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1、 Can you give me a hand? 你能帮我个忙吗? I only have two hands. 我忙不过来。 Hand over your weapn. 上交武器。 a hand of bananas 一串香蕉第1页/共65页REVIEWREVIEWgoseelosesaysmileunderstandput takereadfindgivecutwentsawlostsaidsmiledunderstoodput tookreadfoundgavecut第2页/共65页REVIEWREVIEW形容词变副词规则:形容词变副词规则:1.一般一般+ly quiet-quietly

2、 brave-bravely2.以辅音以辅音+y 要变要变y为为I 加加ly busy-busily,lazy-lazily3.以以e 或或ue结尾的结尾的adj,要去要去e+ly whole-wholly副词用法:副词用法:She works hard every day.We walked slowly to school yesterday morning.第3页/共65页REVIEWREVIEW1.The man smiled_. (pleasant)2.He read the phrase_ (slow)3.He worked _ (careful)4.He worked_ (laz

3、y)5.The door opened_ ( sudden) 6.He cut himself_ (bad)第4页/共65页REVIEWREVIEW1.The man smiled pleasantly. (pleasant)2.He read the phrase slowly. (slow)3.He worked carefully. (careful)4.He worked lazily. (lazy)5.The door opened suddenly. ( sudden) 6.He cut himself badly. (bad)第5页/共65页 New words and expr

4、essions第6页/共65页ago /g/ adv. 以前buy /ba/ v. 买 bought /bt/ pair /pe/ n. 双,对fashion /fn/ n. (服装的)流行式样uncomfortable /nkmftbl/ adj. 不舒服的wear /we/ v. 穿着wore /w/第7页/共65页 ago 用于一般过去时 我三天前去的伦敦。 I went to London three days ago. 她30分钟前离开的。 She left 30 minutes ago. 很久很久以前,这里住着一位国王。 Long long ago, there lived a k

5、ing.ago adv. 以前第8页/共65页ago gu 以前用法结构数字 + 量词 + agoin 2007=ten years agoin February =seven months agoon Monday =five days ago第9页/共65页过去式bought (buy sb sth=buy sth for sb) 我每周都买一本新书。 I buy a new book every week. 我妹妹每周都买一件新裙子。 My sister buys a new dress every week. 我上周在巴黎买了一件外套。 I bought a coat in Paris

6、 last month.buy v. 买第10页/共65页pair n. 双,对A pair of gloves is a nice present 一副手套是件好礼物I have only one pair of hands 我只有一双手 (忙不过来)第11页/共65页a pair of glasses 一副眼镜a pair of shoes一双鞋子a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤a pair of earrings 一对耳环第12页/共65页a loaf of breada bar of chocolate第13页/共65页a bottle of winea hand of ban

7、anas第14页/共65页 in fashion 是流行的今年流行这种颜色 This color is in fashion this year. out of fashion 不流行 把上面句子变成否定句This color is out of fashion this year.fashion n. (服装的)流行式样第15页/共65页第16页/共65页flat heels第17页/共65页comfortableunThey are very umcomfortable.第18页/共65页uncomfortable nkmftbl不舒服的uncomfortable = not comfor

8、tableuntidy = not tidyWhat about these ones?uneasy, unfriendly, unhappy, unlucky, unusual 第19页/共65页反义词:comfortable注意:“不”, 如 adj. 不舒服的 她穿紧身的靴子觉得不舒服。 She feels uncomfortable in tight boots. 第20页/共65页 adj. 不安的;不自在的 如果你独自坐在那,就会有不自在的感觉。 Youll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone. 他和老师在一起时

9、经常觉得不安。 He often feels uncomfortable with a teacher. adj. 令人不舒服的,不舒适的 这双鞋看起来不舒适。 This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable.第21页/共65页 wear 过去式wore 我每天都穿同一件外套。 I wear the same coats every day. 他每天都戴领带。 He wears a tie every day. 这位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。 The lady is wearing a beautiful dress.wear v. 穿着第22页/共65页

10、 wear 表穿着的状态 那个女孩每天都穿粉红色的衬衣 That girl wears a pink shirt every day. put on 表穿上的动作 请穿上你的外套 Please put on your coat.区别“wear” “put on” 第23页/共65页Notes on the text课文注释第24页/共65页1.Listen and answer the questions第25页/共65页1.What size are the ladys shoes?2. Who bought this pair of shoes last month?3. Where di

11、d she buy this pair of shoes?4. Why cant the shop assistant get a pair of shoes for the lady?5. Do you think the lady like those shoes in fashion? Why or why not?第26页/共65页some和any “一些“,修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 some 一般用在肯定句中。 有时也用于疑问句,表示期望得到肯定回答,并不表示对某事有疑问。 eg:教室里有一些女孩。 There are some girls in the classroom. eg

