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1、Unit 2 Poems. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案听第14段对话,分别完成14题1. Which course will the woman take in summer school?A. Literature.B. Poetry.C. Writing.2. According to the girl, why didnt the boy pass the exam?A. Because he was ill.B. Because he was a poet.C. Because he did not work hard enough.3. What does the man wa

2、nt to eat?A. Blueberry cake.B. Black cake.C. Bloom cake.4. Which part of the homework is too difficult for the man?A. Reading poems.B. Reciting poems.C. Writing poems.听第5段对话,完成57题5. Which poet does Esther like best?A. Emily Dickinson. B. Emilys sister. C. Emilys brother.6. What were Emilys poems lik

3、e?A. Simple, clear and deep. B. Simple, short and deep.C. Simple, long and deep.7. Whats her fathers attitude towards childrens education?A. He wanted his son to be well educated.B. He wanted both his two girls to be well educated.C. He wanted all his children to be well educated.听第6段对话,完成810题8. Why

4、 did Emily prefer staying at home?A. Because she never married.B. Because she wrote many poems.C. Because she became used to the quiet life there.9. How long did Emily look after her mother?A. For nearly 20 years. B. For nearly 30 years. C. For nearly 13 years.10. When was the first collection of he

5、r poems published?A. When she was in her mid 20s.B. In 1819. C. In 1890. 听第7段材料,完成1114题11. How did Su Dongpo play the role of an engineer?A. He wrote nearly 3,000 poems.B. He cleared the waters of the West Lake and built bridges.C. He accidentally created a dish now called Dongpo Pork.12. Why is he

6、known as a skilled poet?A. Because he wrote a great many poems on simple topics.B. Because he was a man of many talents and abilities.C. Because he wrote nearly 3,000 poems, most of which were deep and thoughtful.13. Where did he create the dish called Dongpo Pork?A. On the West Lake. B. In Hangzhou

7、. C. In Hubei province.14. What is the topic of the passage?A. Su Dongpo was the great Chinese statesman.B. Su Dongpo was a man of many talents and abilities.C. Su Dongpo was a great writer, a talented artist and a skilled poet. 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子 1. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain _

8、until the chairman announces the official ending of the ceremony.A. seatedB. seatingC. to seatD. seat2. Whats wrong with Della? Well, her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the ball, but she still .A. hopes toB. hopes soC. hopes notD. hopes for3. If there had not been the help of my English teacher,

9、 I the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A. would not winB. would not have wonC. would winD. could win 4. Please do me a favour _ my friend Mr Thomas to Youth Theater at 6 : 00 tonight. A. to inviteB. invitingC. inviteD. invited 5. So sudden _ that the soldiers had no time to escape.A.

10、 did the attackB. the attack didC. was the attackD. the attack was6. Who should be responsible for the accident? The manager, not the workers. They just carried out the order .A. as toldB. as are toldC. as tellingD. as they told7. This computer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first

11、 year, we would repair it at our expense. A. wouldB. should C. could D. might8. _ production up by 70%, the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Though9. That model teacher is _ the name and is _ learning from.A. worth; well worthy of B. worthy of; very worthC. well worth;

12、 worthy of D. worthy of; well worth10. The famous professor preferred giving lectures to students _ invited to meetings at times. A. rather than B. to be C. than being D. to being11. A medical team, _ 12 doctors and 7 nurses, _ to Hong Kong. A. consisting of; has sentB. consisted of; has been sentC.

13、 made up of; have sentD. consisting of; is to be sent12. Why are they taking all the luggage away? With the job _, they are packing up to leave. A. having doneB. being doneC. was doneD. done13. Are there any copies left in the bookstore? Im sorry. There are _ if _. A. few; someB. a few; anyC. few; a

14、nyD. some; few14. You _ have set aside more time to accompany our parents. I wish I _, but you know how busy I was.A. should; wouldB. could; didC. might; shouldD. should; had15. Would it be _ for you to pick me up at five oclock and take me to the railway station? A. freeB. vacantC. handyD. convenie

15、nt. 根据所给句子完成画线部分1. We were very busy yesterday, so I didnt help you. If I hadnt been so busy yesterday, I _.2. Tom missed the instructions of the teacher, for he didnt pay attention at the time.If Tom had paid more attention at the time, he _.3. Jack was unhappy about his business. He yelled at his

16、daughter on Christmas Eve. Jack wouldnt have yelled at his daughter on Christmas Eve _.4. Georges friends didnt know about his troubles. They didnt help him right away. Georges friends didnt know about his troubles; otherwise _.5. The villagers were able to escape from the flood as they had been war

17、ned in time. But for / Without being warned in time, _. 从方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空,其中两个为多余项tease in particular eventually exchange appropriate transform make sense1. The explanation in this article doesnt _ at all.2. He worked very hard and _ made himself ill.3. I was _ about my weight as a child.4. It

