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1、学习必备欢迎下载小学英语毕业考试模拟试卷(3) smaller ( 反义词 )一、找出划线部分读音与其它单词不同的一项,将其序号填在括号。(4) your (名词性物主代词 )() 1.A. f aceB.appleC. lake(5) watch(过去式 )() 2.A. useB. busC. us(6) swim(现在分词 )() 3.A. headB. eggC. he(7) have(第三人称单数 )() 4.A. boatB. boxC. goat(8) wear(同音词 )() 5.A. sisterB. doctorC. her(9) 头疼(英文)二、 选出与其它单词不同类的选

2、项。(10)see(过去式 )( )1.A. isB. areC. doD. am四、连词成句( )2.A.cmB. mC. tonD. tail1、Im,than,and,shorter,thinner,you( )3.A.singerB. writerC.strongerD.worker( )4.A.oldB.tallC. longD.younger2、matter,whats,the,John( )5.A.cookedB. readC.visitedD.watch( )6.A.whoB.whatC.whereD.watch三、 词型转换。3、went,I ,hiking ,yesterd

3、ay(1) tomato ( 复数 )(2) thin ( 比较级 )学习必备欢迎下载4、how, I, get, can, to, ZhengzhouSo I am 2kgthan her.A.tallerB. strongerC. thinner(8) ()I likeTV.五、选择。A.watchB.watching C.watched(1)()I haveEnglish book.(9) ()did you go on your holiday?A. a B. an C./-I went to Xinjiang.(2) () Last weekend wein the park.A.W

4、hatB.WhereC.HowA. readbooksB. singC. climb the mountain(10)( )Thetrafficlightisyellow,youmay .(3) () How are you today?A.stopB.waitC.goA. I m five. B. I feel well. C. I can jump.(4) () Did you learn English?六、用单词的适当形式填空。(1)I went tothebookstoreand(buy)anew bookA. Yes ,I do.B. Yes,I did.C. Yes,you di

5、d.yesterday.(5) () Its 11:30. Its timelunch.(2) Did you(row)a boat last weekend?A. toB. forC. at(3) Look,ZhangPeng is(play) football.(6)( ) The dogs tailis long. The monkeys tail is.A. long B. longerC. longest(7) ()I am 42 kg. She is 44kg.(4) Chen Jie is going to make(she)mother abirthday card.学习必备(

6、5) I would like a new pair of(shoe)for my birthday.七、根据问句找答语。() (1) How do you feel?() (2)Whats the weather like in Kunming?() (3)Whose bag is bigger?() (4)What can Mike do at the party?() (5)Did you help them clean their room?A. Yes, I did.B. My bag.C. I feel sick.D. Its usually sunny and warm.E. H

7、e can sing English songs.八、按要求完成下列句子。1、I like grapes.(变为否定句)Igrapes.2、I cleaned my room last weekend.(对划线部分提问 )youlast weekend?欢迎下载3、My mother is a TV reporter.(改为一般疑问句 )a TV reporter?4、I am 45kg. ( 对划线部分提问 )are you?九、阅读并回答问题It s Sunday. All the childrenof Class 1 are goingon a big trip. The childre

8、n are very excited. Theywill go to the zoo.Mr. Black: Look! The elephants!John: Wow!Look at the big one. It s much biggerthanothers.Its legs are longer. And its stronger.Wu Yifan: Yes. I think its older, too.Amy: Look at the monkeys. They are funnier.Sarah: There is a little monkey. Its so sad, isnt

9、it? Why?Amy: Oh! Look at its tail. Its tail is shorter thanthe other monkeys.学习必备欢迎下载Sarah: It is so poor.(1)They go to theon Sunday.(2)The big elephants is muchthan others.(3)The monkeys are shorter butthanthe elephants.(4)The little monkeys tail isthan the othermonkeys.(5) The little monkey feels

10、soABAB3.()4.()ABAB5.()6.()EP小学英语六年级毕业试卷Listening Part(听力部分) 38%一、 Listen and circle. 听句子,圈出听到的单词。 10%ABAB1. skateskirtshirt2.driverdoctoractor7.( )8. ()3. talktaketell4. watchwaterwash三、 Listen and choose.听问句,选择正确的答句。10%5. freshfallfail6. angryhungryhurry()1. A. Hes an engineer.B. Hes tall and stron

11、g.7. washedwatchedcatched8. workwalkwakeC.Hes a artist.9. stopshopdrop()2. A. Shes fine.B. He has a fever.C.He10.seedsweetsweepfeels excited .二、 Listen and tick.根据听到的句子,选择正确的图片。8%()3. A. Oct. 1st .B. June 1st .C.Jan. 1 st .()4. A. I like singing.B. He likes collecting stamps. C. Helikes grapes.()5.

