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1、第1页/共27页第2页/共27页 Translation1. 几天前我在街上遇见了一位老朋友。2. 我已经很久没有看电影了。3. 我希望有一天能去欧洲游览。I met an old friend in the street the other day.I havent seen a movie for a long time.I hope I can visit Europe some day.第3页/共27页4. 你有没有曾经梦想过不用护照环游世界?5. 你真幸运!我还从未去过香港。Have you ever dreamt of travelling around the world wit

2、hout a passport?Lucky you! I have never been to Hong Kong.第4页/共27页 Do you like travelling? Where would you like to visit if possible? How can we go travelling if we dont have enough money?第5页/共27页 Daniel and Peter are planning an online tour of Sydney, Australia. Listen to their conversation and hel

3、p Peter complete his notes.第6页/共27页How to use the websiteThe website takes you to different places around the world. To learn about a city, just find it in the menu (1)_ of the page and click on it.If you click on the “(2)_” icon, you will see some (3)_ of the city first. Further down at the (4)_ of

4、 the page, you can also find other information about the city.at the toppicturesbottomCamera第7页/共27页 Peter took some notes of Sydney. Listen to Daniel and Peters second conversation. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.第8页/共27页1. Sydney is on the north-east coast of Australia.2. S

5、ydney is the largest city in Australia.3. Sydney is near a lake.4. The Sydney Opera House looks like a ship with many sails.5. It takes about 30 minutes to climb the Harbour Bridge.6. In April, it is spring in Australia.F T F T F F 第9页/共27页 Peter is writing about the online tour. Listen to their sec

6、ond conversation again and help him complete his article.第10页/共27页Today Daniel and I took an online tour on the website “Around the World in Eight Hours”.Sydney is on the (1)_ coast of Australia. It is the (2)_ city in Australia.south-eastlargest第11页/共27页On the website, we saw lots of pictures of Sy

7、dney. Sydney is near the (3)_. There are many beautiful (4)_ there. We also saw a wonderful building called the (5)_. It is a (6)_ and looks like a (7)_ with many sails.seabeachestheatreSydney Opera Houseship第12页/共27页Near the Sydney Opera House is the famous (8)_. People can climb it. It takes about

8、 (9)_. It is really cool!Australian seasons are the opposite of ours. For example, in April, it is (10)_ in Australia!autumnHarbour Bridgethree hours第13页/共27页 Sandy is asking for Millies help with the online tour. Listen to their conversation and answer these questions: How can we start the online t

9、our? If I want to see some pictures ofthe city, how should I do? Can we print the pictures out?第14页/共27页How can we start the online tour?If I want to see some pictures of the city, how should I do?Click on the “Tour” icon.Click on the “Camera” icon.Can we print the pictures out?Yes, we can.第15页/共27页

10、Talk to your partner about the problems you may have. Use the conversation as a model.第16页/共27页1. Sydney is on the north-east coast of Australia. on the north-east coast of Australia 位于澳大利亚的东北海岸e.g. 太平洋位于北美洲的东海岸。 The Pacific Ocean is _ North America.on the east coast of第17页/共27页2. The Sydney Opera H

11、ouse looks like a ship with many sails. a ship with many sails 一艘有很多帆的船一艘有很多帆的船此处此处 with 表示表示“带有或拥有带有或拥有”,例如:例如:白宫是一个带有大花园的美丽建筑。白宫是一个带有大花园的美丽建筑。The White House is a beautifulbuilding with a big garden.第18页/共27页3. Australian seasons are the opposite of ours. the opposite of 与与相反相反/相对相对e.g. 他们的观点与我们的相

12、反。他们的观点与我们的相反。 Their ideas _ ours.are opposite of第19页/共27页4. Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour?句型句型 Would you mind . ? 可用于客气可用于客气地请人做某事。地请人做某事。 e.g. Would you mind explaining the sentence again? 你再解释一下这句话行吗?你再解释一下这句话行吗?第20页/共27页mind doing sth. 介意做某事介意做某事e.g. 你介意帮我搬这张书桌吗?你介意帮我搬这

13、张书桌吗? Do you _ me carry the desk?mind ones doing sth. 介意某人做某事介意某人做某事 e.g. 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗? Do you _ here?mind helpingmind my smoking第21页/共27页1. 进一步向下在这一页的底部,你还能找 到关于这个城市的其他信息。 Further down at the bottom of the page, you can also find other information about the city.2. 三亚位于中国的南海岸。 Sanya is on the south coast of China.第22页/共27页3. 澳大利亚的天气正好和中国相反。 The weather in Australia is opposite of that in China.4. 科学家们花了三天的时间穿过这片雨科学家们花了三天的时间穿过这片雨林。林。 It took the scientists three days to walk through the rainforest.第23页/共27页5. 你介意我把收音机的音量调高吗?你介意我把收音机的音量调高吗? Do you m


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