18、 was a good concert I enjoyed the last song _.5. Ive just bought this tie, but can I _ it for that one? . 完形填空There are many kinds of poetry in English, and therefore many ways of classifying the different kinds of poetry. The most 1 way to classify poetry, is according to the form. Some forms are v

19、ery structured, 2 strict rules that cannot be 3 , such as the number of lines, the number of beats in each line and the kind of rhythm. These many different kinds of 4 poems, from sonnets to limericks, have been the traditional kinds of English poetry. In recent years, 5 more free forms of English p

20、oetry have developed, 6 play with or break the rules of rhythm and 7 of spelling or grammar.Sometimes English poetry is 8 according to its national origin: there is English poetry (that is, poetry written by poets 9 England), Scottish poetry, Irish poetry, American poetry, Canadian poetry, Australia

21、n poetry, and so on. Such a classification system can be 10 divided, such as poetry by African-Americans or by Hispanic Americans.Sometimes poetry is classified based on the intended audience or sometimes according to the intended purpose. For example, there is poetry written especially for children

22、, 11 for adults. Some poetry is written 12 for certain events or a certain use, 13 love poems or poems written 14 someone after death. 15 way English poetry is classified, each kind of poetry has a special background, with rich meaning. All students of the English language, whether native speakers o

23、r not, should enrich their lives with as many different kinds of poetry as possible.1. A. usualB. common C. general D. regular2. A. with B. including C. in D. without3. A. brokenB. destroyedC. obeyedD. ruined4. A. plannedB. thoughtC. structuredD. arranged5. A. someB. otherC. othersD. another6. A. as

24、B. whichC. thatD. who7. A. everB. more C. evenD. never8. A. divided B. separatedC. partedD. split9. A. from B. to C. beyondD. through10. A. deeperB. furtherC. fartherD. more11. A. rather thanB. other thanC. more thanD. or rather12. A. speciallyB. eventuallyC. especiallyD. finally13. A. as suchB. suc

25、h asC. for exampleD. for instance14. A. in memory ofB. in the face ofC. in favor ofD. in terms of15. A. No matter whenB. No matter whereC. No matter howD. No matter which. 阅读理解(A)The night is beautiful,So the faces of my people.The stars are beautiful,So the eyes of my people.Beautiful, also, is the

26、 sun.Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people.My People, one of Langston Hughes beautiful poems, provides a good summary of both his life and his work. Langston Hughes was born to African American parents on February 1, 1902. He had a rather unstable childhood:when Langston was very young, his fa

27、ther left the family and moved to Mexico, so the boy went to live with his grandmother for several years. His grandmother told him many stories, in the African tradition of storytelling. It was these stories and her love that helped young Langston learn to be proud of being African American, during

28、a time when racism was still strong in the USA.As a student in high school, Langston discovered a deep love for books, as well as an interest in writing. It was during this time that he first began to write short stories, poems and plays. After graduation, he convinced his father to help him attend

29、Columbia University; his father agreed, but only if Langston studied engineering. Langston entered Columbia University in 1921, but stayed for only one year, leaving because of problems with racism. However, his time in Columbia brought him in touch with the New York neighbourhood of Harlem, the hom

30、e of many African Americans. Harlem had a great influence on Langston and his poetry, and Langston in turn played a great part in an African American cultural movement during the 1920s called the Harlem Renaissance. One of his most famous poems was published during that time, The Crisis.The Negro Sp

31、eaks of RiversIve known rivers:Ive known rivers ancient as the world and older than theflow of human blood in human veins.My soul has grown deep like the rivers.I bathed in the Euphrates (幼发拉底河) when dawns were young.I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled (使安静;抚慰) me to sleep.I looked upon the

32、Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and Ive seen its muddy bosom (胸怀) turn all golden in the sunset.Ive known rivers:Ancient, dusky rivers.My soul has grown deep like the rivers.This poem well expresses Langston Hug

33、hes attitude being black was not something to be ashamed of but rather to be proud of. Throughout his life, he worked to lift the spirits of his African American brothers and sisters by encouraging them to be proud of their history, culture and strong character.阅读上面的短文,根据所给信息完成表格Life of Langston Hug

34、hesTimeEventson February 1, 19021) _ to African American parentsas a child2) _ with his grandmotherwhen in high school3) _ books and was interested in _4)_ year in Columbia University_ the New York neighbourhood of Harlem which had _ him and his poetryDuring the 1920s5)_ an African American cultural

35、 movement and wrote one of his famous poems called _ expressing the feelings of _.(B)Poetry from Chinas Tang period is generally considered to be the finest in Chinese literature, despite the passage of more than ten centuries. More than 49,000 Tang poems have survived to this day. Tang poetry is so

