此聊天chat with sb.(*chatting)18.在操场上玩耍play in the playground19. 去图书馆go to the library20. 阅读俱乐部reading club21. 在校排球队in the volleyball team22. 练习做某事practise doing23. 玩得愉快,过得开心have a good time/ have fun/enjoy oneself26. 最好的祝福(信的结尾)best wishes25. 开始上课start lessons2

17、6. 校游泳队的一名成员a member of the school swimming team27. 暑假/寒假summer/winter holiday28. 谢谢你的邮件。thanks for your email.thanks for sending an email to me.29. 我想要跟你说说我在这的生活。i would like to tell you about my life here.30. 过得非常开心have great/lots of fun31. 有很多时间做某事have much time to do/have a lot of time to do32. 去上舞蹈课go to dancing lessons33. 跳舞半个小时dance for half an hour34. 去溜旱冰go roller skating35.一场排球赛a volleyball match36. 在和之间(两者之间)betweenand37. 体育中心sports center38. 我希望每个人都能来看比赛。i hope everyone can come and watch the game.46. 祝愿我们的队好运。wish our team good luck.47. 参观博物馆visit the museum48. 一个月两次twice a


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