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1、bath /b/ n. 洗澡nearly /nl/ adv. 几乎,将近ready /red/ adj. 准备好,完好的dinner /dn n. 正餐,晚餐restaurant /restrnt/n. 饭馆,餐馆roast /rst/ adj. 烤的第1页/共42页bath n. 洗澡 have (take) a bath 洗澡(泡澡) Lily每天都洗澡。 Lily has a bath everyday. take a shower 洗淋浴 give sb a bath 给某人洗个澡 a bath of sunshine日光浴第2页/共42页bath & shower bath

2、“洗澡”,比较正式; shower “沐浴,冲凉”,比较随意。She likes warm bath.1.People take showers very often in the summer.第3页/共42页nearly adv. 几乎,将近 adv. 几乎;差不多;差点儿 将近六点半 It is nearly half past six. 我差点就错过了火车 I nearly missed the train. adv. 极;密切地 The matter concerns us nearly. 这事与我们有切身关系。第4页/共42页ready adj. 准备好的,完好的 adj. 准备就

3、绪的 be ready to do 你准备好走了吗? Are you ready to leave? adj. 预先准备好的;立即可得到的 苹果成熟了,马上就可以吃。 The apples are ripe and ready to eat. be/get ready for做好的准备 We must get the house ready for our guests. 我们必须把房子收拾好,以期我们的客人随时入住。第5页/共42页dinner n. 正餐,晚餐 three meals a day 一日三餐 breakfast 早饭 lunch 午餐 tea 下午茶 supper 晚饭 di

4、nner 正餐 meal 一顿饭have dinner = eat dinner第6页/共42页1. is Tom? where 为,引导e.g. Where is he from? Where does Tom live? SAM: Hi, Carol! Wheres Tom? CAROL: Hes Hes having a bath.have a hot bath / take a cold bathbath-tub = tub 澡盆;浴缸第7页/共42页be ready 做好的准备nearly在此处修饰ready ,表示“”e.g. The flower is nearly dead.C

5、AROL: Tom!TOM:Yes?CAROL: Sams here.TOM: I be ready to do sth. / for sth.be too ready with excuses 很会找借口make ready for sth. = prepare ready and waiting 做好充足准备以进行 Shes nearly twenty. Its nearly 2 oclock. nearly empty / full / finished第8页/共42页TOM: Hello, Sam. Have a cigarette. SAM :No, thanks, Tom. TOM

6、 :Have a glass of whisky then.SAM: OK, Thanks.cigarette和cigar?第9页/共42页TOM: Is dinner ready, Carol?CAROL: Its nearly ready. We can have dinner TOM: Sam and I had lunch together today. We went to a . CAROL: What did you have? TOM: We had .Its nearly ready.Im nearly ready.第10页/共42页CAROL: Oh!TOM: Whats

7、the matter, Carol? CAROL: Well, youre going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!be going to do something(1)用于指人时,表示正 打算做某事,计划做某事I am going to paint the bookcase pink.(2)用于指物时,表示可能 性或必然性Look, it is going to rain. 瞧,快下雨了。第11页/共42页Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes SAM: Hi, Carol! Wheres Tom?C

8、AROL: Hes upstairs. Hes _.CAROL: Tom!TOM: Yes?CAROL: Sams here.TOM: Im nearly ready.TOM: Hello, Sam. _.SAM: No, thanks, Tom.TOM: _.SAM: OK. Thanks.having a bathHave a cigaretteHave a glass of whisky then第12页/共42页TOM: Is dinner ready, Carol?CAROL: Its nearly ready. We can _ at seven oclock.TOM: Sam a

9、nd I _ together today. We went to a restaurant.CAROL: What did you have?TOM: We _.CAROL: Oh!TOM: Whats the matter, Carol?CAROL: Well, youre going to _ again tonight!have dinnerhad lunchhad roast beef and potatoeshave roast beef and potatoes第13页/共42页第14页/共42页Lesson 82I had我吃(喝,从事)了。第15页/共42页breakfast

10、/brekfst/ n.早饭 at breakfast 早餐时,正在进早餐第16页/共42页 haircut/hekt/ n.理发 hair+cut 理发 hair+brush梳子 =comb hair+dresser 理发师 hair+style 发型I had a haircut yesterday afternoon.第17页/共42页have 用法第18页/共42页译为“有,拥有”时,它的疑问和否定形式有两种:(1)用助动词引导 (2)由have本身引导I have a house in town.I dont have a house in town.I havent (got) a

11、 house in town.第19页/共42页译为“进行,从事”时,和名词或名词短语构成短语。它的疑问和否定形式只能由助动词引导。可以代替常用动词如:eat,enjoy,drink , take等e.g. have a bath洗澡 have a drink喝酒 have a holiday度假have a look看一下have a cigarette抽支烟have a try试一下have a break/rest休息一下have a talk谈一谈 第20页/共42页也可以直接作助词(现在完成时)I have been to Beijing for three years.Has Sa

12、m gone to New York?第21页/共42页havebreakfast早餐lunch午餐brunch早中餐supper晚饭dinner晚餐(较丰盛)第22页/共42页have构成的词组第23页/共42页party /p:tI/ n.聚会join the party入党a party member党员Chinese Communist Party中国共产党a party of一群,一伙n. 政党have a party 聚会,举办晚会第24页/共42页holiday /hlI IdI I/ n.假日summer holidaywinter holidaymake holiday 度假

13、be on holiday 在度假go on holiday 去度假take a holiday 休假第25页/共42页holiday & vacation holiday 指节日,纪念日等,有时用复数表示假期; vacation指学校或机关正式规定的假期,一般较长,不能指某个假日。She is away on holiday at present. 她正在休假,不在这儿。1.What is your plan for summer vacation?第26页/共42页have的一些重要用法:1. have a _ 吃一顿饭2. have a _ 度假3. have a _ 游泳4.