36、 plentiful because at that time the writing of poetry was considered to be a skill necessary for every well-educated person. Empress Wu Chao (684 704) was the first to make poetry part of the examination system. Therefore any scholar or official who wanted to receive a degree or a promotion had to b

37、ecome skilled in writing poetry. Tang poems that survive today were composed by about 2, 200 different poets, including not only scholars but also monks and even emperors.Tang poems are distinct because of their different styles. The Tang dynasty introduced “modern” or “regulated” poetry, unlike the

38、 “ancient” or “unregulated” forms. The “regulated” poetic form grew out of requirements for examinations. The poems written for examinations were required to follow a set formula: each lines length was limited, usually to five or seven characters, and the total number of lines was also limited, usua

39、lly to four, eight, or twelve. The poet also had to pay careful attention to rhyme, balance of tones and parallelism of characters.Not only did verse forms rise in importance during this era, but entirely new poetry styles began to grow, such as the ci style, which later became very popular during t

40、he Song dynasty. The ci style was very complex, similar to the older shi style of poetry. The Tang dynasty greatly pushed the development of Chinese poetry, producing beautiful poems which are still loved today.6. What did Empress Wu do to develop poetry?A. She established the forms of poetry.B. She

41、 divided the writing styles of poems.C. She made poetry part of the examinations for degrees.D. She wrote many famous poems.7. Which was not an important rule in Tang poetry?A. The balance of the tones. B. The length.C. The sound. D. The rhymes.8. “The Tang dynasty introduced modern or regulated poe

42、try, unlike the ancient or unregulated forms.” This sentence tells us that _.A. after the Tang dynasty, poetry followed “ancient” or “unregulated” forms.B. “modern” or “regulated” forms and “ancient” or “unregulated” forms were created in the Tang dynasty.C. no one has used “ancient” or “unregulated

43、” forms to write poems since the Tang dynasty.D. the “modern” or “regulated” form was created during the Tang dynasty.9. Which poetry style became popular during the Song dynasty according to the passage?A. None. B. Shi Jing. C. Tang poems style. D. Ci style.10. Which of the following sentences most

44、 accurately describes the ci style?A. It was a completely new way to write poems.B. It flourished during the Tang dynasty.C. It is not complicated.D. It is the same as Tang poems. 书面表达Write a short passage of about 120 words titled “My favourite poem”. Use the following suggestions to help you make

45、an outline, and then write your passage.·the poems name·the poems background·the poems contents·the poet·the reasons you like or appreciate the poem (beautiful words, feelings, etc)_听力材料及参考答案. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案听第14段对话,分别完成14题Text 1W: Good morning, Professor Butler.M: Good mor

46、ning, Miss Jason. Have you decided which course to take in summer school?W: Yes, I plan to take Poetry. I have heard it is a great class.M: Oh, good for you. I believe it will help you to understand poetry better. If you need any help during your class, feel free to ask me.W: Thank you, Professor Bu

47、tler.Text 2B: I cant believe it!G: Whats up?B: I failed my exam in Poetry! Can you believe it? I am the best poet on campus!G: Hey, calm down. You spent too much time on writing poems, so you never did the homework. If you had worked harder, you would have passed the exam.Text 3W: Hello?M: Granny?W:

48、 Yes! Is this Tommy?M: Yes! Granny, I am calling you from the airport. The flight is delayed. So I will arrive two hours later than I was supposed to.W: Oh, thank you for calling, dear. I will leave for the airport at four! I cant wait to see you.M: I am looking forward to tasting your blueberry cak

49、e! Have you made one?W: Yes, dear!Text 4M: Hey Joan, have you finished todays homework?W: Yes. Have you?M: Almost. I enjoy reading and reciting the poems, but writing one is too difficult for me.W: Well, if I were you, I would not force myself to write a poem.1. B2. C3. A4. C听第5段对话,完成57题Text 5A: Who

50、 is your favourite poet, Esther?B: I like a lot of different poets, but I have to say that Emily Dickinson is certainly my favourite. Her poems are very simple and usually very short, but they are very deep. They really make me think a lot.A: Emily Dickinson? I dont know much about her. Wasnt she th

51、at poet who wore white clothes all the time and never saw people?B: Well, yes, during the last fifteen years of her life she liked to stay alone and not see strangers, but she wasnt lonely. She had quite a few deep friendships, and kept up a very active social life through her letters. She had a ver

52、y good education, much better than most girls at that time.A: Oh, yes, thats right. It wasnt considered necessary in those days for a girl to get a good education.B: Yes, exactly. But her father wanted all of his children to be well-educated, both his son and his two daughters.5. A6. B7.C听第6段对话,完成810题Text 6A: You said that Emily Dickinson had a bro


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