12、A. Shes watching TV. B. She often watches TV.C. SheABABplanted trees.四、 listen and write .( 听音,填入所缺的单词) 10%1、( )2、 ( )There are _people in my family. Look at my, Hesa.He works in a. His favourite sports is_-_.My mother is a. She works in a. She学习必备likes_.My parents go to work by. Im a. I go toschool

13、 onfoot . What about your family ? Can you tell me , please ?WritingPart (笔试部分) 62%五、 Read and choose.拼读音标,将代号填入相应的括号中。6%ABCDEFscarfactressdoctorpostcardclothesmagazine()()()()()()六、 Read and circle. 圈出不属于同类的单词。8%1. olderyoungertallerbrother2.schoolstudentfactoryshop3.swimskatesummersleep4. cucumert

14、omatograpespotato5. montharmlegtail6. magazinemuseumdictionarynewspaper7.cookcleanreporterartist8.leavestigerflowersprout七、 Look and choose. (根据问句,选择正确的答句) 8%() 1. How is your brother?A. 130yuan.() 2. What s your new English teacher like? B. She is young and strong.() 3. How does your father go to w

15、ork?C. Hes fine.() 4. Where does your sister work?E. No,they arent.() 5 . Where is the cinema ?F. Yes,he does.() 6. Are John and Mike playing chess?H. Near the post office.() 7. How much is your shirt?I. She works in a bank.() 8. Does Mike go to school on foot?G. He goes to work by car.八、 Read and w

16、rite.看图,将句子补充完整。6%1. They go to school _ _.2. Where is the cinema? Its _ to the hospital.3. I like _ best. Because I can _ a snowman.4. I often _ pictures on the weekends.5. I like _leaves.6. What is he doing? Hes _.欢迎下载.5.6.九、 Read and choose. 选择正确的答案。 8%()1.Lucy is 42kg . Kate is 46kg. So L

17、ucy is _than Kate.A. thinnerB. youngerC. fatter()2. She like s _ to music.A . listensB. listeningC. listen()3. The traffic light is yellow , you may _.A. stopB. waitC. go()4.My throat _ sore, my nose _.A. is, hurtB. are, hurtsC. is hurts()5. Where are you going this weekend?I m goingto_.A. ShanghaiB

18、. by planeC. yesterday()6. I like _. Because its cool, I can fly kites .A. fallB. summerC. spring()7. The National Day is in_.A. OctoberB. JuneC. September()8.Where does the cloudcome from? Itcomes fromthe_.A. cloudsB. waterC. vapour十、 Make sentences. 连词成句。 10%1. go, usually, I , work , to, by, bus

19、(.)_2. to, are, going, weekend, the, you, what, do, on (?)_3. look,so,you,angry (.)_4. birthday, May , his , in, is (?)_ s not very big, but it is very clean. There(学习必备欢迎下载5. writing, Tom ,the,study,is,an ,in,e-mail(.)十二、作文。My weekend. 根据所给的图,写5-6 句话。 6%_十一、 Read and judge. 阅读判断。对的写T , 错的写 F .5%Yes

20、terday was Sunday . It was a fine day . The sun was shinning . The sky wasblue . Mike got up at six . He watered the flowers and did some exercises . Thenhe woke Helen up . An hour later , They went to the Beihai Park by taxi. The parkisvery beauiful.They had lunchon the grass. Then they went boatin

21、g. Mike rowedwell , but Helen rowed faster than him . They rowed for a long time . They wentback at 4:30 . After theygot hme ,they helped their mother with housework . Theyhad a good time yesterday .() 1. Yesterday was a sunny day .() 2.Helen got up earlier than Mike .() 3.Mike and Helen went to the

22、 Beihai Park by taxi .() 4.Mike rowed as fast as Helen .() 5.When they got home , they didnthelp their mother with housework .十二、 Read and answer.(根据短文,回答问题 ) 5%This is Billy and his sister s bedroom. Itare two beds in the room. There is a desk between the beds. There are some bookson the desk. Some

23、 are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone onthe desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, andthe otheris for his sister. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the worldon the wall, too. Billy and his sister like their bedroom very much.1

24、 Whose bedroom is it?It s _bedroom.2. What s on the desk?There are_on the desk.3. Where are the chairs? It s_the desk.4. How many maps are there on the wall? _ .5. Do they like their bedroom? _ .小学英语毕业考试模拟试题一、单选题(共15 分)() 1. Would you like _ the football match?A. to watchB. to seeC. watchD. see() 2.

