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1、What can you see by the sea?第1页/共36页shore海岸海岸第2页/共36页shore第3页/共36页rock礁石礁石第4页/共36页cliff峭壁峭壁第5页/共36页lighthouse第6页/共36页stormdarkness第7页/共36页 darkness n.黑暗 explain v. 解释,说明 coast n.海岸 storm n. 暴风雨 towards prep. 朝,向,接近 rock n. 岩石 shore n. 海岸 light n. 灯光 ahead adv. 在前面 cliff n. 峭壁 struggle v. 挣扎 hospital

2、 n. 医院New words and expressinos第8页/共36页 Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to th

3、e shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the l

4、ight she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.第9页/共36页darkness n. 黑暗;暗out of the darkness 冲出黑暗The room was in darkness 房间一片漆黑构词法dark (黑暗的)+ness(名词后缀)=darknesscareful(细心的)+ness=carefulness(仔细)good+ness=goodness(仁慈)第10页/共36页explain vt&v

5、i 说明,阐明;解释,辩解The girl was able to explain what had happened 那个女孩能够讲述发生了什么.explaination n.说明解释You must give me an explanation. 你必须给我解释解释.第11页/共36页coast n. 海岸 shore n.海岸She set out from a coast. 他从海岸出发seashore n. 海岸beach n. 沙滩bank n. 河岸,坝,堤 范围渐小第12页/共36页storm n. 暴风(雨) She was caught in a storm. 她遇上了风暴

6、 storm in a teacup 小题大做 snowstorm n. 暴风雪 thunderstorm n. 气雷暴,雷雨第13页/共36页light n. 灯光,光线灯Please turn on the light. 请开灯light tower 灯塔light v. 点亮,点灯,点火 light a cigarette 点燃一支烟You light up my life. 你照亮了我的一生light adj. 轻的,温柔的=gentle第14页/共36页ahead adv. 在前面ahead 的用法: 放在被修饰词的后面作定语, 定语后置There is a light ahead

7、前方有灯光 ahead of 在前面 He went ahead of me. 第15页/共36页 go ahead 朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用)-Would you mind my using your phone? / Can I use your telephone?-Ok, go ahead.-Can I smoke here?-Go ahead. /Sorry, youd better not. 第16页/共36页struggle n. v. 斗争,挣扎She struggled up the cliffs. 她挣扎着爬上峭壁Struggle is the bridge to id

8、eal. 奋斗是理想的桥梁Every day is like struggling. 每日如同煎熬第17页/共36页 hospital n. 医院go to hospital & go to the hospital去住院 & 去医院+the 只表示地点in hospital & in the hospital 在住院&在医院第18页/共36页Story set out from the coastwas caught in struckwas full ofjumped intoswam for eight miles saw light in the sea

9、near the shore woke up a day later, found herself in hospital第19页/共36页1.Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. Be able to and Can can表示总的能力或客观存在的能力,而be able to 表示的是特定的、具体的能力,强调不仅具备了某种能力,而且还实际做到了或将会做到 He could walk forty miles a day in the past. He was able

10、 to walk forty miles a day last year.第20页/共36页2. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Set out 出发,动身。Set off 出发,使爆炸Be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。 第21页/共36页set to 动手干, 认真开始干手头有足够的资料我们可以开始工作了Ha

11、ving enough data in hand, we can set to work. set about 开始, 着手他在十岁时开始学中文。He set about learning Chinese at age ten.Be caught in往往是指遇上“灾难、困难不好的境遇”。 我遇上了一场暴风雪 I was caught in a snowstorm.第22页/共36页3. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. Shore :可指湖、海等的岸 the western shor

12、e of the Pacific. 太平洋西岸 Bank :河岸 Some children were playing games on the bank. 有些小孩在河岸上嬉戏。第23页/共36页4. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. During that time she was responsible for typewriting. 在那段时间里,她负责打字. 不管是“游过”,还是“飞过”,还是“爬过”等等,都可以用“cover”(覆盖)来表示这只鸟在三分钟之内飞了3英里 The bird covered

13、three miles in three minutes. 第24页/共36页5. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. on+doing相当于as soon as 刚听到这个消息,她就晕了过去。On hearing the news, she fainted. = When she heard the news, she faint .第25页/共36页6. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a

14、 day later, she found herself in hospital. 他所记得的就是这些。第二天她醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。第26页/共36页 1. what happen to sb. 某人发生了什么事 What had happened to sb. 是它的过去完成时态 过去完成时指的是“过去的过去”,即在过去的某一时刻之前或过去发生的某事之前发生的事情,用had + P.P 表示现在现在过去过去过去的过过去的过去去第27页/共36页Before last month, we had learnt 2000 words.Before I went to sleep at

15、9:00 last night, I had finished my homework.没有涉及到“过去的过去”,即只是一个过去的时间时,用一般过去时选择正确的词填空We (hold) a sports meeting last week.He told me that he (have) a good time in London.heldhad had第28页/共36页 2. set out (1)出发,动身 In order to arrive there in time, we decided to set out earlier. 翻译:请在你出发前,准备好一切事情。(2)set o

16、ut to do 开始,着手做某事 If you have decided to have a trip to Europe, you should set out to prepare for it now. 翻译:当你开始做一件事情时,你可能会遇到很多困难。第29页/共36页 3.be caught in 遭遇了 be caught in a storm 遇到了暴风雨 We put off our football match because we were caught in the terrible weather. 4.towards evening (天)将黑时,黄昏时 Our f

17、amily often have a walk together towards evening.第30页/共36页5.jump into 跳进 After shouting at us for a moment,she jumped into her car angrily.6. swim to the shore 游到岸边 cover a distance of eight miles 走过了(游过了)8英里 cover v. 行过,走过,游过In the Long March, Red Army men covered 25,000 miles.第31页/共36页7. be high up 在高处be high up on the cliffs 在高高的峭壁上8. On arriving at 一到达(就) on + V.-ing = as soon as +从句 一 (就) on arriving at the shore : as soon as she arrived at the shore 第32页/共36页 9. str


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