12、: 请给我一些墨水好吗? Will you give me some ink?any一般用于疑问句和否定句中。 eg:墙上有地图吗? Are there any maps on the wall? 房子后面没有树。 There arent any trees behind the house. 介词,像.Dont treat me like a guest.第27页/共65页过去式的一般疑问句过去式的一般疑问句Eg:他上星期踢足球了。He played football last week.Did he play football last week? Yes, he did./ No, he

13、 didnt. Eg:她昨晚看电视了吗?Did she watch TV last night? No, she didnt. 第28页/共65页Eg:一个小时前一个小时前 an hour ago 一星期前一星期前 a week ago 一年前一年前 a year ago第29页/共65页及物动词及物动词 vt. 1. 获得;得到;赢得 他得到听力比赛第一名。 eg: He gets first prize in the listening contest. 2. 挣到;买到上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。 eg: I got a new coat in that store last wee

14、k. eg:我从图书馆拿了一本书。 I got a book at the library.eg:去取一支笔来。 Go and get a pencil.A pair of shoesA pair of pants/ trousers第30页/共65页I am afraid that. 表示说话人的婉转语气,多数用表示说话人的婉转语气,多数用来表示不同意见和看法的时候用。来表示不同意见和看法的时候用。 Eg:我恐怕你是对的。 I am afraid that you are right. 我怕我感冒了。 I am afraid that I have a cold.第31页/共65页流行的,时

15、髦的In fashionFashionable/stylishthe year before lastthe day before yesterday第32页/共65页状态系动词状态系动词可用来表示主语性质或状态,只有be一词 eg:1. 他是一名教师。 He is a teacher. 2.他病了。 He is ill. 感官系动词感官系动词感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, look eg:1.这种布手感很软。 This kind of cloth feels very soft. 2. 这朵花闻起来很香。 This flower smells very

16、sweet. 3. The story sounds true. 4.Those oranges taste good. 第33页/共65页选择题1.Its a story about _?a. shoes b. shops c. shells2.What size and colour the lady want?a. four, black b. five, blue c. five, black3.Where did the ladys sister bought the shoes?a. America b. Britain c. China4. What does uncomfort

17、able mean?a. 不漂亮 b. 不便宜 c. 不舒服第34页/共65页S: We had some shoes like those a month _, but we dont have any now.L: Can you get a pair for me, please?S: Im _ that I cant. They were in _ last year and the year before last. But theyre not in _ this year.S: These shoes are in fashion now.L: They look very _.

18、S: They are very _. But women always wear _ shoes!第35页/共65页Grammar in use语法点宾语从句第36页/共65页在英语中,一般是名词或代词做宾语,宾语一般是跟在动词或介词后。必须符合“从句的三个必须”1.必须是句子;2.必须有连接词;3.必须是陈述句 第37页/共65页宾语从句 在英语中,一般是名词或代词做宾语,宾语一般是跟在动词或介词后。 I want an apple. Put on it! 由一个句子来充当宾语,就是宾语从句。 I am afraid that I cant .= I am afraid that I ca

19、nt get a pair for you.第38页/共65页宾语从句跟在两类词后:1.表示人的情感或心理活动的形容词 afraid/ sure/ sorry/ glad/ anxious/ confident/ proud1.主+ be+ 形. + 宾语从句主句和宾语从句中有that连接,后边加句子。 当主句是一般现在时,从句可以用任何时态。第39页/共65页 我担心我明天去不了了。 I am afraid that I cant come tomorrow. 很抱歉我昨天没有去。 I am sorry that I didnt go yesterday. 我跟高兴你能帮助他们。 I am

20、glad that you can help them.第40页/共65页2、主+ 谓 +that +从句 其中的动词为: think/ know/ believe/ say/ hope/ understand她知道你会来的。 She knows that you will come.我相信我能飞。 I believe (that) I can fly.第41页/共65页lesson 76When did you -?第42页/共65页this monththis yearthis weeklast yearweeklast weekagothe month before lastthe ye

21、ar before lastthe week before lastlast monthtwo dayssix yearsan hour表过去的时间状语第43页/共65页一般过去时 表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。谓语动词要用一般过去式。 经常与yesterday(昨天), last week(上周), last month(上个月), last year(去年) two months ago(两个月前), the day before yesterday(前天),in 1990 (在1990年), in those days (在那些日子里)等表示过去的时间状语连用。第44页/共6

22、5页实义动词的一般过去时态肯定句:主语+动词过去式 如: I went home at nine oclock yesterday.否定句:主语+didnt +动词原形 如:I didnt go home yesterday. 疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形 如: Did you go home yesterday? 肯定回答: Yes, I did. 否定回答:No, I didnt. 第45页/共65页对时间提问:When did you?对动作提问: What did you do?第46页/共65页an hour agolooked at a photograph第47页/共65页a minute agojumped off the wall第48页/共65页last weekwalk across the park第49页/共65页a minute agowash your hands第50页/共65页last year before lastwork in an office第51页/共65页five minutes agoask a question第52页/共65页a month a


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