1、江苏省南京市2021年七年级英语暑假阅读训练七年级英语阅读训练(2)完形填空About AirAir all aromid us. U is around its 】 we 生韵l< and pla> I ran) chf lime are bom Mr is iroiuid us on every $ide+ When we sit down, h is around us. When we go to bed* air is also around its. We live 2_ Air,All _3_ ihinsjs need mr. A'c _ 4 live wil
2、hrnt Jbod ork>r a tb* days, bui we em t Inc fcrmore than n few minutes 5 mir e take eb 6 . When we Eire ivorkiny or nnminii we need - air. Al)en we are asleep, wc need MW亡 live in air4 but w<f can t sec it. We caw only leel il We can 血凶 it 认hm it is moving. Moving an 2 tailed ind. I low urn wc
3、 nuke nil 9 '."Here 訂 ruie u ay Hnld an open hfinlc in frrun of your bee f Tcef it quickly Wliaf m ynn feel? 10 艸 feci is jir.I. A. asB. a tierC. becauseEL smee2. A. underB inf. belowD v ith3. A, liveEl livingC. aliveD. Mh4. A. canB. woiftC.饲,D. lhely5. A. cut ofU. withC. w ithoutD. out6. A
4、. waterB. airC roodD ind1、A. iikircB. mustC iimnyD Z8. A leastB. muchC. noD less9.扎 moreB. to ntoveC. moving!D. movedLA WhatB ( hatC Where11 Which阅址巡解AWhen learning new lccabularv. <:cn'l jusl meniDrize(;己 -1 ). list of words. Instead, try m makefive sentences using each new word Then use the
5、 new word as often as you can the first day you karn it This way you will remanber new worth much longer.Praeiking buund. you km?鞭.詁 Jillkult-Lhe wuikJ tor exaurple. Cl.uwiedim be0nwith "th" nnd repent then: nver nnd rrer n sin in until yrm are comfhrfihli? with them I ?T > rry1 hk (lia
6、in (hose, think, though匸 through, ihin* thick .React read, icad-in Etihsk ci course R怛diii琴 垃 otic of lIk best '.xays to increase youi vocabulan and impro 建(提贰J ycur grammar tn a natural fl 議的)and tunny way, Be sure to choose icpic or bocks you arc inicrcsted in.When sciiKonc is talking in Engli
7、sh, listen (br the main point. If you hear a wordl you doi/( undersiatid,曲 io 就彳|! il and 知 or eniig If yen stop 加(1 think alxiiii ihe word you will miss every: hi ng ehe the person is saying h1 Wliich way is rx?t beuti fbi >ou(t> kam 讥梯山uki巧?A Doti'l just memorize a liwl of words. B. Try
8、to make fkp wntaicei udnp wach in?z tvord.C Use the aew word as often as you cm. D Just hsigning.2 Which is the best wei)1 tn increase your ocfi?)uhry and hnprcAe your ijr rnmirH>A. Listening. B Practicing sound. C. Reading. D Speaking.3. Wbat will ou do %hcn yen don't ui.dcrstand a word hilc
9、 Listen ilu ?A. Stop to look it up in a dictionary. B. Don't care aboutf 釁心)it.U Stop listeningD. Stop and ihinl about the wordBThe ChiiiCM: New Year is the most impoitant festival fui ihc Chinese people Il luiudly cvmo in January or February It takes about 15 days to prepare for itOn the eve of
10、 the festival, people close the shops and stay at home. They all get together for a big dinner. They stay up late and enjoy dumplings at midnight for good luck.In the morning, people dress in their best clothes, and usually ihc old stay at home, the young go out to pay a New Year Ca11玮年.It k an impo
11、rtant time for lhe young The young people bow 鞠 5; to the old people. The Chinese call this *Ke Tout This means "touching die ground with the forehead倾头二 Then the young people give their best wishes to tie old people. The old people give children gifts or lucky moneyThey arc very politc< 礼規a
12、nd do not use bad words on the Spring Festival Day. Ifs the most important day of the year.1. "The Chinese New Year* in the passage means ""A Mid-autumn Festival B the Spring Festival C. Christmas Day D. the Dragon Boat Festival2 II lakes abouto gel ie<Kly fur the China New Year.A
13、a few days B tuelve days C half a month D three weeks3 On the eve of lunar New Year, Chinese people slay up late and eat dunulings because.A the/re hungry B. they want to get good luckC they like Chinese tood very much D. they wain to read books4 f rom this passage wc can know that give children gif
14、ts or lucky moneyA. tlx? teachers B. their friends C the old people D. their brothers5 On the Spring Festival Day, what do people usually say to each other when they meet?.A. How arcou? B. Merry Chrisimas C Good morning. D. H叩py Spring Festival.Shoe fashion has been changing all the time-just like a
15、ll other fashions. But here in Beijing some old men or women like to wear the old style black slioes. The old style shoes alwas nake people think ot old Beijing. And the shop selling this kind ot shoes is called Nei Lian bheng.About one hundred and fifty years ago, a shoemnker called Zlmo Ting opene
16、d the shop At first, he made shoes for oflicials ff 员who worked in the Forbidden City紫禁城 For their wonderfill service 吸 务,Nei Lian Sheng quickly became popular. The shoes were expensive and people bought them not only for good shoes, but also for a social status 让会地位Now Nei Lian Sheng has become a s
