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1、We are best friends.第1页/共35页The worst relationship第2页/共35页New words and expressions生词和短语生词和短语第3页/共35页New wordscompetitionFootball competition basketball competition第4页/共35页boxing competition第5页/共35页 compete kmpi:t vi. 竞争;比赛;对抗竞争;比赛;对抗compete against pete with sb.第6页/共35页race n. 比赛(速度) horse raceMara

2、thon race第7页/共35页match n. (球类)(球类) 第8页/共35页game n.(泛指)(泛指)the Olympic Games第9页/共35页neat ni:t adj. 整齐的整齐的a neat garden第10页/共35页 a neat roomclean/tidy第11页/共35页 a neat whiskyneat ni:t不参水的;纯的不参水的;纯的第12页/共35页path p: n. 小路小路,小径小径第13页/共35页woodenwudn adj. 木头的木头的a wooden bridge第14页/共35页wood woodsgo for walk

3、in the woods第15页/共35页wooden smile第16页/共35页pool pu:l n. 水池第17页/共35页poolSwimming pools第18页/共35页课文讲解课文讲解The best and the worstQ:Why is Joes garden the most beautiful one in the town?第19页/共35页Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition

4、 each year, but Joe wins every time. 1. nearly = almost “几乎” 否定句中只可以用almost2. enter for 报名参加enter v. Eg: enter the roomentrance n. 入口 win won won 赢第20页/共35页与every一起复合而成的不定代词,one,body,thing谓语动词用单数。Everyone _ come. (have/has)Everybody_ me. (like/likes)Everything_ ready. (is/are)第21页/共35页Bill Friths ga

5、rden is larger than Joes. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting.3. grow grew grown 生长,种植第22页/共35页He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. 4. make made made 制作 ,用法 make sb do sth. make sb./sth. + adj 5. build bui

6、lt built 建造,建筑 6. wooden bridge 木桥7. over 垂直上方,正上方 on 接触上above 在上方;高于第23页/共35页like gardens too, but I do not like hard work8. too ,either, also , as well表示“也”的区别 too 肯末也 either 否末也 also 句中 as well = toolike 的用法 9. hard work 努力工作 第24页/共35页Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I alway

7、s win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!9. enter for 报名参加第25页/共35页Summery writing 摘要写作Joe Sanders has the best garden in town. He wins The Nicest Garden Competitioneach year Bill has a fine garden . Joes is better. The writers garden is terrible. He always win a little prize for the co

8、mpetition. 第26页/共35页Key structure 关键句型形容词比较级与最高级 比较级与最高级的变化规则 1. 一般情况+er 和+est 2. 以e 结尾直接加r和st 3. 当单词中超过两个原因字母时,在前加more和most. 4.特殊情况,特殊记。第27页/共35页形容词比较级与最高级中的特殊情况 good/well better best 好 bad/ ill worse worst 坏 many/ much more most 多 little/ few less least 少 old older oldest old elder eldest far fath

9、er fathest far further - furtest第28页/共35页形容词比较级 1. 二者比,标志than 2.比较级+and+比较级,或者, more and more 表示“越来越” 3.the+比较级, the+比较级 “越越” 你吃的越多,你越胖。 The more you eat , the fatter you will be. 4. much, a little, far用来修饰形容词比较级,且放于形容词之前。 第29页/共35页House A is much larger than house B.AB第30页/共35页阿伦艾弗森183cm科比布莱恩特198cm

10、Kobe Bryant is a little taller than Allen Iverson .Allen Iverson is a little shorter than Kobe Bryrant.第31页/共35页形容词比较级 5. 同级比较:“和一样” 肯定:as as 否定:not asas或not soas 中间要加 adj/ adv的原级 The question is as_(easy)as that one. Please do your homework as (careful) _ as your sister.easycarefully第32页/共35页形容词比较级 6.如果有of短语,比较级前要加the Of the two girls, who is _(tall) 7.在同一范围比较,常用any other+单数名词。 Tom is taller than any other student in his class.第33页/共35页形容词最高级 1.三者或三者以上范围“the”不能少 2.常用句型 one of +最高级 One of


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