已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 形容词, 副词 I. 形容词形容词修饰名词/代词, 说明被修饰的名词代词的特征. II. 1.形容词位置: 通常用在名词前,代词后,连系动词后. 形容词作定语时通常前置, 但在以下情况, 形容词必须后置: 1) 修饰合成不定代词, something, anyone等. There is nobody absent today. 2) 以-able /-ble 结尾的形容词可置于形容词最高级或only修饰的名词后. 如: That is the only solution possible. 3) 成对的形容词可后置, 常用逗号给开. There was a large room, simp

2、le and beautiful. 4) 当 “形容词+介词/不定式” 构成的短语作定语时后置. The teacher asked me a question too difficult to answer. A man so difficult to please must be hard to work with. 5) 当old, long, high, wide, deep 等词附有数量词短语作定语时后置. At that time she was only a girl five years old. I have once seen a snake about a meter l

3、ong. Exx. 1. Is there anything new in todays newspaper? - No, _(没有新内容). 2. I have no _(可用的房间) for you. 3. People in the village, _(老的和少的), men and women, are fond of singing and dancing. 4. She saw a man _(大约两米高的). 2. 有些形容词既可以做前置定语也可以做后置定语, 但意思不同, 要注意区分. 常见的有: the responsible man (可依赖的) the man resp

4、onsible (应负责的) the present members (现在的) the members present (在场的) the absent students (心不在焉的) the students absent (缺席的) the concerned teachers (忧心忡忡的) the teachers concerned (有关的) 3. 表语形容词: 常见的表语形容词有(主要是以a-开头的词):asleep, awake, alike, afraid, alive, alone, glad, ready, sorry, sure, ill, well (指健康状况好

5、), ashamed, afloat(漂浮不定的), worth 等, 它们除了做表语外还可以做宾语补足语, 但不能做前置定语. 如: That cat is ill. That is a ill cat.(错) That is a sick cat (正确). That is an asleep baby. (错) That is a sleeping baby. (正确). He fell asleep in a short while. (正确). The driver was found alive after the terrible traffic accident. She wa

6、s the only person awake that night. 4. 形容词的搭配: 形容词与介词的搭配不同,其后要求接的对象也不同,甚至意思也有所不同,有的搭配是固定的,构成短语后的作用相当于一个动词,如:be strict with sb be strict in sth be pleased with sb be afraid of be friendly to be angry with sth sb /at sth be interested in be surprised/ amazed at be excited at/about be disappointed at b

7、e thankful to sb be familiar with 2 / 14be careful of be sure / certain of get/be tired of 其他搭配: blind /dead dunk fast sleep much afraid much alike III. 形容词的由来: 除自然形容词外, 部分形容词可以在名词尾加上适当的词缀变成形容词,如: care - careful fun -funny sun - sunny difference difference 附, 名词变形容词的规则:1. + y a. cloud cloudy b. sun

8、sunny c. noise noisy 2. + ful care careful help helpful 3. friend friendly sister sisterly 4. importance important difference different patience patient 5. + -less (无) care careless price priceless 注意:un- im- in- -less (均表示“不/无”.) 等不改变词性,但词义相反,如:happy unhappy comfortable uncomfortable expensive inex

9、pensive polite impolite possible impossible * 6. difficulty - difficult honesty - honest anger angry hunger hungry 有些形容词还可以由动词+ -ing / -ed变来,如:come coming die dying interest interesting surprise surprising worry worried disappoint disappointed convince convinced Exercises 1 将下列名词变成形容词:wind rain snow

10、 fun importance difficulty difference thank use care beauty help noise sun health taste price (无价的) home (无家可归的)use (无用的) live care (粗心的) love brother honesty help(无助的) hunger IV. 副词 1. 副词主要修饰动词,very, quite, really, pretty, rather, terribly (很,可怕地) 等也可以修饰形容词和别的副词。如:He runs quickly. It will be terrib

11、ly cold tomorrow. 2. 有的副词还可以修饰全句,如:Luckily, his son was saved by the kind-hearted lady. 比较:1) He got very happy.(got变得,联系动词) He played very happily.(played 玩,行为动词) 2)The song sounded very wonderfully.(错) The song sounded very wonderful. (对) The singer sang very wonderful. (错) The singer sang very wo

12、nderfully. (对) 3. 形容词和副词可以相互转化:大多数形容词可以在词尾加上ly变成副词(有一定的规则),也有少部分形容词和副词相同(如fast adj.快的;adv. 快地. hard adj.难的,硬的;adv.努力),个别形容词和副词根本不同(如good adj.好 well adv.好) 附,形容词变副词的规则: a. quick quickly b. happy happily *c. true truly terrible terribly possible possibly probable probably Exercises 21. 变副词: noisy- luc

13、ky clear- polite- quiet- bad-true- terrible- good- wonderful- beautiful- strong-scary- fast- hardpossible - probable - silent - clear - 2.Choose the right answers: ( ) 1. Several students were _ last week. A. ill B. sick C. disease D. both A and B ( ) 2. The doctor says the _ man in bed is dying pre

14、tty soon. A. ill B. sick C. illness D. disease ( ) 3. He found it hard to fall _ last night. A. sleep B. sleeping C. asleep D. to sleep ( ) 4. She was angry _ her mother because she didnt buy her the nice coat. A. with B. to C. of D. in ( ) 5. They were excited _ the exciting message. A. in B. to C.