14、have a _ 休息5. have a _ 高兴6. have a _ 抽一支烟7. have a _ 洗澡8. have _ 不得不mealholidayswimrest /have a breakgood time /have fun cigarettebath /have a showerto第27页/共42页模仿例句完成以下句子,选用drank,enjoyed yourself,are eating,went for,ate 或 take。I had a cup of coffee. I drank a cup of coffee. They had a meal at a rest

15、aurant. They _ a meal at a restaurant.2. We had a holiday last month. We _ a holiday last month.3, Have a biscuit. _ a biscuit.4. You had a good time. You _.5. They are having their lunch. They _ their lunch.6. I had a glass of milk. I _ a glass of milk.atedrankenjoyed yourselfare eatingwent forTake

16、第28页/共42页一般现在时一般现在时(The Simple Present Tense)(The Simple Present Tense) 1. .表示表示现现在的在的状态状态:e.g. Hes twelve. Shes at work. 2.表表经经常或常或习惯习惯性的性的动动作:作: e.g. I get up at 6:30 every day.He often goes to the English corner. 3.表主表主语语具具备备的性格和能力等:的性格和能力等:e.g. She likes noodles.They speak French. 4.普遍普遍真真理和自然理和

17、自然规规律:律:e.g. Two plus four is six.The moon goes around the earth.第29页/共42页时间短语1.频度副词: sometimes(有时), often, always(总是), usually(通常), seldom, never(决不)2. in the morning/afternoon/evening3. every day/morning4. on Sundays第30页/共42页1.bebe 动词的一般现在时的句式: 肯定句:主语+bebe+表语(n., adj(n., adj.等) ) e.g. e.g. He is a

18、 He is a workerworker. . They are They are in the classroomin the classroom. . 否定句:主语+bebe+ notnot+表语 e.g. e.g. He is not a worker.He is not a worker. They arent in the classroom They arent in the classroom. . 一般疑问句:BeBe+主语+表语? e.g. e.g. Is he a worker?Is he a worker? Yes, he is./No, he isnt.Yes, he

19、 is./No, he isnt. Are they in the classroom? Are they in the classroom? Yes, they are. No, they arent Yes, they are. No, they arent. . 特殊疑问句:疑问词+bebe+主语? e.g. e.g. What is he?What is he? Where are they ? Where are they ?第31页/共42页 2.实义动词的一般现在时句式:肯定句: 主语(I/We/You/They)+v.+其他 e.g. We study in a high sc

20、hool. They have a pet.否定句: 主语(I/We/You/They)+do+ not +v.+其他 They dont have a pet. 一般疑问句:Do+主语(I/we/you/they)+v.+其他? e.g. Do you study in a high school?Do they have a pet?e.g. We dont study in a high school.第32页/共42页肯定句:e.g. He studies in a high school. Lily has a pet.否定句: 主语(He/She/It)+does +not+v.+

21、其他主语(He/She/It)+v-s/es+其他 e.g. He doesnt study in a high school.Lily doesnt have a pet.一般疑问句:Does Lily have a pet?Does+主语(he/she/it)+V.+其他?e.g. Does he study in a high school?第33页/共42页 句型转换1.My brother works in 1.My brother works in Shenzhen.Shenzhen. _ _ your brother _?_ _ your brother _?2.One of m

22、y classmates comes from 2.One of my classmates comes from Australia.Australia._ _ one of your classmates_ _?_ _ one of your classmates_ _?3.He does his homework every day.(3.He does his homework every day.(否定句否定句) ) He _ _ his homework every day.He _ _ his homework every day.4.David wants to see 4.D

23、avid wants to see meme. ._ _ David _ to see?_ _ David _ to see?5.She teaches English 5.She teaches English in No.8 Middle Schoolin No.8 Middle School. . _ _ she _ English?_ _ she _ English?6.6.My parentsMy parents live in Chongqing now. live in Chongqing now. _ live in Chongqing now?_ live in Chongq

24、ing now?7.They look very young.(7.They look very young.(一般疑一般疑问问句句) )_ they _ very young?_ they _ very young?Where does workWhere does workWhere does come fromWhere does come from doesnt do doesnt do Who does want Who does wantWhere does teachWhere does teachWho Who Do look Do look第34页/共42页一般过去时 表示过

25、去发生的动作或存在的状态,常与just now,yesterday,last year,at that time,a few days ago等时间状语连用。 eg. I received a strange phone call yesterday. 昨天我接到一个奇怪的电话。 表示过去经常发生或反复发生的动作,常与always,usually,often,sometimes,never等时间状语连用 eg. He usually went to the cinema last year.去年他经常去电影院看电影。第35页/共42页一般过去时 表示过去某个特定时间一次完成的具有先后顺序的几个

26、动作,一般不出现表示过去的时间状语,需要通过情景断定 eg. I got up early, washed my face, had a quick breakfast and hurried to school.我早早起了床,洗完脸,迅速吃完早饭,就匆忙上学去了。第36页/共42页 注意: 1. 表示一系列的动作,尽管有先后,都用一般过去时,最后两个动词之间用and连结。 如: He opened the door, rushed out and then disappeared. 他打开门,冲了出去,然后就消失了。 2. 注意在语境中理解“我刚才/原来还不”。Your phone number again? I didnt quite catch it.请再说一次你的电话号码,好吗?我刚才没听清楚。 Its 2566666. 是2566666。 第37页/共42页一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作,事情或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作或事情。 第38页/共42页一般将来时1)will/shall+动词原形 ,shall用于第一人称,常被


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