25、There is going to be a good film at the _.A. stadiumB. cinemaC. officeD.school() 3.My family usually go to the park together _ Sunday .A. inB. onC. atD. /() 4.I would like to go to Beijing _ the morning of Monday .A. inB. onC. atD. for) 5 _ is the first day of the week .A. SaturdayB. SundayC. Monday

26、D. Friday() 6. Would you like something to drink? Yes, _.A. I would likeB. I would like toC. I wouldD.Ilike() 7.He with his mothergoing shopping .A. isB. areC. beD. am() 8.He and his mothergoing shopping.A. isB. areC. beD.am() 9.Jackie Chan is my _ film star.A. likeB. bestC. favouriteD.good学习必备() 10

27、. Let s help our teacher carryhet heavy bag . _.A. That s OKB. That s a great ideaC. That s rightD. That s all right() 11. This an _ to the cinema.A. invitationB. inviteC. invitesD. invited() 12. Let me _ the teacher to help answer the question.A. askB. to askC. asksD. asked() 13. The Taijiquan _ is

28、 in Garden Hotel.A. classB. lessonC. classesD. lessons() 14. My son has piano _ every week.A. classB. lessonC. classesD. lessons() 15. To be a good swimmer, I must have _ lessons.A. swimB. swimmingC. to swimD. swims二、按要求写单词。(共 10 分)1. heavy (比较级)2. fly(过去式)3. same (反义词)4. mother(对应词)5. rainy(名词)6. c

29、arefully(形容词)7. more (原形)8. this(复数)9. I(同音词)10. miss(第三人称单数)三、情景对话(共10 分)A : In our school,1. In my classroom,2.B :3. That s 24 boys and 22 girls. No, 4.There are 25 boys and 21 girls. There are 48 desks.A : Are there any computers on your desks? Is there a computer on miss LiB :No,5. And there are

30、n t any computers on our desk.A. There isn t a computer on Miss Lis desk.B. There are 46 students in my class.C. there are 20 students in a class.欢迎下载D. That s not right.E. there s a blackboard and there are 22 desks.四、用所给词的恰当形式填空(共 15 分)1.The red skirt is(small) than the blue one.2.She(go) to the c

31、inema with her classmates tomorrow . evening.3.It s Childrens Day. All the students are very(excite).4.Ben an Benny are good at(China).5.She wants(buy) a new pen.6.It soften(rain) in summer.7.Sometimes they(not have) lunch at home.8.Look! The bus(come).9. He(make) many cakes for his friends yesterda

32、y.10.(be) there any tea in the cup?五、以下每句均有一处错误,将序号填入题前括号内(共 5分)() 1.Su Yang is as younger as Su Hai.ABC() 2.Who jumps higher, Ben and Liu Tao?ABC() 3.Yesterday afternoon, we go to see our teacher, Miss Gao.ABC() 4. How can I get to there?ABC s desk?( ) 5. Look, Yang Ling is standing in the bus stop

33、.六、句型转换(共10 分)1. She is catching insects now. (改为一般现在时)Sometimes she _ in the park.2. What time is it? It s time toerhave.(改dinn为近义句)学习必备欢迎下载_ the time? It s time _ dinner.3.Wash the clothes.(改为否定句)_ wash the clothes!4.Nancy is going to go camping. (改否定)Nancy _ going to go camping.5.The boy runs fas

34、ter than the girl. (改为一般疑问句)_ the boy _ faster than the girl?6.Ann and Lily watched a film last night. (改为现在进行时)Ann and Lily _ a film now.7.He came here by bike this morning. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ here this morning?8.The man in blue is Su Yang suncle.(对划线部分提问)_ man is Su Yang s uncle?9. She saw the Beij

35、ing opera show last Friday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ the Beijing opera show?10. My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ to see a play the day after tomorrow ?七、根据实际情况回答问题(共 5分)1.what is the weather like today?2.what are you going to do this weekend?3.what do you

36、 do at home?4.when do you get up everyday?A)根据上下文及首字母提示完成下列短文,每空一词Miss Hu is our Eteacher. She loves us very m. One day, myclassmate,Lilyhad ga bcold. Miss Hu took hto see a d_, and got some medicine fher. When Lily sat home,Miss Hu went to her home and h _her with her English. She s ag_ teacher. We

37、 love her, too.B)阅读短文,判读下列各句意思是否与短文内容相符。相符的写“ T,”不相符的写 “F”One day Mr. and Mr s. White went shopping by car. They stopped their carnear a shop. They bought (买) a lot of things and they wanted to put the thingsintothe car. But Mr. White couldnopent the door of the car, so they asked apoliceman to help

38、 them. The policeman was very friendly. He started to open thecar for them. Just then a man came up and shouted (喊) ,“ What are you doingwith my car? ” Mr. and Mrs.White had a look a t the car s number and they werefrozen(惊呆了) there. It wasn t their car.() 1. Mr. and Mrs . White drove for shopping.(

39、) 2.They stopped their car at the gate of a snack bar.() 3.They wanted to give their things to a policeman.() 4.The policeman would like to help Mr. White.() 5.From the passage (短文) , we know Mr. and Mrs . White made amistake(搞错了) .5.how many classes do you have onTuesday?C)阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择最恰当的答案。The first Dragon Boat Festival was held(举行) in Hunan. Ever


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