15、 of D. about ( ) 6. The mother was very thankful _ the young lady_ the room she made for her. A. for, to B. at, for C. with, for D. to, for ( ) 7. Mary was very _ at getting 145 marks for her English. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprises ( ) 8. Miss Gao is very strict _ her students a

16、nd shes also strict _ her work. A. to, with B. with, in C. in, with D. with, with ( ) 9. The food tastes _. A. terrible B. terribly C. real D. true ( ) 10.Look! It is snowing quite_. A. strong B. heavy C. greatly D. heavily ( ) 11. Peter has been bored _ his job, so he wants to change it. A. of B. a

17、t C. with D. in ( ) 12. Im _ driving a car in rush hour. A. careful B. careful of C. care for D. careless ( ) 13. _, she found her lost son with the help of police. A. Luckily B. Luckly C. Luck D. Unluckily. ( ) 14. She must_ him because they often play together. A. be familiar to B. familiar with C

18、. be familiar with D. be similar to ( ) 15. Welles was so _ that hundreds of people believed the story. A. convince B. convinced C. convincing D. to convince 3. 用所给提示词的适当形式填空:1) She was _ at such a sudden message. ( amaze ) 2) How _ Jenny White was! ( disappoint ) 3)What an _story! ( interested ) 4)

19、Look! The person seems _ ( sleep ). 5)She found the dog _ ( live ). 6)I want to buy the big _fish ( live ). 7)The scary shout is _( frighten ). 8)The boy was so _( frighten ) that he couldnt move out of the railway. 9)The man shouted at the naughty boy _( anger ).10) The teacher told us the _(重要) of

20、 the _ (仔细) observation. 11) She looked very _(worry) when she didnt find her child. 12) Her handbag hasnt been found yet. It is very _(annoy).13) She is such a _ girl that she made so many mistakes in the monthly exam. (care) 14) Look! The _ (sleep) baby is so nice. Dont _ him up. (wake). 15) He mu

21、st be _ ( illness ) and found her bag back. V. 形容词、副词比较等级 1. 比较级 形容词和副词都有原级,比较级和最高级。其句型结构基本相似,微小区别在于谓语动词是用连系动词还是行为动词,从而决定用形容词比较级等级还是副词比较等级.1. 指两者的比较时,就要用到比较级。有如下几种句型:1)A + 比较级 + than B. Jack is taller than Ed. He ran more slowly than I in last sports meeting. He thinks he is less careful than Jim. 2

22、) Which/Who+ 比较级, A or B? Which bag is heavier, the first one or the second one? Who finished the work earlier, Tom or Sam? 3) the + 比较级 + of the two. Sarah is the healthier of the two girls. The taller of the two boys is my brother. 4) 用by 表示相差的程度: She is taller than I by three inches. = She is thr

23、ee inches taller than I. 注意: 1) 比较级前可以用a little/bit(一点), a lot/much/far(得多), still(更), even(甚至), great deal, by far, any, three times 等来强调程度, 但不能用very, quite, pretty, rather和more等来修饰比较级. 如: Shes a little better at math than before. He runs far more slowly than I. 2) 比较只能在同类间进行, 如不能说: Lilys hair is l

24、onger than I /me. 而必须说: Lilys hair is longer than mine / my hair. 3) 比较不能与自己相比, 排除自己的方法是使用other或 else , 这时是指在同一范围内. 如不在同意范围内则无须使用other或else. 如: Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China. Shanghai is bigger than any city in Sichuan. Nobody else does better in math than he in his class. = He doe

25、s better in math than anybody else in his class. 4). 为避免重复常用替代词one, ones, that, those 等. 如: This picture is more beautiful than that one. The oranges on the plate are much bigger than those in the basket. (此处不能用 those ones) 5) 比较级and比较级:越来越 如:It getscolderandcolder天气变得越来越寒冷。More and more Chinese peo

26、ple are learning English. more and more + 多音节形容词/副词原级:越来越 Our country is getting more and more beautiful. 我们国家正在变得越来越美丽. 6) The + 比较级 + 句子,the + 比较级 + 句子. 表示“越., 越.”(按正比列增加)The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. The more English words you remember, the better your

27、English will be. The more trees we grow, the more beautiful our hometown is. 7) 貌似比较级的一些习惯用法: more than 与其 不如 如: Shes more shy than unfriendly. no more than = only 只 not more than = at most 不超过 /最多不过 如: His whole school education added up to no more than one year. no less than = as many/much as 多达 n