17、ymbol < 象征 > of old Beijing. If you ask an okl Beijinger, he will tell you that living $hoe$ from Nei I ian Sheng is a very lucky thing.1 What do the old style shoes make people think of?A. The Forbidden City. B. Old Beijing. C. China. D. Nei Lian Sheng.2 When was Nei Lian Sheng opened?A About
18、 one hundred years a«o. B. About fifty years ago.C. About one hundred and fifty years ago D. About one hundrec and fifteen years ago.3 Who did Nei Lian Sheng make shoes for at first9A. For all the people. B. Only for the officials who worked in the Forbidden City.C. Only for men. D. Only for wo
19、men4. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Shoe t ash ton has been changing all the time.B. The old style shoes were very cheap (廉价).C. Nei Lian Sheng has become a symbol of old Beijing.D. Old Beijingers think it is ery lucky to havea pair of shoes from Nei Lian Sheng.5 Whai is the passage about?A.
20、 Old Beijingers.B The Forbidden Ci ty. C. The old style shoes. D. Nei Lian ShengDEverybody can sufTer from stress No matter whai your age is. you can feel stressed out by things that nre happening in your life Teenagers, however, have many more opportunities to get strc<i<w<i thnn people in
21、 any other age group Being a teenager is hard. You are not a child any more. but you are not an adult. even though you have to deal with some very grown-up problems and decisions. Families can be one of the biggest causes of stress, such as problems with parents arguing at home or problems with brot
22、hers and sisiers. Teenagers also have a lol of stress from school, either from iheir teachers or from their friends Sonic teenagers also feel stressed about choosing their education after high school. Getting a place a( university can be very difficult and some cannot afford to go to university. The
23、 stress about getting a job when finishing school is hard for some teenagers. There are so many young people finishing school and not enough jobs for them.Sadly, there is nothing we can do io remove these causes of stress from the lives of teenagers, but you can learn the best way to deal with it. T
24、alking to pcopk is one of the best ways to deal with stress It may sound simple, but it is true. A problem shared is a problem hal cd.I. Families can add to the stress a teenager might experience A. by asking them to go to university B. by helping tfem with their homeworkC. as teenagers quarrel with
25、 their parents, and (heir brothers or sistersD. as families never support tlicir children enough2 Why can finding a job after finishing school be difficult?A. Because there is a lot of competition for jobs B. Because there are no jobs.C. Because a job is more difficult than school woik.D. Because th
26、ere is a lot of compel iiion for places at university3. We can deal with the stress in our lifeA. by not trying to find a job B. by forgeiting about our problemsC. by gelling a place at university D. by sharing our problems with our friendsEIn many English homes people cot four meals a day. They hav
27、e breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥).eggs or bread and drink tea or coftee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one (/clock. Atkrnoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish wi
28、th vegetables AAer they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eai like that. Some of (Item have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simpleI Many English people havemeals a d
29、ay.A. two B. three C. four D. five2 People may haefor their breakfast according to the passage.A. tea and eggs B. hamburgers and tea C. coflee and salad D. eggs and fish3. People have lunch atA. any timeB. nine C fiveD. one4 People don't havefor their dinner.A. bananas and apples B. soup and mea
30、t C meat and tish L). porridge5. Most Englishmen have dinnerA. at oneB at any lime C. at noonD. in the evening任务型阅读2、Hi, Darning,You ask me about how to improvc< 捉Mi ) your English listening. Here arc some ad、icc(建 i文) I hope they can help you Relax(放松)yturself. Before you start listening to some
31、thing, don't get excited or nenous (紧张 的).You need io relax This will help you with your listening. Listen carefully to the firU sentcnce.The first sentence tells a of about the whole passage For example if al the beginning you hear ifcOur reporter says./'.you know >ou will hear a piece of newst not a children's story, or a science report. Think when jou're listening.When you're listening, try to do som
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