28、ot less than = at least 至少 He paid no less than $ 1000 for it. The child is not less than 5 years old. no other than 只有, 正是 In no country other than Britain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. Exx. 1. I dont like the idea so I am _ enthusiastic about the idea. A. no more t

29、han B. not more than C. less than D. more than 2. Does Bill do his new job well? - _ his old job. Im afraid theres no hope for him. A. Better than B. No better than C. Not as well as D. No as well as 2. 最高级指三者或三者以上的比较时, 用最高级. 形容词最高级前必须加冠词the, 副词最高级前可以不加the. 表示比较的范围时常用in或of (所给的词语为指主语同类的代词或数词时用of)介词短

30、语, 也常用于Which / Who the + 最高级, A, B or C? 句型中. 如: Yao Ming is one of the most popular soccer players of all. Which sport do you like best, football, basketball or table tennis? 1) 最高级的修饰语常见的有: by far (得多, 尤其), nearly, almost, by no means(绝不, 一点也不), not really(不完全是, 不见得), nothing like(丝毫不像, 绝对不) 等 2)

31、否定+ 比较级= 最高级 There no better present than this. He has never spent a more worrying day. 3. 同级比较 1) 指两者在某方面是否处于同一层次时要用 “as + 原级 + as 或 not as/ so as” 表示“与一样 或 不如 ”之意. Henry is a worker as good as Peter. = Henry is as good a worker as Peter. Henry doesnt have so/as many books as I do. 2) as + adj + as

32、 + 数量词 = 数量词+ 形容词 The building is as tall as 100 meters. = The building is 100 meters tall. 3) 貌似同级比较但差别很大: as long as 只要, as far as 就 而言, as soon as 一就, as well as 既又, 也, as good as 与几乎一样, 简直 She is as good as her word. 4) 表示倍数的几个句型: 1. times as + adj /adv + as 2. times + adj /adv 比较级+ than 3. time

33、s the + 性质名词 + of 4. The + n + be + times + what 从句 5. The + n + be + times that /those of Eg: 1. Tibe is three times the size of Zhejiang. = Tibet is three times as large as Zhejiang. = Tibet is twice larger than Zhejiang. 2. The output of this year is 3 times that of 2010. = The output of this yea

34、r is 3 times what it was in 2010. 3. The factory produced twice as many cars in 2009 as the year before. Exx. 这条路的长是那条路长的4倍. The road is _ _ _ _ _ that one. The road is 4 times _ _ of that one. The road is 3 times _ than that one. The length of the road is 4 times _ _ of that one.II. 针对性练习: I. Choos

35、e the right answers: ( ) 1. The man was lying on the ground, _ dead. A. as good as B. as well as C. as soon as D. as possible as ( ) 2. The population of China is _ than that of the USA. A. very less B. much larger C. more smaller D. much fewer ( ) 3. My favourite month is March. But I think Decembe

36、r is the _ of a year. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. ill ( ) 4. Nancy is very _.A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. beautifully D. more beautifully ( ) 5. Lance writes _ in her class.A. more careful B. the most careful C. most carefully D. quite careful ( ) 6. Lucys drawing is better than _. A. Lilys B.

37、her C. my D. Lily( ) 7. The apples on the plate are much bigger than _ in the baskets. A. them B. those C. ones D. that( ) 8. He writes _ Kate. A. so good as B. as good as C. as well as D. so well as ( ) 9. She didnt play the piano _ Beethoven. A. as more wonderful than B. so wonderfully as C. as mo

38、st beautifully as D. more beautiful than ( ) 10. _ he studies, _ he gets. A. The lazier, the more marks B. The harder, the worse marks C. The more lazily, the worse grades D. both B & C ( & = and ) ( ) 11. A: There are two boys. Who is Jack? B: _ one. A. Taller B. The taller C. Tallest D. Ta

39、ll ( )12. You can buy _of the two T-shirts. A. good B. better C. best D. the better . ( ) 13. Mike runs faster than _ in his class. A. anyone else B. anybody other C. any other boys D. everyone ( ) 14. New York is bigger than _ in Canada. . A. any other city B. any city C. every city D. any other ci

40、ties ( ) 15. I dont think Chemistry is _ than Physics. A. least importance B. so importantly as C. less important D. even important ( )16. Kate is Jims _ sister because shes three years older than Jim. A. elder B. young C. younger D. older ( ) 17. The marks I got in this exam is _ what he got in thi

41、s exam. A. so two times as B. as second time as C. as two times as D. so two time as ( ) 18. Changjing River is the_ river _ the world. A. third, in B. three, of C. 3th, at D. 3, 3rd, on ( ) 19. How far apart do they live? - _I know, they live in the same neighborhood. A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As often as ( ) 20. The price of my car


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